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ENGLISH 5 Unit 2

Ms. Larissa Galeas

Name: Valery Fabiana Andino Durón

I. Read and choose the correct word.

1. They haven’t (seen / been seen) their friends yet.
2. It (hasn’t rained / hasn’t been raining) these days.
3. Has she ever (drunk/been drinking) sake?
4. We (have driven / been driving) for hours. Are we there yet?
5. You have already (taken / been taking) this class.

II. Which of the two sentences below is the better or more likely? Mark only one.
1. I’ve worked in the garden all day and now I’m tired.
I’ve been working in the garden all day and now I’m tired.

2. I’ve finished my homework. Now I’m going to watch TV.

I’ve been finishing my homework. Now I’m going to watch TV.

3. What have you done with my keys? - I haven’t seen your keys.
What have you been doing with my keys? - I haven’t seen your keys.

4. How many biscuits have you eaten?

How many biscuits have you been eating?

5. How long have you known her?

How long have you been knowing her?

6. I’ve had piano lessons for over 10 years and I’m still not very good.
I’ve been having piano lessons for over 10 years and I’m still not very good.

7. I have cooked for the last two hours and now you tell me you’re not hungry!
I have been cooking for the last two hours and now you tell me you’re not hungry!

III. Write sentences using the words and the verb form in parentheses.

1. When / he / go to the beach? (present perfect)


2. We / get free concert tickets for a while. (present perfect continuous)


3. I / already / take violin lessons. (present perfect)


4 He / read the news online lately? (present perfect continuous)

ENGLISH 5 Unit 2
Ms. Larissa Galeas
They haven’t seen their friends yet.
It hasn’t rained these days.
Has she ever drunk sake?
We have been driving for hours. Are we there yet?
You have already taken this class.

II. Which of the two sentences below is the better or more likely?

I’ve worked in the garden all day and now I’m tired. (I’ve been working in the garden all day and now I’m
I’ve finished my homework. Now I’m going to watch TV.
What have you done with my keys? - I haven’t seen your keys.
How many biscuits have you eaten?
How long have you known her?
I’ve had piano lessons for over 10 years and I’m still not very good. (I’ve been having piano lessons for
over 10 years and I’m still not very good.)
I have cooked for the last two hours and now you tell me you’re not hungry!

III. Write sentences using the words and the verb form in parentheses:

When has he gone to the beach? (present perfect)

We have been getting free concert tickets for a while. (present perfect continuous)
I have already taken violin lessons. (present perfect)
Has he been reading the news online lately? (present perfect continuous)

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