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(Học một ngoại ngữ )

1. foreign adj (thuộc về) nước ngoài 23. fee N Lệ phí, học phí
Foreign language N Ngoại ngữ 24. institute N Viện, học viện
foreigner Người nước ngoài
2. to examine V Kiểm tra, hỏi thi 25. look forward to + n / Trông chờ, mong đợi
-> examiner N Giám khảo 26. to state V Nói rõ, phát biểu, tuyên bố
-> examinee = N Thí sinh 27. to supply V Cung cấp, tiếp tế, đáp ứng
3. to go on = V Tiếp tục -> supply N Nguồn cung cấp, sự tiếp tế
4. aspect N Mặt, khía cạnh 28. polite # impolite Adj Lịch sự, lễ phép # Bất lịch
sự, vô lễ
5. to attend V Tham gia, tham dự -> politely Adv Một cách lịch sự
6. terrible Adj Khủng khiếp, ghê tởm -> politeness N Cử chỉ lịch sự, hành động lễ
-> terribly Adv Rất, rất tệ
7. oral Adj Nói miệng (không viết)
-> oral examination N Ký thi vấn đáp
-> written Kỳ thi viết
8. to award V Thưởng, tặng
9. scholarship N Học bổng
10. to persuade V Thuyết phục
-> persuasion N Sự thuyết phục hoặc bị
thuyết phục
-> persuasive adj Có sức thuyết phục
11. dormitory N Ký túc xá, nhà tập thể
12. campus N Khuôn viên (trường đại
13. reputation N Sự nổi danh, danh
14. scenery N Phong cảnh, cảnh vật
15. intermediate adj Trình độ trung cấp
( level) adj Trình độ nâng cao, cao
16. advanced (level) cấp
17. well-qualified adj Đủ trình độ chuyên
18. course N Khóa học
19. advertisement N Sự quảng cáo, mẩu
quảng cáo
-> to advertise V Thông báo, quảng cáo
20. tuition N Học phí, sự dạy kèm
21. edition N Lần xuất bản, bản in
22. detail N Chi tiết
-> to detail V Mô tả đầy đủ, chi tiết


1. experience (n,v): kinh nghiệm, kinh qua 15. attend (v): tham gia
have experience in doing có kinh nghiệm attendance (n): sự tham gia, tham dự
trong việc gì attendant (a): có tham gia
experienced (adj): có kinh nghiệm
inexperienced (adj): thiếu kinh nghiệm 16. persuade (v): thuyết phục
inexperience (n): sự thiếu kinh nghiệm persuasion (n): sự thuyết phục
persuasive (a): có tính thuyết phục
2. qualify (v): đủ trình độ persuasively (adv): một cách thuyết phục
qualification (n): trình độ dissuade (v): can ngăn, ngăn cản
well-qualified (for) (adj): có trình độ cao
17. publish (v) : xuất bản
3. exact (adj): chính xác publisher (n): nhà xuất bản
exactly (adv): một cách chính xác publishing (n): Cv xuát bản, nghề xuất bản
inexact (adj): không chính xác published (a): được xuất bản
unpublished (a): không được xuất bản
4. terrible (adj): tồi tệ
terribly (adv) 18. polite (a): lịch sự
politeness (n); sự lịch sự
5. exam (n): kỳ thi politely (adv): 1 cách lịch sự
examination (n): kỳ thi impolite (a): bất lịch sự
examine (v): khám xét, khám bệnh impolitely (adv); một cách bất lịch sự
examiner (n): giám khảo, người giám xét
examinee (n): thí sinh 19. express (v): diễn đạt, phát biểu ý kiến
expression (n): sự biểu lộ, diễn cảm, phát biểu
6. approximate (adj): xấp xỉ expressive (a): co ý nghĩa, đầy diễn cảm
approximately (adv) expressively (adv): một cách ý nghĩa, diễn cảm

