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UDC 373.



Andijon davlat chet tillari instituti, D.G.Umnov

“Ijtimoiy-gumanitar fanlar, pedagogika va
psixologiya” kafedra o‘qituvchisi, ilmiy rahbar,
M.L.Xoshimjonova Andijon davlat chet tillari
instituti “Ingliz tili va adabiyoti” kafedrasi 1-
bosqich iqtidorli talabasi.

Xorijiy tilni bilmagan o‘z ona tilini ham bilmaydi.

Annotatsiya: ushbu maqolada maktabgacha va boshlang'ich maktab
yoshidagi bolalar uchun chet tillarini bilishning ahamiyati muhokama
qilinadi. Chet tilini o'rganish-bu majburiy nazorat harakatlari bilan birga
keladigan tizimli jarayon. Binobarin, maktabgacha yoshdagi bolalarning
psixofiziologik xususiyatlariga qaramay, chet tilini o'rganishning
dastlabki bosqichida nafaqat ularni nazorat qilish kerak, balki turli xil
o‘yinlar orqali o‘qishga qiziqtitrish kerak. Maqolada, shuningdek, eng
yaxshi va samarali til o'rganish usullari va chet tilini o'qitish usullari
batafsil ko'rib chiqiladi.
Kalit so‘zlar: chet tili, maktabgacha yoshdagi bolalar, olimlar, “Hi
Kids”, “NEW YIPPEE”, “ABC”, interaktiv o‘yinlar.

УДК 373.2


Андижанский институт
иностранных языков, Д.Г.Умнов
старший преподаватель кафедры
“Социально-гуманитарные наук,
педагогика и психология”,
Андижанский институт
иностранных языков
студентка 1-го курса направления
“Английский язык и литература”

Кто не знает иностранного языка, тот не знает и

своего собственного
Аннотация: в данной статье рассматривается важность знания иностранных
языков для детей дошкольного и младшего школьного возраста. Изучение
иностранного языка - это систематический процесс, который сопровождается
обязательными контрольными действиями. Следовательно, несмотря на
психофизиологические особенности детей дошкольного возраста, контроль
на раннем этапе изучения иностранного языка не только может, но и должен
осуществляться. В статье также более подробно рассматриваются лучшие и
эффективные методы изучения языка и методики преподавания
иностранного языка.
Ключевые слова: иностранный язык, дошкольники, учёные, “Hi kids!”,
“NEW YIPPEE”, “ABC”, интерактивные игры.

UDC 373.2


Andijan state institute of foreign languages, D.G.Umnov
lecturer of the department, scientific supervisor
“Department of Social and Humanitarian Sciences,
Pedagogy and Psychology”,

Andijan state institute of foreign languages,

M.L.Xoshimjonova, 1st year talented student, department
“English language and its literature”

Those who know nothing of foreign languages, know

nothing of their own

Annotation: this article discusses the importance of knowing foreign

languages for preschool children and primary school age. Learning a foreign
language is a systematic process that is accompanied by obligatory control actions.
Consequently, in spite of the psychophysiological characteristics of children of
preschool age, control at the early stage of learning a foreign language can not only
be, but must be exercised. The article also takes a closer look at the best and
effective language learning methods and a foreign language teaching methods.

