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War of worlds

This story directed by Mario N Bonassin is about two astronomer brothers who are Allison
played by Emily Killian and Henry by Anthony Jensen, both discover that aliens threaten to
attack Earth. This is how we see a war between two worlds, the human and the
extraterrestrial world.
This movie begins when both brothers discover a strange object in the Earth's
atmosphere, before General Reed arrives to use his observatory to see what to expect.
When the aliens arrive, they begin trying to eliminate the human population. Allie and
Henry escape from the persecutions of the Martians and invent a type of solution to
defeat them.
This movie could have had potential, however, it did not. I think the acting of the actors
was a bit bad and the scenes look low budget, although it is something that really does not
matter since there are movies so they are very good, this is not the case, it stayed in what
we already saw and not something innovative. I would not recommend it to anyone.

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