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Honest Brokers:

brokering innovation in public services

Matthew Horne
A new type of organisation is
emerging within the world of
public services. They are known as
‘innovation brokers’.1 Not a very
glamorous title, and not necessarily
a title that these organisations
would claim for themselves, but
they are modelling themselves
on intermediary organisations
that have existed in other sectors
for years – such as innovation
and science parks, incubators,
accelerators, exchanges, labs
and studios.2
Don’t be put off by the jargon. for how innovation in other
These guys are not as ‘corporate’ public services could be better
as the language suggests. They supported.
are passionate about finding
We explore innovation brokers
radical solutions to long-term
in some detail – looking at what
social problems such as chronic
they are, what they do, and why
disease, obesity, climate change
they are needed to support
and teenage pregnancy, and
innovation in public services.
the people running these
intermediary organisations are We argue that these innovation
more likely to have come from intermediaries are emerging
Government, universities and the in response to a set of barriers
third sector than an international that inhibit the relationships
management consultancy. Their between different organisations.
goal is to achieve innovation at These barriers are caused by
scale within public services.3 the complex nature of social
innovation, the existence of
This booklet uses the education
monopolies, funding issues
system as an example of a public
and accountability systems that
service with moderate levels of
undervalue innovation.
innovation where innovation that
goes to scale is rare. It explores Innovation brokers help to
the history of educational reform, mobilise innovations, identify
looks at how some reforms can opportunities that the current
act as a brake on certain types system undervalues and they
of innovation, and analyses the broker relationships between
drivers and barriers to innovation. disparate parts of the system.
It identifies a number of These organisations mediate both
brokering organisations that have knowledge and relationships for
succeeded in fostering innovation their clients.
in education, and draws lessons
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In particular, they broker also encourage leaders to

relationships between grow the capacity within their
‘innovation creators’, ‘innovation organisations to firstly work with
seekers’ (such as commissioners intermediary organisations and
of services), investors and more importantly to manage
policy makers. Their work is to the brokered relationships with
affect the culture of a system, other innovators, universities,
to make it more conducive to policy makers, investors, and
the development and spread of businesses necessary for
innovation. Part of this includes innovation to flourish.4
advocacy for the involvement The emerging market of
of the public and service users innovation intermediaries
in innovation, a role, which is working in public services is a
necessary in systems where the fragile underdeveloped market
public and service users pay of small to medium-sized
for the services they receive enterprises (SMEs) that could
indirectly through taxation. be damaged by unhelpful
We recommend that policy making. Competition
Government seeks to create and collaboration are to be
propitious market conditions encouraged in the sector,
for innovation intermediaries while bureaucracy, monopoly,
working in public services. It risk aversion and high barriers
should attempt to stimulate to entry must be avoided.
demand for innovation brokers Government should attempt
by relentlessly communicating to support the emergence
the innovation imperative, of innovation intermediaries
regulating sectors in ways that in similar ways that it has
encourage innovation and encouraged intermediaries in
use public money to leverage science and technology sectors.
more investment. It should
Innovation in public
Britain has led the world in reforming This improvement infrastructure will
public services, albeit with mixed not produce the kind of innovation
results. Our health service is the most that radically transforms outcomes for
centrally managed system in the people on a large scale.
world, and our education system is
There is no doubt that after 20 years
the most measured, assessed and
of Government-led improvements
inspected in the world. After 20
in public services that more of the
years of a preoccupation with public
same approach will not tackle the
management techniques, public
most intractable problems, nor will it
services are now supported by a
tackle a new set of long term social
large and expensive ‘improvement
problems. The challenges of climate
change, an ageing population,
The public sector is not short of chronic disease, and violent gangs
inspectors, auditors, regulators, will not be met by improving existing
consultants and bureaucrats whose services. New ways of tackling these
job it is to monitor, measure and problems are needed.
evaluate performance. There is also
The need to improve existing
no shortage of people to provide
services has not disappeared but
support, advice, and training
it is matched by an innovation
to leaders and staff in delivery
imperative. The public increasingly
organisations about how to meet
expect Government to act to solve
performance and efficiency targets.
new complex social problems such
This ‘improvement infrastructure’ has
as climate change, paying for long-
succeeded in driving up performance,
term care in an ageing population or
improving quality and making a
tackling gang culture among young
measurable difference to performance
people. Secondly, the innovation
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imperative is driven by an economic This type of innovation occurs over

argument: public services have long time horizons. These changes
received unprecedented investment can take place over a 10 to 20 year
over the last 10 years. Now that period – far longer than the career
there is a much tighter fiscal climate, of any politician, but not necessarily
improvements need to be created longer than the period a political party
without ever-increasing public may be in power.
spending. The traditional approaches
This type of innovation is also rare in
to public investment and centrally-
public services – and for good reason.
driven reform have already reached
Geoff Mulgan, in his excellent study
their full potential. Even if health and
of innovation in public services7,
social care services were to universally
outlines many good reasons why such
adopt current best practice, and
innovation in public services is rare:
efficiencies were to be squeezed out
of the system year on year; within 30 » There is a lower tolerance for risk
years, these systems (and other public where people’s lives are involved
services like them) would become and much of the public sector
unaffordable.5 The innovation delivers far more essential services
imperative is also an economic than the private sector.
imperative. » The public want their public realm
This type of innovation is potentially to remain familiar, legible and
disruptive. It can disturb existing coherent. Constant change would
patterns of provision and lead to be a nightmare.
major shifts in resources. Vested » Tried and tested ways of doing
interests often seek to resist such things are often preferred, and
change and maintain the status quo. even the best ideas benefit from
This type of innovation is also risky. being tested out and adapted in
The full impact of such innovation is the real world.
often uncertain.6
» The public sector should be a » high walls – many of the
stable force, a buffer against too potential innovations cut across
much change – a good deal of organisation or professional
innovation and reform in public boundaries but because power
services is driven through much and money are organised in silos
too fast or abandoned too quickly these are the innovations that are
least likely to win support
But, he rightly points out, there are
also some bad reasons why this type » unsuitable structures
of innovation is hard to come by in – monopolistic sectors like the
the public sector: prison service tend not to be
very innovative. Sectors with lots
» no-one’s job – few organisations
of very small players tend to be
have senior leaders responsible
good at incremental innovation.
for innovation
Sectors with many small players
» risk aversion – the culture in and a few large players tend to be
Government discourages risk better at more radical innovation.
taking rather than rewarding it
An innovation infrastructure for public
» too many rules – bureaucracies services is needed to militate against
are designed to stop capricious some of these problems and in some
and unpredictable actions cases remove them altogether. To
» uncertain results – initially many enable us to better understand what
new technologies perform poorly such an emergent infrastructure
when compared with old ways of might look like, we study innovation
doing things in the education sector, which since
1870 has provided public education
and been responsible for increasing
the life chances of millions of people.
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A closer look at Although each of these is interrelated,