Key words: foreign languagage, preschooler, scientists, “Hi kids!”, “NEW

YIPPEE”, “ABC”, playing games.
Introduction. Today, knowledge of foreign languages is becoming one of the
integral components of vocational training. This has not spared the preschool
educational process. In the process of education of young people, the importance
of teaching foreign languages has significantly increased.
In modern countries, learning foreign languages is important, taking into
account the strategic development of the country, its economic prospects and
opportunities for international cooperation. If in Uzbekistan, after independence,
knowledge of languages was required only in some areas, now knowledge of at
least one foreign language is necessary in almost all areas of development.
The “International Languages” branch plays an important role in the number
and necessity of foreign languages. They are considered as widely used and
understandable languages around the world. Their knowledge and mastery should
be formed by a new generation using modern educational technologies and
techniques. For example, “International languages” include English, Spanish,
French, Arabic, Russian, Chinese, Korean, German, etc. They are used in various
fields such as international communications, trade negotiations, diplomatic
relations and play a huge role in tourism. Uzbek is the official state language of the
Independent Republic of New Uzbekistan, but the formation of consumer culture,
knowledge of other languages, the above mentioned can open up additional
opportunities for education, work and business for the future of a new generation
of citizens.
In recent years, learning a foreign language has become not a way of
developing human thinking, but a necessity of social activity. Teaching a foreign
language is taught as a mandatory component of learning at all stages of the
continuing education system. The demand for a foreign language in society, on the
one hand, is considered as a factor in the upbringing of a modern person, as the
basis of his social and material well-being in society, and on the other hand, it is
expressed in the fact that the temporary need for early learning of a foreign
language is a requirement of social activity. Currently, English as a foreign
language is one of the languages studied in the world.
People all over the world are learning this language. Creating a perfect basis
for consumer culture, teaching English not only to adults, but also to preschool
children is one of the main tasks facing the New Uzbekistan at present. In this
direction, the President and the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan
are carrying out many reforms. One example is the Decree of the Government of
the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 19, 2021 No. PP-5117 “on measures to
bring activities to promote the study of foreign languages in the Republic of
Uzbekistan to a qualitatively new level”. One of the objectives of the resolution is
aimed at teaching a foreign language independently of the new education system of
Uzbekistan.... it is aimed at coordinating the development of methods and
recommendations for language learning suitable for all segments of the population,
in order to introduce a chain of continuing education in the field of teaching
foreign languages on the principle of “kindergarten-school-higher educational
organization-enterprise”. Of course, this will help to comprehensively educate
young people, who today and tomorrow – at the heart of the reforms - will become
socially active.
Methods. In the era of globalization, when international relations are
developing, knowledge of a foreign language is a major political and cultural
process. Of our famous ancestors, scientists Abu Rayhan Beruni, Abu Nasr Farabi,
Beruni, Ibn Sina were fluent in several languages.
As it turned out, in scientific pedagogy, work on foreign language teaching
was formed in the first half of the 20th century. H.R. Hughes deserves recognition
for being the first scientist to write the book "Psychology of Learning a Foreign
Language" (1931)., in which the followers of the work of X. Dipkel, V. Rivers, Dj.
Kerrol, R. Politser, S. Donau, V. Moulton, L. Yakobovits, V. Reyneke, V. Appelt,
I. V. Karpova, B. V. Belyaev, V. A. Artemov and other psychological scientists.
There are different approaches to highlighting the peculiarities of the English
language. Among the researchers of Uzbekistan, I.V.Rakhmanov, G.X. Bakieva,
G.T. Makhkamova, F.R. Kadyrova, V.S.Setlin, J. J. Jalalov, T.K. Sattorov and
others presented their views based on the psychological, didactic, practical,
educational foundations of a foreign language. It is worth noting that in the
domestic research of the country there is not enough scientific work on teaching
children a foreign language, including English, in a preschool educational
Results. To the Ministry of Preschool Education of the Republic of
Uzbekistan, the Greek company MM-publication provided 20,000 copies of
textbooks for learning English by pupils of preschool educational organizations,
and at the initial stage of the project, 3 textbooks for learning English in preschool
educational organizations were selected from 10 titles of textbooks submitted by
Greece by specialists of the Ministry of Preschool Educatison. received – “Hi
Kids!", “NEW YIPPEE" and “ABC". In the course of further study and joint
discussions”, “NEW Yippee” and “ABC“, the Parties discussed the most optimal
for the preschool education system of the republic and chose a textbook - "Hi
Kids!” Since then, the book has been used in many preschool educational
organizations in Uzbekistan.
Knowledge of a foreign language is important for preschool children for
several reasons:
Firstly, learning a foreign language promotes brain development, improves
cognitive abilities and promotes more flexible thinking.
Secondly, it can lead to a better understanding and respect for different
cultures and traditions, which is especially revered in our state.
Thirdly, knowledge of a foreign language from an early age simplifies further
language learning and communication with native speakers of this language in the
Preschool age is the optimal time to start learning a foreign language, as
children have a high learning ability and natural curiosity, which contributes to
more effective learning of a new language.
Signs of the need to learn foreign languages in preschool children may be as
– Interest in foreign languages: if a child shows interest in learning a foreign
language, asks questions about its structure, the meaning of words and expressions,
this may be a sign of a need to learn a language.
– Curiosity about the culture of other countries: if a child is interested in the
culture of other countries, listens to music, watches movies or cartoons in a foreign
language, this may also indicate his need to learn a foreign language.
– The desire to communicate with native speakers of a foreign language: if a
child seeks to communicate with people who speak a foreign language, for
example, via the Internet or in real life, this may indicate his need to learn this
However, it is worth noting that all children are different, and each child may
show a need to learn foreign languages in their own way. It is important to take
into account the individual characteristics of the child and maintain his interest in
learning languages.
Learning a foreign language at preschool age has many psychological and
pedagogical advantages. At this age, children have a unique ability to assimilate
new information and develop skills, including a foreign language. Early exposure
to a new language can contribute to a deeper understanding and mastery of
grammatical structures, phonetics, and vocabulary.
Discussion. Learning a foreign language also contributes to the development
of interpersonal skills. Children who learn a foreign language can better understand
and respect the differences in the culture and traditions of other countries, which
contributes to the formation of tolerance and respect for diversity. This can be
especially important in multinational communities where children can be in contact
with people of different cultures and languages.
Successful teaching of foreign languages requires complex methods. The
quantity and quality of communication are the main reasons for faster language
learning. During the lesson, children' attention should be focused mainly on the
content and significance of the language. Readers’ attention should be focused
primarily on the meaningful content of the language. Successful teaching of
foreign languages also depends on how skillfully the teacher uses the opportunities
available to him. It is necessary to give children such tasks so that they are forced
to apply their knowledge during the lesson. For children, learning a foreign
language can be an exciting and interesting activity that develops their intellectual
abilities and creativity. Games, songs, and stories in a foreign language can be
attractive to children and help them learn with pleasure.
Learning a foreign language can also give children a competitive advantage in
the future. In a world where international connections are becoming increasingly
important, knowledge of a foreign language can open up new opportunities for
education, work and career development.
However, it is important to remember that learning a foreign language at
preschool age should take place in a playful and informal way so as not to create
stress or pressure on children. The optimal approach to learning includes games,
songs, drawing, dancing and other educational activities in a foreign language that
will help children learn in a natural and enjoyable way.

Used references:
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dated May 19, 2021 No. PP-5117 "On measures to raise to a qualitatively new
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PRESCHOOL AGE. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal,
9(6), 89–96. Retrieved
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образования. 2021. №16-1 (119).
[6] Yoraliyeva.U.K. Maktabgacha ta’lim tizimida xorijiy tillarni o`qitishning
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