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Sl No Item No Main Description Sub Description UOM QTY Quoted Rate

Excavation in all soils except hard rock for grading for Land development, roads, open yards etc including dewatering. for all types of soils, The
rates should include dewatering, shoring, strutting, backfilling after construction, loading, transportation and unloading of the excavated material
from the place of excavation to anywhere within the premises for filling in layers of 300mm and compacting to acheive 98% compaction or filling
may be done in plinth area as suggested by Engineer Incharge within the Depot premises. The contractor shall provide adequate arrangements
of pumps for dewatering.
1 6.01a.01 Excavation in all soils upto 3m depth Cum 29195.0 281.0
Existing ground levels or the area to be excavated before commencing excavation, such levels may be taken at a grid of 5m X 5m or at spacing
directed by the clients.After excavating upto the required level or until the surface of hard rock is exposed thoroughly record the levels of the
rock surface thus exposed at the specified grid or as directed by clients before commencing excavation in hard rock.
In case of over excavation below specified levels, the contractor shall fill up the over excavated area with rock chips and spalls to the required
level at his own cost

Excavation in all soils except hard rock for grading for Land development, roads, open yards etc including dewatering. for all types of soils, The
rates should include dewatering, shoring, strutting, backfilling after construction, loading, transportation and unloading of the excavated material
from the place of excavation to anywhere within the premises for filling. in layers of 300mm and compacting to acheive 98% compaction or
filling may be done in plinth area as suggested by Engineer Incharge within the Depot premises. The contractor shall provide adequate
arrangements of pumps for dewatering.
2 6.01a.04 Excavation -hard rock- chieseling/breaker-0-3 m Cum 4202.0 468.0
Existing ground levels or the area to be excavated before commencing excavation, such levels may be taken at a grid of 5m X 5m or at spacing
directed by the clients.After excavating upto the required level record the levels of the rock surface thus exposed at the specified grid or as
directed by clients before commencing excavation in hard rock.
In case of over excavation below specified levels, the contractor shall fill up the over excavated area with rock chips and spalls to the required
level at his own cost

Excavation of pits,trenches for Foundation, trenches, for laying pipe line, chambers for Shops, Buildings, Machine Foundations, Compound Walls
& Retaining Walls, Water Tanks, Storm Water & Sewer Lines, Septic Tank, etc i.e items other than covered in 6.01a.01/04; including dewatering.
for all types of soils, The rates should include dewatering, shoring, strutting, backfilling after construction, loading, transportation and unloading
of the excavated material from the place of excavation to anywhere within the premises for filling in layers of 300mm to acheivce 98%
compaction filling may be done in plinth area as suggested by engineer within the Depot premisis. The contractor shall provide adequate
arrangements of pumps for dewatering.Also qouted rate should include the hard barrication of the individual pit as per the hard barrication
3 6.02a.01 standard and rate should include subgrade preparation for the footings. Excavation in all soils upto 3m depth Cum 953.0 468.0

In case of excavation for load bearing foundations, over excavation below the specified level, if any, shall be filled up by the contractor with lean
concrete (1:5:10) to the required level at contractor’s cost.
For pits the payable measurements shall be the levels and widths of the bottom most structural concrete or masonry (not blinding concrete) plus
300 mm extra on either side; and the depth of excavation shall be difference between the existing ground level/rock level and the required level
up to which the pit is to be excavated.
Excavation of pits,trenches for Foundation, trenches, for laying pipe line, chambers for Shops, Buildings, Machine Foundations, Compound Walls
& Retaining Walls, Water Tanks, Storm Water & Sewer Lines, Septic Tank, etc i.e items other than covered in 6.01a.01/04; including dewatering.
for all types of soils, The rates should include dewatering, shoring, strutting, backfilling after construction, loading, transportation and unloading
of the excavated material from the place of excavation to anywhere within the premises for filling in layers of 300mm to acheivce 98%
compaction filling may be done in plinth area as suggested by engineer within the Depot premisis. The contractor shall provide adequate
arrangements of pumps for dewatering.Also qouted rate should include the hard barrication of the individual pit as per the hard barrication
standard and rate should include subgrade preparation for the footings.
4 6.02a.04 Excavation hard rock- chieseling/breaker-0-3 m Cum 635.0 656.0