7. repute (n): danh tiếng 20. describe (v): miêu tả

reputation (n): danh tiếng description (n); sự miêu tả
describable (a): có thể miêu tả được
8. expense (n): chi tiêu descriptive (a): diễn tả, mô tả
expensive (adj): mắc tiền descriptively (adv): 1 cách diễn tả, mô tả được
inexpensive (adj): không tốn nhiều tiền
expensively (adv): tốn tiền 21. introduce (v): giới thiệu
inexpensively (adv): không tốn nhiều tiền introduction (n): sự giới thiệu, mở đầu, lời đầu tiên
introductive (a): để giới thiệu, mở đầu
9. agree (v): đồng ý introductory (a): để giới thiệu, mở đầu
agreement (n): sự đồng ý, thỏa thuận
disagree (v): không đồng ý 22. advertise (v): quảng cáo
disagreement (n): sự không đồng ý advertisement (n): sự quảng cáo, mẩu quảng cáo
advertiser (n); nhà quảng cáo
10. improve (v): cải thiện, tiến bộ
improvement (n): sự tiến bộ

11. advertise (v): quảng cáo

advertisement = advert (n): mẩu quảng cáo
advertiser (n): người đăng quảng cáo

12. inform (v): thông báo

information (n): thông tin
informative (adj): cung cấp nhiều thông tin
misinform (v): thông báo sai

13. edit (v): biên tập

edition (n): ấn bản, đợt phát hành (báo, tạp chí)
editor (n): biên tập viên
editorial (adj): thuộc về biên tập

14. award (n/v): Thưởng, giải thưởng

I. CONDITIONAL SENTENCE (LOAị 1: Có khả năng xảy ra ở Hiện tại, Tlai
Mệnh đề với IF Mệnh đề chính Ví dụ
S + will / can / may / must + V0 If I have money, I will buy a new car
… (S + will / can / …. + not + V0) I will buy a new car if I have money
S + V0 / Vs / es If Tam has enough time, he usually walks to school
(S + don’t / doesn’t + V0 ..) He usually walks to school if Tam has enough time
V0 / please + V0 / don’t + V0 If you hear from Jane, please call me
Please call me if you hear from Jane
* Lưu ý khi viết lại câu với IF:
- Thường trong câu có dạng :
V0 + …… and + S + will + V0 → If + S + V0 , S + will + V0
Ex: Stand there and you will be safe → If you stand there, you will be safe
V0 + ….. or + S + will + V0 → If + S + don’t/ doesn’t + V0 , S + will + V0
If + S + V0 , S + will + not + V0
Ex: Get out or I will call the police → If you don’t get out, I will call the police
If you get out, I will not call the police
EXERCISE 1: Use the correct tense of the verb in parentheses:
1. If I see him, I (give) ……………………… him a lift
2. Ice (turn) ……………………… into water ifyou heat it
3. If you see him, (tell) …………………………… to ring me up
4. If you (not believe) …………………………………………… what I sary, ask your mother
5. If you come here, they (not let) ………………………………you in
6. If you (not like) ……………………………………it, I’ll bring you another
7. If tomorrow (be) ………………… Sunday, I won’t get up early.
8. Tom (not, open) ……………… the windows if the wind becomes stronger.
9. Mary will give you a ring if she (not, work)……………………. this evening.
10. If the young man (take) …………………….. off his coat, he will get a cold.
11. If you sing well, everyone (clap) ……………………..their hands.
12. If you feel sad, (talk) ………………………to me.
EXERCISE 2: Rewrite the following sentences
1. Study hard and you will pass the exam.
 If.............................................................................................................
2. Save some money or you won’t able to buy the house.
 If...............................................................................................................
3. Be good or your parents will be very unhappy.
 If........................................................................................................
4. Do it carefully or you’ll feel sorry afterwards.
 If............................ ................................................................................
5. Ask him first and he will offer to help.
 If...............................................................................................................
6. Be calm or you’ll make a wrong decision.
 If.................... ....................................................................................................
7. Be careful or you’ll cut yourself with that knife.
 If ....................................................................................................
1.Hiện tại đơn (Simple Present) →1.Quá khứ đơn (Simple Past)
2.Hiện tại tiếp diễn (Present Continuous) →2.Quá khứ tiếp diễn (Past Continuous)
→3.Tương lai ở quá khứ ( Future in the past : Would + V)
3.Tương lai đơn (Simple Future) →4. Quá khứ đơn (Simple Past)
4. Quá khứ đơn (Simple Past)
Thay đổi các trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn và thời gian
Trực tiếp Gián tiếp Trực tiếp Gián tiếp
This That Today That day
These Those Tomorrow The next day / The following day
Now Then Next week/ month/ year The following week / month / Year
Here There Tonight that night

