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There is no such thing as perfect classroom management.

It is inevitable to

experience lapses or problems. These problems interrupts the smooth flow of

discussion. As a teacher we need to be a good strategist for us to address or find

solution to these lapses or problems. As my practice teaching went through, I noted some problems I

encountered during my handling of the classes. I will tell some but expect that I may

forgot to include others. These problems that I encountered include: poor internet

connection, lagging of device, sometimes going overtime, nervousness, and slow

response of students. As mode of learning shifted from physical classes to online learning, one of

the important tools that we have to ready is a gadget, may it be a smartphone, tablet, or laptop and
other devices that can be used. As a teacher, it is but necessary to

have at least two or more gadgets to use. Fortunately for me, I have a smartphone

and a laptop to use. I use my laptop more in having classes or doing school works

like word documents, PowerPoint presentations, and other related to education. The

only problem with my laptop is that, sometimes it just suddenly lags. There were few

times, I think like two or three times that while I was having discussion and I am using

jamboard. I did not expect that my laptop would hang. It went for few minutes. I was

very nervous and got annoyed because my discussion got interrupted. Fortunately, my cooperating
teacher took over. To avoid such incident next time, I did not use

heavy applications or websites again. I used an alternative application or platform

instead such as Google docs. My cooperating teacher fairly understood what

happened. She said that it was okay. That we cannot avoid that. I am thankful that

she did not get upset to me. Another problem that I encountered during my practice teaching was the

internet connection. We do not have our own Wi-Fi, so I just connect with my


neighbor’s. There were times that the connection will get lost, and the timing was

wrong. It happened few times that my internet suddenly got lost, and it was in the
middle of the discussion. I wanted to cry at that times. I know that it was beyond my

control. I apologized to my students every time that happens. Good thing that my

cooperating teacher understands the situation, but I still feel embarrassed. So from

that moment, I always make sure that I have mobile data. Mobile data was much

stronger signal than Wi-Fi. It just costly because I can only avail the load promo

which is only good for three days since that was only what was budget-friendly for me. There are
instances that when the topic is too long, I go overtime. We have

two hours for each class. But my cooperating teacher advised me not to consume the

two hours, because the students will feel bored for that too long discussion. So, since

then, I made sure to be conscious of the time, to avoid going overtime. When it comes to class
participation, there were times that I would call a

student to answer, but it turns out, the student’s account was only present but he/she

was not in front of the gadget. I just noticed that when they would not answer when

called. When that happens, I would just call another student who were really present. Of course, there
were instances that I would feel nervous before the class. Sometimes I do not feel confident. But I still
face the challenge and beat the negative

thoughts away. A teacher’s confidence must never waver, especially mentally. We

cannot afford to get distracted, or else we would not be able to teach excellently.

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