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SLIDE 41: Compare trade preferences under GSP/GSTP with trade preferences prescribed by MFN

Unilateral tariff preferential program A fundamental principle in
offered by developed countries to international commercial law that each
developing and underdeveloped country must accord to all other
countries. countries tariffs and terms of trade no
less favorable than it accords to any
other country. any other family.
- Preferential: Tax rate is lower or - Preferential: The most basic tariffs
equal to 0% for a specific list of goods. and terms of trade that a country
offers to any other country.
- Conditions: Based on criteria on the
level of economic development, per - Conditions: No specific conditions
capita income, and export situation of are required.
Characteristic the beneficiary country.
- Process: Apply automatically, no
- Process: The procedure for applying certification procedures required.
for GSP/GSTP certification is relatively

Exporting businesses need to apply for No need to apply for C/O.

a GSP/GSTP Certificate of Origin (C/O)
to enjoy tax incentives
- Enhance the competitiveness of - Ensure transparency, fairness and
exported goods of beneficiary countries non-discrimination in international
in the international market. trade.
- Promote exports, diversify markets,
Benefit and attract foreign investment. - Promote trade liberalization and
international economic integration.

Procedures for applying for a Tax rates may be higher than

Defect GSP/GSTP C/O can be complicated and GSP/GSTP taxes
For example United States, European Union, Japan World Trade Organization (WTO)

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