Trong câu tường thuật , động từ khiếm khuyết MUST thường được chuyển thành HAD TO ,
NEEDN'T chuyển thành DID NOT HAVE TO , nhưng MUST , SHOULD , SHOULDN'T khi chỉ sự
cấm đoán , lời khuyên vẫn được giữ nguyên

eg : 1. His father said to him : "You must study harder"

=> Hisfather told him that he had to study harder
2. Hoa said :"You needn't water the flowers because it rained last night"
=> Hoa said that he didn't have to water the flowers because it had rained the day before
3. The doctor said to Nam : "You should stay in bed"
=> The doctor told Nam that he should stay in bed

Nếu câu nói trực tiếp diễn tả 1 sự thật hiển nhiên thì khi chuyển sang câu tường thuật động từ vẫn
không đổi .
eg : The professor said : "The moon revolves around the earth"
=> The professor said that the moon revolves around the earth

Nếu động từ giới thiệu trong câu nói trực tiếp ở thì hiện tại hoặc tương lai ( SAY/WILL SAY , HAVESAID
...) thì động từ trong câu tường thuật và các trạng từ chỉ thời gian và nơi chốn khi được đổi sang vẫn không
eg: She says : "The train will leave here in 5 minutes"
=> She says that the train will leave there in 5 minutes
Trực tiếp Gián tiếp Trực tiếp Gián tiếp
I He /She We They (We)
Tân ngữ me / you Him /Her Tân ngữ Us Them (us)
Mine His / Hers Ours Theirs
My His / Her (my) Our Their
Myself Himself / herself
Cách chuyển câu hỏi (Questions) :
Bước 1: Đổi động từ giói thiệu Said thành Asked ( hoặc WONDERED , WANTED TO KNOW...)sau đó
thêm Tân ngữ từ sau động từ ASKED nếu cần thiết ( EX : Asked me , asked Tom...)

Bước 2: Bỏ dấu 2 chấm , dấu ngoặc kép và dấu chấm hỏi .

Bước 3: Lặp lại từ nghi vấn ( WHO , WHEN WHAT...) của câu nói trực tiếp . Nếu câu nói trực tiếp
không có từ nghi vấn thì đặt IF hay WHETHER + S + V lùi thì

Bước 4: Chuyển Chủ ngữ, Động từ lùi thì, Trạng ngữ, Sở hữu cho phù hợp

eg : 1. Dung said :"What are you doing now ?"

= > Dung asked me what I was doing then.
2. Dung asked him: "Do you like swimming?"
= > Dung asked him if he liked swimming.

Cách chuyển câu nói trực tiếp là câu cầu khiến, đề nghị, nhờ vả, xin phép
Bước 1: Đổi động từ giới thiệu sang TELL (hoặc AsK , ODER , BEG...) tùy theo ý nghĩa của câu ..
Sau đó thêm bổ túc từ vào sau TELL (hoặc AsK , ODER , BEG...) .
eg : Ask him , Order the soldier, tell me .
Bước 2: Bỏ dấu 2 chấm , dấu ngoặc kép , dấu chấm than và từ PLEASE ( nếu có)

Bước 3- 1: Nếu câu cầu khiến ở thể khẳng định , ta đổi động từ sang nguyên mẫu có TO theo mẫu :
S + TELL / ASK / ...+ O + TO + Vo
eg :1/ She said : "Close the door and go away !"
= > She told me to close the door and go away.
2/ The commandor said to his soldier : “Shoot !"
= >The commandor ordered his soldier to shoot.

