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Rne. 19

lausicatien Ria18M414
A. bhatpehal :

2 Pabueiti
3. fazial pahal.yais
4 Labypindh:ts
B. 9bhaconial
1Ondhadaunal absaks
2. ubdaal abos
3. Joningitis
4 Bhain abkus
5. Latanal inus hrambephlabitis
6.Otikc hudbecuphalus

otwus a a Lbmplktotien a a t e sealscant


. Fenaien eparibin obeus

2.ondaphlaband muwal nembus olmatien
3. Obttoatin e Snus wn and intasinus ohbcus
4ononbMen embus

S aue nedtens, halmalutic MupteAus, pnumecccus e

inical ade
.Aastic pickat
. Saadack
ypeet wih Riaps
3. Prearaaiwe
anamtia and amaciation
4. Ghciningh's dam
s. Papulleedama
G lebty- Aye Tut
7. Chaut -Raut Tast
8. TenduwnLs aleng Sugulah

.Bleed nta

2.Bleed ultu
3. C lonaminatitn- (
4. X-hay masteids
5. Snagina Sudits
G Caltwt and ssniiviby

Complicatieny bond
. saptiaaania and PyaLmic
abiowsts in ung
jeiny e ubeutanneus tis
2. ungingqkis and ubdural abscons
3 Couklläa abscuns with
bulb d uolas vein
4. Thambeis e juaalas ntwes
inweent ef IX, x a d x banial

1.9daney aibactuial thvapy

and pebuhl ns
nu s
2.lasteidictemy vein
3 Ligatien Snternal Jugulon
4. Priceaqulant hapy
s. Supsetive Thuatnant
.Thauna Alateal Slaw em tho nese may Cae dispomnt
ptal cahkilae tan thu vpolnind qreevt Ond vnaxillany

epmiial r : Nasal xphun a tend by th

uclesuptal piecs
3 Racial ecea: Camcanla a otkehdl v than Black
4. Hanastoy actets eal minburs en tha Manl aniyma4
a t diid rosal l u n

.Phnanieh dilecatien
2 C- hoptd dalehunihy
3.S-shapd dkeuiby
4. Spevs
5. Tckinina

Clnical acdeu,
. Nosal ebtcden
2 Heado
3 dinuski DNB
4. optatarnis 'andod
5. Aabmia palats
G. Eykmal Delnihy
. iddle an

ubuteus Rschen (SHR) Optnatien

t.St stunsive dickon ivntid alache daochion
phum maaing all unbving minimal carklaae
dadetmad benu and and beka Ltet uth
kartlaaineus pat pviding a oped adway
Puwi naCaudal Mest k taklag
and a delsa suut nd bere iá pluwekd
2 Net dend keu n
yta 9t Cau be dent aen in
hildked that ok
3. usepanichendrial and Haups ah haled eny en
p2nieanltaps haistd eni Mdu ard limtlA
beth idu t h Npbun alewatisn en tha epposie kde
4. Bery and catilagineus po Dehonad Cantilaa ia caiuclod
ndhion and nialioing
tha opueeve ta n a

S. lela hancs e han mplitatien

Complicatior, t4 Aupaip
dupren, eurulah

dttus tic
Euatachian tube

lasbid Au
St& a dahgu aih ataining pac m th pp
p p pat
mastid nd comwwnitat wth tha athic theugh
th adibu

Adihu nd AvLm
Adihus s an epnina teugh which ta athic Commuuncatba
wi tha Ounthum

1. Well prumaind lluoa


tu JeCotion, mastoid ai alls anL disidad

Depinding en

1. Zuabnaic all
2. Tennm y
3. Ponisius ull
4. Ratnatactal dl
s. Poilabuninthine alb
1. Tip l l
8. Manan ell
4 Saunealk all
4) Pu Tent Adie-ntty
n auditmlun an alcbuenic duwice which pheduuss
thi ntuiby ef which inuomd o
punt tens,
Put tan

dacntasd n 5B atps.
lsuall ain condudien tusheld a nasunud benis

125, 250, 500, 1000, 2000 ud so00 Hz and bera

Lnducion tvuhelas he 25o, 500. 1000, 2000 and 4000 Hz.

