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The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan

Department of Computer Science & IT

Program: BSCS Course Title: Digital Logic and Design (DLD)
Course Instructor: Amna Ashraf

Objective: Digital Logic and Design (DLD) makes students of undergraduate level familiar
with different types of number systems, combinational logic circuits, sequential logic circuits
and their applications. After this course students will have the complete understanding of
how a logic can be implemented as a circuit. The course outline is given below:

Week 1: Introduction: An overview of digital systems and Number Systems

Week 2: Number Systems and conversions, Signed and Unsigned Numbers

Week 3: Binary Arithmetic’s, Basic operational gates, Boolean Expressions and Truth Tables

Week 4: Basic Theorems and Simplification Theorems, Multiplying Out and Factoring,
DeMorgan’s Laws, Exclusive-OR and Equivalence Operations,

Week 5: The Consensus Theorem, Algebraic Simplification of Switching Expressions, Proving

Validity of an Equation.

Week 6: Minterm and Maxterm Expansions, Karnaugh Map and Boolean Expression

Week 7: Multi level Gate Circuits, Nand Nor Gates

Week 8: Design of Two-Level NAND- and NOR- Gate Circuits. Design of Multi-Level NAND- and NOR-
Gate Circuits

Week 9: Circuit Conversion Using Alternative Gate Symbols, Design of Two-Level, Multiple-Output
Week 10: Multiplexers, Three-State Buffers, Decoders and Encoders

Week 11: Read-Only Memories, Programmable Logic Devices

Week 12: Latches and 4 Flipflops

Week 13: Registers and Register Transfers, Shift Registers

Week 14: Design of Binary Counters

Week 15, 16: Assignments and Review of Course


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