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Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai ‘ Teaching And Examination Scheme For Post S.S.C. Diploma Courses ‘Program Name : Diploma in Electrical Engineerin; Program Code : EE/EP/EU With Effect From Academic Vear: 2017-18 Duration of Program : 6 Semesters Duration : 16 Weeks ‘Semester : Fourth ‘Scheme :T — Teaching snination Scheme Scheme Examipation Sci _| Course Theor is Course Credit y Grand 8 Course Tile bore ate) gf |p [eatery a a rs am ts " Max | Min | Max | Min | stax | Min | Max | Min [stax | atin | Marks Maris) Marks| Marks) Marks | Marks|_ Marks [Marks Electric Motors and 2 3 la 30° 5 2 | 20 | 130 | 1 | Fleets Moto ene | 22418 | 4 | 2 | 8 | 3 | 70 | 28] 30°] 00 | 100 | 40 | 2s# | 10 | 25 | 10 | 50 | 20 | 15 Electrical Power 1 ] 2 | Trasmision and epr | 2219/3 |2|- | 3 | 3 | 70 | 28} 30°] 00 | 100) 4] - | ~| ~ | = | ~ | = | 100 Distribution | | 3 | Industrial Measurement | IME | 2240/3 [-|2|] 5 | 3 | 70 | 28|30*| 00 | 100| 40 | 25# | 10 | 25 | 10 20 | 150 ral Electronies and] T a | 4 | Microcontroller bem | 2241| 4 |-| 2] 6 | 3 | 70 | 28| 30*| 00 | 100) 40 10 | 25 | 10 20 | 150 Application | | i 5 | Enviornmental Studies | EST 3}-;-] 3 Me ora | 28 | 30*| 00 | 100 | 40] = | =] = | = | = | - | 100 Tletical Drawing and 1 Ts 1 —| 6 | aD ‘8 pe | 22033) - - | + 4 - = ffm fa | im | | 50@ | 20] 50 | 20 | 100 | 40 | 100 Total) 17/4/10] 31 - | 350 | - | 150] ~ | soo) ~ | a2s | — | as] ~ | aso] - | 750 | Student Contact Hours Per Week: 31 Hrs. Medium of Instruction: English Theory and practical periods of 60 minutes each. Total Marks : 750 Abbreviations: ESE- End Semester Exam, PA- P-ogressive Assessment, L - Lectures, T- Tutorial, P - Practical @ Internal Assessment, # Extemal Assessment, ## On Line Examination , * Computer Based Assessment “Under the theory PA, Out of 30 marks, 10 marks are for micro-project assessment to facilitate integration of COs and the remaining 20 marks is the average of 2 tests to be taken during the semester for the assessment of the cognitive domain LOs required for the attainment of the COs. ~ For the courses having ONLY Practical Examination, the PA marks Practical Part - with 60% weightage and Micro-Project Part with 40% weightage > If Candidate not securing minimum marks for passing in the “PA” part of practical of any course of any semester then the candidate shall beWeclared as “Detained” for that semester. oo > _In-Plant Training during Summer vacation for minimum Six Weeks at the end of Fourth Semester (Second Year). MSBTE — Updated On 23.10.2018 Electrical Drawing and CAD Course Code: 22033 rogram Name: Eleetrieal Engineering Program Group Program Code: EE/EP/EU Semester : Fourth Course Title : Electrical Drawing and CAD Course Code + 22033 1. RATIONAL ‘The electrical technician / supervisor are called upon to draw or interpret drawings of electrical systems that inelude machines. control panels. power system components such as transmission and distribution systems ete. This course aims to provide hands on practice in frechand sketche: ngs using relevant tools and computer based software, ‘The course also provides practice to read and interpret electrical engineering drawings. 2. COMPETENCY The aim of this course is to help the student to attain the following industry identified competency through various teaching learning experiences: ¢ Use CAD software for drawing electrical cireuits and components 3. COURSE OUTCOMES (COs) The theory, practical experiences and relevant sofi skills associated with this course are to be taught and implemented, so that the student demonstrates the following industry oriented COs associated with the above mentioned competency: a, Draw symbolic representation of electrical components manually. b. Draw free hand sketches, isometric and orthographic views of electrical machines and components. ¢. Use CAD tools to draw simple electrical components and machines d. Use CAD to create electrical circuits with components. e. Edit electrical line drawings and contro! panel layouts in CAD. 4, TEACHING AND EXAMINATION SCHEME, Tehing Examination heme Crest They ult] pe ere Lo PA Fotat ESE Tis fas [atin [tox [Min | Max! Mia Atay | Sin -[aba fl -|- ; soq@ | 20 (-): For the practical only courses, the PA has hwo components under practical marks ive. the assessment of practicals (seen in section 6) has a weightage of 60% (1.30 marks) and miero project assessment (seen in section 12) has a weightage of 40% (ie.20 marks). This is designed (o facilitate attainment of COs holistically, as there is no theory ESE. Legends: L-Lecture; T~ Tutorial/Teacher Guided Theory Practice: P ~ Practical: C- Credit, ESE - End Semester Examination; PA - Progressive Assessment, it: No theory paper. 5. COURSE MAP (with sample COs. PrOs. UOs, ADOs and topies) ‘This course map illustrates an overview of the Mow and linkages of the of outcomes (details in subsequent sections) to be attained by the sy MSBTE — Final Copy Dt. 20.04.2018 Page |of 8 Flectrical Drawing and CAD Course Code: 22033 course. in all domains of learmni depicted at the centre of this map, terms of the industy/employer identified competency o! eee Sass, Re 20 aa Osean Tope Figure 1 - Course Map 1, SUGGESTED PRACTICALS / EXERCISES The practicals in this section are PrOs (i.e. sub-components of the COs) to be developed and assessed in the student for the attainment of the competency. ] - - «| Approx. s. Practical Outeomes (PrOs) ni Hrs. No. No j — _ required Using Manual Drawing Tools Draw different electrical (inchuding electronics) symbols using 1 : : | 02 drawing instruments as per IS: 1032 o new equivalent IS. 2 | Draw the freehand drawing of Electrical Machine parts and 2 3. Draw the frechand drawing of electrical components. 2 4 | Draw the orthographic Projection of Electrical Machine parts 2 5 | Draw the orthographic Projection of electrical components 2 6 | Draw the isometric Projection of Electrical Machine parts 2 7__| Draw the isometric Projection of electrical components.<<5 8__[ Draw labeled layout of Plate earthing MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 20.04.2018. Page 20f8 Course Code: 22033, Practical Outcomes (PrOs) 9 | Draw labeled layout of Earth mat 10 | Draw labeled layout of Pipe earthing Using CAD software Locate components of CAD classic screen by ereatin new dra Unit No ie ‘Approx. | given electrical circuit diagram, ul CAD sereen layout, drawing area, menu and toolbars, status bar m 12 _ | Work with toolbar and commands me | 02 13 _ | Change the drawing limits, creating rectangle ete. saving drawing | yy, | gp for first time. ~~ | Draw a line diagram using absolute coordinate method. Use 14 | LIMITS, UNITS, LINE, ARC Commands: Absolute coordinate ur | 02 method Drafting set-up: units. angle. area. coor . > 1S | object snap W ” 16 Crea \z two dimensional drawings using draw commands- line and | in n Draw a Tine diagram using relative coordinate and relative polar 17 | coordinate method. Use LIMITS, UNITS, LINE, ARC, Commands: | III* | 02 ___| Relative coordinate and relative polar coordinate method | | Draft set-up: units, angle, area. coordinate system, limits, grid, . 18 | object snap 7 m2 1o__| Greate te dimensional drastngs using drow commendstineand 4 1 20 ‘Draw a 2D figure using Draw and Modify commands. Use LINE, m 2 | CIRCLE, OFFSET. TRIM, FILLET commands Create two dimensional drawings using draw commands- line and |) | 2 m | 02 circle Modify two dimensional drawings using modify commands- offset, 2 ie m | 02 trim, fillet ‘Draw a 2D figure using Draw and Modify commands. Use LINE, [ | 23 | ARC, POLYGON, ELLIPSE. COPY, MIRROR, TRIM, ROTA m | 02 CHAMEFER commands: _ ‘Create two dimensional drawings using draw commands- line, arc, 24 m | 02 polygon, ellipse. 25 _ | Modily two dimensional drawings using modify commands- copy, mW 02 mirror, trim, rotate, chamfer. ‘Draw isometric drawing of electrical machine. Use LIMITS, a 26 | UNITS, ZOOM, GRID, SNAP, LINE, COPY, ISOPLANE, we} 02 ELLIPSE, TRIM, ERASE, PROPERTIES, SAVE commands. nits, Zoom. grid, object snap. ortho mode Iv* 02 urd spacing, isometric snap type i or Create a simple drawing using electrical CAD software for the we | op Create a simple drawing using electrical CAD software for the MSBTE — Final Copy Dt. 20.04.2018 “Page 3 0f8 given electrical circuit diagram, oF TI_[ Modlify the given eloctiical CAD drawings as per requirement an j ‘Approae] s. | Unit APPFOX: | Practical Outcomes (PrOs) | Hrs. Noi. | No | required |! | 32 Neil the given electrical CAD drawings as per requirement, Part |, 2 433. Draw the layout of the 11 kV/400 V distribution substation using . 3 : WV (°° | electrical CAD soltware. | Total Note iA suggestive list of PrOs is given in the above table, More such PrOs can be added to attain the COs and competency. A judicial mix of minimum 24 or more practical need to be performed, oul of which, the practicals. marked as “** are compulsory, so that the student reaches the ‘Precision Level’ of Dave's ‘Psychomotor Domain Taxonomy’ as generally required by the industry i The Process’ and “Product” reluted skills associated with each PrO is to be assessed according to u suggested sample given below: S.No. Performance Indicators a Weightaze in % 1 Plan the drawing. 20 2 Select relevant drawing / software tools. 20 3 Drawing skills judged by neatness and correctness, 20 4 timely submission, 20 5 | Answer to sample questions. 