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Choose the best answer by crossing A, B, C or D on your answer sheets!

Question no 1 – 3!

Ansor is an Indonesian. He is a student. He is 17 years old. His birthday is August 7th, 2006.
He lives at Jl. Cicondet No.10. He is a diligent student. He likes sports. Her hobbies are
swimming and writing. He has black hair. He is a handsome boy.

1. How old is Ansor?

a. Twelve years old
b. Seventeen years old
c. Fifteen years old
d. Fourteen years old

2. When was Ansor born?

a. in 2007
b. in 2006
c. in 2005
d. in 2004

3. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence below!

English is the … subject for Alissa
a. Most difficult
b. Difficulter
c. More difficult
d. Difficultest

4. Lina : I want to come to my birthday party tonight.

Aliana: ...I have a lot of homework
b. That is a good idea
c. Sorry, I can not
d. I agree with you
a. Very good

5. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence below!

My new job is … than my old job
a. Better
b. Best
c. Good
d. Goodest

6. Dede : Do you think that Physics is a difficult lesson?

Wahyudi: I don’t think so. I think if we learn seriously, there are no difficult lessons
including Physics.
According to the dialogue between Dede and Wahyudi, which sentence is the expression of
asking for opinion?
a. I don’t think so.
b. there is no difficult lesson including Math
c. I think if we learn seriously
d. Do you think that Physics is a difficult lesson?

8. Mr. Heri : Attention, please!

Arif : Yes, sir.

The underline word is expression of...

a. asking opinion
b. giving opinion
c. responding attention
d. Showing appreciation

9. Willy gets 100 in math Amanda gets 95 in math

a. Willy’s grade is lower than Amanda’s.
b. Amanda is smartest student in the class
c. Willy gets lowest grade in Math
d. Willy’s grade is higher than Amanda’s

10. Which of the following adjectives cannot be used to express compliment?

a. Awesome!
b. Cool!
c. Awful!
d. Lovely!

11. Arrange the following utterance into a good dialogue!

(1) It’s red and blue
(2) Nana, I think I have lost my only pencil.
(3) I’m not sure I remember. Can you help me look for it?
(4) Really? Where did you last see it?
(5) Sure what is it like?
c. 2 – 5 – 3 – 1 – 4
d. 2 – 4 – 5 – 3
a. 2 – 5 – 1 – 4 – 3
b. 2 – 4 – 3 – 5 – – 1

62. A …. sells vegetables.

a. Farmer
b. Gardener
c. Carpenter
d. Butcher
13. Ariana: What do you do on Saturday?
David: I usually … my room
a. Wash
b. Paint
c. Sleep
d. Sweep

14. Mr. Ervan is a civil servant. He ... at a government office

a. Worked
b. Works
c. Working
d. Work

15. Mrs. Rina : May I have your attention, please?

Students : ...
The best response to complete dialogue above is...
a. Yes, please
b. Yes, Ma'am
c. Yes, Sir
d. Thank you

16. Dodi: My sister, Eni, gets sick easily.

Meta: She must ……………………
a. brush her teeth regularly
c. lift something heavy
b. eat much candy
d. take some minerals and vitamin

17. Complete the conversation bellow using one of the best choices
A: Hi, buddy.
B: oh hi!
A: Have you ever watched Laskar Pelangi?
B: Yes, I have
A: ..............................that movie?
B: I think it was so amazing movie

a. I don’t think so
b. Can I have
c. What do you think of
d. Can you

Read this text for number 18-19!

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Evans

Request the pleasure of your company at their marriage of their daughter Elizabeth Anne to
Mr. Michael Ryan Barnett
Saturday, the seventh of June at seven o'clock in the evening
The Hampton's Country Club Richfield, VA
And afterwards a reception in the Grand Ballroom
RSVP by May 22nd

18. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To invite the readers to come to a wedding party
b. To explain the readers the details of wedding party
c. To describe the bride and groom
d. To inform the readers

19. Who got married?

a. Elizabeth Anne and Mr. Michael Ryan Barnett
b. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Evans
c. Mr. Michael Ryan Barnett
d. The Barnetts

20. Expression of asking attention...

a. Excuse me
b. I know
c. You are amazing
d. I don't know

21. Aldo : It was an interesting performance, wasn't it?

Brian: . . .
What is the best answer to complete the dialogue? (prompt: disagreement)
a. I agree entirely
b. I am eye and eye with you
c. Perhaps, but I don't think that. It's just OK
d. Absolutely, splendid!

