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Winback has been created with the genuine principle to empower therapists with non-invasive technologies and world- class trainings to deliver enhanced and faster treatments together with a gentle patient experience. Over the years, Winback and its Academy have regrouped thousands of experts and therapists from all over the world, Together, they have developed approaches, trainings and a strong community who have improved and mastered their knowledge in various domains of physiotherapy from sport athletes! injuries, women’s health to wellness and aesthetic. PROTOCOLS: DEVELOPED THERAPISTS WEBINARS CONNECTED AND EVENTS WORLDWIDE PER YEAR 3 owineAck EUROPA SAS - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED -TLLEGAL CoPYIN UME 2023 - VERSION At Today, the Winback Academy goes on-line on a unique digital and collaborative platform gathering all approaches, clinical studies, e-learning courses and tutorials. Accessible to everyone, anytime, from computer and smartphone. Understand how to integrate Winback approaches into your daily treatment and make them your own. TRAININGS PUBLICATIONS EACH YEAR PER YEAR COUNTRIES IS PRESENT » I. MAIN PRINCIPLES OF TECARTHERAPY ofthis curent Biological effects “Trap cffects It, PRACTICAL USE OF BACK3TX Retum plates st ofusing the capacitive RET: interest of using the resistive Retum plate postion Spectic electrodes Using the bracelets Fixpads and adhesives TIT. CURRENTS AND INTERFACE Hi-Tens current presentation and effects i-Ems current presentation and effects Mult-frequencies Interface IV, CLINICAL REASONING AND PROTOCOLS. Reasoning steps ‘cute ankle sprain sdatica yiphatic drainage Deep cont Glenohureral capsults ures Coxarthr: Knee arthrosis Coral tuane Subocute neck pain Muscle Injury Scars Fibro wscle injury Fibromyalgia Plantar facitis MAIN PRINCIPLES OF Bie Ue ad WC WINBACK HISTORY OF 7 THERAPY » WN = = —— The researcher who. fist drew attention ffs typeof curent wes iameus French Secor whe wes also 3 physi and venta! In 1890, ‘tAtsonval discovered the benefits Sf pssma momtrane germeablty by eeorng the frequency over Tooke? Me "eaweney 1 1939, 8 bool by the English doctor end Brysest” Wiis Spplcavons of ‘athermy~ the ee of hgh quency sletne currant to simuate hese ‘ganeraton wih body taiues. Mix work used Eapactve and restive methods 16 deweop the fst physiotherapy equementn the Feld, ppiyng frequencies of atound 300K Beaumont exgiored the Use of high frequency current with rmultpolar electrodes’ for use" esthetic medi Pancpe of the electric scale HISTORY OF ARTHERAPY » \C WINBACKC ‘ 1 wes only in 1995, in Tey, that medal lecturers Sulded the Use of the hig frequency cucrent snd developed rehabitauon procedures using. nonmvasie mmoble dectodes based on the work of @Arsonval and Beaumant. 1995: The term TECAR’(Capacitve. and Resstve Electrical Transfer) wos fet used nsly, New Scentfc studies were pulshed. Frequencies of 300 Gizand obokiia ‘he efets of diathermy wereshe man focus. 1 2013, the Winback team developed Dhysitherepy prowseol usa new bneraton of devices thet weve more FRattwe, more adeputle end) more techve Woback tecartherapy wes bom, Based on the specfeations of the Wack Academy andthe feedboce of is eustomers, Wabade develops. the most advanced tecartnerapy dewees ‘he worl. For the Test time, withthe BACK eis possible to mk 3 curens St the same fe EUROPA SAS - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - ILLEGAL COPYING - JUNE 2023 - VERSIOW AL = LP WC WINBACK » HIGH FREQUENCY ALTERNATING CURRENT FREQUENCY umber of eround-trps» made by the electric curent Shusodal shape none second (2). ‘Soenthic studies have shown hat the frequency band between 0.31.2 Mizinduces on ierense m tro and fxtraclular