20 | Total 100 | ‘The above PrOs also comprise of the following social skills/attitudes which are Affective Domain Outcomes (ADOs) that are best developed through the laboratory/field based experiences: a. Practice good housekeeping, b. Demonstrate working as a leader/a team member. ¢. Maintain tools and equipment. d. Follow ethical Practices ‘The ADOs are not specific to any one PrO, but are embedded in many PrOs. Hence, the acquisition of the ADOs takes place gradually in the student when s/he undertakes a series of practical experiences over a period of time. Moreover, the level of achievement of the ADOs according to Krathwohl’s ‘Affective Domain Taxonomy’ should gradually increase as planned below: + ‘Valuing Level’ in 1* year © ‘Organising Level’ in 2"! year © “Characterising Level’ in 3" year. 2. MAJOR EQUIPMENT! INSTRUMENTS REQUIRED The major equipment with broad specifications mentioned here will usher in conduct of experiments, as well as aid to procure equipment by admit MSBTE ~ Final Copy Dt. 20.04.2018, Page 4 of 8 ning Outcomes itive domain) Sketch the symbols of the given type of eleetrie lamps. Sketch the symbols of the given type of electric wiring .. Sketch the symbols of the given type of electric machines, Sketch the symbols of the given Jamps. MSBTE ~ Final Copy Dt. 20.04.2018 Interpret frechand sketches of the given Electrical Machine parts Interpret freehand sketches of the given electrical components. Interpret orthographic Projection of the given Electrical Machine parts or electrical components. Interpret the isometric Projections of the given Electrical Machine parts or electrical components. Identify the function of the given components of CAD classic Identify the given components of Identify the given toolbar and Interpret the given line diagram using absolute coordinate method Interpret the given line diagram using relative coordinate and relative polar coordinate method. Interpret the given 2D figures Interpret the given isometric 1_| Half imperial drawing boards | Manual drawing tools: m * _| black lead pencil of hardness “IT 3_ | Any electrical CAD sofiware. Symbolic represent | Ib. ation of electrical accessories. componen | tc. ts. Id. type of electror Unit [2a, Free hand sketches, — |2b. isometric and 2c. orthograp hie views. 2d. Unit MT 3a. CAD tools. screen, 3b. CAD sereen 3c, commands. Unit-1V da. Simple drawings |4b. in CAD. Ac. 4d. i dralier. set squares protractor. compasses. and drawing of electrical machine in Page Sof Course Code: 22033, | Pro. No. Tt05 tos | 8 UNDERPINNING THEORY COMPONENTS ‘The following topies are to be taught and assessed in order to develop the sample UOs given below for achieving the COs to attain the identified competency. More UOs could be added. Topies/sub-topies 'ymbols: electrical lamp: ymbols: wiring accessories. Symbols: electrical machines Symbols: electronic devices. 13. 14, 2.1. Need for free hand sketching with its importance. Orthographic projections Isometric projections of si 22, 23. Components of CAD classic sereen . Menu bar and status bar CAD tool bar, 4.1 Absolute Coordinate Method: Commands: LIMITS, UNITS, LINE and ARC. 4.2 Relative coordinate Method 4.3 Commands: LIMITS, UNITS, LINE and ARC. 44 Relative Rate method: 0 ONITS. LINE i 4 telectrical Drawin ind CAD. Course Code: 22033 CAD and ARC. | 4.5 2D figures: Commands: LINE. CIRCLE, OFFSET. TRIM. FILLET. ARC, POLYGON, ELLIPSE, COPY, MIRROR, TRIM, ROTATE and CHAMFER LIMITS, UNITS, ZOOM. GID. SNAP, | LINE, COPY. ISOPLANE. ELLIPS| | TRIM. ERASE. PROPERTI SAVE, | | 4.6 Isometric drawings: commands: | Sand | | Unit- Vda, Interpret the given CAD electrical |5.1 Applications of electrical CAD software |Eleetrieal | circuit diagram to: Draw electrical circuit diagrams. drawings 4b. Interpret the given CAD electrical |5.2 Applications of electrical CAD software CAD, layout of the 11 kV/400 V | to: Draw layouts of substations. | distribution substation, 5.3 Applications of electrical CAD soltware | | 4c. Interpret the given CAD layouts 1 tes Draw layouts of earthing systems. | __of two types of earthing systems. | } 9, SUGGESTED SPECIFICATION TABLE FOR QUESTION PAPER DESIGN - Not Applicable ~ 10. SUGGESTED STUDENT ACTIVITIES Other than the classroom and laboratory learning, following are the suggested student-related co-curricular activities which can be undertaken to accelerate the attainment of the various outcomes in this course: Students should conduct following activities in group and prepare reports of about 5 pages for each activity, also collect/record physical evidences for their (student's) portfolio which will be useful for their placement interviews: a. Collect information on different available electrical CAD software, b. Read at least three different electrical drawings other than those covered in the practicals above, 11, SUGGESTED SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (if any) These are sample strategies, which the teacher can use to accelerate the attainment of the various outcomes in this course: a, Massive open online courses (MOOCs) may be used to teach various topics/sub topics. b. ‘L" in item No. 4 does not mean only the traditional lecture method, but different types of teaching methods and media that are to be employed to develop the outcomes. ©. About 15-20% of the topics/sub-topies which is relatively simpler or descriptive in nature is to be given to the students for self-directed learning and assess the development of the COs through classroom presentations (see implementation guideline for details). 4, With respect to item No.10, teachers need to ensure to create opportunities andl provisions for co-curricular activities ¢. Guide student(s) in undertaking micro-projects. me f. Correlate subtopics with power system utility and electrical equipments), <—? \ 1, Use proper equivalent analogy to explain different concepts. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 20.04.2018 Page 6 of 8 a and CAD, Course Code: Electrical Drawin 12. SUGG MICRO-PROJECTS Only one micro-project is plumed to be undertaken by a student that needs to be assigned to him/her in the beginning of the semester. In the first four semesters, the micro-project are group-based, However, in the fifth and sixth semesters, it should be preferably be individually undertaken to build up the skill and confidence in every student to became problem solver so that s/he contributes to the projects of the industry. In special situations where groups have to be formed for micro-projects. the number of students in the group should nof exceed three. The micro-project could be industry application based, internet-based, workshop- based, laboratory-based or field-based, Each micro-project should encompass two or more COs whieh are in fact. an integration of PrOs, UOs and ADOs. Each student will have to maintain dated work diary consisting of individual contribution in the project work and give a seminar presentation of it before submission, The total duration of the micro-project should not be less than 16 (sixteen) student engagement hours during the course. The student ought to submit micro-project by the end of the semester to develop the industry oriented COs, ‘A suggestive list of micro-projects are given here. Similar micro-projeets could be added by the concemed faculty: a, 2D Transmission: Each batch will identify fasteners, couplings; joints used in electric motors and using CAD software prepare drawings. The figures should be labeled and dimensioned using software. b. 2D Electric Machine Components: Each batch will identify electric. machine components and using CAD software and prepare drawings. The figures should be labeled and dimensioned using software ¢. 3D Transmission; Fach batch will identify fasteners, couplings; joints used in electric machines and using CAD software and prepare isometric drawings. The figures should be labeled and dimensioned using software, 4. 3D Electric Machine components: Each batch will identify electric machine components and using CAD software and prepare isometric drawings. The figures should be labeled and dimensioned using software. e. Digital Drawings: Each batch will identify manual drawings of electric machine ‘components using CAD software and create digital drawings using relevant software 13. SUGGESTED LEARNING RESOURCES x, Title of Book Author Publication Flecirical Engineering | Bhattacharya, | New Age International, New Delhi, | Drawing | S.K. 2005, ISBN:81-224-0855-9 5 . . Satyaprakashan, New Delhi,2015 Electrical Drawing Nang, KL [ISBN SI-T68A1SOD “Jectrieal Drawine Sina vet__| SK Kataria and Sons, New Delhi, Electrical Drawing Singh, Sureet | igBN:8177000854 AutoCAD 2016 Shrock, Cheryl | Industrial Press Ine. South Norwalk, exercise workbook for | R.and Heather, | USA, First, 2016 31 3518-8 windows. Steve, ISBN:978: | Yogesh. M., PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. Se ects Nagaraja, B.S., | Delhi:110092 | nica . Nandan, N ISBN:978-81-203-4953-7__ gineering Drawing | 1140, McGraw-Hill Co. Ltd,, New Delhi, with introduction to 2nd, 2008; ISBN-ABONLOIUIHARIT-1 AutoCAD ON 5 Dhananjay A, MSB’ | Copy Dt, 20.04.2018 Page 7 of 8 itle of Book | Author Publication | - — AutoCAD 2016 and | Gladfelter. John Wiley and Sons. Inc. Indiana, AutoCAD LT 2016 | Donnie, | 2016. ISBN:978-1-119-05955-4 | SUGGESTED SOFTWARE/LEARNING WEBSITES, www. mycadsite,com/tutorials/level_3/isometric-drawing-in-autocad-3-2.htm accessed on 27" June, 2016, accessed on 27" June. 2016! 