22. Complete the conversation bellow using one of the best choices
A: Jimmy, ...................your cell phone’s number please?
B: Of Course!
a. I don’t think so
b. Can I have
c. What do you think of
d. Can you

23. Alma : Why do you look so sad?

Bams : …
What is the best answer to complete the dialogue with denying information?
a. I've lost my best friend
b. I've lost my cell phone
c. Sorry, I don't want to talk about it
d. It's only 5 km from here

24. The room is too dark. Please ... the lamp.

a. turn down
b. turn on
c. turn over
d. turn off

25. Loli : Hi, Hana. How was your trip?

Hana: …
What is the best answer to complete the dialogue?
a. It was great
b. How are you
c. What about you
d. What happened

26. Complete the conversation bellow using one of the best choice
A: Oh No! I forget to bring my pen ... land me your pen, please?
B: Sure!
a. I don’t think so
b. Can I have
c. What do you think of
d. Can you

27. Anjana: Could I have some more tea, please?

Banji : …
What is the best answer to complete the dialogue with Rejecting Request?
a. Right on the way
b. Here you are
c. I'm sorry. There's no tea left in the jar
d. Sure

28. Arrange the words into the correct sentence!

Going (1) – to (2) – are (3) – they (4) – groceries (5) – buy (6) – market (7) – the (8) – to (9)
a. 4 – 3 – 1 – 9 – 8 – 7 – 2 – 6 – 5
b. 4 – 1 – 3 – 8 – 7 – 2 – 6 – 5 – 8
c. 5 – 1 – 2 – 9 – 7 – 3 – 6 – 4 – 8
d. 4 – 3 – 1 – 9 – 8 – 6 – 5 – 2 – 7

29. Alvin: Would you pass me the salt, please?

Bovin: … Here you are.

What is the best response to complete the dialogue?

a. Help yourself
b. Of course
c. No way!
d. Be sure

30. The expressions of ability below is true, except...

a. I could speak English fluency when I was in Australia
b. I am able to sing a asong
c. I am able to read Qur'an now
d. I can drive a car 2 years ago before got accident

Read the text!

Fajar, don’t forget to come to my house at 4 p.m.
We need to finish our school project.
Be on time! Thanks, Zarra.

31. Which one is NOT TRUE based on the message?

a. Zarra expects Fajar to come to her house
b. Zarra and Fajar will finish their school project
c. Fajar will come to Zarra’s house at 4 p.m.
d. Zarra expects Fajar to come late to her house

32. Complete the conversation bellow using one of the best choice
A: excuse me, ............where the barber shop?
B: yes just go straight down this road, the barbershop is on the right side
a. Do you know
b. This is Indah Speaking
c. What’s wrong
d. Do you agree

33. Alex : What do you think about the film?

Bram: I think...

Complete the dialogue above...

a. thank you
b. you forget it
c. I like it
d. I can't hear you

The text below is for questions number 44 – 45.

Keep off the grass

34. From the text above we know that …
a. We may walk on the grass
b. We may keep the grass
c. We may not walk on the grass
d. We may cut the grass
45. We can find the caution above in …
a. Park
b. Classroom
c. Hospital
d. Train station

Essay Questions!
46. It is the heaviest land animals. It is also intelligent and have good memories. Most of it
lives in Africa and Asia, such as in Lampung, Indonesia. It uses its long trunks almost like an
arm, to put food and water in their mouths. it eats grass and plants. The animal in the
description is ….elephant

Jawaban: Elephant

47. Rumini: Kholis, which dress do you think I should buy? The blue one or the red one?
Kholis: In my opinion, the blue dress suits you better.

From the dialog, we know that Kholis is expressing her…GIVING OPINION.

Jawaban: Opinion

48. Deri : What do you think…. about this t-shirt?

Umar: I think it’s a great t-shirt.

Jawaban: Think

49. My father, my MOTHER, my sister and I always have dinner together in the night. …
WE… always
do this happily.

Jawaban: We

50. When my sister and I get up early in the morning, we also help our mother to prepare for

44. From the text above we know that …
a. We may walk on the grass
b. We may keep the grass
c. We may not walk on the grass
d. We may cut the grass
Jawaban: C

45. We can find the caution above in …

a. Park
b. Classroom
c. Hospital
d. Train station
Jawaban: A

It is the heaviest land animals. It is also intelligent and have good memories. Most of it lives in
Africa and Asia, such as in Lampung, Indonesia. It uses its long trunks almost like an arm, to
put food and water in their mouths. it eats grass and plants.
46. The animal in the description is ….

Jawaban: Elephant

47. Rumini: Kholis, which dress do you think I should buy? The blue one or the red one?
Kholis : In my opinion, the blue dress suits you better.

From the dialog, we know that Kholis is expressing her….

Jawaban: Opinion

48. Deri : What do you …. about this t-shirt?

Umar: I think it’s a great t-shirt.

Jawaban: Think

49. My father, my father, my sister and I always have dinner together in the night. .… always
do this happily.

Jawaban: We

50. When my sister and I get up early in the morning, we also help our mother to prepare for

Jawaban: Breakfast


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