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tinymceConfig = {

selector: 'textarea',
plugins: 'preview importcss searchreplace autolink autosave save directionality
code visualblocks visualchars fullscreen image link media template codesample table
charmap pagebreak nonbreaking anchor insertdatetime advlist lists wordcount help
charmap quickbars emoticons accordion',
editimage_cors_hosts: [''],
menubar: 'file edit view insert format tools table help',
toolbar: "undo redo | accordion accordionremove | blocks fontfamily fontsize |
bold italic underline strikethrough | align numlist bullist | link image | table
media | lineheight outdent indent| forecolor backcolor removeformat | charmap
emoticons | code fullscreen preview | save print | pagebreak anchor codesample |
ltr rtl",
autosave_ask_before_unload: true,
autosave_interval: '30s',
autosave_prefix: '{path}{query}-{id}-',
autosave_restore_when_empty: false,
autosave_retention: '2m',
image_advtab: true,
link_list: [
{title: 'My page 1', value: ''},
{title: 'My page 2', value: ''}
image_list: [
{title: 'My page 1', value: ''},
{title: 'My page 2', value: ''}
image_class_list: [
{title: 'None', value: ''},
{title: 'Some class', value: 'class-name'}
importcss_append: true,
file_picker_callback: (callback: any, value: any, meta: any) => {
/* Provide file and text for the link dialog */
if (meta.filetype === 'file') {
// open file picker

/* Provide image and alt text for the image dialog */

if (meta.filetype === 'image') {

/* Provide alternative source and posted for the media dialog */

if (meta.filetype === 'media') {
templates: [
title: 'New Table',
description: 'creates a new table',
content: '<div class="mceTmpl"><table width="98%%" border="0"
cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><th scope="col"> </th><th scope="col">
</th></tr><tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr></table></div>'
{title: 'Starting my story', description: 'A cure for writers block',
content: 'Once upon a time...'},
title: 'New list with dates',
description: 'New List with dates',
content: '<div class="mceTmpl"><span class="cdate">cdate</span><br><span
class="mdate">mdate</span><h2>My List</h2><ul><li></li><li></li></ul></div>'
template_cdate_format: '[Date Created (CDATE): %m/%d/%Y : %H:%M:%S]',
template_mdate_format: '[Date Modified (MDATE): %m/%d/%Y : %H:%M:%S]',
height: 600,
image_caption: true,
quickbars_selection_toolbar: 'bold italic | quicklink h2 h3 blockquote
quickimage quicktable',
noneditable_class: 'mceNonEditable',
contextmenu: 'link image table',
skin: this.useDarkMode ? 'oxide-dark' : 'oxide',
content_css: this.useDarkMode ? 'dark' : 'default',
content_style: 'body { font-family:Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; font-
size:16px }'

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