105/Tutorials/CAD-1/Tutorial%20CAD-la.pdf, accessed on 28" June, 2016 wow wow. www. bw, , accessed on 29" June, 2016 \v8sk2ZcUlw , accessed on 29" June, 2016 26piHIBn7g . accessed on 30" June, 2016 MSBTE = Final Copy Dt. 20.04.2018 Page 8 of 8 [tne Motos and Transits Com ke: 218 Program Name —_ = Electrical Engineering Program Group Program Code: EE/EP/EU Semester + Fourth Course Title : Electric Motors and Transformers Course Code 222418, 1. RATIONALE ‘The electrical engineering applications in industries use small and large electric motors in some crucial application systems. This course will empower the students with the necessary skills to handle/maintain the motors in general. Further the electrical power systems of all sorts and at all levels are incomplete without the use of the relevant transformers employed to change the voltage/current levels according 1o the applications. This course will also make the students familiar with the working and applications of single phase and three phase transformers including those for special applications, 2. COMPETENCY The aim of this course is to help the student to attain the following industry identified competency through various teaching learning experiences: Use electrie motors and transformers. 3. COURSE OUTCOMES (COs) The theory, practical experiences and relevant soft skills associated with this course are to be taught and implemented, so that the student demonstrates the following industry oriented COs associated with the above mentioned competency: Use different electric motors. Use DC machines. Use single phase transformer for different applications. Use three phase transformers for different applications. Use relevant special purpose transformers for different applications. eaese 4, TEACHING AND EXAMINATION SCHEME, Teaching Examination Ssheme PT cra Theory Pract | _ u |r| p [TP [ESE | PA Total PA Total Tis. tax Min [Max in| Mon | in] Max | tin | Max | in | May | Min a [22 {8 | 3 [7 [28 [0° [oo | 100 [40 [as@] 1 | 2s | 10 | so | 20 (*): Under the theory PA, Out of 30 marks, 10 marks are for micro-projeet asvessment lo facilitate integration of COs and the remaining 20 marks is the average of 2 tests (0 be taken during the semester for the assessment of the cognitive domain UOs required for the attainment of the COs Legends: L-Lecture; T— Tutorial/Teacher Guided Theory Practice: P -Practical; C ~ Credit, ESE -End Semester Examination; PA - Progressive Assessment 5. COURSE MAP (with sample COs, P1Os,UOs.ADOs and topics) ge This course map illustrates an overview of the flow and linkages of the topics at 4 devel of outcomes (details in subsequent sections) to be attained by the student by thing ofl MSDE — Finn Copy Dx 20.08 2038 Page 1 oF 9) Hlecuae Matos snd Insts Course Conk 2418, course, in all domains of learning in terms of the industry/employer identified competency depicted at the centre of this map, ne Se en Resa 7 eats Poe nae 5 Woenstoe A tins — ci ng " tea : oS Se, aes. ‘ eoueh Poicals UO in Copstne Semen SA Teele . ‘ ‘Sito Se PS Figure 1 - Course Map 6. SUGGESTED PRACTICALS/ EXERCISES ‘The practicals in this section are PrOs (i.e. sub-components of the COs) to be developed and assessed in the student for the attainment of the competency. ] — —— 8. No Practical Outcomes (PrOs) 1 |Dismantle aDC machine. 2 | Reverse the direction of rotation of the DC shunt motor __3__|Perform brake test on DC shunt motor. | Control the speed of DC shunt motor by different 4 5_| Control the speed of DC series motor by different methods 6 | Perform the brake test on DC ser 7 8 | Check the functioning of single phase transformer. Determine regulation and efficiency of single phase transformer by direct loading. MSDTE.~ Final Copy Dx 200042018 Page 2089 otic Rous and Tass ure Coe: 22418 «| Approx. Practical Outcomes (PrOs) Unit | Hrs. No. i" jo a Required 9. Perform open circuit and short eirouit test on single phase un » transformer to determine equivalent circuit consta TO. [Perform open circuit and short circuit test on single phase ul » _ | wansformer to determine voltage regulation and efficiency. _ 1 | Perform parallel operation of twosingle phase transformers fo i WW 02 determine the load current sharing. 12. | Perform parallel operation of twosingle phase transformers . HI 02* and determine the apparent and real power load sharing. & 13 Perform polarity test on a single phase transformer whose Vv 2 | polarity markings are masked. 9 14 | Perform phasing out test on a three phase transformer whos ; w | 0 phase markings are masked. 4 TS | Connect the auto-transformer in step-up and step-down modes |, oo noting the input/output readi — _| 16 | Check the functioning of the CT. Vv Q 17__| Check the functioning of the PT. : Vv Q T8_| Cheek the functioning of the isolation transformer. Vv 02" 19_ | Test the pulse transformer. vo} oF Total 38 Note 7d suggestive list of PrOs is given in the above table. More such PrOs can be added 10 attain the COs and competency. A judicial mix of minimum 12 or more practical need to be performed, out of which, the practicals marked ax '*” are compulsory, so that the student reaches the ‘Precision Level’ of Dave's ‘Psychomotor Domain Taxonomy’ as generally it. S. required by the industry. The ‘Process’ and ‘Product’ related skills associated with each PrO is to be assessed according to a suggested sample given below: No. | Performance Indicators Preparation of experimental set up Setting and operation Safely measures Observations and Recording Interpretation of result and conclusion Answer to sample questions Submission of report in time Total Weightage in % 20 20 10 | 10 _| 20 | 10 | 10 100 | The above P1Os also comprise of the following social skills/attitudes which are Affective Domain Outcomes (ADOs) that are best developed through the laboratory/field based experiences: Follow safety practice: Practice good housekeeping. Demonstrate working as a leader/a team member, Maintain tools and equipment. Follow ethical Practices gaeoe ‘MSE — Final Copy Di, 20042018, Page 3 of 9 [cetic Mutya Hates Couns co The ADOs are not specifie 1 any one PrO, but are embedded in many PrOs, Hence, the acquisition of the ADOs takes place gradually in the student when s/he undertakes a series of practical experiences over a period of time. Moreover, the level of achievement of the ADOs according to Krathwohl's ‘Affective Domain Taxonomy" should gradually increase as planned below * ‘Valuing Level” in year © ‘Organizing Level’ in "year © ‘Characterizing Level’ in 3" year 7. MAJOR EQUIPMENT/ INSTRUMENTS REQUIRED ‘The major equipment with broad specification mentioned here will usher in uniformity in conduct of experiments. as well as aid to procure equipment by administrators. S Equipment Name with Broad Specifications ProiNa: 1 | DC series and shunt machines at least one each (up to 230 V, 5 hp). 105 | DC Ammeter range (0-5-10A), Portable analog PMMC type as per a 45. relevantBIS standard, fie 3. | DC Voltmeter Runge (0-150/300V), Ponable analog PMMC type as per [> 3 4 5 relevant BIS standard. is © | AC Ammeter range (0-2.5-5-10A), Portable analog MI type as per | 4 6to 12 relevant BIS standard AC Voltmeter Range (0-75/150/300V), Portable analog MI type as per 5 6to 12 relevant BIS standard, — 6 | Lamp load of 10-20 A = 7,9, 12. 7_| Rheostat (0-500 Ohm. 1.24), Niehrome wire wound theostat on epoxy |) 4 resin or class F insulating tube with two fixed and one sliding contact. oe ls Rheostat (0-100 Ohm, 5A). Nichrome wire wound rheostat on epoxy 2 34,5 resin or class F insulating tube with two fixed and one sliding contact, oat 5 -50 Ohm, 10), Nichrome wire wound rheostat on epoxy Laas F insulating tube with two fixed and one sliding contact, ee 10 0 Ohm.1.5A). Nichrome wire wound rheostat on epoxy | 1 > 5 4 5 resin of class F insulating tube with two fixed and one sliding contact uit 11 | D.C. Supply, 230 V,25 A. - 1,2,3,4, 5. _12 | Single phase transformer of suitable size (500 VA to 1 kVA). Tto 13. [13 | Three phase transformer of suitable size (IkVA to 3 kVA). 14 | 14 | Single phase auto transformer 0-270 V, 15 A. ir “1S | CT of suitable rati 16 16 | PT of suitable ratio 7 17 | Isolation transformer of suitable ratio — [18 | Pulse transformer of suitable ratio 19 | Watmeter 0-300/600 V. 5/10 A. for use in AC circuits 20_| LPF Wattmeter, 0-300/600 V. 1A to 2A. for use in AC circuits SOT — Final Copy Dx 2008 2008 Page 4 of 9 tne Motos id hans ors Cone: 22008 8 UNDERPINNING THEORY COMPONENTS ‘The following topicsare to betaught and assessed in order to develop the sample UOs given below for achieving the COs to attain the identified competency. More UOs could be added Unit Unit Outcomes ] Topies (in cognitive domain) | and Sub-topi Ta, Explain the principle of 1.7 Electric motors: principles of operation working of given electric of different motors. motor. 