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What Manager do?

Management Functions
Enter the Organization
Organizational Behavior
What Manager Do?
❑ Manager is someone who coordinate and oversees the work
activities of there people so that organizational goals can be
❑ Manager is someone who is handling all management functions
such as planning, organizing, leading and controlling.
Organizational Behavior
Management Functions
❑ Henry Fayol French businessman in early of 20th century introduce the
management functions.

i. Planning: Defining company goals, establishing strategies and

developing plans to achieve those goals.
ii. Organizing: Arranging and organizing things to accomplish
organizational goals. Determine what task are to be done, who is to do
them and how it will be done.
Organizational Behavior
Management Functions (Continue)
iii. Leading: Manager with others to lead them toward organizational
goals. Motivate and lead the employees and restore conflicts.

iv. Controlling: Monitoring activities to ensure that employees are

working properly so organizational goals can be accomplished as
Organizational Behavior
Enter Organizational Behavior
❑ A field of study that investigate the impact that individual, group, and
structure have on behavior within organization, for the purpose of
improving organizations effectiveness.

❑ In simple words OB is the study of what people do in an organization

and how their behavior affects the organization’s performance.
The End

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