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Cyber Safety for Girls: Empowering young women to navigate the digital world safely is

a crucial endeavor. In today’s interconnected society, where technology plays an integral

role, ensuring the well-being and security of girls and women online is paramount. Here
are some essential steps and resources to promote a safer online experience:

1. Digital Literacy and Education:

○ Understanding Threats: A comprehensive understanding of online threats
and security measures empowers women to protect themselves
effectively. Educational programs, workshops, and resources focused on
digital literacy and cybersecurity can equip women with the knowledge to
identify risks and implement protective strategies against online
2. Safe Space to Learn: The “Safe Space to Learn” curriculum covers topics such as
digital spaces, finding information online, staying safe, social media, and digital
employment and education skills. It aims to be implemented in Women and Girls
Safe Spaces2.
4. Support Services and Reporting:
○ Luchadoras (Fighters): In Mexico, around nine million women suffer some
form of digital harassment every year. Luchadoras opened a support
service for victims of online violence, providing advice on how to respond
to online harassment. Victims are encouraged to document aggression by
taking screenshots and report incidents to the same online platform
where they occurred. Google also provides instructions for removing
unwanted explicit or intimate personal images from search engines3.
○ UN Women Toolkit for Youth: UN Women launched a Toolkit for Youth on
online gender-based violence (OGBV) in collaboration with youth network
30 for 2030. This practical guide helps youth understand, respond, and
prevent various forms of violence online4.

5. Closing the Gender Digital Divide:
○ EQUALS, the global partnership to close the gender digital divide, works to
address women’s safety concerns. Cultural context shapes the online
challenges women face, and initiatives like EQUALS aim to ensure women
and girls can use the Internet safely3.

Remember that creating a safer online environment requires collective efforts from
governments, organizations, and individuals. By promoting digital literacy, providing
support services, and fostering awareness, we can empower young women to thrive in
the digital world while staying safe and secure.
How can I protect myself from cyber threats?

Certainly! Protecting yourself from cyber threats is essential in today’s digital

landscape. Here are some practical steps you can take:

1. Set Strong Passwords:

○ Use unique, complex passwords for your accounts.
○ Avoid using common words, phrases, or personal information.
○ Regularly update your passwords to enhance security1.
2. Keep Software Updated:
○ Regularly update your operating system, browser, antivirus, and critical
○ Patches and updates often address security vulnerabilities12.
3. Beware of Phishing:
○ Be cautious with emails, especially those from unknown senders.
○ Avoid clicking on suspicious links or downloading attachments without
verifying their authenticity.
○ Phishing attacks can install malware on your device34.
4. Secure Your Home Network:
○ Change default router passwords.
○ Enable WPA3 encryption for Wi-Fi.
○ Regularly update router firmware to fix security flaws3.
5. Use Two-Factor Authentication (2FA):
○ Enable 2FA wherever possible.
○ It adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second verification
method (e.g., a text message or app) in addition to your password1.
6. Be Cautious Online:
○ Avoid oversharing personal information on social media.
○ Disable location features unless necessary.
○ Be mindful of what you post online2.
7. Backup Your Data:
○ Regularly back up important files to an external drive or cloud storage.
○ In case of ransomware or data loss, backups are a lifesaver1.
8. Educate Yourself:
○ Stay informed about the latest threats and security practices.
○ Attend workshops, read articles, and follow cybersecurity experts3.
Remember, proactive measures can significantly reduce your risk of falling victim to
cyber threats. Stay vigilant and prioritize your online safety!

How can I report cyber harassment?

Reporting cyber harassment is essential to combat online threats and protect yourself and
others. Here are some steps you can take:

1. Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3):

○ The IC3, run by the FBI, is the central hub for reporting cybercrime. If you believe
you’ve fallen victim to cyber harassment, file a complaint on their website. Your
information helps law enforcement bring cybercriminals to justice. Additionally,
educate yourself about the latest threats and scams to enhance your online
2. Block and Seek Support:
○ Block the harasser from your phone, email, and social media accounts.
○ Seek support from a trusted friend, family member, or professional counselor.
3. Document Evidence:
○ Keep a record of:
■ Dates and times of harassment incidents.
■ People involved.
■ Descriptions of the harassment.
○ Save and print screenshots, emails, and text messages as evidence2.
4. Local Law Enforcement:
○ Contact your local law enforcement agency to report internet harassment.
○ Use the non-emergency (administrative) telephone number or visit in person to
make your report3.
5. UN Women Toolkit for Youth:
○ UN Women’s toolkit on online gender-based violence provides practical guidance
on understanding, responding to, and preventing various forms of online

Remember, reporting cyber harassment not only helps you but also contributes to making the

internet safer for everyone. Together, we can fight against online threats and protect our digital