change too often focuses on one to
innovation in the exclusion of others.
education8 The education system in England
Innovation in education demands more readily produces incremental
major cultural change – in individual than radical innovation. Radically
belief and behaviour, in attitude and different models of curriculum,
expectations, and in relationships. assessment or school organisation
Education is a social and value-laden are rare and usually fail to spread
process, and innovation within it through the system. However, schools
is not a high-tech pipeline with and teachers constantly adapt and
controllable variables and inputs and improve their practice to meet the
easily measurable outputs. Moreover, needs of pupils. There is a large
it needs to be sensitive to context volume of small-scale, low-level
– children, families and communities incremental improvement in the way
are all different and require different schools organise themselves, the
ways of working to achieve the same curriculum they offer and the way
high outcomes. This is not so much a they deliver it but work like this is not
complicated, as a complex business.9 readily diffused through the system.
We argue that successful innovation In many cases it does not even spread
must occur in at least four different throughout an organisation. Where
dimensions: innovation does spread more easily,
it usually originates from central
» how students are taught and how
Government, like the introduction of
they learn
the National Curriculum or national
» how, when and why students are testing. Again, these system-wide
assessed innovations tend to be incremental
rather than radical – built on existing
» what knowledge and skills the
curriculum and assessment practice
students learn – the curriculum
and knowledge.
» how education is organised.
We suggest that the nature of
Chapter 2
innovation in education has changed
dramatically over the last 40 years. We The 1980s saw the source of
argue that there are three chapters in innovation shift from the local to
its story.10 the national level. 1988 saw the
introduction of a national curriculum
– ending decades of localised
Chapter 1 autonomy over what children learnt
at school. This was followed by
The 1960s and 70s saw localised
national testing, national inspections
experimentation and diversity in the
and finally the introduction of the
education that schools offered, often
National Literacy and Numeracy
fostered by universities and Local
Strategies in 1998 and 1999. The
Authorities. The Schools Council
latter changed the way teachers
developed innovative curricula,
taught English and Maths in primary
diffused in part through the system.
schools. The strategies used data,
Developments in educational theory
funding, teaching resources, training,
led to changes in how children were
consultants and targets to change
taught and there were some high
what teachers did.
profile experiments in the way schools
were organised, including what These national strategies are
were termed ‘experimental schools’. the epitome of centrally driven
However, the absence of systematic innovation, and led to significant
attempts to measure effectiveness improvements in children’s
and the absence of an architecture attainment at age 11. The strategies
or incentive that could harvest and brought other, less visible, benefits11
facilitate the spread of innovation that enabled Government to explore
system-wide led to this era being different ways of building on
criticised for ‘allowing 1,000 flowers to teachers’ newly-enhanced expertise.
bloom’. Some questioned whether this Rigorous training, support and data-
was genuine or rooted innovation at dependency in the strategies led to
10 /11

new ways of thinking and working systematic collation of data on quality

that relied upon: of education and ultimately on their
impact on children’s attainment.
» regular use of data to inform

» direct engagement with Chapter 3

evidence-based practice
The third chapter in this story brings
» re-conceptualising the whole us, more or less, to the present
school – adults as well as children day. It describes a hybrid model of
– as a learning organisation. innovation, combining local and
national elements. It is both top-
Educationally, these system-wide
down and bottom-up. This paradigm
innovations of the 1980s and 90s
has been termed ‘disciplined
were more incremental than radical
innovation’ in which the effectiveness
– they were all grounded in practice
of innovation at school level is
that already existed in some, but
measured and can be taken to scale,
not all, parts of the system. They
not through central prescription and
also connected the research and
guidance, but through collaborative
knowledge base with practice. From
networks, multi-school Trusts and
this perspective they were models of
federations of schools.12
incremental improvement with highly
planned and developed strategies for This approach is supported and
‘spread’. However, they were radical facilitated through ‘middle tier’
innovations in education policy organisations delivering programmes
making – never before had central that effectively support, foster and
Government taken control of issues discipline innovation at a local level.
previously left to schools and Local The Specialist Schools and Academies
Authorities. Most significantly of all Trust (SSAT), the National College for
they created the capacity to measure School Leadership (NCSL) and the
their own effectiveness through the Training and Development Agency
for Schools (TDA) have fundamentally
Why are there few
different roles to play in the system
but all undertake research and
innovations that
development, provide access to radically transform
pooled resources, offer structured outcomes for
learning opportunities for education
children in the
professionals, use innovation models
and processes, provide access to
education system?
research, and enable evaluation. This While the system has experienced
is true, too, for some Local Authorities. a series of significant changes over
This era of educational innovation the last 30 years, none of these
was symbolised by the creation of have succeeded in creating a high
The Innovation Unit, set up within the innovation system that dramatically
Department for Education and Skills improves outcomes for the most
(now the Department for Children, disadvantaged young people
Schools and Families) in 2002, to ‘play in Britain. The achievement and
a key role in supporting schools to participation rates of young people
develop innovative projects and to from disadvantaged groups are
put their emerging ideas into practice persistently low. We have yet to
… [and to] disseminate good practice configure our education system (and
across the whole school system.’13 wider children’s services) in a way that
It was a practical embodiment of systematically addresses at scale the
Government’s intention to encourage needs of children from poor families,
schools to innovate and take the lead different ethnic groups, children in
in improving practice, all within a clear care, children with special educational
accountability framework. needs, and young people not in
education, employment or training,
and other disadvantaged groups.
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We argue that it is the interplay tools can also hinder innovation

