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2 © 2018 Nokia <Document ID: change ID in footer or remove>
Cluster and job
• LSF cluster consist of master host, submit hosts (client) and execution hosts. Independent
LSF clusters in :
DATACENTER Host in Grid - Hosts in LSF (24.Jun 2019=>)
• Finland/Oulu : 26(HW renewal) – 169
• USA/Sunnyvale : 0 - 24
• USA/Franklin Park : 1 - 10
• France/Marcoussis : 1 - 30
• China/Hangzhou : 30(HW renewal) – 35

lshosts - view static resource information about hosts in the cluster

bhosts - View resource and job information about server hosts in the cluster
lsid - View the cluster name
lsclusters - View cluster status and size

• A job is a command that is submitted to LSF for execution.

bjobs - View jobs in the system

bsub - Submit jobs to the system

3 © 2018 Nokia <Document ID: change ID in footer or remove>

Job slot and job states
• A job slot is a bucket into which one job is assigned in the LSF system. We have one job
slot for each physical CPU core (hyperthreading is disabled) in *_soc queues. In other
queues one job slot for each hyperthreaded core.
• Typical execution host : 2 processors * 18 cores/processor = 36 cores == 36 job slots

bhosts - View job slot limits for hosts and host groups
bqueues - View job slot limits for queues
busers - View job slot limits for users and user groups

• Job states :
• PEND - Waiting in a queue for scheduling and dispatch
• RUN - Dispatched to a execution host and running
• DONE - Finished normally with zero exit value
• EXIT - Finished with non-zero exit value
• PSUSP - Suspended while pending
• USUSP - Suspended by user
• SSUSP - Suspended by the LSF system
4 © 2018 Nokia <Document ID: change ID in footer or remove>
• All jobs wait in queues until they are scheduled and dispatched to execution hosts.
• Queues available in the system :
Name Type Purpose
i Interactive (fg) Interactive work with GUI. Open for all users.
b Batch (bg) Background execution, regression runs. Open for all users.
i_soc Interactive (fg) Interactive work with GUI. For SoC users only.
b_soc Batch (bg) Background execution, regression runs. For SoC users only.
i_soc_rh7 Interactive (fg) Same as i_soc but with RHEL7.

• Access to all queues ending with _soc are restricted only to users who belong to
”soc_users” or ”soc_extusers” UNIX group. In LSF it doesn’t have to be the default UNIX
group (gid) like in grid.
• Queue must always be defined in bsub command!

bqueues - View available queues

bsub -q <queuename> - Submit a job to a specific queue
bparams - View default queues

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• There is one master host for each LSF cluster, number of submit hosts and number of
execution hosts.
• Master host acts as the overall coordinator (job scheduling and dispatch) for the cluster.

lsid - View the master host name

• Submit host (server:No) is a host (login host) from where you can submit jobs to the LSF
system :

bsub - Submit a job

bjobs - View jobs that are submitted

• Execution host (server:Yes)is a host where job runs.

bjobs - View where a job runs

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Load values
• Static load values (reported by LoadInformationManager during boot time) :
• ncpus - Number of CPU cores
• maxmem - Total available memory
lshosts -l - View static load values
• maxswp - Total available swap
• maxtmp - Total available /tmp diskspace
• Dynamic load values (reported by LIM periodically) :
• status - Host status
• r15s, r1m and r15m - 15s/1min/15min load values (run queue lengths)
• ut - CPU utilization
• pg - paging rate
• ls - number of login sessions
lsload -l - View dynamic load values
• it - interactive idle time
• swp - available swap space
• mem - available memory
• tmp - available /tmp space
• io - disk IO rate

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Load values

Master hosts

Execution hosts

Submit hosts

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• The LSF system uses built-in and configured resources to track resource availability and
usage. Jobs are scheduled according to the resources available on individual hosts.

lsinfo - View the resources available in your cluster

bjobs -l - View current resource usage of a job

• Restrict which hosts the job can run on with resource requirements (bsub -R). Hosts
that match the resource requirements are the candidate hosts. When LSF schedules a
job, it collects the load index values of all the candidate hosts and compares them to the
scheduling conditions. Jobs are only dispatched to a host if all load values are within the
scheduling thresholds.

bsub -R - Specify resource requirement string for a job

bsub -q b_soc -R ”rusage[mem=4000]” mycmd - Example

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Job lifecycle

Login host : oulnxc67


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11 © 2018 Nokia <Document ID: change ID in footer or remove>
Setup and basic structure
• Detailed information about LSF can be found from :
• IDM : => Documents => User guides => LSF
• LSF_guide : This material
• Switches_from_grid_to_lsf : Grid cmd line switches vs LSF cmd line switches
• IBM :
• IT :
• LSF environment setup :
• LSF is automatically setup in all proj setups (module load proj/<proj>/<var>).
• LSF can also be manually setup with module load lsf.
• LSF commands can be directly run on login host (host where your VNC server is running).
• DO NOT run terminals in LSF. Instead of doing that run your tools/scripts in LSF with
• Jobs can be run in foreground (bsub -Is) or background (bsub). Foreground job typically
is interactive work with GUI. Regression simulations are run as background job.
• LSF command help (see next slide for list of commands) : man <cmd>