Bước 3-2: Nếu câu cầu khiến ở thể phủ định , ta đổi động từ theo mẫu
TELL / ASK / ...+ PRONOUN / NOUN / + NOT +TO + Vo
eg :
Nam said to his brother : "Don't turn of the radio"
= > Nam told his brother not to turn of the radio

+ Đổi đại từ nhân xưng , tính từ sỡ hữu , trạng từ chỉ thời gian và nơi chốn như các trường hợp trước
nếu cần thiết theo công thức:
Loại câu Câu trực tiếp Câu tường thuật
1. Câu phát biểu S1+ said : “S + V + O” S1+ said that + S + V lùi + O
S1+ said to O1: “S + V + O” S1+ told + O1+ that + S + V lùi + O
2. Câu hỏi Yes / No
(K bắt đầu bằng S1+ asked+ O1, “Trợ động từ + S + V0 + O?” S1+ asked + IF + S + V chính lùi + O
chữ WH)
3. Câu hỏi WH
S1+ asked+ O1,“Wh- + Trợ động từ + S + V0 + O?” S1+ asked Wh- + S + V lùi + O
(what, how..)
4. Câu mệnh lệnh
S1+ told + O1: “V0 ………….” S1+ told + O + to + Vo…
khẳng định
5. Câu mệnh lệnh
S1+ told + O1: “DON’T + V0 ………….” S1+ told + O + NOT + TO + Vo...
phủ định
6. Câu lời khuyên S1+ told + O1: “S + should + V0 ………….” S1+ told + S + should + V0