In Nepal, cyber safety for girls is a critical concern as digital technology becomes increasingly
integrated into daily life. Here are some aspects of the Nepali context related to cyber safety for

1. Girls Out Loud Nepal:

○ Safe Online Space: Girls Out Loud is a safe online space where girls and
young women between the ages of 13 and 24 can discuss various issues related
to gender. Moderated by trained personnel, this closed Facebook group allows
girls to freely share their experiences and gain a better understanding of topics
such as sexual health, menstruation, gender-based violence, self-confidence,
safety, and safeguarding.
○ Empowering Girls: Through Girls Out Loud, girls gain confidence to speak up
not only within the group but also outside it. They inspire and support each other
to challenge societal views and norms, including those held by family members,
friends, teachers, and religious leaders.
○ Digital Security: Given the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns, discussions
now revolve around digital security. As girls increasingly use online platforms
for education and communication, understanding the benefits and risks of digital
technology is crucial1.
2. Common Forms of Online Harassment in Nepal:
○ Cyberstalking: Persistent online harassment, often involving unwanted attention
and threats.
○ Revenge Porn: Sharing intimate or explicit content without consent.
○ Online Shaming: Publicly humiliating individuals online.
○ Trolling: Deliberately provoking and harassing others on the internet.
○ Vulnerability: Women and LGBTQ+ community members are particularly
vulnerable to these forms of harassment2.
3. Empowering Girls in ICT:
○ Initiatives like the online blogging competition in Nepal aim to empower
women and girls in the digital realm. By fostering creativity and expression, such
programs contribute to digital literacy and safety3.
4. Safer Internet Day in Nepal:
○ Organizations like ChildSafeNet work to raise awareness about cyber safety.
They promote digital literacy to protect children and young people from internet
addiction, online sexual abuse, cyberbullying, phishing, and other online threats4.

In summary, while digital technology offers immense benefits, it’s essential to educate girls

about both its advantages and potential risks. Effective laws, policies, and programs are
necessary to ensure girls’ safety and security in the digital world.
can you provide me some brief examples in context of nepal taking action on Cyber
Safety for Girls in real

Certainly! Here are some real-world examples of cyber safety initiatives for girls in

1. Girls Out Loud Nepal:

○ Safe Online Space: Girls Out Loud is a closed Facebook group where girls
and young women (ages 13 to 24) can discuss gender-related issues.
○ Support and Empowerment: Moderated by trained personnel, this space
allows girls to freely share their experiences, gain understanding, and
support each other. They discuss topics like sexual health, gender-based
violence, and self-confidence.
○ Digital Security Focus: During the pandemic, discussions have centered
around digital security as girls increasingly use online platforms for
education and communication1.
2. Online Harassment Awareness:
○ Common Threats: In Nepal, common forms of online harassment include
cyberstalking, revenge porn, online shaming, and trolling. Women and
LGBTQ+ individuals are particularly vulnerable2.
○ Advocacy and Education: Organizations raise awareness about cyber
safety and promote digital literacy to protect young people from internet
addiction, cyberbullying, and other online threats3.
3. Empowering Girls in ICT:
○ Online Blogging Competition: Initiatives like the TBAN Online Blogging
Competition exclusively target women and girls in Nepal. By encouraging
creativity and expression, they contribute to digital literacy and safety4.
4. Educating Girls on Digital Technology:
○ Balancing Benefits and Risks: Girls need awareness of both the benefits
and safety issues related to digital technology. Effective laws, policies, and
programs are essential for their safe access to digital tools1.

These initiatives demonstrate Nepal’s commitment to empowering girls and ensuring
their safety in the digital world.
provide me bried scinerio of Cyber Safety for Girls through world wide and compare
them in context on nepal .also provide some steps that must be followed to make more
strong impact on this case.

Certainly! Let’s explore the scenario of cyber safety for girls worldwide and then
compare it to the context in Nepal. Additionally, I’ll provide steps to strengthen the
impact of such initiatives:

Worldwide Scenario:
1. Luchadoras (Fighters) in Mexico:
○ Support Service: Luchadoras opened a support service for victims of
online violence. Women can seek advice on responding to online
harassment through social media, email, messaging apps, and a phone
○ Global Reach: In its first year, Luchadoras received 470 requests for
support from women in Mexico and other parts of the world.
○ Common Tactics: Luchadoras identifies common tactics used by
perpetrators, including online extortion, unauthorized access to personal
profiles, and fake social media profiles for extortion1.
2. UN Women Toolkit for Youth:
○ UN Women launched a Toolkit for Youth on online gender-based violence
(OGBV). This practical guide helps youth understand, respond, and prevent
various forms of violence online2.
3. Legal Protections Worldwide:
○ Only 30% of economies globally provide legal protections against cyber
○ Most economies lack legislation to protect women and girls from
cyberbullying and harassment3.