1|.2. Construction and representation: parts 1b. Identify the different parts and | with their materials. Schematic motors their respective materials of diagrams. the given motor with 1.3. Functions of parts of motors: | justification, anetions of the various parts of | 1c. Explain with sketches the different electric motors. functions of the given parts of _the specified type of motor 2a. Explain with sketches the 1 DC machine: Types of DC machines. Dc. working principle of the Fleming’s right hand rule, Fleming's Machines specified type of DC machine. | left hand rule, Principle of operation of 2b. Describe with sketches the de generator and motor, Back e.m.f. procedure of the DC shunt and its significance , Voltage equation | motor brake test. of DC motor 2c. Recommend relevant DC _.2 Torque and Speed; Armature torque, motor for given application Shaft torque, BHP, Brake test, losses, with justification efficiency 2d. Calculate the torque, speed, _.3. DC motor starters: Necessity, two point output power and efficiency of | and three point starters. the given DC motor 2.4 Speed control of DC shunt and series 2e, Describe with sketch the motor: Flux and Armature control | working of the starter for the 2.5, DC Motor: Construction and given type of DC motor 2f. Explain with diagram using the given method(s) to control the speed of specified DC motor. 2g, Explain with diagram the working of the brushless DC motor. Unit- HT 3a, Differentiate the salient 3.1 Types of transformers: Shell type and Single features between the given core type; Construction: Parts and Phase types of transformers. functions, materials used for different Transform ]3b, Describe the functions of the parts ers. given parts ofa transformer. {3.2 Transformer: Principle of operation, 3e, Calculate transformation ratio | EMF equation of transformer: for given transformer rating, Derivation, Voltage transformation 3d, Explain with a phasor diagram | ratio, for no load/on toad for the {3.3 Significance of transformer rat given type of transformer 3.4 Transformer No-load and 3e, Calculate regulation and phasor diagram, Leakage efficiency by OC/ SC tests and {3.5 Equivalent circuit of tra MSOITE — Final Copy Dx, 2004 2018 eS 0f9 tae Motos a Unit-1V 4a. | Three | Phase db. ‘Transform | ers | 4c Ad. 4e. 4f. 4g. Unit V Sa. | Special purpose Transform | 5b. ers Se. Sd Se. Note:To attain the COs and competency, above listed UOs need to be under} the ‘Application Level and above of Bioom’s ‘Cognitive Domain Taxonoy c. Compare distribution c. Explai direet loading. lor the given type of transformer. Identify the different parts of the given type transformer. Describe with diagrams various connections of the given three phase transfc transformer and power transformer on the given criteria |. Calculate the given load sharing between two given transformers operating in parallel, Describe the criteria with justification for selection of the transformer for the given application. Describe with circuit diagram the Polarity and Phasing out tests on the given type of transformer. Explain the effects of harmonies on the operation of transformers, Explain with circuit diagram the working of the given type of special purpose transformer. >. Calculate ratio for the specilied instrument transformer of the given rating, with justification the use of isolation transformer for the given application Differentiate between the iven two types of special purpose transformers. Explain the importance of *K* factor of transformers. Coase Cane 2418 Equivalent resistance and reactance. 3.6 Voltage regulation and Lfficieney Direct loading. OC/SC method. All day | cifieiency. | 4.1 Bank of three single phase transformers. Single unit of three phase ansformer. '4.2 Distribution and Power transfor '4.3 Construction, cooling, Three phat transformers connections as per S:2026 (part IV)-1977. Three phase to two phase conversion (Scott Connection), 4.4 Selection of transformer as per IS: 10028 (Part 1)-1985, Criteria for selection of distribution transformer, and power transformer, Amorphous Core type Distribution Transformer, Specifications of three-phase distribution transformers as per 18:1180 (part 1)-1989 |4.5 Need of parallel operation of three phase transformer, Conditions for parallel operation 4.6 Polarity tests on mutually inductive coils and single phase transformers: Polarity test, Phasing out test on ‘Three phase transformer. '4.7 Harmonies and their effects on transformers. ners, 5.1 Single phase and three phase auto transformers: Construction, working and applies 5.2 Instrument Transformers: Construction, working and applications of Current transformer and Potential transformer. 5.3 Isolation transformer: Constructional Features and applications 5.4 Single phase welding transformer: constructional features and applications. 5.5 Pulse transformer: constructional features and applications. 5.6 °K’ factor of transformers: overheating ‘ions. due to non-linear loads and harmoni MSBIL~inal Copy i 9 2004208 Page 6 079 let Mats hanson Conse Cn 22018 9. SUGG | Unit Unit "| Teaching | Distribution of Theory Marks No. Hours R U A Level | Level | Level | Marks | 1__ | fntroduction to Electrie Motors. 08 2 | 02 06 I_[ DC Machines 2 or | o4 | 06 | 14 | TIL_| Single Phase Transformers 20 ov | o6 | um | 21 TV_| Three Phase Transformers 16 04 | 06 | 09 19 ‘V_| Special Purpose Transformers 08 o_| 02 | 06 | 10 Total oF to | 20 | 34 70 Legends: R=Remember, U=Understand, A~Apply and above (Bloom's Revised taxonomy) Note: This specification table provides general guidelines to assist student for their learning and to teachers to teach and assess students with respect to attainment of UOs. The actual distribution of marks at different taxonomy levels (of R, U and A) in the question paper may vary from above table. 10, SUGGESTED STUDENT ACTIVITIES Other than the classroom and laboratory Icaming, following are the suggested student-related co-curricular activities which can be undertaken to accelerate the attainment of the various outcomes in this course: Students should conduct following activities in group and prepare reports of about 5 pages for each activity, also collecttecord physical evidences for their (stucent’s) portfolio which will be useful for their placement interviews: a, Prepare a report on market survey of different electric motors b. Prepare report on market survey of various three phase transformers(specification, manufacturer, application. cost) ¢. Prepare model of single phase transformer. d. Prepare power point presentation related to D.C. Machi e ft 8. Prepare power point presentation related to transformers. Prepare a chart of industrial application of D.C. Machines. 1. SUGGESTED SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (if any) These are sample strategies, which the teacher can use to accelerate the attainment ofthe various outcomes in this course: a, Massive open online courses (MOOCs) may be used to teach various topies/sub topics. b. ‘L’ in item No. 4 does not mean only the traditional lecture method, but different types of teaching methods and media that are to be employed to develop the outcomes, €. About 15-20% of the topics/sub-topics which is relatively simpler or descriptive in nature is to be given to the students for self-directed learning and assess the development of the COs through classroom presentations (see implementation guideline for details). 4. With respect to item No.10, teachers need to ensure to create opportunities and provisions for co-curricular activities. Use Flash/Animations to explain various theorems in circuit analysis Guide student(s) in undertaking micro-projects. 12, SUGGESTED MICRO-PROJECTS, MSIVTE — Final Copy Dt 2008 Page 7 0f9) lotic Mas ad rastnnts Conse Cone: 22418 Only one micro-project is planed to be undertaken by a student that needs to be assigned to him/her in the beginning of the semester. In the first four semesters. the micro-project are group-based. However, in the fifth and sixth semesters, it should be preferably be individually undertaken to build up the skill and confidence in every student to become problem solver so that s/he contributes to the projects of the industry. In special situations where groups have to be formed for micro-projects. the number of students in the group should not exceed three. The micro-project could be industry application based. internet-based. workshop- based. laboratory-based or field-based. Each micro-project should encompass two or more COs which are in fact, an integration of PrOs, UOs and ADOs. Each student will have to maintain dated work diary ig of individual contribution in the project work and give a seminar presentation of it before submission. The total duration of the micro-project should not be less than 16 (sixteen) student engagement hours during the course. The student ought to submit micro-project by the end of the semester to develop the industry oriented COs. ‘A suggestive list of micro-projects are given here, Similar micro-projects could be added by the concerned faculty: a. Types of D.C. Machines: Prepare chart showing different material used for various parts of dc. machines b. D.C. Machines: Collect specification from different manufacturers and prepare report. Single phase transformers: Prepare a simple model of single phase transformer Three phase transformers: Collect photographs with details of various power! distribution transformer and identify different parts (specification, application, cost, features, manufacturer) ©. Special transformers: Prepare report on different special transformer.