exchangesand a dation effect on hag ‘ee. ZERO AVERAGE SINE ALTERNATING corent i MACHINE AND MOBILEELECTRODE eA by the procstoner. = ‘iced on the patient a DD) DIELECTRIC PROPERTIES AND HUMAN TISSUE [Serer ert C. Gabriel- 1996 ‘The dielectric roparties of biological tissues» She tested diferent frequencies on different tissues and proved that the range between 300 to 1000Khz Is the most efficient forall kinds of human body treatments, PERMITTIVITY Permeability ofthe tissue conpucriviry Depends on the resistance ofthe tissue ‘The best performance between PERMITTIVITY/CONDUCTIVITY varies according tothe tissue, so the frequency 's adapted according to the type of tissue. 6 WINGACK ELROPA SAS - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ILLEGAL COPVING ~ aUE 2023 - VeRsiON At \C WINBACK DD) FREQUENCIES PRINCIPLES ‘The WINBACK energy offers 3 frequencies: 300 KH ~ 500 KHz - 1 MHz ‘The HIGHER the frequency, the more The LOWER the frequency, concentric end superficial (tis the more diffuse and deeper its. Allows you to achieve optimal Balance in ‘onduetivity and peemitvity in alferent issue types, Allows you to optimally target Ussues at cferent depths 1 000K! s00Khz 300Khz © Allows you to tallr the a ‘machine te work en the = _ tissue and depth required ieaptea er ce — —* —) >) TRANSFER ENERGY CAPACITIVE AND ISTIVE (TECAR) ‘TECAR current is transferred throug} © Induces current transfer E__ Copactive mode feck \C WINBACK 7 (@WINBACK EUROPA SAS - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - ILLEGAL COPYING ~ JUNE 2022 - VERSION At - ‘ R_ Direct Diftsion E__ Resistive mode >) UNDERSTANDING OHM'S LAW ua RI (Ra). RE yu Re Resistance of the tlssue T= Intensity P= Power OHM LAW J=R*T Voltage When T increases ina resistor Ry then the amount — tetany of heat released increases, {AC the haber the resistance the greater the heat ‘The higher the intensity the greater the heat » DD) PRINCIPLES OF TECAR CURRENT RULE 1 ‘The energy accumulates from the smallest electrode to the largest- Electrode to recun plate RULE 2 ‘The TECAR current always has a blological efecton the tssve, regardless of ts intensity - Transfer of enaray RULES ECAR current requires good connection - Cream and good contact RULE ‘The curent will take the shortest route between two contact points ~ Consider electrode placement RULES ‘The current requires two connections - Machine automaticaly stops on lass of connection of one point \C WINBACK 'B OVIINGACK ELROPA SAS - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - ILLEGAL COPYING ~ JUNE 2023 - VERSION At - LP YD) CELLULAR METABOLISM ‘De. D'Arsonval's Prins (1890) Winback tecartherapy causes a flow of fons with excessively fast electrical escilations within the cellular environment. These ‘oscillations will couse permeabilzatien ofthe plasma membrane, ‘The scientific and physical term to describe this phenomenon isthe permittivity f the cell membra rma al Ionic osilations oO oe os, ° —{ oe \ eo ° eo ° Increased intra- and extracellular exchange, >) ANALGESIA: COMBINATION OF 3 EFFECTS ‘Synaptic interference at the nociceptor level ‘The Tecar current Inhibits the conduction of the pain message along the nerve, 1. Curvent effect Immediate effect by dlsturbance and saturation ofthe nociceptors due to the ‘ary igh electrical frequency. idle ter effet, reduction of the pressure onthe noccepters contained in soft tissues like fascia. " 2. Metabolism stimulation and heating process Long lasting effect (>24H), the improvement ofthe metaboliem, ofthe biood Howard te release ot tarotons eadtoe tosingbanieheh \C WINBACK 9 fwineace EUROPA SAS ~ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - ILLEGAL COPYING ~ JUNE 2023 - VERSION At - LP ‘eawen )>) DIATHERMIC EFFECTS, Immediate and controlled by the power (% intensity) “The low of fons in the fon channel, extremely fast (linked tothe frequency of the Current wil create a friction between these ons and induce an endogenous heat, In blology, the tissue's reaction to the passage of high frequency current is called DIATHERMY. intensity ‘endogenous heat Vascular: The vascular functions are falled on to selragulatethe Tocalized heat f et i= Lymphatic: The current wi co ‘accelerate the iymphatic teulation, in responce to venous erculat Maintenance of homeostasis in response to diathermy the acceleration of the ich wil ‘ccelerate the drainage. \C WINBACK ‘20 ovvinBACK EUROPA SAS - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - ILLEGAL COPYING - UNE 2025 - VERSION Al = LP ))) TISSUE HEALING Cellular optimisation Increased collagen synthesisand oxygenation © butting bios ofa ussuetn the body: bioavalabity © etvationoffitroblast activity Incteases and improves neocollagenesis and RERREL SST S wars STeente (ume) whut fate ))) EFFECTS OF TECARTHERAPY ON FASCIAS Dlathermy and fascia: Diathermy and fascia: Hyaluronicacid (hyaluronan or HA) Is an anionic nonsulfated glycosaminogiycan distributed widely throughout connective, epithelial, and neural tissues, The breakdown of the glycosidic bonds leading to lower molecular weight HA, with lower viscosity, can be accomplished with heat at different temperatures from 37,5°C. Heat has a direct effect on the viscoelasticity of fascia (up to 40°C), onthe regulation of fascial stiffness, Heat acts on the peripheral nociceptors and the nervous system which induces a direct relaxation of the fascias and resting muscle tone. \\C WINBACK 1.4. owineack EUROPA SAS - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - ILLEGAL COPYING ~ 2UNE 2023 - VERSION Ai - LP ‘The intensity is contolledin 10% steps fom 0 to 100%. on Seiextonk Patients perception of temperature veres Applicationsin acute, sub-scute and chronic conditions PACEMAKER, | . PACEMAKER, ‘THRoMBoPHLeErTy PREGNANCY es NUMBNESS / WARHITH INSENSITIVITY NO CONTRAINDICATIONS TO ORTHOPEDIC MATERIAL / FRACTURES ‘eg FEVER / INFECTION WC WINBACKC 112 @wineack EUROPA SAS - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - ILLEGAL COPYING ~ 1UNE 2023 - VERSION Al LP » Only use a conductive cream that is compatible with Winback Tecartherapy Do not use essential olls Ensure good contact between the electrodes Integrate the TX handle into your hand as much as possible Do not place plates (return or fixed pads) over bony prominences Hairy areas need more cream Remove jewellery that is not in full contact with the skin Utiliser uniquement une créme conductrice compatible tecarthérapie Winback Avoid contact with hair Be creative and have fun! PRACTICAL USE OF BACK4 WW WINBACIC 13 ewnnsack EUROPA SAS - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - ILLEGAL >>> RETURN Simplify your life! Thanks to a large or choice of return plates: . Standard neutral plate » Neutral adhesive plates ) Neutral handle » Neutral fix pad Neural Fo Pal Neutral adhesive plate No return plate in CET/CET . : — 9) HOW To cLose THE ciRC or neutral fix pad ) Moving path between the 2 TX > Fixed path between TX and return pad WC WINBACK 14 ewinarc EUROPA SAS - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - ILLEGAL COPYING ~ JUNE 2023 - VERSION Ai - LP » 7" a CET : 500 kez 2am (able tennis balle) INDUCED HEAT SOFT TISSUE = ceT cr 0 ae a ee — ne High water density Muscle, fascia, lymphatie, vascuac. >>) CET USE 1 Body Zone > TT + return plate (Neutral Fix @— 7 > CET + return plate (Neutral TX mobile) @— 15 OvMNBACK EUROPA SAS - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - ILLEGAL COPYING - UNE 2023 - VERSLOW Al - LF \C WINBACKC >>) CET use 2 Body Zones yer eee @--© RESISTIVE >>> RET e FACTORS eat) RET: 500 KH