EXERCISES 1: Choose a suitable word for each blank to complete the sentences
1. She said she was cooking dinner…………………(here/ then/ now/ that day)
2. He told me he………………..TV at that moment. (am watching/ were watching/ was watching/
3. The boy said he usually…………… school by bus. ( goes/ go/ went/ is going)
4. Linda told me she ………………………me the following week. ( will visit/ can visit/ visited/ would
5. The boy said he…………………… to Quang Trung school. (goes/ went/ is going/ were going)
6. Liz told Ba Vietnamese people………………very friendly. (were/ was/ are/ is)
7. Uncle Tam said Quang……………………..there then. ( isn’t/ wasn’t/ were/ is)
EXERCISE: Change into reported speech:
1. I’ll go to my village next week  She said ………………………………………………
2. I’m not enjoying my job very much  Susan said …………………………………………….
3. We have to go now  They said …………………………………………
4. I don’t like cartoons  Nam ……………………………………………………………
5. I haven’t seen David foe ages  She said ……………………………………………………
6. He said, “I’m working for a foreign company”.  He said ………………………………………………………
7. Mary said, “I go to school by bicycle.”  Mary said ……………………………………………………
8. Nam said, “I want to be rich and famous.”  Nam said ……………………………………………………
9. “I will answer the phone.” my mother said to my father.  My mother told my father ………………………
10. “I’ll not be able to come with you.” Ann said to Tom  Ann said to Tom ……………………………
EXERCISE 2:: How old are you?  They asked me how old I was
1. What is your name?  She asked me …………………………………………………………
2. How many children do you have?  They asked her ………………………………………………
3. What exam will you take?  I asked him ……………………………………………………………
4. Where is he from?  I asked Minh ……………………………………………
5. She asked me : “How old are you now ?”  She asked me………………………………………
6. John said : “How long does it take you to get to London, Mary ?”
 John asked Mary ………………………………………………………………………………
7. The policeman asked the little girl : “What’s your name ?”
 The policeman asked the little girl…………………………………………………………………
8. He said : “Where can I find her in this town ?”  He asked me ……………………………………
9. Helen said : “What did you say, Jack ?”  Helen asked Jack ………………………………
EXERCISE 3:: Are you OK?  They asked me IF I was OK
1. Can you drive?  I asked him ………………………………………
2. Do you like animals?  They wanted to know ………………………………………
3. Are you willing to work on Saturday s?  He asked me ……………………………………………
4. Is she a teacher?  Lan asked me …………………………………
5. Paul said : “Can you swim, Mary ?”  Paul said Mary ……………………………………
6. She asked her son : “Do you know which is the cup you used ?”
 She asked her son ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
7. He said : “Will it rain tonight ?”  He asked me …………………………………………….
EXERCISE 4: (Don’t) Get out  He ordered the student (not) to get out
1. Stay inside  The mother told her children ……………………………………
2. Don’t stay up late  They asked me ……………………………………………
3. Keep silent, please  He told his boy ……………………………………………
4. Please, don’t talk in class  We asked them ………………………………………………
5. 'Switch off the TV,' he said to her.  He asked ker ……………………………………………
6. ‘Shut the door, Tom,' she said.  She told Tom …………………………………………………
7. 'Don't watch late-night horror movies,' I warned them.  I warned them …………………………………………
8. Don't believe everything you hear,' he warned me.  He warned me ………………………………
9. 'Don't touch that switch, Mary,' I said.  I asked Mary
10. 'Don't hurry,' I said.  I told him ………………………………………………………………
11. ‘Please fill up this form,' the secretary said.  The secretary told me ………………………………
EXERCISE 5: Change the following sentences into reported speech
1. “I’m tired of eating fish”, said Mary to Hellen
 Mary told Helen…………………………………..…………………………………………………….
2. “You must do your homework every day.”, said Miss Borne to us.
 Miss Borne told us ……………………………………………………………………………..………..
3. “Will we read the story?”, Billy said to his teacher
 Billy asked his teacher …………………………………………………………………………………..
4.“ Is it me you want to speak to ?” , Mary asked her boss
 Mary asked her boss……………………………………………................................................ ................
5. “Where are you going for your holidays?, asked Martha
 Martha asked her girlfriend……………………………………………………………………………….
6.“ Don’t go near the water, children”, said she
 She told her children ………………………………….................................................. ............................
7.He said, “ I’ll be here again tomorrow”
 He said that ………………………………….................................................... ........................................
8.We said to them, “ Your houses are very nice”
 We told them …………………………………………….................................................. .........................
9.She said,” How do you go to the circus?”
 She asked his brother ……………………………....................................... ................................................
10.“ How many classes are there in your school?” my mother asked.
 My mother asked me ……………………………………………………….............................................. ..
11. “ Don’t forget to turn off the lights “. He said
 He told his wife …………………………………………………………………………………………….
12. “Listen to me and don’t make a noise in class.”, said the teacher to his students.
 The teacher told his students ……………………………………………………………………………….
a/ Multiple choice
1. If she……………………….time, she will write to you.
a/ have b/ has c/ will have d/ had
2. If you want to lose weight , you ………………………go on a strict diet.
a/ can b/ could c/ should d/ may
3. If Mary doesn’t improve in English, we………………..have to find a tutor for her.
a/ will b/ can c/ should d/ would
4. You …………………..pass the driving test, if you follow the instructor’s advice.
a/ must b/ can c/ could d/ shall
5. If you study hard, you…………………..the exam.
a/ would b/ will c/ must d/ should
6. She asked me if I ………………………………pop music.
a/ liked b/ likes c/ like d/ has liked
7. She asked me ……………….
a/ if I am thirsty b/ If I was thirsty c/ If I were thirsty d/ If was I thirsty
8. The man asked me if I ……………………….a student.
a/ am b/ were c/ was d/ will be
9. He said he …………………to visit me the following day.