(specification, application, cost, features, manufacturer) ao 13, SUGGESTED LEARNING RESOURCES S Title of Book Author Publication | | Basic Electrical Mittle, V.N. and | McGraw Hill Education. New Delhi Engineering _| Mittle, Arvind ISBN :9780070593572 Kothari, D.P. and | McGraw Hill Education. New Delhi Nagrath, 1 SBN :9780070699670 MoGraw Hill Education, New Dethi K-_| ISBN : 9789332902855 | Principles of Electrical | Mehta, V. K.and ]S.Chand and Co. Lid, New Machines “| Mehta, Rohit DelhiISBN : 9788121930888 Electrical Technology $.Chand and Co.Ltd., New Delhi 5 | Vol(AC and DC Theraja, B.L FSiceresrcpe machines ) Flectrical Machines | Bandyopadhyay, | PHI Learning Pvi. Ltd., New Delhi ‘Theory and Practice | M.N. "| ISBN 9788120329973 Vi DC Machines and | Murugesh Kumar, | soy 791259 605s (7 | transformers K. | 2. | Electrical Machines 3 | Electrical Machines | Bhattacharya,S. K. 14. SUGGESTED SOFTWARE/LEARNING WEBSITES a. _bttps://www. b, _ c._ UusIPYO d._,_w €. _hitps://www-youtube,com/watch?v=b2MXK90i_Gs MST Final Copy Du 2004 2018 Page 8 of Connse Cn: 22418, etre Mots and transfor [._hiips:// zg. bh. i. MSO — Final Copy Dx, 2008 2018 Page 9 0F9) Electrical Power Transmission and Distribution Comse Code: 22419 Program Name 1 Engineering Program Group Program Code Seme: and ribu Course Title : Electric Power Transmi Course Code 222419 1. RATIONALE In industry. to operate and maintain electric transmission and distribution systems by the electrical engineering diploma holder (also called technologist), the knowledge of its various components of the power system and their functions is one of the main duties and hence quite important. This course is intended to develop such skills to not only to maintain the proper functioning of the power system but also to diagnose and rectily the general problems related problems of associated tothe transmission and distribution system 2. COMPETENCY The aim of this course is to help the student to attain the following industry identified competency through various teaching learning experiences: © Maintain the proper functioning of the electrical transmission and distribution systems, 3. COURSE OUTCOMES (COs) The theory, practical experiences and relevant soft skills associated with this course are to be taught and implemented, so that the student demonstrates the following industry oriented COs associated with the above mentioned competency: Interpret the nomal operation of the electric transmission and distribution systems, Maintain the functioning of the medium and high voltage transmission system. Interpret the parameters of the extra high voltage transmission system, Maintain the functioning of the low voltage AC distribution system. Maintain the components of the transmission and distribution lines. passe 4. TEACHING AND EXAMINATION SCHEME, Credit ‘Theory Practical i]t] pe eT | ESE PA [Tea [itis [Max [Min | Max [Min Max | Min | Max | in 3[2f- 1 5_| 3 _| 70 [28 [30° ~[= (): Under the theory PA, Out of 30 marks, 10 marks are for micro-project assessment to facilitate integration of COs and the remaining 20 marks is the average of 2 tests to be taken during the semester for the assessment of the cognitive domain LOs required for the attainment of the COs. Legends: L-Lecture; T~ Tutorial/Teacher Guided Theory Practice; P - Practical: € ~ Credit, ESE - End Semester Examination; PA - Progressive Assessment. 5. COURSE MAP (with sample COs, PrOs,UOs,ADOs and topics) ‘This course map illustrates an overview of the flow and linkages of the to of outcomes (details in subsequent sections) to be attained by the stud “MSBTE — Final Copy Dt. 20.04.2018 age oF? Elecuical Power ‘Transinission amid Distribution Course Code: 22419 course. in all domains of learning in terms of the industry/employer identified competency depicted at the centre of th 7 i000 Peter“, sustwodnay 3 izes > cose coco Buioge 9) {owed rate Figure 1 - Course Map 6. SUGGESTED PRACTICALS/ EXERCISES - Not applicable - 7, MAJOR EQUIPMENT/ INSTRUMENTS REQUIRED - Not applicable - 8. UNDERPINNING THEORY COMPONENTS ‘The following topics are to be taught and assessed in order to develop the sample UOs given below for achieving the COs to attain the identified competency. More UOs could be added. Unit Unit Outcomes ‘Topics and Sub-topies (in cognitive dom: Unit—1 Ta. Deseribe with sketches the | 1.1 Single line diagrams with components Basies of features of the given type of the electric supply transmission and ‘Transmission | of electric supply system. distribution systems. and Ib.Interpret the implicagions | 1.2 Classification of transmission lines : Distribution of ghe voltage levels in the Primary and secondary transmission; standard voltage level used in Ind 1.3 Classification of ransiniss based on type voltag: length and others. ~ fay MSBTE ~ Final Copy Dt. 20.04.2018 age 2 0f7 ay given transmission system 1c. Explain the given | charactistic (s) of the { specified high voltage nismission Unit- 1 e domain) transmission line. Id.Describe with sketches the construction method of the given type of transmission! distibtion line, |. Deseribe with sketches the given line parameters and power transmission, 1.5 Method of construction of electric supply transmission system — 110 kV, 220 kV. 400 kV. 1.6 Method of construction of eleetrie supply distribution systems ~ 220 V. 400V.11 KV. 33 KV T Line Parameters: Concepts of R. 1 and C of line parameters and types of Transmission transmission line. b. Explain the specified effects occurring in the given type of high voltage transmission ine. c. Describe with sketches the layout of given HVDC transmission line as per the given criterion \d. Explain the given feature of the Flexible AC Transmission line. 'e. Explain the features of given wireless transmission of electrical power, . Describe with sketches the circuit components of the AC distribution system, Describe the factors to be lered for design of ed feeder and Line types of specified lines. lines. Parameters | 2b. Interpret the performance P.2 Performance of short _ line: and of the specified short line. Efficiency. regulation and its Performance | 2c. Interpret the performance derivation, effect of power factor of the specified medium vector diagram for different power line, factor. 2d. Describe the need for 3 Performance of — medium — line: transposition of conductors. representation, nominal “T°, nominal 2c. Explain specified effects a and end condenser methods. ‘occurring in the given type .4 Transposition of conductors and its of transmission line. necessity. 5 Skin effect and proximity effect. Unit- 0 ja. Explain the specified 1. Extra High Voltage AC (EHVAC) Extra High features of the given type of | transmission line: Necessity. high Voltage extra high voltage voltage substation components such as transformers and other switchgear, advantages, limitations and applications and lines in India. Ferranti and Corona effect. 2. High Voltage DC (HVDC) Transmission Line: Necessity. components, advantages, limitations and applications. Layout of monopolar, bi-Polar and homo-polar transmission lines. Lines in India . Features of EHVAC and HVDC transmission line. 4, Flexible AC Transmission line: Features, d types of FACTS controlier New trends in wireless transmission of electrical power. .1. AC distribution: Components classification, requirements of an ideal distribution system. primary and MSBTE ~ Final Copy Dt. 20.04.2018 age 30f7 Electrical Power Transmission and Distribution Unit Outcomes {in cognitive domain) distributor. for given type of distribution system Caleulate the sending end and receiving end voltage of the given AC di system, ind their compan single line diagram of a | sub-station Unit-V 5a, Describe wit Components | given type of overhead conductor based on the given e Distribution Line Se. Deseribe wit types and properties of Sd. Calculate the string insulator, | Describe with sketches the types of different schemes ribution fe, Describe with sketches the functions for the given type of distribution sub-station Describe with sketches the given type of distribution 5b. Describe with sketches the method of erection of the given type of line supports sketches the specified line insulator(s). efficiency for the specified string of the given type of Se, Describe with sketches the specified underground cable based on the given criteria. Couse Cou ] ‘Topies and Sub-topies distributor. 3. Types of different distribution schemes: radial, ring. and grid, layout, advantages. disadvantages and xpplications, 4.4. Voltage drop. sending end and receiving end voltage H.5. Distribution Sub-Station: lassification, site selection. nlages, disadvantages and applications. 4.6. Single Line diagram (layout) of 33/11KV Sub-Station. 11K V/400V | sub-station, symbols and finetions of | their components. sketches the 5.1 Overhead Conductors: Properties of ‘material, types of conductor with trade names, significance of sag. 5.2 Line supports: Requirements, types of Jine structures and their specifications, methods of erection. Line Insulators: Properties of insulating material, selection of ‘material, types of insulators and their applications, causes of insulator failure. derivation of equation of string jency for string of three suspension insulator, methods of improving string efficiency. 5.4 Underground Cables: Requirements, classification, construction, comparison with overhead lines, cable laying and cable jointing Note: To attain the COs and competency, above listed UOs need to be undertaken 10 achieve the ‘Application Level’ and above of Bloom's ‘Cognitive Domain Taxonomy’. 