of different drivers and barriers to when they combine to create a blame
innovation in education that has culture that inhibits risk taking but
generated this situation. These drivers encourages manipulation for short-
and barriers of innovation have been term advantage and favours short-
subject to extensive consultation14 term gains over long-term investment.
and analysis.15 Broadly speaking, Another risk arising from the political
the key influencing factors can be desire to see short-term change is
summarised under the headings the over-proliferation of new central
of political climate, culture, data, initiatives, the discontinuation of prior
leadership and technology. initiatives, and the incoherence and
inertia created by confusion and lack
Political climate
of a long-term strategy.
The political climate seriously affects
innovation within education. Both
central and local Government can One of the greatest barriers to
be powerful drivers of innovation innovation in education is the poor
– articulating, as they see it, the relationship between research and
public’s desire to see improvements development – institutionalised by
in performance. Typically they use the separation of academic research
regulation, funding, guidance, in universities from professional
performance management, and practice in schools.16 This has bred
exhortation to stimulate change a failure to recognise within each
in the system. However, these institution the forms of knowledge
mechanisms are blunt instruments. that the other possesses: academia
When used well they can produce values formal research knowledge
genuine innovation – as in the published in academic journals;
Literacy and Numeracy Strategies, schools value informal knowledge
or the reform of the curriculum for embodied in practice. The result is
14-19 year olds. However, the same that schools are weak consumers and
even weaker producers of educational increased competition from newly
research, while universities are created schools, greater diversity of
traditionally strong at offering schools, and a willingness to close
research as sociological critique and and reopen schools. This is matched
weak at offering research that is used by growing levels of collaboration
widely in practice. Finally, the whole between different phases (primary,
sector is poor at engaging with the secondary, further education),
knowledge and research base beyond between different agencies
education. (education, health and social services),
and between schools with the same
Innovation at a school level is
specialism, values or challenges.
greatly affected by the nature of
Groups of schools are now forming
the relationship between different
federations that formalise their
schools. This issue has become
partnership working, while others are
highly politicised in recent years
creating trusts that formalise their
by the debate about competition
partnerships with universities, local
and collaboration in education. The
employers and charities.
innovation literature shows that
getting the right balance between As with many other public services,
them greatly affects capacity to the true costs of failure in education
innovate within a sector. The story we are not felt within education
described of innovation in education organisations but in other sectors
shows how too little competition in (social care, health, criminal justice,
the 1960s and 70s and too much in benefits, drug and alcohol services)
the 1980s and 90s failed to stimulate and especially in other organisations’
innovation and the diffusion of budgets. These hidden and
innovation at a school level. distributed costs reduce the pressing
requirement for innovation – they
We now see some rebalancing of
dampen the innovation imperative.
competition and collaboration with
14 /15

Data tests can assume priority over delivery

of a high quality education. The
Innovation in education should be
misapplication of data, based on
driven by the needs of learners. The
inappropriate criteria is a continuing
volume and quality of pupil level data
problem.18 Finally, radical innovation
expressing the needs, achievement,
is not just hampered but actually
and progress of students has grown
prevented by the failure to develop
dramatically in recent years, made
new measures of achievement
partly possible by the declining costs
that lack the weaknesses of current
of computer memory and processing
standardised testing. Recent
power. This is an important driver.
reforms of the 14-19 curriculum and
Successful innovation depends upon
assessment models were a missed
clear identification of problems
opportunity to introduce real, radical
and the effectiveness of possible
innovation into A-level and GCSE
solutions.17 The gains made by the
National Strategies would have
been neither possible nor visible Leadership
without efficient measurements of Leadership at all levels in the
baselines and outcomes. And yet system is essential to innovation.
this data must be handled carefully. Since 1997 there has been a
In a climate that is still infused with considerable investment in
competitiveness it is easy to use it leadership, for example through the
in ways that undermine or obscure establishment of NCSL and through
real achievement – the introduction clear articulation of expectations
of a value-added element to school about leadership qualifications.
league tables is a late remedy to This has been coupled with greater
one aspect of this problem. Public emphasis on self-evaluation in
availability of test outcomes can Ofsted’s inspection criteria and
have the effect of narrowing teacher an increasing focus on effective
outlooks so that teaching to pass leaders supporting improvements
beyond their own school and locality Technology
(Primary Strategy Consultant Leaders,
It is surprising how few disruptive
School Improvement Partners and
technologies there have been in
National Leaders of Education).
public education since the advent
School leaders need to have a clear
of the printing press. Much of the
understanding of their own strengths
current investment has increased
and weaknesses as well as those of
productivity and efficiency by
their staff. Failure here was one of
automating existing practices. Some
the deficiencies that prevented the
technologies have incrementally
National Strategies from delivering all
improved practice in schools, such
that they promised.19
as the use of electronic whiteboards
Overall, standards of school leadership leading to more interactive, whole-
are good, with Ofsted judging that class teaching, but the fundamental
leadership and management are at approach to teaching remains the
least satisfactory in most schools and same. The impact of technology is,
good or outstanding in over 60%.20 as ever, mediated by the capacity
Nevertheless, there remain significant of people and organisations – their
skills gaps in school leadership and in knowledge, skills and outlook – to
some of the Government machinery perceive what is possible with new
that supports its work. Leaders need technology.
to model disciplined risk taking and
Some of the technologies designed
willingness to collaborate with all
and adapted specifically for educative
stakeholders. But risk taking without
purposes, such as some virtual
the complementary skills of project
learning environments and learning
management and evaluation opens
management systems – work only to
the door to a return to undisciplined
reinforce the traditional paradigm of
and uninformed innovation and
education. They codify and embed
consequent failure to distinguish
existing practice in often proprietary
between what works and what works
systems that prevent teachers and
best.21, 21, 23
16 /17

learners from adding, changing and are then applied and configured for
modifying content – ensuring that a particular group of learners in a
they remain consumers rather than completely new way.
producers of learning products and
The technologies with the greatest
resources. They fundamentally inhibit
innovative impact on education are
distributed innovation. The jury is still
perhaps those that have supported
out as to their overall value.
the deinstitutionalisation of learning.
Conversely, the use of ‘generic Learning outside school has, for
workplace technologies’ has in fact example, been supported by text
fundamentally changed the way messaging, instant messaging, social
children approach ideas generation networking sites such as Facebook
and knowledge creation – even and Bebo (depending on your age),
using common word processing has search engines such as Google and
been significant in helping learners Just Ask, online sources such as
change the way they learn: digital Wikipedia, image and video sharing
opportunities to save, change, edit, sites such as Flickr and YouTube and
return to, resave, manipulate, share access to mobile technologies from
and distribute are taken for granted laptops and iPods to mobile phones.
– although they were so much harder Each of these has contributed to the
using analogue technologies. The development of an unstructured,
use of networked technologies in unregulated learning environment
education that enable teachers and that provides real opportunities and
learners to be connected at any possible threats to young people.24
time at any place to other people is That environment also has significant
similarly transformative. It is often not potential to further democratise
the cutting edge technologies that learning. Innovation at the margins,
make the greatest difference, but the as seen here, can often have the most
application of technologies that have radical impact on the mainstream
been around for some time, which education system.25
Managing drivers system leadership, community
engagement in learning and
and barriers to personalising learning
innovation » Futurelab’s work on enquiry-led
The interplay between these learning and student-centred
drivers and barriers to innovation in curriculum called Enquiring Minds
education explains the difficulties of
» Creative Partnerships –
innovating at scale within the sector.
engaging the creative and cultural
However, there have been some
sector most systematically in
interesting examples of recent success
school based learning
involving intermediary organisations
in the education sector that have » Musical Futures run by the Paul
systematically managed these Hamlyn Foundation that
competing drivers and barriers to supports innovative pedagogical
innovation. Examples include: approaches to teaching music

