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Global warming refers to the long-term increase in Earth's average surface temperature due to human

activities, primarily the emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs) such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane
(CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O). These gases trap heat in the atmosphere, leading to a warming effect
known as the greenhouse effect.

### Causes of Global Warming

1. **Burning of Fossil Fuels**: The combustion of coal, oil, and natural gas for energy and transportation
is the largest source of CO2 emissions. These activities release vast amounts of CO2, significantly
enhancing the greenhouse effect .

2. **Deforestation**: Trees absorb CO2 during photosynthesis. When forests are cut down for
agriculture, urban development, or other purposes, the carbon stored in trees is released back into the
atmosphere, contributing to higher CO2 levels .

3. **Agriculture**: Agricultural practices, including livestock production, rice paddies, and the use of
synthetic fertilizers, release methane and nitrous oxide, potent greenhouse gases that significantly
contribute to global warming .

4. **Industrial Processes**: Certain industrial activities produce greenhouse gases as byproducts. For
instance, cement production releases CO2, and various chemical manufacturing processes release other
greenhouse gases .

### Impacts of Global Warming

1. **Rising Temperatures**: Global average temperatures have increased, leading to more frequent and
severe heatwaves. This can result in adverse health effects and reduced productivity .

2. **Melting Ice and Rising Sea Levels**: The warming climate has caused glaciers and polar ice caps to
melt, contributing to rising sea levels. This poses a threat to coastal communities through increased
flooding and erosion .
3. **Extreme Weather Events**: There is a growing frequency and intensity of extreme weather events
such as hurricanes, droughts, and heavy precipitation. These events can cause significant damage to
infrastructure, ecosystems, and human lives .

4. **Impact on Ecosystems**: Changes in temperature and precipitation patterns can disrupt

ecosystems, leading to shifts in species distributions, altered migration patterns, and threats to
biodiversity .

5. **Economic Costs**: The economic impacts of global warming include damage to property and
infrastructure, increased healthcare costs due to heat-related illnesses, and losses in agricultural
productivity .

### Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies

1. **Reducing Emissions**: Transitioning to renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, and
hydroelectric power can reduce reliance on fossil fuels. Improving energy efficiency in buildings,
transportation, and industry also helps lower emissions .

2. **Carbon Sequestration**: Enhancing natural processes that remove CO2 from the atmosphere, such
as reforestation and soil management, can help mitigate global warming. Technological solutions like
carbon capture and storage (CCS) also hold potential .

3. **Policy Measures**: Governments can implement policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, such
as carbon pricing (taxes or cap-and-trade systems), subsidies for renewable energy, and regulations on
emissions from various sectors .

4. **Adaptation**: Developing infrastructure that can withstand extreme weather, improving water
management, and planning for sea-level rise are crucial for adapting to the changes brought by global
warming .

### Conclusion

Global warming is a critical issue that requires immediate and sustained action across multiple fronts.
Through a combination of reducing emissions, enhancing carbon sequestration, implementing robust
policies, and developing adaptive strategies, we can mitigate its impacts and protect the planet for
future generations.

For further reading, check out these sources:

- [NASA's Climate Change and Global Warming Overview](

- [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Reports](

- [National Geographic's Global Warming


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