Th ameund eintenaiky hat has to be attd abae

t ndnal ud s a n u e h i daana ohahin
impalruntat a tat anu
s t i dharlad in t h a e e a ghaph callad
tshed bene Cenductien s a nauhd
Sechan tuncien
Tseuns in t tousheld on and Sena cenducten
i a iasuardthe dagnau eandurkivt daan.
Us e rusa tona Adiegnan
thruahdd haning by ah and
(a) 9i s a auha
bbna. Cenducion and thus &a deltuz ard typt o
heaning leh.

() Aed tan b kpt et ubuu ukhunct.

(c)Adieopan is nial e puuipkisn kning add
(8)Aulps tod dagau handicap
mudical u
s) Thtatnt
Thuatunt Can be dividad into
L.Aveidanc Allonag
2.Tuatnnt uith dugs
3. Smunethunapy

1.Aveidanku eAUugtn
This is mest Juccul ha antigzn inweld
nglu. Runral p tlam ha "

u a a t with dughi
(Anhihistoninich Thy tnUel nintahsta ,
nasal ttc
()Sympathemirntie duas Alpka -

- adhunigit dugs Constict

bleed uels and udu nasal canabtien
(3) Cahicsteeda -

ul ahiceskuds aa v tecve n

nNlina i sypona ealleic hiniks

( dedun UUnaautalo -

& tha mat cell and
phutnts tham tem daaorucatien daupie ha ematien
19-ahian" tnlax
5) Arkicbegich- hay Back akinusshota
()awklhien Mo atAsnis- y ncuda montalukant,
planukant and 2akuka
() Ank-1aE t mduus ta 1aE Jd and has an ai
inlomnatuy ha
3. SarulnakDPy
Smunedhwapy hpe'tn sitinaben d wwin dhug
whn du
tuatnnt o to enbhel ngtm ot phaduca
)Fungal inkehim
hinespeli clielis
disae CQused by hine
St i a chhenic qanudlematous
Apelidium abui

Akielegical_aapd butt
te beanau
St kas lngbln CPnidaad
has d u l t to clasihy thi ela

aTephtc Aaat
Deilepmiat Apelanauun
cnadaurkiem ndeypum
lnkcal kahw t ahect nee and nasephatn

Noseis Bephy

Thi uual tauusifue elaanihmd 0 Ppugalls nigan. A au

inwada nasal 46Aus

dinical eahutus Aabart hkinthis

Cinical ahuus a he eacat
uwnyeka hich
inkuion eeond paanasal sinus
9t ungal
nay poe hapid atal
t Mn in untabellud taltng
dabekcs ein hese taking
Jmmuunghupubive dMugh.
. Jalkundievina eh utachion tube
(a) Adinid hyptplaaid
(4) Cnenie irit and irust
(c) Crenic tenillts
(&) Biniam and naliqnant uneus
() Palafal dake
. llnsy h net enly ebsbet ustahion tuke by edama
butmay ahe nit ad ta incuaud wuteu atiiby
0- middl sah muea at as a eck elgan

3. Unruetá etiis dia:- Jnadkguat antibietic thvapy in

acut uppela.i.e etikis dio nay inactivalt
uele anchöon
4. Visal itienkVaieus adsne and hinerdusts e upp
upihaleui tact may inwads iddl 1a mwela

