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Class Exam

(Introduction to Poetry)
Time - 30 Minutes
Full Marks – 25

Part A
(Answer any five questions)
Marks – 1×5=5
1. (a) What is the rhyme scheme of a Shakespearean sonnet?
(b) How has the poet immortalized his friend?
(c) How can one serve God best?
(d) What type of sonnet is “On His Blindness”?
(e) What does the phrase “good morrow” mean?
(f) What do daffodils symbolize?

Part B
Marks – 1×10=10
2. Write the summary of “Sonnet – 18”.
Part C
(Answer a question)
Marks – 1×10=10
3. What qualities of metaphysical poetry do you find in the poem, The Good-Morrow?
4. How has the poet expressed melancholy and sadness in “To Daffodils”?

Class Exam
(Introduction to Poetry)
Time - 30 Minutes
Full Marks – 25

Part A
(Answer any five questions)
Marks – 1×5=5
1. (a) What is the rhyme scheme of a Shakespearean sonnet?
(b) How has the poet immortalized his friend?
(c) How can one serve God best?
(d) What type of sonnet is “On His Blindness”?
(e) What does the phrase “good morrow” mean?
(f) What do daffodils symbolize?

Part B
Marks – 1×10=10
2. Write the summary of “Sonnet – 18”.
Part C
(Answer a question)
Marks – 1×10=10
3. What qualities of metaphysical poetry do you find in the poem, The Good-Morrow?
4. How has the poet expressed melancholy and sadness in “To Daffodils”?

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