a/ will come b/ would come c/ came d/ come
10. She asked him if he …………………… tennis.
a/ can b/ will c/ would d/ must
11. His father asked him if he ……………………the exam.
a/ pass b/ passed c/ will pass d/ passes
12. He asked me where I ……………………. now ?
a/ live b/ lived c/ would live d/ had lived
13. My father said I ………………………learn hard.
a/ have to b/ must c/ had to d/ can
14. She aksed me how many languages I ……………………..
a/ can speak b/ could speak c/ speak d/ will speak
15. I asked his brother how he………………….to school.
a/ goes b / go c/ will go d/ went
b/ Supply the correct verb form.
1. If you………………. ( study ) hard, you will pass the written examination.
2. If the weather ……………………( be ) fine, We will go for a picnic.
3. He ……………………( write ) to you if he has time.
4. They…………………… ( have ) a lot of fun if they come there.
5. If she……………… ( not hurry ), she will miss the bus.
6. You would feel better if you…………………………..a short rest. ( take )
7. What………………….if the moon disappeared ? ( happen )
8. If I …………………..a bird, I would be a dove. ( be )
9. If we flew, we…………………..the world from above easily. ( see )
10. Had I had a map, I…………………………………..way. ( not lose )
11. He said he …………………..( go ) to HCM city the following day.
12. She asked if my school…………………….. ( be ) near there.
13. Maryam said she………………… ( must ) go then.
14. I asked her where she …………………( live ).
15. The examiner asked me if I …………………( speak ) any foreign languages.
a/ Multiple choice
1) Besides in-class assignments, our teacher often gives some ………………….for us to do at home.
a/ housework b/ homework c/ teamwork d/ class work
2) What………………….of learning English do you find most difficult ? “ pronunciation ”
a/ section b/ aspect c/ area d/ hobby
3) Do we have to learn these new words ………………?
a/ by heart b/ in mind c/ with heart d/ to mind
4) If you don’t know the meaning of a word, you can look it up in………………
a/ a book b / a record c/ a dictionary d/ a diary
5) Do you …………………any foreign language ?
a/ talk b/ say c/ speak d/ tell
6) Bill is good at mathematics. He wants …………………..a higher course of maths.
a/ to go b/ to work c/ to visit d/ to attend
7) What time does your English class ………………..and end ?
a/ start b/ open c/ leave d/ get
8) If you study at The Brighton Language center – UK , You can live in…………….on campus.
a/ mobile room b/ dormitory c/ hotel d/ private room
9) I can complete a …………………….English test if you want.
a/ speak b/ spoke c / speaking d/ spoken
10) We have well- ……………………….teachers.
a/ qualifications b/ qualified c/ to qualify d/ quality
b/ Supply the correct word form
1) He is a strict ……………………….( examine)
2) I want to …………………………at course. ( attend)
3) You need to be ………………enough to do the job. ( qualify)
4) I saw your school’s ………………….in today’s edition of the Vietnam News. ( advertise)
5) If you want to …………………….. your English , we can help you. ( improvement)
a) Fill in each blank with a suitable word forn the list.
friendship, understanding, know, subjects, written, what, many, to
English is a very useful language. If we …………..(1) English, we can go to any countries we like. We will
not find it hard to make people understand……….……( 2 ) we want to say. English also helps us to learn
all kinds of………………(3) Hundreds of books are…….....………( 4)in English everyday
in……………..(5) countries. English has also helped to spread ideas and knowledge…………...………(6)
all corners of the world. Therefore, the English language has helped to spread better............………..( 7 )
and …………..............………(8) among countries of the world.
b)Read the passage and write T or F
Every year students in many countries learn English. Some of these students are young children. Others
are teenagers. Many are adults. Some learn at school, others study by themselves. A few learn English just
by hearing the language in the films, on television, in the office or among their friends. But not many are
lucky to do that. Most people must work hard to learn English. Many boys and girls learn English at school
because it is one of their subjects. They study their own language, mathematics …, and English. In
England, America or Australia, many boys and girls study their own language, which is English, and
mathematics …and another languages, perhaps French, German or Spanish .
1/ According to the writer English is popular in much of the world .
2/ Many people learn English by working hard on their lessons
3/ Many people learn English just by hearing it in the films .
4/ Many boys and girls learn English because English can give them a job.
5/ Besides learning English, many students in England learn other languages.
c) Read the passage and choose the correct answer a, b, c or d .
The main………(1) for the widespread demand for English is its importance as an ……..(2)
language. Besides serving the needs of……(3) native speakers, English is a language which is …………(4)
in science, media, communication, international conferences, aviation, sport, and so on.
More than 350 million people………( 5 ) English as their mother tongue, or native language,
another 350 speak it as a second language. In addition, it is difficult to get the information of how many
people speak it as…………( 6 ) language.
English is……( 7 ) becoming popular. Most of the scientific………( 8 ) have so far been carried out
in English – speaking countries. Computer programmes are mostly designed in English. Most of reference
books are also written …( 9 ) English. English is taught in most high schools and universities in the world.
All of these make English not only a useful tool in many fields but also a good access to the world
of………(10). The better your English is, the more opportunities you have to succeed in your life.
1/ a/ cause b/ reason c/ purpose d/ need
2/ a/ nation b/ nationality c/ international d/ mother tongue
3/ a/ them b/ their c/ it d/ its
4/ a/ used b/ using c/ use d/ uses
5/ a/ say b/ speak c/ tell d/ talk
6/ a/ foreign b/ first c/ second d/ native
7/ a/ quick b/ rapid c/ increasingly d/ increasing
8/ a/ invent b/ inventors c/ invention d/ inventions
9/ a/ in b/ by c/ of d/ on
10/ a/ know b/ knowledge c/ learn d/ scientific