Shortest path Polyaticuar Asoclated with moversent ari mobllisations, i HARD TISSUE = RET Low water density Ligament, tendon, joint, bone, W. WINBACK \C WINBACK YY) POLYARTICULAR EFFECT OF THE RET ENERGY The thermal camera allows us to see the dlathermic effects of Winback energy. In the case below, the experiment consisted in studying the effects ofthe RET curent on the lower limb and to follow the effects of heat for 20, Tests cared out using & ‘TISAS thermadynamic ‘camera on 9 30 year-old — patient with no particular pathologies. Fixpad RET Under the foot arch, retum plate under the abdomen 40% LOW. >>) RET 1 Body Zone > RET + return plate (Neutral Fix) ©)— \C WINBACK 117 owtwerck EUROPASAS - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - ILLEGAL COPYING -2UME 2023 - VERSION AL LP >>> RET 2 Body Zones ) RET + RET (Neutral mobile) aS) >>> RET 3 Body Zones > RET + RET + return plate (set up: in chaine) » Long paths > Effects accumulation (chain) _ \C WINBACK 18 ovinsack EUROPA SAS - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - ILLEGAL COPYING ~ 2UME 2025 - VERSION AL - LP >>> RET 3 Body Zones > RET + RET + return plate ( set up: delta) » Long paths ) Triangulation (2 entry points ending on the return plate) >) RET ELECTRODE AND RETURN PLATE POSITION (CURRENT FLOWS FROM ELECTRODE TO PLATE _— RETURN PLATE RETURN PLATE \ WINBACK 19 @WINBACK EUROPA SAS - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - ILLEGAL COPYING - 3UNE 2023 - VERSION At -LP Tecar X (x2) ~ CET ~ CET electrodes 240, 060, 370, ‘Convex’ 360 ~ RET RET electrodes 1940, 060, 270, Convexo40 Fixpad RET RET bracelet (x2) ® = Hi-RET RETadhesive ~~ MULTIPOLAR &, Multipolar Multipolar electrode electrode wy (s) ~~ NEUTRAL Neutral plate Neutral Fix Pad »> © TECAR Tecar X handle (x2) NEUTRAL Neutral return plate » j=o-— < Neutral Fix pad a (Adhesive plate Mobile Tecar «Neutral handle handle 20 evvineAck EUROPA SAS - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - ILLEGAL COPYING -2UNE 2025~ VERSIOM At - LP \C WINBACK 7 a ae oe . a Genericelectrode CET / RET / MIX 1 1, Adjustthe intensity: ‘Tap 3 times on the Tecarx (increase by 109%) Tap twice on the Tecark (decrease by 10%) 2. Switch from one mode to another: . ‘Swipe with a herizontalfexion of the wrist 3. Activate or deactivatea mode: Pronation-supination movement 4, Switch from fixed to mobile neutral mode: Connect the two electrodes (2 RET or 1 RET + 1 CET) together YD) HE-RET ELECTRO 2main uses: ) Pain management: ) Fibrotictissues ) Stimulus multiplication » Focusing energy ) Saturation of the nociceptors > Hyperthermia WETENS \C WINBACIC (2.1 ©WINBACK EUROPA SAS - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - ILLEGAL COPYING - UNE 2025 - VERSION Ai ~ LP >») Norotun plate x mode = 1MH2 MULTIPOLAR « Multipolar sa | tt sles 3s ei ‘cet « utote electrode jee ‘Sears r D9) UsinG THE BRACE! Place the bracelets in the middle of the therapist's forearm Put cream under the fingers ‘Bracelet onthe patient ‘CET or RET electrode 1 bracelet onthe therapist 1 bracelet on the patient 2 bracelets on the therapist 2 bracelets on the \C WINBACK 22 @wmeAck EUROPA SAS - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - ILLEGAL COPYING - UNE 2023 - VERSION Ai - LP eS >>) use OF Ft Be ceative Ty different resistance levels ‘Active work: contraction, stretching Manual therapy Inceraction between electrodes Tools: massage gun, IASTH, hooks, cupping, “Tecark, bracelets Be sure to always put cream under the fixpads »> = Left knee: Fixpad on the Internal condyle and return plate on external condyle Right knee: 2 adhesive plates on each side ‘Test duration: 20 min at 40% Lowpulse/Mini * Initial temperature: 34,2 °C Final temperatures: " » Left knee: » Internal cond! » Right knee: » Internal condyle = External condyle 4,2°C > External condyl 5,9°C 16 5°C ‘This test confirms what was expected: with exactly the same Intensity, the heat underneath the fixed pad is higher but stays localized while the use of 2 adhesive plates enables an equivalent distribution, \C WINBACK 23 ©wmesck EUROPA SAS- ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - ILLEGAL COPYING - JUNE 2023 - VERSION Ai L> CURRENTS AND sae eae el » POWEROY The Power In function allows you to obtain the intensity corresponding to the effect you want to obtain ata specific time, during the wh inother words, the device constantly adapts to give you precisely the eneray you need ta achieve the desired effect. Four parameters are taken into account: ‘The setup using the mode: (CET, RET, MIX), accessories (NIRET, bracelets...) and size of electrodes (240, 260, 270) Distance between cach electrodes (Neutral Biological tisive impedance \C WINBACK 24 eWINEACK EUROPA SAS - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - ILLEGAL COPYING ~ UNE 2023 - VER: YD) HL-TENS CURRENT PRESENTATION Explanation of the Hi-TENS current (2 to 25Hz): ‘The HL-TENS current isa high frequency current pulsed at low frequency. It therefore combines the properties af the TECAR current with those of low-frequency currents. Low frequencies currents have recognized analgesic action. “The HI-TENS current also has a superfidal local muscular action, since ‘causes an isolated contraction ofthe muscle fiber (witch) when they are Stimulated at 2Hz or SH HI-TENS currenteffect: ) The HI-TENS current at 2 and St¥z offers a long-term analgesic action by releasing encogenous morphinamimetic substances, » HICTENS at 25112 results in saturation ofthe nacicaptors leading to immediate analgesia 1D) Hi EMS CURRENT PRESENTATION Hi-EMS medium-frequency current presentation : The medium frequency curents have an excito-motor action » The motor nerve fibers are stimulated without the algogenie sensory fibers being recruited. Muscle contraction n MF is almost painless, LHIEMS provides better recruitment of the moter units. Frequencies between 25 and 50Hz, usually used, have the disadvantage of stimulating the Algogenicfiters at the same time. Medium frequencies allow a more efficient ‘and intense contraction. 3 HI-EMS currents: Focal, Radial, Drain » The HL-EMS Focal current makes (teasiertorecrult deep muscles. » The Hi-EMS Radial current recults the superficial muscles in a chain » The H-EMS Drain current accelerates drainage. ‘25 wWiNBACK EUROPA SAS - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - ILLEGAL COPYING ~ JUNE 2023 VVeRStOW ALP ww WINBACK Po PAIN MANAGEMENT + DIATHERMY » RET: High frequency action on resistive tissue HI-TENS: High frequency ‘current with pulsed low frequency signal for pain management 2 / 5 Hz: relieves chronic pain with longer effect » 25 Hz : immediate effect fon acute pain >>> RET FOCUSED DIATHERMY ) HI-EMS: Medium frequency with a modulo low frequency signal for a targeted muscle recruitment Focal 1500 Hz (modulated at 1,5 / 100 Hz): » Radial 4000 Hz (modulated at 1,5 / 100 Hz): » Drain 4000 Hz (modulated at 3,5 / 50 Hz): WC WINBACIC 26 ow NBACK EUROPA SAS - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - ILLEGAL COPYING - JUNE >> 8 " cod FOCUS AND BOOSTER FUNCTION To accelerate treatments with 2 mobile electrodes / mono segment. Optimized treatment time around 15min 2») Pall EME cer > rer » wievens » Soft tissue Deep action 2/5 Hz local pain Preparation ‘management, fon > Flowsthrough aerate Release pressure nerves, nervous ‘on nociceptors pathways 25 He immediate effect, nociceptors Saturation RET + HI-TENS (Booster) | RET +2/5H2 | RET +25 He | saturation RET +HI-TENS Dynamic | management ™ | TIFREQUENCY WC WINBACK »> Mi EA cer > rer ») Hiems YY) | RET+ HiceMs (Booster) | Softtissue Deep action Focal: Deep RET + Focal reparation (bones, joints) muscle | > owe RE action on de Oxygenation. Resistive tissues > Radial ea Superficial muscle Release local Deep bala tensions vascularization * aa Drain : Lymphatic aration or passive Besa st ve mobilize Simulation RET + Drain mscularzation an FREQUENCY »> TECAR SIGNAL MODULATION Boo som )= 0.5 sec at the selected intensity and 0.5 sec + 30% of the selected intensity Tears intensity urrent at selected ow )= 0.5 sec at selected intensity and 0.5 sec at 10% \C WINBACK 28 evwinence eure >» LABLE MOD AVAILABLE MODE! POWERED Dynamic = Soft/Deep alternation every 4sec ‘Action: scanning for superficial and deep action » COynamic) or vere { Dynamic } alternate 2/5 / 25H2 avery 4 sec > SWAP alternating between RET and Hi-TENS modes every 4sec Action: Inflammation management \C WINBACIC » = 1000 kHz e5 oe) AVAILABLE MODE: Powermy Coeost ) Cnet) (Cow + Hi-TENS = 500 kttz pulsed CLINICAL REASONING & PROTOCOLS WC WINBACK 30 owinsack eunors RIGHTS RESERVED - ILLEGAL COPYING -SUNE 2023 - VERS nme naeke ee ee eae mae ee ee ee ee ee ee oe eee oe ee ee ee ee ee eS 1 2 3 Whatdo Zwant What technique What js the to achieve! ‘am igeing te catrect position nicaly? ‘combine with? for the patient tobein? Pan Massage, Prong, supine, management, mmobisations, stand, stg, ‘ebxaton, Risoalrelenst, ow a ophicty, Sreieise, ols Stretchhg eainge Smbnaen revascblaization 4 Which mode. Shoula! tse? 5 Which electrode ‘and placement? Tecar%, mabe adhesive pads, rele THEN? APPLY CREAM AND READY TO Gi 6 Which adational Bettings? arate fel eal Bt Pee 7 What Intensity willbe requtrea? “BO sage of sticlogy and eared Sect >») SCIATICA 1-cer~cer » Massage torelease the lumbar Body Zone 2-RET on the spine and Newtral Foxpad om the ca Analgesicaction ‘dept the Intensity to obtain a light heat 3: CET along the sciatic pathway » Release of local compressions ~ impingement syndrome Adjust the intensity to obtain a comfortable ent 2Body Zones “Sody Zones chon ‘311 ©vrINBACK EUROPA SAS - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - ILLEGAL COPYING = 1UNE 2023 - VERSION At - LP \C WINBACK >>) DEEP CONTRACTURES 1. RET RET ~ Neutral Fic Find the mater point Move the 2nd electrode to tlangulate the signal on the contractre points Hi-EHS ~ adjust the intensity to achieve an effective contraction HI-TENS ~ chease between 2/5/25Hz depending on patient comfort Sody Zones Deka >> GLENOHUMERAL CAPSULITIS N Ci -aAS ENTLER, 1. CET ~ CET Neutral Fix Massagettorelease tha rotator cut ‘Adjust the intensity to obtain a comfortable heat 2- RET RET on both sides of the shoulder, Neutral Fic on the cervico- dorsal Body Zone Release deap tensiens » Adapt the intensity to obtain a comfortable heat or a ow thermic in case of Tnrigramatory conditions 3 RET ~ RET on both sides ofthe shoulder Target the capsule ‘Adapt the Intensity te obtain a strong heat to vascularize the capsuleor a hhyperthermis fo break down florosison the capsule 3 Body Zones 2 3 40% Dynamic ae 3 Body Zones 50% E = Newal Mobile ae 2 Baty Zones \C WINBACK ‘32 @INBACK EUROPA SAS - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - ILLEGAL COPYING ~ UNE 2023 - VERSION At ~ LP 9) CARPAL TUNNEL 1-ME-RET ~ Neutral mobile: Target the retinaculum to break down fibrosis ‘Adjust the intensity to achieve hyperthermia Alternate hyperthermia and manual teatments 2- 1 Bracelet on the patient's forearm ~ Neutral handle — 1 Bracelet on the therapist's forearm The therapists able to mobilize the patient's wrist ‘Adapt the intensity to obtain a sofediathermy Body Zone 3 Body Zones »> 1-cET- ce Massage : improve the metabolism and release tension ‘Adjust the intensity to obtain a comfortable heat 2- RET (Foxpad) ~ CET Fixpad Neutral : ‘The