1. rudical
B) Ankiallhnohc mawus
c) Anhbiei

2. buujtal
) Ghemvnt iwhien
oupinakion oh tuis
Tmparerm ehtal mastsiduetemu
d)Suaical Haatnsnt Causatie tact
8) Paimaliaant kue luiens
3Melane and ucehal
WHO dokinad Jaukeplakia as a linical wwit patch
patch that
Carvnet be chahacteried dinicaly h pathelagitally
) Acbielafcal Joctat 9Smeking
Tobascd ckiwing
i)Auohel abuse
b)Sates inweltd- )Buccal muCela
a l C&rmunissuL
Aaz ond x - Mest tisMa in theelth dacads
8) Clinical typta 1) Haeatneus
)Histoloag: Abot 25 laukeplakias
) rlalignant petential: Thu chances ukeplakia beceming
mallrat akt cled emto nS. m on ataa
abeu 5. lCandmalkgmant.

lany the lasens wil diappaah perfanteus

Causalat 0apnt is umekd.
() Sn Julens urith kightn petantial tet
Abiephyi taktn Ye uls eut malignany
malionant chanat.
tt) n bwpicieus nall Juions, Jugical snision o
ablaion ith lasen o yethaapy Caun be done.
) ENT nsta.tiona oh H1v inukion
HIV ineukon Caues lo Holpn T- cll pepulahen hich
impeltant in sll nudiatad innudty

IV nanikstaKon n dakaat awas in ENT

I. Ean- Kopei aiCema
Acut etiks mdia
Seo oitk madia
laltanant ebits sntena
Fadal pahalyás
2. Nebe and paAanabal swus- Hupekic lusions
Deccwnt uustt&
Fungpl inuikis
Rapdhi A0hCenma
3.Oxl Cosby and daphauys - huionapeuauluns
. Kapei AaLana palata
4. Latunt- Lokynass - unaal, vial o hueauloh
Rapeu Sakcema
Nen- Hedakin phbta
S.Sakivahuy qlonda. faabtis
Duse pasd onlongpmand
Nen- Hadakin umphana
6. Neck-
uhadonepub- st covid e
hpbuplas a d du te dieae uch a liculor

histoplasmab, ete.
1) oitenilla Abces ( LAuny)
t is celltckion eh psin th konutllor spocu which ls
butwttn tki (aplul e orbil ond he Juplh Conshido
Poxitenlla abay ally elous acuta torlitka
hauah t may ae de wove' witheut puieus hiüBtuy o
Ae hneati
Fiut nt eh tomillen thupaualh ckypla
maga quh inktcad and stalad ats n 0n
intbatonllal abkes which han buk thnugh ha
Hensllh Caphule He t p pMlesUlkka en° Mum
Gulburu e pus em the abbOs may utal pus ghewh
upherus pens S awnws et anaUNebic ehaandwns

and anaunebic.

2.Shantneusud 4e Cambact dshudakeM
3. nibielcs utab antbiotics n
4. Abalaapic
s.Brl hy
1. bscy ol het touiltomy
8.Snialon and dskainaa asy
Jndicaiens hachursbny
.Raupha.trhy 0bshuchen

Dedaindd xhtkion
Ruspinataluy inugila
meiinay uchueblory
4alurhh tangl tachuettorms
PeAmanint hachaonu
Peautantauh diational " Auchtestomy

rlnt hakhuslem,
Smtdiata : a) Hadnelhaae
) maumethelax

) Apination obled
Snte etAophaqus
Adtndata a) Blhading, uatkienay e Lnday
)oplactint t
Blacking hube
a) SubtutänJaA imphuylna
Ptelutokis and ung abscas
3Lae- o) Lomunaa Atnebis

Thochte esephaaualatvia
4)Paebams dacannuiakion
n) Bells patay
Siwy t Mnby- it piAt
Siv ociol paralyis is
e Sell'a paly 4t a daind as idiopaic, phiphual acial
paAalupis o ats acul erat.

)ViAal intckien
)Vascula ischatmia
a)Auteimmunt diaehdo
clinical ahuu
e t is Auddan. Paticnt s wnable te clese ha tye. O
at tenphing te dee h e . aykalltuns up ond eu and

aliva dxibbles ten angla meuthmeuth.

