ESL 6 Homework (Week14)

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Name: _______________

ESL 6 Homework Date: May 17, 2024

I. Conjunctions and Tenses

According to the sentence’s conjunctions, fill the correct tenses in the blanks.
Change the verb tenses into the correct tenses.

Yesterday, I _________ (decide) to go for a run. Firstly, I ________ (stretch) my

muscles to _______ (warm) them up. Then, I put on my running shoes and

________ (head) out the door. While I was running, I felt the cool breeze against

my face, and I ________ (see) the sun setting in the distance. After ______ (run)

for about thirty minutes, I started to feel tired, but I _______ (keep) going

because I ________ (want) to reach my goal. Before long, my legs started to

ache, so I ________ (slow) down a bit. Eventually, I reached the park near my

house, and I ________ (decide) to do some exercises there. I did push-ups and

sit-ups to __________ (strengthen) my muscles further. Finally, after I ________

(finish) my workout, I felt proud of myself for ________ (stick) to my exercise

routine. Overall, it ______ (be) a great day of exercise, and I can't wait to do it

again tomorrow.

II. Please make your own sentences with the specific verbs and conjunctions below
and make sure you use the correct tenses in your sentences.

1. get/feel
→___________________________________________________ last Friday.
2. finish/see
→ After ____________________________, _____________________________.
Name: _______________
ESL 6 Homework Date: May 17, 2024

III. Second Conditional “If’

To use the second conditional, you keep the first verb in past tense, and add 'would'
or 'could' to the second verb. This form is used to talk about actions or situations in
the present or future that are improbable, hypothetical, or imaginary.

1. If I _______ (be) a scientist, I ______________ (study) plants and animals

in the forest.

2. If I _______ (have) $30000, I _______________ (buy) a new iPad for


3. If you _______ (work) harder, you ________________ (achieve) your


4. If they _______ (earn) more money that time, they ______________ (buy)

a new house.

5. If I ________ (be) taller, I ________________ (reach) the top of shelf.

6. We ________________ (like) school better if it ________ (be) more fun.

7. If modern people _________ (have) more vegetables, they ____________

(be) healthier.

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