12 © 2018 Nokia <Document ID: change ID in footer or remove>

13 © 2018 Nokia <Document ID: change ID in footer or remove>
Setup and basic structure
• Queue must always be defined in bsub command with -q <queue>.
• Currently available queues (B=batch/background,I=interactive/foreground) :
Queue Type Comman Users Purpose
i I bsub –Is ALL users Design debug/development work using GUIs in foreground.

b B bsub ALL users Regression runs in background.

i_soc I bsub -Is soc_users Design debug/development work using GUIs in foreground.
b_soc B bsub soc_users Regression runs in background.
i_soc_rh7 I bsub -Is soc_users Same as i_soc but with RHEL7.

• You can specify multiple queues separated by space : -q ”<queue1> <queue2>”

14 © 2018 Nokia <Document ID: change ID in footer or remove>

Starting foreground job
bsub -Is -q i_soc -R "rusage[mem=2000]" verdi (Note : starting verdi EDA tool here)

-Is Submit interactive X-window job with SSH.

-q i_soc Run job in i_soc queue (see previous slides for available queues).
NOTE : Always define the queue in bsub commands!
-R "rusage[mem=2000]" Peak memory need (MB) for the whole duration of the job.

Note:The working directory is by default the same path where you

were when running the bsub command (grid -cwd switch).
Environment variables are automatically inherited (grid -V switch).

15 © Nokia Solutions and Networks 2014

Starting background job
bsub -q b_soc -R "rusage[mem=5000]" my_regression_script.csh
-q b_soc Run job in b_soc queue (see previous slides for available queues).
NOTE : Always define the queue in qsub commands!
-R "rusage[mem=5000]" Peak memory (MB) need for the whole duration of the job.

-oo $PWD/bsub_o.log Send std out and std err to file. Use -o /dev/null to disable automatic email
-eo $PWD/bsub_e.log Send std err to a different file.

Note:The working directory is by default the same path where you

were when running the bsub command (grid -cwd switch).
Environment variables are automatically inherited (grid -V switch).

16 © Nokia Solutions and Networks 2014

Starting background job / script based
bsub my_regression_script.csh
• In this case you feed in the bsub switches inside your script using the special #BSUB
comments in the script header.

• Submit this script to b_soc queue : ”bsub < myscript.csh”

17 © 2018 Nokia <Document ID: change ID in footer or remove>

Memory reservations
Information about how LSF behaves when user’s process tree mem size exceeds the given
rusage[mem=X] value will be added here later…

18 © 2018 Nokia <Document ID: change ID in footer or remove>

Other usefull options for bsub
-J "my job" Give name ”my job” for the job.

-B Send email when the job is started.

-N Send email after the job has ended.

-u Defines email address for email notifications. Default is

submitter’s email address.
-S <size in MB> Limit stack mem. size to <size in MB> (do not define if not
absolutely needed, global default is unlimited)
-L /bin/tcsh Initialize execution environment with specified login shell.

-sla bigmem Submit job to specified service class (not implemented yet).

-app quartus Use “quartus” application profile (not implemented yet).

-W [HH:]MM Set run time limit for the job.

-We [HH:]MM Specifies an estimation run time for the job.

19 © Nokia Solutions and Networks 2014
Simple sample script

20 © Nokia Solutions and Networks 2014

Checking status of running/pending jobs
• List my current jobs : bjobs

• List all jobs for all users of all queues : bjobs -u all (add switch ”-q b_soc” to select one queue)

Note! Add -w to view result in wide format.

In the above example ”mikahol” is actually ”mikahola”!
21 © Nokia Solutions and Networks 2014
Checking status of running/pending jobs
• List verbose information about a job : bjobs -l <job-id>

22 © Nokia Solutions and Networks 2014

Checking status of running/pending jobs
• View the stdout of running job : bpeek <job-id>

23 © Nokia Solutions and Networks 2014

Delete job
• Delete job <job-id> : ”bkill <job-id>”
• If job refuses to die, then follow these steps :
• Find out the execution <host> hostname :

• Make sure you don’t have other jobs running on the same execution host.
• Kill all your processes on that execution host : ”ssh $USER@<host> kill -9 -1”
• You can also selectively kill the processes related to a problem job. You can find out the process id:s with :
”ssh $USER@<host> pstree -lcpGAau $USER”

24 © Nokia Solutions and Networks 2014

Analyzing results
• You can create LSF logfiles with -oo <file_out> (and -eo <file_err>) switches.

25 © Nokia Solutions and Networks 2014

Analyzing results
• Show information about completed jobs completed (-C) 11.Nov 2018, run in queue
b_soc (-q) by the user mikahola (-u) :

26 © Nokia Solutions and Networks 2014

Analyzing results
• Show information about completed job 2926 :

27 © Nokia Solutions and Networks 2014

CPU and memory affinity
• Details in :

All used 4 cores from same host and same socket

(physical CPU).

28 © Nokia Solutions and Networks 2014

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