» SSAT’s programme of » numerous innovation

development and research in programmes – combining both
networks of schools focusing development and research – led
on different dimensions of by universities, Local Authorities,
personalising learning charities and philanthropic
» RSA’s development of a new
competency based curriculum for These intermediary organisations
schools called Opening Minds have enabled scaleable innovation
by supporting and challenging
» The Innovation Unit’s Next
practitioner innovators. They have:
Practice Programme for schools,
colleges and collaborative » encouraged and facilitated
networks, developing innovative collaboration between innovators,
practice in parental engagement, creating diverse networks for
18 /19

innovation that stretch beyond Our hypothesis is that these

local schools and beyond innovation intermediaries have an
education important role to play, not just within
education but also within wider
» encouraged and enabled
public services – they could be an
innovators, often working
important and underdeveloped part
in delivery organisations to
of an innovation infrastructure within
engage with the research and
sectors like health, education and
evidence base, engage with
social care. They seem better placed
leading practice from elsewhere,
than large bureaucratic Government
and engage with innovation in
departments and monopolistic
unrelated sectors
Government agencies to support and
» used their scale (operating as they stimulate innovation on the ground.
do with many different schools, They also provide the organisational
colleges and other providers) capacity necessary for the testing and
to collect data and commission diffusion of innovation that individual
research and evaluation that providers lack. So what exactly are
would never be possible at the innovation intermediaries, what do
level of the individual provider they do, and why are they needed?
» invested in leadership
development and reduced the
risk of innovation to individual
organisations and leaders partly
by granting permission to
innovate (especially important
within a highly transparent and
publicly accountable system)
and partly by allowing risk to be
shared by different organisations.
Innovation elsewhere and then absorb and
acquire those innovations. Their
Intermediaries clients pay for this support in a range
‘Over the last few years a number of different ways:
of “intermediary bodies” have been
» on a time and materials basis
established or developed to support
– as used in the professions and
innovation in public services. These
represented as an hourly rate
range from units within or at arms
length from Government departments » on a commission basis – as used
(NESTA, NHS Institute for Innovation in brokerage organisations, and
and Improvement) to organisations represented as a percentage of
spun off from Government Departments the value of a deal
(eg The Innovation Unit) to completely » on a subscription basis – as used
independent entities (eg The Young in calculating the cost of joining
Foundation). In addition, many a network and having access to
consultancies and think-tanks, the services provided by network
commercial and non-commercial, mediators
provide assistance to local innovators.’26
» as a shared cost on the basis of
Innovation intermediaries help terms and conditions for eligibility
innovative organisations develop for a Government grant.27
and spread their innovations, usually
Innovation intermediaries are
to other organisations. They seek
already well established within
to grow the number of practitioner
high technology sectors. The
innovators – providing them with
leading academic in this field,
the encouragement, tools and
Henry Chesbrough, describes how
social relationships they need to
intermediaries operate as either
be more innovative. They also help
agents working for one organisation
organisations identify problems
or as brokers and market makers
that they have, search for solutions
trying to bring different organisations
20 /21

together in the innovation process. dedicated to organisations tackling

Four examples of innovation social and environmental challenges
intermediaries that have become very is the hub (
familiar to the business world: science which provides shared office space
parks, business incubators, technology for social entrepreneurs using an
transfer companies and innovation innovative charging structure to make
agents. space affordable to start up social
Science parks
Science parks provide facilities in or
Business incubators
near universities, higher education Incubators provide support for start-
institutes or research centres, for up organisations that are trying to
enterprises that are trying to turn turn an innovative idea into a viable
research into business propositions. business. They provide support in the
Parks provide premises, infrastructure, entrepreneurial process, especially
creative and enterprising support with business planning,
environments and, probably most access to investment, coaching in
importantly, neighbourly contact management and leadership, and
with other innovators, organisations, relationships with a diverse network of
investors and entrepreneurs working people including other entrepreneurs.
in hi-tech and science industries. The Health Innovation Accelerator set
Key to their success is the quality up by the National Endowment for
of their director and the team that Science, Technology and the Arts
provide inspiration, challenge and (NESTA) and the Young Foundation
support to the organisations using is designed to support start-up social
the park. Although Cambridge enterprises in the field of chronic
Science Park built outside Cambridge disease.
University is the most well known
example in Britain, probably the
best example of a ‘science park’
Technology transfer Why do we
companies need innovation
Technology transfer companies intermediaries in
help organisations to commercialise
their research and knowledge by
public services?
turning their intellectual property into Innovation intermediaries are
products and services. They provide emerging in public services because
support in a number of different areas organisations in search of innovative
including business planning, project solutions to social problems are
management, contracting, evaluation, struggling to identify, engage and
and they help organisations manage partner with other organisations that
and protect their intellectual property have developed potential solutions to
for example through licensing these problems.29 This can happen in
and patenting. They also help a multitude of ways:
organisations attract investment. » Government departments
Innovation agents lack intelligence about what
innovative practice is happening
Innovation agents help organisations
on the ground.
to absorb and adopt innovations
that were developed by other » Social care departments in local
organisations. Most small and authorities find it difficult to
medium sized organisations lack the access what is happening in other
managerial capability to absorb and locations.
adapt innovations from elsewhere. » Schools have difficulties engaging
In particular, they lack the capability with universities and the research
to recognise their own need for and evidence base they generate.
innovation, to explore and compare
» Charities working with excluded
innovations generated by others, to
young people find it difficult
select and acquire innovations from
to convince commissioners of
other organisations and to implement
innovations successfully.
22 /23

