Persistent Inventors

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Persistent Inventors
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Inventors are people who create things that solve people's

problems. Everything you use in your day was invented by a
person who had an idea. Your pencil, chair, computer,
lunchbox, drinking glass and car were all invented by
someone who had an idea.

Inventors use their imaginations to come up with their

creations. Inventors try to things out many times when they
make something new. They create something and then
remake it many times until their creation is exactly what
they were looking for. Inventors needs to persistent.

Tomas Edison invented the part that makes the lightbulb

work called a filament. When Tomas Edison invented the
filament, it took 10 000 tries to get it right! His persistence
paid off and his invention lit up millions of homes around
the world.

James Dyson was frustrated with his vacuum cleaner

getting clogged with dust, so he invented one that did not
need a bag inside it. It took James over 5000 tries to
invent the perfect vacuum. Now his design is used in
vacuum cleaners all over the world.

Stephanie Kwolek was working on a chemistry experiment

when it went wrong. Instead of throwing her experiment in
the bin she looked closely at it and discovered that she had
created a material five times stronger than steel.
Stephanie's invention is now used in firefighters' boots and
space shuttles.
When we create and invent, things don't always go to plan,
but with persistence amazing things can happen.

Jocelyn Seamer Education, 2022 Leafy sea dragons live near the Tumby Bay Jetty.

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