lesionis framed by the nstallaton of RET Fepad & Neutral Flxpad RET : adjust the intensity to obtain a comfortable heat CCET : adapt the intensity to ebtain a soft dlathermy HI-EMS ~ adaptthe intensity to obtain an effective contraction HI-TENS ~ select 2H2to obtain a comfortable contraction MUSCLE INJURY step Time To a 2 Body Zones Toy Zones inGan 30% 2 5 40% 5 WC WINBACKC 33 |WvI"BACK EUROPA SAS - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - ILLEGAL COPYING - JUNE 2023 - VERSIOW At -LP >) FIBROTIC MUSCLE INJURY 1-HERET ~ Neutral Mobile RET : adjust the intensity to achievehyperthermia 2- 2 bracelets on the therapist's forearms ~ Neutral Fic Break dow fibrosis (cross friction massage Intensity Strong heat 3: RET (Fixpad) ~ CET — Fixpad Neutral Frame the lesion with 1 RET fhpad and 1 return fixpad and apply the CET te the lesion RET : adapt the intensity to obtain a strong diathermy CET : adjustthe intensity to achieve hyperthermia HHi-EMS ~ adapt the intensity to obtain an effective contraction H-TENS ~ select 2542 to obtain a comfortable and intense contraction 1 5 1 Bodh Zone 2 * 2 8044 Zones 3 3 40% Low 25H ada 30% Sreaezores >>) TENNIS ELB 1 cer-cer Relaxation massage of the agonist-antagonist muscles of the forearm CCET : adjust the intensity to obtain a soft diathermy 2- RET - Neutral Mobile Release muscles tensions Intensity: Soft heat 3-HERET - Neutral Mobile Apply tothe painful Body Zone RET : edapt the intensity to obtaina strong diathermy HI-EMS ~ adapt the intensity to obtalnan effective contraction HI-TENS ~ select Dynamic to enhance the analgesic effect 2 ody Zones 2 ; som = Pa 2 Body Zones 3 3 rs Brean Raa 1 Body one \C WINBACKC ‘34 ©WINBACK EUROPA SAS - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - ILLEGAL COPYING ~ JUNE 2023 - VERSION A1 ~ LP »> 4 Bracelets on the therapist anual therapy, cross friction massage RET : adapt the intensity to obtain a soft diathermy 5- Bracelet on the patient's weist ~ Neutral Fixpad Eccentric exercises RET : adapt the intensity to obtain a soft diathermy orcs 3 Boy Zones itrecest 2 Boy Zones >>) PLANTAR FASCIITIS 1/2 1 cer- cer » Adapt the intensity obtain a soft heat Muscle relaxation ofthe calf 2- Mix on the calcaneal insertions Break down fibrosis around the caleaneum Adjust the intensity te achieve hyperthermia 2 Body Zones 1 Body Zone WC WINBACK ‘35 ©WINBACK EUROPA SAS ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - IU SAL COPYING - JUNE 2023 - VERSIOM At - LP ))) PLANTAR FASCIITIS 2/2 3+ HE-RET- Neutral fix under the calf Insist onthe insertions ofthe aponewrosis RET adjust the intensity to achieve hyperthermia, 4-1 Bracelet on the patient's metatarsals ~ Neutral fic under the calf 1 Bracelet on the forearm therapist Stretching and rubbing ofthe aponeutosis adapt the intensity to obtain soft diathermy ro 1 Body Zone 3 Body Zones » CUTE ANK 1. CET Neutral fic Vascular stimulation ofthe popliteal fossa ‘Adapt the intensity to cbtaina strong diathermy 2 ceT-cET ‘Massage ofthe fibular and posterior tibial muscle 3-1 Bracelet on the patient's metatarsals ~ CET - Neutral fix lunder the call » rainage around the instep to reduce swelling CET : Adapt the intensity to obtain a sot diathermy RET : Adapt the intensity to obtain a sot diathermy 1 Body Zone 2 ody Zones Body Zones ‘nae WW WINBACIC ‘3G ewinsAck EUROPA SAS - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED -ILLEGAL COPYING - JUNE 2003 - VERSION A1 ~ LP >>> LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE 1. CET Neutral fix \Vascular stimulation ofthe abdominal aorta, the Inguinal venous system, the popliteal fossa and the plantar fascia ‘Adapt the intensity to obtain a strong diathermy 2- 2 bracelets on the therapist's forearms ~ Neutral fix Manual lymphatic drainage ‘Adapt the intensity