services for young people to ‘try a the transaction costs between

different approach’. organisations that are either looking
for or generating innovations.
» Innovative projects rarely develop
and share their work with This problem is compounded by the
innovators from other sectors, many monopolies operating in public
eg health, social care, housing or services, which tend to lock systems
education. into traditional approaches that resist
innovation. Some monopolies (like
There are three main explanations for
the police) have a monopoly on the
why organisations struggle to form
supply of a particular service. Others,
relationships with one another in
(like Local Authorities) are monopoly
pursuit of innovation:
commissioners of particular services
» the nature of social innovation – – where a quasi-monopoly exists on
complex social problems require the demand side, as is the case with
complex solutions libraries, refuse collection and so on.
» the power of monopolies to resist Such monopolies can be the most
innovation legitimate and cost effective way of
delivering services, but the barrier
» the undervaluing of innovation
they present to innovation remains
- existing systems of funding and
a problem. These barriers are being
accountability in public services
broken down in different ways: by
do not value innovation.
the introduction of practice-based
Innovations that tackle the most commissioning and personal budgets
intractable social problems are into the commissioning of health and
complex. They need to adapt to social care, creating competitions for
different situations and contexts and new entrants to set up new schools,
they need to manage the risks posed and encouraging new providers to
by changes in their environment, such run prison and probation services for
as changes in policy, resources and example.
personnel. This complexity increases
Finally, the true cost of failure,
How do innovation
and therefore the true value of
innovation in public services, is not
intermediaries help?
fully recognised by extant funding Innovation intermediaries try to
mechanisms or accountability overcome the barriers created by
systems. Most funding mechanisms the nature of the innovations, the
struggle to shift financial resources unrecognised value of innovations
away from old models of delivery to and the power of monopolies. They
new, more effective ways of doing identify opportunities for innovation
things. Most accountability systems that the current system undervalues.
are not able to measure the benefits They seek new ways of financing
of new approaches because the an innovation and measuring its
system of measurement was designed benefits. They try to reduce the risks
to measure the performance of an and increase the rewards of the
old model. Of course, most funding innovation and importantly they
mechanisms and accountability broker relationships that mobilise an
systems do evolve over time to innovation.
try and accommodate new ways
Intermediaries in public services
of doing things – necessarily they
attempt to mediate both knowledge
change slowly, and more often than
and social relationships. They
not, innovations have to exist at the
broker different types of specialist
periphery for many years, supported
knowledge that innovators often lack;
by fragile and unsustainable funding
such as how to set up a business,
and a tiny number of enthusiastic
technological expertise, marketing
advocates. Such innovations find it
and communication skills. The market
very difficult to contest the financial
for these skills in public service
resources that support existing
innovation is very undeveloped,
practice and they have to combat the
demand is highly differentiated
systems aversion to trying something
and lacks the scale to purchase this
different – to taking a risk.
knowledge independently – hence
24 /25

the need for brokers. Secondly, In public services, this relationship

they broker relationships between is often between small-scale,
a wide range of players for whom front-line delivery organisations
the costs and risks of networking like job centres, libraries, or home-
and collaboration are high. Brokers care providers and large-scale
provide a platform that lowers these commissioning organisations such
costs and risks. There are four types as local councils, primary care trusts
of social relationship that innovation or central Government. There are
intermediaries seek to broker in public relatively weak relationships between
services. most commissioners of services
and most small-scale innovative
Brokering relationships
providers – especially those from
The first is the relationship between the third sector or independent
‘innovation creators’ and ‘innovation sector. The Innovation Exchange
seekers’. In the private sector this is ( is a
often a relationship between small, good example of an intermediary set
creative organisations and large- up to broker relationships of this sort.
scale organisations. The technology
The second relationship is between
sector is full of tiny firms that get
‘innovation creators’ and potential
bought out by giant brands that then
investors. Selling innovations
take the innovation to scale. Large
to a larger, delivery-orientated
organisations, at their worst can repel
organisation is not the only way
disruptive innovation as they have
of going to scale. Growing the
too much invested in the current
organisation that generated the
paradigm – they protect the status
innovation in the first place is also
quo. Aware of this they often seek and
a possibility – requiring more often
acquire new entrants with disruptive
than not financial investment from
technologies and seek to absorb
elsewhere, as well as business
them in the current paradigm and
incrementally change their business.30
Capital investment in innovation is Intermediaries support social
not common in public services, but networks of innovators who may
it does occur. Most public services collaborate on some things and
do not enable investors to make a compete on others, but all benefit
financial return on their investment, from the random connections they
so the major capital investors have make, the exposure to ideas, and
been philanthropists, charitable trusts the access to unfamiliar knowledge.
and foundations that have sought a Futurelab is a good example of an
social return rather than a financial intermediary organisation in the
return on their investments. education and technology sectors
that operates by bringing together
There have been experiments in
innovators from a range of different
public services where investors
organisations to support, challenge
have been able to make a financial
and inspire one another.
return on investment – the private
finance initiative being the most well Finally, innovation intermediaries
known. Futurebuilders is another that in public services also broker
provides loan capital to third sector relationships between policy
innovators in public services. New makers and practitioner innovators.
Philanthropy Capital is an example of The purpose of brokering these
a broker and innovation consultancy relationships is to create new ideas
that advises investors (philanthropists) for policy, and to create better
on which sectors and which socially- conditions for an innovation to
innovative organisations to invest in. develop and grow in practice.
Relationships between policy
Intermediaries broker relationships
makers and innovators are extremely
among networks of innovators.
difficult to foster given the nature of
Despite popular myth, innovation
modern bureaucracies, the careers
is a collaborative and social
of civil servants, the short tenure of
process that feeds on relationships
ministers, and the insularity of large
between diverse groups of people.
26 /27

parts of Whitehall. Some parts of innovators to take risks in a culture,

Government have tried hard to break which is necessarily risk averse both
this culture within the bureaucracy with public money and with public
and become more permeable to outcomes, like a person’s health, a
innovative practice on the ground, child’s education or a citizen’s safety.
examples include the Social Exclusion In practice, Government finds this role
Taskforce, the Office for Disability difficult.
Issues, the Prime Minister’s Strategy
These innovation intermediaries
Unit (PMSU), and the Child Poverty
are trying to change cultures within
Unit. Commonly though policy
public services by changing the
makers and practitioner-innovators
way different parts of the public
struggle to talk to one another, using
sector relate to one another and the
different professional languages and
way the public sector relates to the
bringing such different perspectives.
wider world – to business, academia,
Brokers help to translate and interpret
the third sector. They are trying to
between these different communities.
challenge cultural assumptions about
Policy makers can be very influential in the sources of change in public
the success of an innovation in public services and the nature of innovation.
services as they can make changes In education they are challenging the
to the organisational structures notion that innovation is generated
in the system, the way funding is by central Government and imposed
allocated, the forms of regulation on a reluctant profession. They are
and performance management also challenging the notion that
and the way organisations are held innovation will come naturally
accountable. They also have an if practitioners are ‘left alone to
important leadership role. They can teach’, pressures of accountability
inspire, challenge and encourage are reduced, and schools and
others with the messages that they headteachers have more freedom and
communicate. In theory they are space to be creative.
able to create permission and license
What services different organisations, sharing the
lesson of innovations that have
do innovation succeeded and failed elsewhere.
intermediaries There is an explicit role for
provide? intermediaries to help organisations
look around the world and research
Most of the innovation intermediaries
the way others have tackled similar
working in public services provide
problems. Organisations like schools,
different services and use different
job centres, local councils, and
methods and methodologies to
social housing providers that are
support the organisations with which
dominated by local operational and
they work. Bessant provides us with
delivery issues often lack the capacity
a useful taxonomy of management
to engage in research or access the
capabilities that intermediaries
research community. Think-tanks, like
provide the organisations they work
Demos, work with leaders in public
services enabling them to access
Expert consulting – they provide research in useful and usable formats
solutions to the particular innovation and create ‘spaces to think’ and play
problems that their clients have. with new ideas in creative ways – they
There is a wide range of design-led operate as ‘ideas’ factories’.
innovation brokers such as IDEO,
Brokering – they try to match potential
Livework and Engine who bring
partners who could best develop
expertise and skill in innovation
and spread an innovation by working
processes that start from the
together. The Young Foundation
perspective of the individual customer
and its various programmes is an
and help organisations rethink what
excellent example of an organisation
they do.
that incubates innovation projects by
Experience sharing – they transfer trying to create the right partnerships
knowledge and learning from for innovative ideas to grow.
28 /29