9. SUGGESTED SPECIFICATION TABLE FOR QUESTION PAPER DESIGN Unit [Teaching | Distribution of Theory Marks _| | No. Hours U | Basies of Transmission and 06 |_| Distribution IT | Transmission Line Parameters and D Performance fo MSBTE — Final Copy Dt, 20.04.2018 age 40f7 Electrical Power Transmissio iad Distribution Course Code: 22419 Unit Unit Title ‘ory Marks No. Hours A | Total — Level | Marks II [Extra High Voltage Transmission 06 06, 14 IV_[A.C Distribution System 12 08 16 V_| Components Transmission and 1 Distribution Line z om | % | | Total 48 Id 24 32 70 Legends: R= Remember, U-Understand, A~Apply and above (Bloom's Revised taxonomy) Note: This specification table provides general guidelines 10 assist students for their learning and to teachers to teach and assess students with respect to attainment of UOs. The actual distribution of marks at different taxonomy levels (of R, U and A) in the question paper may vary from above table 10. Other than the classroom and laboratory learning, following are the suggested student-related co-curricular activities which can be undertaken to accelerate the attainment of the various outcomes in this course: Students should conduct following activities in group and prepare reports of about 5 pages for each activity, also collect/record physical evidences for their SUGGESTED STUDENT ACTIVITIES (student's) portfolio which will be useful for their placement interviews: i. These are sample strategies, which the teacher can use to accelerate the attainment of the aess Prepare a report based on transmission line network in Maharashtra, Collect the information on components of transmission line. Evaluate transmission line performance parameters of a given line. ary /Internet survey of electrical high voltage line and HVDC lines. Visit to 33/11 KV and 11K V/400V Distribution Substation and writ a report SUGGESTED SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (if any) various outcomes in this course: a, b. 12. Only one micro-project is planned to be undertaken by a student that needs to be assigned to g of the semester. In the first four semesters, the filth and sixth semesters, it should be undertaken to build up the skill and confidence in every student to him/her in the beginni group-based. However, MSBTE — Final Copy Dt. 20.04.2018, Massive open online courses (MOOCs) may be used to teach various topics/sub topics. ‘L’ in item No. 4 docs not mean only the traditional lecture method, but different types of teaching methods and media that are to be employed to develop the outcomes, About 15-20% of the topics/sub-topies which is relatively simpler or descriptive in nature is to be given to the students for self-directed learning and assess the development of the LOs/COs through classroom presentations (see implementation guideline for details), With respect to item No.10, teachers need to ensure to create opportunities and provisions for co-curricular active Use Flash/Animations to explain various aspects of wansmission and distribution system, Guide student(s) in undertaking micro-projects. SUGGESTED MICRO-PROJECTS age 5 of 7 oi pen 388._— | 9 | Electrical Power Distribution | y. Fata Me. Gr; few Bali camraju, V. % System \ MSBTE — Final Copy Dt. 20.04.2018 age 6 of 7 Electrical Power Transmission and Distribution ‘Course Code: 22419 14, SUGGESTED SOFTWARE/LEARNING WEBSITES a. hitps:/lenergy.gow/sites/prod/files/2013/07/£2/Transmission Woodall 0.pdt b. Electric Power Transmission Presentation.paf c. https://en. transmission 4. ines..pd.. €.hitps://www.electricaldu,com/performance-of-transmission-line/ f.hitps:// umar58/ppt-of-chy-ac-transmission g._ h,https://www 13232932 i. http:/ Ik/Download/Technology%20Zone/Distribution % 20 Systems% 20-%20General..pdf jj. | 2/distribution-systems-44252619 . https://www ._hitps:// m, power MSBTE — Final Copy Dt. 20.04.2018 age 7 of 7 al Industrial measur 22420 Program Name _: Electrical Engineering Program Group / Diploma in Industrial ‘leetronies Program Code 2 ER/EP/EU/AR, ester : Fourth Course Title : Industrial Measurements Course Code 222420 1. RATIONALE, In industry. engineering diploma holders (also called technologists) are expected to handle basic instruments for the measurement of various process parameters such as temperature, pressure, flow and level in different types of industries. The technologists should be able to select proper instruments for the measurement of above parameters and also maintain these instruments for for proper functioning in different applications. This course has been therefore designed to develop this competency and related outeomes. 2. COMPETENCY The aim of this course is to help the student to attain the following industry identified competency through various teaching learning experiences. © Maintain different transducers used for measurement of various parameters. 3. COURSE OUTCOMES (COs) The theory, practical experiences and relevant soft skills associated with this course are to be taught and implemented, so that the student demonstrates the following industry oriented COs associated with the above mentioned competency a) Select the relevant transducers for measuring various parameters. b) Maintain the different types of pressure transducer ©) Maintain the different types of flow transducers, 4) Maintain the different types of level transducers. ©) Maintain the different types of temperature transducers, 4, TEACHING AND EXAMINATION SCHEME Teaching Examination Scheme Crit Theory Prastical ult] Te, | ESE [Pa Tol | ES PA Total Hrs. [Miax [Min | May [Min Min) Max | Min | Max | Min | Max | Min z[-12 fb 31 3 | 7 [28 [30° [00 40 | 25¢ | 10 | 25 | 10 | so | 20 (*): Under the theory PA, Out of 30 marks, 10 marks are for micro-project assessment 0 facilitate integration of COs and the remaining 20 marks is the average of 2 tests to be taken during the semester for the assessmem of the cognitive domain UOs required for the attainment of the COs. Legends: L-Lecture; T— Tutorial/Teacher Guided Theory Practice; P - Practical; C ~ Credit, ESE - End Semester Examination; PA - Progressive Assessment Industrial measurements Course Code: 22420 course, in all domains of learning in terms of the ind depicted at the centre of this map. “ae Gai A teil Cat NS stry/employer identified competency Figure 1 - Course Map 6, SUGGESTED PRACTICALS/ EXERCISES Boose Ota Tie ey ‘The practicals in this section are PrOs (i.e. sub-components of the COs) to be developed and assessed in the student for the attainment of the competene’ Practical Outcomes (PrOs) meter to measure the linear displacement 1 | Use the poten 2 | Use the potentiometer to measure the angular displacement 3_| Use LVDT to measure displacement 4 | Use the strain gauge to measure w. 5__| Use Bourdon tube pressure gauge to measure pressure 6 | Calibrate the bourdon tube pressure gauge using 7 8 9 Assemble/dismantle digital pressure me Use orifice meter for flow measurement | Use venturimeter for flow measurement 10 [Use rot neter for flow measurement MSBTE ~ Final Copy Dt. 20.04.2018 Page 2 of 8 Industrial measurements Course Code: 22:20 T - a ] A ‘Approx. | Practical Outcomes (PrOs) unit | Te | No. Req Use capacitance transducer to measure level V0 Use air purge method to measure level Iv 02 ‘Use RTD to measure temperature Vv 02* Use Thermocouple to measure temperature Vv 02 Calibrate RTD temperature measuring instruments vii 0 | Calibrate Thermocouple temperature measuring instruments Vv 02 “Total 32 ‘Note 1 A suggestive list of PrOs is given in the above table, More such PrOs can be added 10 attain the COs and competency. A judicial mix of minimum 12 or more practical need 10 be performed, out of which, the practicals marked as’ are compulsory, $0 that the student reaches the ‘Precision Level’ of Dave's ‘Psychomotor Domain Taxonomy’ as generally required by the industyy: ii. The ‘Process’ und ‘Product’ related skills associated with each PrO is 1a be assessed according 10 a suggested sample given below: S.No. re Weightage in % | Preparation of experimental setup 20 Setting and operation 20 ce | Safety measures - _ 10 d. | Observation and recording _— - 10 [e [Interpretation of result and conclusion —_ 20 f | Answer to sample questions - 10 g Submission of report in time - 10 Total 100 The above PrOs also comprise of the following social skills/attitudes which are Affective Domain Outcomes (ADOs) that are best developed through the laboratory/field based experiences: Follow safety practices. Practice good housekeeping. Demonstrate working as a leader/a team member. Maintain tools and equipment. Follow ethical Practices. passe ‘The ADOs are not specific to any one P10, but are embedded in many PrOs. Hence, the acquisition of the ADOs takes place gradually in the student when s/he undertakes a series of practical experiences over a period of time, Moreover, the level of achievement of the ADOs according to Krathwohl’s ‘Affective Domain Taxonomy’ should gradually increase as planned below: © ‘Valuing Level” in 1° year © ‘Organizing Level’ in 2" year © ‘Characterizing Level’ in 3" year: MAJOR EQUIPMENT/ INSTRUMENTS REQUIRED jor equipment with broad specification mentioned here w} MSBTE — Final Copy Dt. 20.04.2018 Page 3 of 8 Industrial measurements Course Code: 22420 | A | Equipment Name with Broad Specifications oe (1 | LVDT trainer kit- Displacement range +/- 20mm. Accuracy of #-2% | 3 || Primary Excitation 4 KHZ and 1 Volt. RMS Ouiput : Digital display of 4/ | I 20mm | | [2 | Strain gauge trainer kit: Strain pages of 350 ohms. Accuracy: 1/- 1% 4 | Power Supply 230 Vac. maximum of 5-kz! load. Digital indication 3 | Bourdon tube pressure gauge: Input pressure range 0 50 psi. Accuracy of | 5 | +/-2%, Dial gauge indication in the range 0 to 50 psi | 4 | Dead weight tester : Input range 0-10 kg. Output on dial gauge 0— 6 | |_| tokyem* 7 |S Orifice meter measurement setup: I"line size, concenttic type, MOC-SS, 8 | U tube manometer 400 mm height, Range 0-1000LPH, Digital display | 6 | Ventury flow measurement setup: I”’line size. MOC-SS, U tube a) manometer 400 mm height, Range 0-1000L PII, Digital display’ 7 | Rotameter flow measurement setup: Range 0-100 LPH, Glass tube body, | 10 Bob Material-SS. connection 1”. Mounting inlet bottom top outlet. 