2)Ralie t pain banalageNkcs
3) Cane ee as eutinad en P.1o8
Mudical manaamenl
Otu dsuas

13) Kuates ebhuans:- luctien plo whte mas

dunauamated ithlial colls daup mtabus.
a)Aekielng- t moy ernainos be aseciatad with
benchiedanu amd chwhanic inuaii
6) dinical abu-byaplons may be p.ais inthehe a
htang , innihu and emiine a dixhargg
C)Thaatnt t mbvtd by ithon Aning c
14) tluceciliany mchandan i-
Nanat mucela ich n qeblet celu. Secauby qlands
both weuy nd Thit Oion oln
Centineus skaet callad ncews blanket Apkaad b h
nelmal wucela
rluceus Harkut Conaislts auptjctal muCus la and.
a dup Puy laua lating en top cta uhich ae
Constanty btafinate ay Uke a cwnut balt
Yewandy hr nabephaus.

15 1. via yh CAanial ntawe

(a)Duntal, Chthies teeth, apical absus
()al cavihy. Btnig e malianaat waatiye lasans
ehal covity e tengul
(e) Sphinapalakni nuhalaa

2 a 1x
6) enephaux, acut teriukks, paitandldaa abces
(6)Bast Henaue
e)ulangatd Átaid pecus
3. va x chanial nwe ralkananty el ulewakA eaialetia,
Jusion vallauia, pielbtis
4. via C2 C pinal rd-(ohical apend.elais inhusíu
CeAncal ad Canius
pint apin
6) Phabuynagal peuck
Le callad hupephanynatal dierticalun el ankaus
diekicum, t s a pulden diaticulum h
muLceha hlnialts
hheugh th eilenu dthistunca a ak aua
bebuwttn twe pan e h ine tenuhicst
oxcion oh peuch&Cicepkapnatal myobs
2) ekinan's pheudu
ndescpic lath huatmtnt
1) Reinkt's etduma:-
St blatual Aumuntical auling
wmLumlaneuy paat
ha chela
ha vecal crd ot dan Mn
middle- aaed nln womon
dindcal ahuuy-
en indut laacepu, vetal cad appal
as h
wlinas ith pale Hanslucunt lore

Dcahcation vecal ced
) Veica ut
9SpaLch haapy papa vsca pladucisn
Rhinsdts diconerdaja
Thepical daungpntant naal dseps an ndelleus te Cause
uheund anmdne., tah xtle we Caue shunato. t
huatal bthdaau aha dvoph, shet u
ptmic akhetd hdapy oph, ht chnbe eplterme
in n tays, macal nAucen hwbnoli,
thay hawe biten hupakephid.

1nas hedus
Th pplah ymanhicaly n the ta datd v a l
da4ha unckibn a ontphiei . h n th
naximu tbatfon ha chd and thus ubd te
naximun Hauma.
Pahelegcaly, thauana te hi vecal cd in ha elum
vOCal abus e wmubuuwe Causes eedoma and hadiabhaag
n he ubrnutehal Apa.
faieientwith vecal rsdulos Ceplain heauan
veCal aboua and pain in ha nck
e) Plunum vinuen Andkel-
clabital tahusthis Aundbome ncudssemaftts
hn- dktitnuy anaamia, qbtis, angloh
keilonydkia aacklethdia
Abeut 101 etha Ca uih his Ayndand wl
dvdep pehi cehd aNdunhyp

Te ceuct analmia by elal pakunial iaGn

ml impetat than haamaoebta

2)Cld abM neck

Cenronbnún dndla. A d p (an inwoltd

Cenaat ndhial 2 manth Ces touh dugs

elleuwed 4
Nedes may ihally inttae in sai dling
beypa h nall ubide.

Maxillo atey
- Dandia palakns antuuy
Tenslas binchis eanding
Axanding alynaal athy
AbCandng palantin oke
atin Terllah atey
» Dasal lingaal banchu

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