to obtain a soft diathermy Neutral fix under lumbar area 1 Body Zone 2eracdets 3 Body Zones >) COXARTHROSIS 1 cer- cer Massage quadriceps, adductors 2: RET~ RET ~ Neutral Fix on the sacroiliac joint Release ngonistic and antagonistic tensions Passive mobilization: triangulation onthe coxo-femaral joint ‘Adapt the intensity te obtain a comfortable heat ora low heat i Inflammatory Bares Teanglation \C WINBACK [37 @wineack EUROPA SAS - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - ILLEGAL COPYING = JUNE 2023 - VERSION At - LP >>) KNEE ARTHROSIS 1 cer cer Massage quadriceps, adductors 2 RET — RET - Neutral Fix on the sacroiliac joint Release deep quadiceps tensions and insertions ‘Search for motor points 3° RET — Neutral mobile around the ji Joint mebilization ‘Adapt the Intensity to obtain a comfortable heat ora low heat f inflammatory ody Zanes 2 ¥ 20% 2/5725 sey (3 ¥ 20% mame ody Zones >) SUB-ACUTE NECK PAIN »ITER G 1 cer- cer Massage to release the scapular and cervical area 2 RET ~ CET ~ Fixpad Neutral foe: Figpad neutral is fied on the interscapular Body Zone RET = adapt the intensity to obtaina soft diathermy CCET : adapt the intensity to obtaina soft heat To elleve contractures of the cervico-doreal muscles H-TENS ~ choose between 2/5/25Hz depending on patient comfort H-EMS ~ adapt the intensity to obtainan affective contraction 3+ 2 bracelets on the therapist's forearms ~ Neutral fix Traction, cervical mobilizations ‘Adapt the intensity te obtain a softdlathermy - 1 40% 2 Body Zones 2 3 30% 30% sia Radel ‘Sed Zones S 5 | aetsins 3 eody Zones \C WINBACK ‘3B @WINGACK FUROPA SAS - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - ILLEGAL COPYING - UNE 2025- VERSION aL -LP >>> SCARS 4. CET Neutral Fix ‘Apply to the edges ofthe scar » adapt the intensity te obtain strong heat 2 mix Apply on the scar Adapting the Intensity for strong heat 3- Bracelets ~ Neutral fic Massage, appropriate techniques forthe scaring phase Adapt the intensity according to the scarring phase Na: ‘Once the wound is closed, without threads er staples, the application will be done Alretiy on the sear 1 Body Zone 1 Body Zone once 3B Zones >>) FIBROMYALGIA 1-ceT-cer Massage to release tension points Adapt the intensity te obtain soft heat 2- RET~ RET ~ Neutral Fix on sacrum Analgesicaction Release deep muscletensiens ‘Adapt the Intensity te obtain a soft heat \C WINBACK ‘39 @winsAck EUROPA SAS - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - ILLEGAL COPYING - JUNE 2029 - VERSION Ai -LP ~ CET Neutral fic under the bey Massage to release and drain the lower limbs ‘Adapt the intensity te obtain a strong heat 2. RET RET - Neutral fic under the belly Release deep tensions by searching forthe motor points ‘Adept the intensity to obtain a strong heat 3-2 bracelets on the therapist's forearms ~ Neutral fix Release tensions and insertions Massagemobilization ‘Adapt the intensity to obtain a softheat 3 oly Zones ‘Body Zones ‘ele 3 s emcees 2 Body Zones WC WINBACK 40 cowsnsack EUROPA SAS - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - ILLEGAL COPYING - 1UNE 2023 - VERSION At -LP Pea ce ay oceans | CREATE YOUR ACCOUNT ON WINBACK-ACADEMY.ORG, THEN SCAN THE QR CODE BELOW WITH YOUR SMARTPHONE TO ACCESS THE PROTOCOLS DIRECTLY. }) ACUTE SCIATICA ANKLE ALGONEURODYSTROPHYA }) CONTRACTURE DORSAL & LOMBAR HINGE |) FIBROMYALGIA FIBROTIC MYOFASCIAL LESION FIBROUS SCAR HEEL SPUR PLANTAR FASCIITIS LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE |) OSTEOARTHRITIS OF THE HIP PHYSICAL PREPARATION )_) PILATES METHOD PROPRIOCEPTION )) PUBALGIA RECOVERY } >) SEATED POSTURAL TREATMENT STRENGTHENING THE POSTERIOR MUSCLE CHAIN SUBACUTE CERVICALGIA TEMPOROMANDIBULAR THERAPY WW WINBACK 410 4 une

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