Diagnosis and problem definition – they Change agency – they provide

help organisations understand and coaching, consultancy and training
define their needs for innovation. to organisations running innovation
The Social Innovation Lab for Kent projects. The Innovation Unit’s Next
(SILK) is a good example of a local Practice methodology provides a high
innovation catalyst that invests level of this kind of support, mainly
significant time and resource into the within children’s services.
process of problem definition and
We might add to this list the following
redefinition, involving both the public
three capabilities that apply to
and professionals in the process. They
intermediaries working with public
have used ethnographic techniques
service organisations:
to good effect in attempts to get a
different perspective on the problem. 1. Influencing policy is a role that
public service intermediaries
Benchmarking – they help
play that is clearly missing from
organisations to identify and engage
Bessant’s taxonomy. The Young
with leading practice in other
Foundation is one of the most
organisations, sectors and countries.
influential intermediaries with
The Young Foundation is strong in
Government across a wide range
this area, with its focus on action
of policy areas.
research and its significant research
capacity. NESTA probably has made 2. An advocate for the public
the biggest contribution in this area, – unlike in commercial
focusing as it does on researching environments, innovation
the innovation challenge in different intermediaries in public services
sectors and designing programmes to are often advocates for customers
meet those sector-specific challenges, and service users, helping their
and developing ways of assessing voice be heard in the innovation
and measuring the impact of different process. This is necessary because
innovations and innovation processes. taxpayers rather than customers
fund most public services. They
have dual accountability upwards Examples include IDEO, Live
to the organisation that funds Work, Engine, Think Public
them and downwards to the and Participle. Their work has
public that they serve. The voice generated a wealth of methods
of the service user can often get that can be used to support
lost in discussions about how innovation in public services. The
to do things differently. The Design Council also has a history
NHS Institute has developed of applying design methodology
an excellent experience-based to public services and its RED
design toolkit that helps team and its flagship programme,
innovators in the NHS understand Dott 07, has done much to
the experiences and perspectives introduce design-led innovation
of the public. SILK has also intermediaries to public service
developed a ‘person-centred’ problems.
framework, designed to help local
councils do the same.
What can we learn
3. Providing a methodology
from research about
and methods – innovation innovation?
intermediaries often develop Our understanding of how innovation
a methodology for innovation, happens has changed dramatically
which explains how innovation over the last 30 years. We have learnt
occurs and provides tools and that innovation does not come from
processes that can be used in lone inventors in their laboratory
different settings. There is a large dreaming up completely original
number of design organisations ideas, but from networks of innovators
that have a highly developed collaborating and recombining old
innovation methodology routed ideas from diverse sources to create
in the discipline of design. new ideas.32, 33
30 /31

Innovation-rich sectors tend to be relationships between original

highly networked, with a high number inventors and those who understand
of random connections between how to take new ideas to scale is key.35
individuals and organisations and
Finally, we have learnt that many
a high level of social, cultural and
radical innovations in products and
professional diversity within these
services involve the users of those
social networks. This model of
products and services in a deep way.
distributed innovation explains the
Von Hippel records how users have
important role that brokers play in
generated many of the more radical
establishing and maintaining such
innovations that have been adopted
networks and relationships, especially
by manufacturers in very successful
in sectors where these relationships
ways, and indeed many innovations
do not form easily.34 Building
that did not require a manufacturer
relationships between innovators in
to adopt them in order for them to
different organisations and creating
spread – such as credit unions. This
rules that make it safe to share, be
understanding of innovation as an
open about problems and potential
open and distributed process requires
solutions is important.
a strong network of relationships
Brilliant invention does not involving many different players,
automatically lead to innovation. including service users – and explains
Many original inventors fail to take in part why innovation brokers
their invention to market, where in public services become strong
subsequently others succeed. advocates for user participation.36
Hoover did not invent the vacuum
These research findings suggest
cleaner and Singer did not invent
that there is an important role
the sewing machine, but they were
for intermediary organisations in
infinitely more successful than the
supporting innovation – and none
original inventors at taking these new
more so than in public services. Most
products to a mass market. Creating
recent studies of innovation in public
services recommend intermediaries and transport. It outlines how
as part of the infrastructure for Government has committed to
supporting innovation at scale.37 spending over £2.5bn on innovation
Experience has demonstrated their in public services from projects like
value in other sectors of the economy the Transport Innovation Fund worth
– especially in science and technology £600m, the Social Care Reform grant
where Government has been most of £518m to Local Authorities or
active in promoting their role and the £60m for the Health Innovation
spent most money on evaluating their Council.
The White Paper announced plans to
How can establish a Whitehall Innovation Hub,
a network of Whitehall innovators and
Government create an Annual Innovation Report, which
an innovation could increase the permeability of
infrastructure in central Government to innovation
public services that ‘at the frontline’ as it is sometimes
known. However, these initiatives risk
uses intermediaries reinforcing the belief that innovation
to good effect? comes from Whitehall, or that
The Department for Innovation, Whitehall should find innovation and
Universities and Skills (DIUS) published impose it on everyone else.
Innovation Nation in March 2008 with The White Paper also announced a
high ambitions: ‘We set out our aim study into the risk-averse culture of
to make Britain the best country in the the public sector by The National
world to run an innovative business or Audit Office (one of the organisations
public service.’ arguably most responsible for
The chapter on public sector creating that culture). It suggested
innovation highlights the imperative exploring the extension of the
of innovation in education, health Power to Innovate legislation, which
32 /33