Complete the following sentences with the phrases given.
1) Recycle and we will save natural resources.
If we---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2) Hurry up or you will be late for work.
If you don’t -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3) “ Where do you live ? ” I said to him
I asked -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4) “ What do you do to improve your English ?” the examiner asked me.
The examiner asked me. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5) “ I’ll come with you as soon as I’m ready, Mary.” said Peter
Peter said ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6) “ I must stay at home tonight to finish my homework” said John.
John said ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7) “I will help you whenever you need me, Hoa.” said Nam.
Nam said ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8) “You can use my telephone if you need it.” said Lan
Lan said -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9) The driver said “ Don’t get off the bus while it’s moving!”
The driver asked the passengers ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10) He said , “ I wish I knew the answer ”
He said that ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reading comprehension.: Learning a second Language
Some people learn a second language (51) _____. Other people have trouble learning a new language. How
can you have (52)_____learn a new language , such as English ? There are several ways to make learning English a
little (53)_____and more interesting .
The first step is to feel positive about learning English . If you believe that you can learn, you will learn.
(54)____ patient. You do not to have to understand (55) ____all at once. It‘s natural to make mistakes when you
learn something new. We can learn from our mistakes.
The second step is to practice your English. For example, write in a journal, or diary, every day. You will get
used to (56) _____in English, and you will feel comfortable expressing your ideas in English. After several weeks,
you will see that your writing is improving. (57)_____, you much speak English every day. You can practice with
your classmates (58)_____class.
The third step is to keep a record of your language learning . You can write this in your journal. After (59)
_____class, think about what you did. Did you answer a question (60) ____? Did you understand something the
teacher explained? Perhaps the lesson was difficult, but you tried to understand it.
It is important to practice every day and make a record of your achievements.
51/ a. ease b. easy c. easily d. all a, b, c.
52/ a. itself b. yourself c. himself d. herself
53/ a. ease b. easy c. easily d. easier
54/ a. Be b. Being c. To be d. Been
55/ a. anything b. nothing c. everything d. something
56/ a. write b. writing c. to write d. written
57/ a. In addition b. Addition c. Additional d. By addition
58/ a. of side b. outside c. beside d. byside
59/ a. some b. each c. all d. few
60/ a. correct b. correction c. correctly d. corrective

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