8 | Capacitance level measurement: Input range 0-500 mm, power supply 230, IT V ac , 2 wire capacitance type, top mounted, Digital display indication of 0 ~ 500mm, 9. | Air purge level measurement: Level tank Jheight 0-500mm air pressure 2 regulator 4” valve ,air compressor with power supply 230 Vac, Level indication 10 | RTD temperature measurement: Temp range 0-100 °C digital, temp bath, 13 RID Type ptl00.accuracy +/- 1% . power supply 230 ac, ‘Thermocouple temperature measurement: Temp range 0-200" c, temp 14 bath, Thermocouple K Type ,accuracy of +/- 1% , power supply 230v ae, digital indication of temp connection and pressure gauge i 8. __ UNDERPINNING THEORY COMPONENTS The following topics are to be taught and assessed in order to develop the sample UOs given below for achieving the COs to attain the identified competency. More UOs could be added, Unit Unit Outeomes (UOs) Topies and Sub-topics | | (in cognitive domain) 7 Unit—1 1a, Describe with sketches Function of each block of Applications | function of the given Instrumentation system of components used in 1.2 Transducer: Need, Classification - ‘Transducers instrumentation system, Active and Passive, Analog, and 1b, Explain with sketches the Digital, Primary and Secondary, construction and working of | — Mechanival and Electrical. the given type (s) of 11.3. Electrical Transducers: Resistive transducer(s). transducers Linear and Angular Je. Differentiate the working of | potentiometers, strain gauge, types, the given types of ‘gauge factor transducers with sketches. _|1.4 Capacitive transducer. | Id, Select relevant transducer for /1.5. Induetive transducer -LVDT, RVDT | given application with 1.6 Piezoelectric transducer, photo | justification. electric tranyhee@P EDR photo I le. Prepare the specification of voltaic cell (oy en MSBTE ~ Final Copy Dt. 20.04.2018 Page 4 of 8 Unit Unit— Pressure measurement measurement measurement 2e. 2f. Unit Outcomes (UOs) (in cognitive domain) ziven transducer Describe with sketches the construction of the given type of pressure transducer. Explain with sketches the working of the given type of pressure transducer with sketches, Select the relevant pressure transducer for the given application with justification Describe with sketches the calibration procedure for the given pressure transducer. Prepare the specification of the given pressure transducer. Describe with sketches the procedure to troubleshoot the given type of pressure transducer [2.4 Deseribe with sketches the [3.1 3a. 3b. 3c. 3d. 3e, Bf. da. 4b. 4c. construction of the given type of flow transducer with sketches. Explain with sketches the working of the given type of flow transducer with sketches. Differentiate the salient Features of the given type of flow transducers Select relevant flow transducer for the given application with justification, Prepare the specification of given flow transducer. Describe with sketches the procedure to troubleshoot the given type of flow transducer Describe with sketches the construction of the given type of level transducer. Explain with sketches the working of the given type of level transducer. Different the salient features, of the given type of level 3.2 bs Ba lat Selection criteria of transducers. Pressure and its units, Types - Absolute, Gauge. Atmospheric. Vacuum, Classification of Pressure measuring, devices: Manometer-U tube, Inclined Tube. Well type manometer Elastic pressure transducer: Bourdon “Tube Bellows, Diaphragm. Capsule Electrical pressure transducers: Bourdon tube with LVDT, Bellow with LVDT Diaphragm with Strain gauge. Specification of electrical pressure transducer. Calibration of pressure gauge using dead weight tester Flow and its units, Types of Flow ~ Laminar, turbulent, Reynolds number Classification of flow measuring transducers: Variable head flow meter Venturimeter, orifice plate meter, flow nozzle, pitot tube Variable area flow meter ~ Rotameter Electrical flow meter: Turbine flow meter, Electromagnetic Flow meter, Ultrasonic flow meter- Time difference and Doppler Type, Hot wire anemometer. Vortex flow meter Positive displacement meter-nutating disc type. Typical specifications of various flow meters Level and its units, Classification of evel measurement methods Direct methods- Hook type. Sight glass, Hydrostatie type (air purge). Indirect measurement method: Float type with Vinge PAitcety potentiog@ee Cangetvedype Ulrasorf type, Nivelear Ra iation MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 20.04.2018 Page 5 of 8 4 Industrial measurements Unit Ui Outcomes (UOs) in cognitive domain) ‘ansducers. Select relevant level transducer for the given applic Describe with sketches the 4d de. 4€, Prepare the given level transducer. Describe with sketches the procedure to troubleshoot t given type of level tra 4g. Deseribe with sketches the construction of the given type of temperature transducer. . Explain with sketches the Unit -V | Temperature measuremen ts 5a, temperature transducer, Se. Differentiate the salient temperature transchucers. transducer for the given app! Describe the calibration procedure of temperature Se. St given temperature transduc 5g. Describe with sketches the given type of temperature | transducer. ion with justification, calibration procedure for the ven type of level transducer. ecification of sducer, working of the given type of | | features of the given types of |. Select relevant temperature ion with justification, measuring system with inputs from RTD and thermocouple Prepare the specification of procedure to troubleshoot the Course Code: 22420 type, Radar type. 4.2 Typical specifications of electrical level measurement methods. 4.3. Calibration of Air purge and Capacitance type level system. he | | | | 5.1 Temperature and its Units, temperature scales and conversions. 5.2 Classification of temperature measuring transducers: a, Filled system thermometer vapour pressure thermometer. b, Expansion thermometer-Bimetallic thermometer 5.3 Electrical methods- a. Thermistors, b. RTD ~(PT-100, 2/3 wire) | c. Thermocouple ~ Law of intermediate temp and intermediate metals Seebeck and Peltier effect, Types JK, RS, T 5.4 Pyrometer ~ Optical method, Radiation method. [5.5 Typical specifications of Thermistor, RID and Thermocouple. [5.6 Calibration of temperature measuring transducers. er. Note: To attain the COs and competency, above listed UOs need to be undertaken to achieve the ‘Application Level’ and above of Bloom's ‘Cognitive Domain Taxonomy’ 9. SUGGESTED SPECIFICATION TABLE FOR QUESTION PAPER DESIGN "Unit Title Teaching | Distribution of Theory Marks _| Hours R UT A | Total Level ghilohevel | Marks 1_| Applications of transducers L 02 fea [ae 12 | MSBTE ~ Final Copy Dt. 20.04.2018 Page 6 of 8 a Industrial measurements Course Code: 22424 Uni Distribution of Theory Marks No. R U A Total - _ Level_| Level | Level | Marks I_| Pressure Measurement lo | o4 | os [a TIL_| Flow Measurement 2 | o | 10 | 16 TV_| Level Measurement 8 oz [ot | os | 14 v Temperature Measurement 10 02 OF 08 ic} Total 48 w | 20 | 40 | 7 Legends: R—Remember, U=Understand, A~Apply and above (Bloom's Revised taxonomy) Note: This specification table provides general guidelines to assist student for their learning and to teachers to teach and assess students with respect to attainment of UOs, The actual distribution of marks at different taxonomy levels (of R, U and A) in the question paper may vary from above table 10, SUGGESTED STUDENT ACTIVITIES Other than the classroom and laboratory learning, following are the suggested student-related co-curricular activities which can be undertaken to accelerate the attainment of the various ‘outcomes in this course: Students should conduet following activities in group and prepare reports of about 5 pages for each activity, also collect/record physical evidences for their (student's) portfolio whieh will be useful for their placement interviews: Prepare charts for measurement system using temperature, pressure, flow, level system. b. Prepare broad specifications for basic transducers of temperature, level, pressure and flow. ¢. Market survey for procurement of above transducers in point *b 4d. Prepare installation sketches of above transducers in point “b 11, SUGGESTED SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES ‘These are sample strategies, which the teacher can use to accelerate the attainment of the various learning outcomes in this course: a, Massive open online courses (MOOCS) may be used to teach various topies/sub topics. b. ‘L? in item No. 4 does not mean only the traditional lecture method, but different types of teaching methods and media that are to be employed to develop the outcomes. About 15-20% of the topics/sub-topies which is relatively simpler or descriptive in nature is to be given to the students for self-directed learning and assess the development of the COs through classroom presentations (see implementation guideline for details). 