exists currently only in education, services. However, the Laboratory

and the development of a training could take different forms.
programme for managers of public
The Laboratory could also become
services, designed to increase
an expanded Challenge programme,
demand for design-led innovation.
NESTA’s current innovation
This programme has been developed
programme focusing on health,
by the Design Council and is based on
mental health and climate change.
their successful model for the private
Alternatively it could be focused
on locations rather than sectors.
Finally, and most promisingly, The best model of this approach is
Innovation Nation announced probably Dott 07, run by the Design
the creation of a Public Services Council and One North East, which
Innovation Laboratory, run by ran design-led innovation projects
NESTA in partnership with many in the north-east of England where
existing innovation intermediaries design-led innovation agencies were
such as the Young Foundation, commissioned to work with local
The Innovation Unit, Improvement people to tackle a diverse range of
and Development Agency for local social problems such as teenage
government (IDeA), The Design sexual health, Alzheimer’s, low carbon
Council and the Innovation Exchange. housing and public transport in rural
The Laboratory will trial new methods areas.
of supporting innovation, search for
The Laboratory could become a
innovation in public services around
service provider to other innovation
the world, disseminate lessons to
intermediaries, helping them to
delivery organisations, develop
build capacity, educate demand,
training, tools and services for
build a business case and business
practitioners and influence policy. This
model, and create an evidence base
is a real opportunity to invest in the
for what works in social innovation
innovation infrastructure for public
– evaluating different methodologies
for supporting innovation. In
emerging fragmented markets like
this, nurture and support are needed We recommend that Government
alongside financial incentives. seeks to create propitious
market conditions for innovation
Finally, the Laboratory could become
intermediaries working in public
‘a system influencer’ campaigning for
services. It should attempt to
changes in policy, publishing research
stimulate demand for innovation
and leading a debate about how to
brokers by regularly communicating
really make Britain the best country in
the innovation imperative, regulating
the world to run an innovative public
sectors in ways that encourage
innovation, use public money to
leverage more investment, and
encourage leaders to grow the
capacity within their organisations
to work firstly with intermediary
organisations and more importantly
to manage the brokered relationships
with other innovators, universities,
policy makers, investors and
businesses necessary for innovation to

Government should also attempt

to support the emerging field of
innovation intermediaries in a
similar way to that through which
it has supported intermediaries in
science and technology sectors. One
example of Government working
to grow capacity for intermediary
34 /35

organisations is the EU initiative to changes necessary. Particular changes

establish Innovation Relay Centres would include:
to facilitate the transfer of innovative
» increased levels of choice for
technologies to and from European
the public; not just between
companies or research departments.40
providers but between services
We have argued that the emerging and experiences offered by each
market of innovation intermediaries provider
working in public services is a fragile,
» service users having greater
underdeveloped market of SMEs that
control over how money is spent
could be damaged by policy making
through the use of personal
which is unintentionally unhelpful.
budgets in some specialist and
Competition and collaboration are to
targeted services and through
be encouraged in the sector, while
participative budgeting in
bureaucracy, monopoly, risk aversion
universal services
and high barriers to entry must be
avoided. » increased voice for service users
through participation in decision-
Government usually finds demand-
making, more democratic
side approaches much more difficult
organisations and better dialogue
than intervening on the supply side,
between professionals and the
however, of all places, innovation
policy must break this mould. After
decades of supply-side reforms » increased investment in services
focused on organisational structures that promote self-reliance,
and ways of regulating the practice personal responsibility and
of professionals, the next era of independence for citizens
innovation in public services needs to supporting and sometimes
focus on the participation of service challenging people to do what
users themselves in the innovation they are best placed to do
process if we are to see the radical – manage their own lives without
being dependent on public
Government has accepted the politically acceptable, in which case a
importance of allowing new entrants social return on investment must be
to disrupt patterns of provision that offered. Government should develop
are ineffective or poor value for and implement a common approach
money. However, actually shifting across departments to measuring the
resources away from old providers social return on investment in public
to new is much harder in practice. services, and encourage other social
Decommissioning services is much investors such as philanthropists and
harder than commissioning new ones. corporations to adopt it.
DIUS should influence policy in other
Government departments to ensure
that commissioning public services
actively promotes innovation.

Government also needs to increase

the access to financial capital for
new entrants in to public services
– which are so often the source
of innovation. The development
of loan capital, share capital and
venture capital in public services
is beginning but is still very small.
Major changes are needed to funding
mechanisms if investors are to receive
financial returns on their investment. is an interesting
model offering financial returns to
innovators that could be applicable
to public services. However, in many
areas a financial return will not be
36 /37

Final thoughts … Such innovation also comes from

systems where there are strong
The kind of innovation in public organisational incentives, financial or
services that radically transforms otherwise, to develop innovations,
outcomes for people on a large reveal innovations to others and to
scale does not come from letting absorb such innovation into the way
1,000 flowers bloom as we have an organisation works. Such systems
seen in education. Experimentation need organisations that are hungry in
without discipline does not lead to their pursuit of innovative ideas from
innovation at scale. Neither does such elsewhere. Such systems also need
innovation come from monopolies clear and shared outcomes and ways
or bureaucracies who search for of measuring them that are capable
innovations and then impose them of evolving over time. Innovation
on others. Centralised approaches can is greatly hampered by measuring
damage the capacity of the system what is possible in the future, with
to generate more innovations in the instruments that measured what was
future. important in the past.
Such innovation at scale comes from Finally, social innovation at scale
decentralised systems where there comes from systems that give
is a rich multitude of connections the public tools to innovate
and relationships between a diverse for themselves.41 Brokering this
range of people and organisations. transition is what many innovation
The power of random connections intermediaries in social innovation are
and the opportunity to combine ideas passionately committed to.
and knowledge from unrelated and
distant areas is fundamental to the
process of innovation. Innovation
brokers provide an infrastructure to
support such relationships.
References 4 I am grateful to Michael Fullan for this point.