Nepal Context:
1. Girls Out Loud Nepal:
○ Safe Online Space: Girls Out Loud is a closed Facebook group where
Nepali girls (ages 13 to 24) discuss gender-related issues.
○ Empowerment: Girls gain confidence to speak up not only within the group
but also outside it. They challenge societal norms and views.
○ Digital Security Focus: Discussions now revolve around digital security
due to increased online activity during the pandemic1.
2. Common Forms of Online Harassment in Nepal:
○ Cyberstalking, revenge porn, online shaming, and trolling are prevalent.
○ Women and LGBTQ+ individuals are particularly vulnerable4.
3. Empowering Girls in ICT:
○ TBAN Online Blogging Competition: Exclusively for Nepali women and
girls, this initiative fosters creativity and expression, contributing to digital
literacy and safety5.

Steps to Strengthen Impact:

1. Education and Digital Literacy:
○ Consult Girls: Involve girls in shaping policies and programs related to
digital technology.
○ Teach Digital Literacy: Ensure girls understand both the benefits and risks
of digital tools. Teach them to question information and verify facts
2. Legal Frameworks:
○ Effective Laws: Develop and enforce laws that address cyber harassment
and protect victims.
○ Reporting Protocols: Strengthen protocols for reporting and punishing
3. Support Services:
○ Safe Spaces: Create more safe online spaces like Girls Out Loud, where
girls can freely discuss their experiences and seek support.
○ Digital Care Toolkits: Provide resources to identify and respond to cyber
4. Collaboration and Awareness:
○ Global Partnerships: Collaborate with global initiatives like EQUALS to
address women’s safety concerns.
○ Raise Awareness: Educate girls about online safety and encourage
responsible internet use7.

By combining legal measures, education, safe spaces, and global collaboration, we can
create a safer digital environment for girls worldwide, including in Nepal.
Empowering Young Women to Navigate the Digital World Safely. how this can be
achieved ,provide me some facts and logical aspect that must be implemented for this.

Empowering young women to navigate the digital world safely is a crucial endeavor in
today’s interconnected society. By providing knowledge, skills, and support, we can
ensure that young women thrive in the digital age. Let’s explore some facts and logical
aspects to achieve this:

1. Digital Literacy and Education:

○ Facts:
■ Over 90% of jobs worldwide already have a digital component, and
most jobs will soon require sophisticated digital skills1.
■ Digital literacy is almost as important as traditional literacy.
○ Implementation:
■ Integrate digital literacy into school curricula.
■ Continued training: Support ongoing training opportunities for
women and girls to build skills needed for safe online participation.
2. Affordable Access:
○ Facts:
■ The gender digital divide remains significant. Women often have
less access to technology and the internet compared to men.
■ In South Asia, women are 26% less likely to own a mobile phone
than men2.
○ Implementation:
■ Reduce costs: Work towards affordable internet access.
■ Expand public access: Create more accessible internet centers.
3. Content and Role Models:
○ Facts:
■ Girls need technology because most jobs will soon require digital
■ Social media platforms allow activists to reach a wide audience
and organize action.
○ Implementation:
■ Relevant content: Encourage creation of content relevant to
women, available in local languages.
■ Promote role models: Highlight successful women in tech as
inspiration for future generations.
4. Concrete Gender Equity Targets:
○ Facts:
■ Bridging the technological gap positively impacts countries’
economic growth and development.
■ Connecting 600 million more women to the internet could
significantly boost global GDP2.
○ Implementation:
■ Incorporate gender equity targets into national policies.
■ Regularly monitor progress towards these goals.

By prioritizing digital literacy, affordable access, relevant content, and gender equity, we

can empower young women to thrive in the digital world while ensuring their safety and

Advocacy and Networking

Digital literacy empowers women to advocate for themselves and
others in the tech industry. Through social media platforms and
professional networks online, women can share their experiences, call
out inequities, and support one another. This collective voice can
influence policy changes, foster mentorship opportunities, and create
a support system that enhances women's presence and impact in

Safety and Security Online

Understanding digital tools and platforms equips women with the
knowledge to protect themselves online. This includes managing privacy
settings, understanding data protection laws, and recognizing cyber
threats. Empowering women with this knowledge is crucial in an era
where online harassment and privacy breaches are prevalent.
Role Modeling
Digitally literate women in the tech industry serve as role models and
mentors for future generations. Their presence and success encourage
young girls to pursue STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics) education and careers. This cycle of mentorship and
representation is vital for sustaining women’s empowerment and diversity
in tech over the long term.

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