4d. With respect to item No.10, teachers need to ensure to create opportunities and provisions for co-curricular activities e. Arrange visit to process industries and calibration workshops, [Use teaching aids such as videos! YouTube of process industries. g. Arrange expert lectures of industry person. h, In respect of item 10 above, teachers need to ensure to create opportunities and provisions for such co-curricular activites. i, Instruct students to safety concer of handling various transducers. 12. SUGGESTED MICRO-PROJECTS, Only one micro-project is planned to be undertaken by a student th ‘BeCdT/A-be assigned to himvher in the beginning of the semester. In the first four ser the mieeexproject are 1 Copy Dt. 20.04.2018 Page 7 of 8 Industrial meast group-based, However. in the fifth and si: ements Course Code: 22420 fh semesters, it should be preferably be individually undertaken to build up the skill and confidence in every student to become problem solver so that s/he contributes to the projects of the industry. In special situations where groups have to be formed for micro-projects. the number of students in the group should not exceed three. ‘The micro-project could be industry application based, internet-based, workshop- based. laboratory-based or field-based. Each micro-projeet should encompass two or more COs which are in fact, an integration of PrOs, UOs and ADOs. Each student will have to maintain dated work diary consisting of individual contribution in the project work and give a seminar presentation of it before submission. The total dur not be less than 16 (sixteen) student engagement hours during the course. The student 0 fon of the micro-project should q to submit micto-project by the end of the semester to develop the industry oriented COs, A suggestive list of micro-projects are given here. Similar micro-projects could be added by the concerned faculty: a b. MSBTE ~ Final Copy Di. 20.04.2018 Page Sof 8 Use RTD for indication of temperature. Use Thermistor for indication of temperature. Use level transducer for indicating, and controlling the level of water tank. Use float type level sensor lor indication of level of water tank Use pressure transducer for indicating and controlling the compressor utility system Use strain gauge for weight measurement in simple platform. SUGGESTED LEARNING RESOURCES, Title of Book Author Publication and Electronic | Sawhney, A-K. | Dhanpai Rai and Sons, N. Delhi 201; | and ISBN:9788177001006 | ‘amentation | Singh, S.K. | McGraw Hill Publishing; N. Delhi and Control 2010; ISBN:9780070678200 Principles of Industrial Patranabis, D. | McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd; N, Instrumentation Delhi_2010: ISBN:9780070699717 Instrumentation Systems | Rangan,C.S: McGraw Hill Publishing; N. Delhi and Devices Sharma, G.R; | 2011; ISBN:9780074633502 WV. Process Measurement Liptak.B.G. Chilton Book Co. U.S.A 1970 | Mani, Instrument Engineers Handbook Instrumentation, measurement and analysis Nakra,B. Choudhry, K.K. McGraw Hill Publishing; N, Delhi ISBN:9780750622547 | 2015; ISBN:9780070151277 | SUGGESTED SOFTWARE/LEARNING WEBSITES www instrumentationtools.convcategory/level-measurement/ www, web,mst.cdu/~cottrell/ ME240/Resources/Temperature/Temperature.pdf www. www. Digital Electronics and Micvacontroler Applications Program Name: Electrical Engineering Progr: Program Code 2 EE/EP/EU Semester : Fourth Course Title : Digital Electronics and Microcontroller Applications Course Cod 1 RATIONA In the present scenario most of the electronic equipment like computers. mobiles. music stems. ATM. automation and control circuits and systems are based on digital circuits which the diploma electronic engineering passouts (also called technologists) have to test them. The knowledge of basic logic gates. combinational and sequential logic cireuits using discrete gates as well as digital ICs will enable the students to interpret the working of equipment and use them. Diploma engincers have to deal with various microcontroller based systems used int domes nd consumer goods. This course is intended to provide the back knowledge of di; ‘cironics required to use microcontroller-based s systems. 2. COMPETENCY The aim of this course is to help the student to atta competency through various teaching learning experiences: ‘© Used digital electronics and microcontroller based systems. the following industry identified 3. COURSE OUTCOMES (COs) The theory, practical experiences and relevant soft skills associated with this course are to be taught and implemented, so that the student demonstrates the following industry oriented COs associated with the above mentioned competency: a. Use Boolean expressions to realize logie circuits. b. Build simple combinational and sequential circuits. ¢. Analyse the architecture of microcontroller ICs 4. Write programs in assembly language for micro controllers. €. Interface the memory and /O devices to microcontrollers. 4. TEACHING AND EXAMINATION SCHEME Teaching ae | a Examination Scheme Creat Theory Practical ult] e [ETP ner [PA | Tota ESE Hrs. feta in| Max | tia a[-[2] 6 [3 a0 | 25@ | 10 (9): Under the theory PA, Out of 30 marks, 10 marks are for micro-project assessment to facilitate integration of COs and the remaining 20 marks is the average of 2 tests to be taken during the semester for the assessment of the cognitive domain UOs required for the attainment of the COs. Legends: L-Lecture; T~ Tutorial/Teacher Guided Theory Practice; P - Practical; C— Credit, ESE - End Seinester Examination; PA - Progressive Assessment. 5. COURSE MAP (with sample COs, PrOs, UOs, ADOs and topi This course map illustrates an overview of the flow and linkages a various levels of outcomes (details in subsequent sections) to be attained "¢ Styelent thd, end of the fe < MSBTE — Final Copy Dt, 20.04.2018 Tof® Digital Plecteonies and Microcontroller Applications Course Code: 22471 course. in all domains of learning in terms of the industry/employer identified competency lepicted at the centre oF this map. cee "Figure 1 - Course Map 6. SUGGESTED PRACTICALS/ EXERCISES ‘The practicals in this section are PrOs (i.e. sub-components of the COs) to be developed and assessed in the student for the attainment of the competency: Ne. Practical Outcomes (PrOs) 1 | Construct AND, OR, NOT gates using universal gat |2 | Build the logic circuit on breadboard to check the De Morgan's theorems. 3__| Design Half adder and Half subtractor usiny Boolean expressions 2 4 | Design Full adder and full subtractor, oF '5__| Build / test funetion of RS Mlip flop using NAND Gate, 02 6 | Build /test funetion of MS JK flip flop using 7476, 2 7 Use IC 7476 to construct and test the functionality of D and T flip | I 02* Nop. 8 [Implement 4 bit ripple counter using 7476 | 9 | Implement 4 bit universal shift revister 10 _| Identify various blocks of 8051 microcontroller, — L1_| Write an assembly language program (ALP) to perform MSBTE ~ Final Copy Dt. 20.04.2018 Paue 2 of 9 Digital Fleetnies and Micrcontrotler Applications Course Cov Ts | ‘vine | APPFOX. | es 4 Practical Outcomes (PrOs) NE tts. | | a | Required arithmetic operations on 8-bit data:-addition, subtraction, —_ | multiplication and division 12 | Write an ALP (o wansler data liom source to destination location of | IV] 02° | | intemal data memory. | (13 | Write an ALP to transfer data from source to destination location of | wf 0 |_| external data memory | [19 | Write an “ALP Ww @ | | [Hocation: | 115 Inteface LED with 8051 to tum on the LED. a j_ 16 | Interface 7-sepment display to display decimal number from 0 10 9 Lo 1 17 | Inteface the given keyboard with 805Tand display the key pressed, 0 18 | Inteface LCD with 805] microcontroller to display the alphabets 2 | ~_|and decimal numbers | 19 | Interface stepper motor and write ALP to rotate stepper motor in 02 clockwise and anti-clockwise direction at given angles. Total 38 Note iA suggestive list of PrOs is given in the above table. More such PrOs can be added 10 attain the COs and competency, A judicial mix of minimum 12 or more practical need to be performed, out of which, the practicals marked as ‘*” are compulsory, so that the student reaches the “Precision Level’ of Dave's ‘Psychomotor Domain Taxonomy" as generally required by the industry ii, The ‘Process’ and ‘Product’ related skills associated with each PrO is 10 he assessed according to a suggested sample given below: Performance Indicators ~_ | Weightage in % Preparation of experimental set up | 20 Seiting and operation oe [20 Safety measures 10 Observations and recording _ 10 reta re conelus 20 Answer to sample questions - 10 ission of report in time 10 _ _ Total 100 ‘The above PrOs also comprise of the following social skills/attitudes which are Affective Domain Outcomes (ADOs) that are best developed through the laboratory/field based experiences: Follow safe practices. Practice good housekeeping, Practice energy conservation. Demonstrate working as a leader/a team member. Maintain tools and equipment. Follow ethical practices. neeese The ADOs are not specific to any one PrO, but are embedded in many PrOs. Hence, the acquisition of the ADOs takes place gradually in the student whencgfh taaeptakes a series of practical experiences over a period of time. Moreover, the level achiever ievement ofthe ADO Mf \ MSBTE — Final Copy Dt. 20.04.2018 Page 3 of 9 4

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