5 I am grateful to David Albury for this point.

1 We use the term ‘innovation broker’ and
‘innovation intermediary’ interchangeably 6 Mulgan, G and Albury, D (2003) Innovation
throughout the text. Intermediary is commonly in the Public Sector, PMSU, Cabinet Office,
used in technical and policy documents but London.
sounds a little passive – a mere go-between. 7 Mulgan, G (2007) Ready or not? Taking
Broker is a more active term indicating a role innovation in the public sector seriously,
that connects people but also generates NESTA. London.
and facilitates innovation. We have avoided
other terms such as innovation facilitator or 8 Based on Hidden Innovation: How
innovation catalyst, which although accurate innovation happens in six ‘low innovation’
– add new terminology to an area already full sectors (2007) NESTA, London. I am particularly
of jargon. grateful to the contributions of Barbara
Spender, Gene Payne and Caireen Goddard,
2 We use a working definition of innovation among others.
brokers and innovation intermediaries from
Henry Chesborough: “innovation intermediaries, 9 See A Leader’s Framework for Decision
or firms that help companies of many different Making by David Snowdon and Mary Boone in
sizes participate in the emerging secondary Harvard Business Review (November 2007) and
markets for innovation and IP and craft more also Mulgan, G (2006) The Process of Social
open business models.” Chesbrough, H (2006) Innovation, MIT, Cambridge, Mass.
Innovation Intermediaries, enabling open 10 This story is based largely on Michael
innovation, HBSP, Boston, Mass. The open Barber’s narrative about change in education
business model indicates that the brokers are led by either Government or professionals and
not trying to monopolise and gain commercial being either informed or uninformed.
advantage from the innovation itself, but
rather to make the innovation more widely 11 Earl, L et al (2003) Watching and Learning
available and accessible so that it is used at 3: Final Report of the External Evaluation of
scale. England’s National Literacy and Numeracy
Strategies, OISE/University of Toronto.
3 Definitions of innovation are many and
varied. I am content to adopt this one: 12 Hargreaves, D (2004) Working laterally,
“successful innovation is the creation and hotseat summary, NCSL, Nottingham.
implementation of new processes, products, 13 Estelle Morris (2002) Diversity and
services and methods of delivery, which result in Innovation in Education, DfES, London.
significant improvements in outcomes, efficiency,
effectiveness or quality.” Mulgan, G and Albury, 14 eg DfES (2001) Schools achieving success,
A (2003) Innovation in the Public Sector, PMSU, DfES, London.
Cabinet Office, London.

15 eg Mulgan, G and Albury, D (2003) 27 Howard Partners (April 2007) Department

Innovation in the Public Sector, PMSU, Cabinet of Industry, Tourism and Resources: Study
Office, London. of the Role of Intermediaries in Support
of Innovation,
16 Bentley, T and Gillinson, S (2007) A D&R
System for Education, The Innovation Unit,
28 Chesbrough, H (2006) Innovation
17 Hill, R (2006) The matter of how: change
Intermediaries, enabling open innovation,
and reform in 21st century public services,
HBSP, Boston, Mass.
Solace, London.
29 Mulgan, G with Ali, R, Halkett, R, Sanders,
18 Ibid.
B (2207) In and out of sync – the challenge of
19 Earl, L et al (2003) Watching and Learning growing social innovations, NESTA, London.
3: Final Report of the External Evaluation of
30 Bower, Joseph L and Christensen, Clayton
England’s National Literacy and Numeracy
M (1995) Disruptive Technologies: Catching
Strategies, OISE/University of Toronto.
the Wave, Harvard Business Review, January-
20 Ofsted (2006) Annual Report 2005/6, February 1995.
Ofsted, Manchester.
31 Bessant, J and Howard, R Innovation
21 Fullan, M (2005) Systems thinkers in action: Agents and Technology Transfer in Service
moving beyond the standards plateau, DfES and the Knowledge-based Economy edited
Innovation Unit/NCSL, London. by Boden, M and Miles, I (2000), Continuum,
22 Hargreaves, D (2003) From improvement to
transformation, ICSEI 32 Sawyer (2007) Group Genius, the creative
keynotes/David%20Hargreaves%20ICSEI%20ke power of collaboration.
33 Hargadon, A (2003) How Breakthroughs
Happen: The Surprising Truth About How
23 IDeA (2005) Innovation in public services, Companies Innovate, HBPS, Boston, Mass.
34 Chesbrough, H (2005) Open Innovation,
24 Green, H and Hannon, C (2006) Their Space, HBSP, Boston, Mass.
Demos, London.
35 John Bessant talking at a lecture on
25 Many thanks to Keri Facer and Gavin Dykes innovation intermediaries, Advanced Institute
for their expertise and advice on this whole of Management Research. London.
36 von Hippel, E (2006), Democratising
26 DIUS (2008) Innovation Nation, TSO, Innovation, MIT, Cambridge, Mass.
37 For example, Bacon, N et al (2008)
Transformers, NESTA, London.
38 Howells, J (2006) Intermediation and
the role of intermediaries in innovation,.

39 I am grateful to Michael Fullan for this



41 Leadbeater, C (2008) We think – the power

of mass creativity, Profile, London.
40 /41

The Innovation Unit

The Innovation Unit works as an informed disciplined methods to
innovation intermediary in public innovation.
services. It is devoted to stimulating,
Major strands of work include the
incubating and accelerating
Next Practice Education Programme in
innovation to achieve transformed
schools and children’s services; and
services with better outcomes for
the Innovation Exchange for the Third
citizens. We believe passionately
that the creativity of public service
practitioners, working collaboratively To find out more about our work,
with service users, holds the key please visit our website:
to this transformation. We support
the process by bringing evidence-

Thanks to the following people for Caireen Goddard, Valerie Hannon,
their contribution to this publication. Richard Harrison, David Jackson, Ruth
Their experience and writing has Kennedy, Charles Leadbeater, Hugo
been a major inspiration and their Manassei, Denis Mongon, Sophia
comments and suggestions have Parker, Gene Payne, Barbara Spender,
been invaluable: David Albury, John John Thackara, Chris Vanstone, Gareth
Bessant, John Craig, Gavin Dykes, Wynne and Rowena Young.
Lorna Earl, Keri Facer, Michael Fullan,
Where is the Silicon Valley for public services in Britain?
Highly innovative sectors of the economy benefit from an infrastructure of
science and innovation parks, business incubators, R&D labs and the like.
What would the equivalent infrastructure look like to support innovation that
tackled chronic disease, youth crime, climate change or teenage pregnancy?

This booklet explores the role of innovation brokers in public services. It

looks at what they are, what they do, and why they might be needed to
support innovation in public services. In particular, it looks at how they broker
knowledge and relationships between innovators with ideas, managers and
commissioners looking for solutions, investors and policy makers.

The emerging market of innovation brokers working in public services is a

fragile underdeveloped market of SMEs that could be damaged by unhelpful
policy making. We recommend that Government seeks to create propitious
market conditions for innovation intermediaries working in public services –
just as it has encouraged innovation intermediaries in hi-tec, high innovation,
commercial sectors.

Matthew Horne works on innovation projects in public services. He has

worked for a range of innovation intermediary organisations including Demos,
the Design Council, Participle, the Innovation Exchange and The Innovation
Unit. This work has been with schools, universities, prisons, the police, local
councils and drug and alcohol services. He writes here in a personal capacity.

You can download this publication from The Innovation Unit’s website:

© The Innovation Unit 2008

Extracts from this document may be reproduced for non-commercial or training purposes on the condition
that the source is acknowledged.

Printed by an ISO 14001 accredited printer on totally chlorine-free PEFC accredited stock

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