DBMS-Question Bank

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IA1 Important Questions

1. Breifly discuss the advantages of using the DBMS

2. Describe the three-schema architecture. Why do we need mappings between schema
levels?Draw an ER diagram for a library management system. Assume your own entity
(minimum 4), attributes and relations.
3. Draw an ER diagram for banking management system. Assume your own entity (minimum 4),
attributes and relations.
4. Define the following terms:
i) data mode ii) database schema iii) database state iv) schema diagram
5. Explain the DBMS Component Modules and their interaction with the help of neat diagram..
6. With the neat diagram, illustrate the main phases of database design.
7. Explain the different types of attributes that occur in the ER Model. Write their corresponding
8. What are the responsibilities of, the DBA and the database designers
9. Explain two-tier and three-tier architecture.
10. Discuss the different types of user-friendly interfaces and the types of users who typically
use each.
11. Define the following with example
i. Super key. ii. Candidate key iii.primary key iv. Foreign key v. Attribute vi. Domain
12. Explain SELECT and PROJECT operations in relation algebra with example
13. List and briefly explain the characteristics of database approach
14. Consider the following COMPANY database
Write the relational algebra queries for the following
i. Find the names of employees who work on all the projects controlled by
department number 5.
ii. Make a list of project numbers for projects that involve an employee whose last
name is ‘smith’ either as a worker or as a manager of the department that
controls the project.
iii. Retrieve the name, address, salary of employees who work for the Research
iv. Retrieve the name and address of all employees who work for the ‘Research
v. List the names of managers who have at least one dependent.
15. Consider the following student database
Student (sid,sname,major,age.)
Course (cid,cname,credits)
Enrolled (sid,cid,grades)
Instructor (iid,iname,dept)
Teaches (iid,cid,semester)
Write the relational algebra queries for the following
i. Find the names of students who are enrolled in 'Database Systems' course.
ii. Find the names of instructors who teach more than one course.
iii. Find the names of students who are enrolled in all courses taught by instructor 'Dr.
iv. Find the names of students who have received an 'A' grade in at least one course.
16. Explain JOIN and DIVISION operations in relation algebra with example
17. Explain with example basic constraints that can be specified when a database table is created.
18. Discuss the various types of set theory operations with example
19. Define the following
i. Weak entity ii. DBMS catalog iii. Snapshot iv. Value sets v. degree of
relationship vi. Cardinality ratio.
20. Describe the structural constraints of a database system with suitable example.

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