Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Sugesstion and Offering

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Irbal: Hey everyone, what are you thinking of ordering for lunch today.

Yulianto: I’m not sure yet. Any suggestions?

Fatma: How about the chicken sandwich? It’s really good here.
Ihsan: That sounds nice, but I’m in the mood for something lighter. Maybe a salad?
Nesya: I could go for a salad too. They have a great Caesar salad.
Irbal: Why don’t we share a large pizza? We can get different toppings to suit everyone’s
Lana: I like that idea, Irbal. I’ll order it for us. Any preferences for toppings?
Yulianto: I’d love some pepperoni and mushrooms on my side.
Fatma: Can we add some extra cheese and olives too?
Ihsan: Sure, that sounds good. I’ll get us some drinks. What does everyone want?
Nesya: I’ll take a lemonade, please.
Irbal: Lemonade for me too. Thanks, Owen!
Lana: I can pick up some dessert for us. How about chocolate cake?
Yulianto: That sounds perfect, Lana. Thanks for offering!
Fatma: Great! This is going to be a delicious lunch.

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