In case of excavation for load bearing foundations, over excavation below the specified level, if any, shall be filled up by the contractor with lean
concrete (1:5:10) to the required level at contractor’s cost.
For pits the payable measurements shall be the levels and widths of the bottom most structural concrete or masonry (not blinding concrete) plus
300 mm extra on either side; and the depth of excavation shall be difference between the existing ground level/rock level and the required level
up to which the pit is to be excavated.

Labor in double handling for filling in plinth anywhere (Excluding backfilling). This is applicable only when the excavated material brought from
5 6.02b.01 other sources mentioned above can not be directly received within the plinth and is required to be dumped outside the plinth and then Labour charges in double handling-filling Cum 2763.0 187.0
manually or otherwise dumped within the plinth.This item does not inlcudes the rate of excavation.

6 6.02c.01 Subgrade Preparation(power or manually) for approches, pads, roads Sqm 11948.0 50.0

7 6.02c.02 Subgrade Preparation(power or manually) of excavated pits as covered in item no 6.02 Sqm 6555.0 0.0
Preparation of sub-grades by Trimming of natural ground, excavated surface and filled up area to remove vegetation and/or small inequalities
not exceeding 150 mm deep shall be described as surface dressing and measured in square metres for shop flooring, carriageways open yards
and pads etc. The ground shall be formed to the required level/ gradient/ camber by trimming the surface. The sub Grade shall be thoroughly
watered and rolled with vibrator roller wherever practicable or with hand roller / tamping where power rolling can not be done. Compaction test
shall be carried out by the contractor to determine the degree of compaction as per MORT&H (Ministry of road transport and highways)
8 6.02c.03 specifications. Subgrade Preparation(power or manually) for shop flooring Sqm 1314.0 62.5

Filling in plinth with approved murum brought from outside by the contractor with CBR value more than 5. The CBR value test shall be carried
out by the contractor at his own cost and approval for filling the material should be obtained from clients before filling.The rate should include
9 6.02d.01 Filling in plinth-approved murum/ good soil by contractor Cum 5974.0 468.0
selection of site excavation transportation of the soil to the Depot premises and filling in layers of 300mm and compacting to acheive 98%
compaction as per the Engineer Incharge's Instruction.

Supply of black soil suitable for gardening with approved soil brought from outside by the contractor. The rate should include selection of site,
10 6.02e.01 Black soil for gardening Cum 40.0 656.0
excavation, transportation of the soil to the Depot premisis and filling as per the Engineer Incharge.

Drilling, excavation,dewatering of augered piles and providing and concreting RCC M20 inlcuding. Supplying, providing and placing in position Drilling ,Excavation, Dewatering ,Providing and Laying concreting insitu RCC M20 augered
11 6.02f.01 Rmt 40.0 1500.0
Reinforced cement concrete using approved RMC supplier M/s Lafarge or equivalent, all labour charges, chipping of top portion of pile if piles of 250 mm dia. (Excluding cost of Rebar)
required for pile cap, complete etc.

12 6.02g.03 Empty Boring from Ground level to Cutoff level dewatering for 250mm Dai Rmt 8.0 250.0
Clearing jungle including uprooting of rank vegetation, grass, brush wood,small trees and saplings (excluding all trees which will be transplanted
Clearing jungle including uprooting of rank vegetation, grass, brush wood,small trees and
13 6.02k.01 by client) and level the surface by removal of rubbish outside the periphery of the area cleared and dumping the same at the location inside the Acer 1.0 62500.0
saplings etc
Depot premisis as shown by the Engineer Incharge.The activity may require removal of top soil with roots upto a depth of 250 mm.

14 6.03a.02 PCC(1:3:6)M10 below plinth/Floor min 3.90 bags of cement per Cum Cum 1339.0 6562.0
Supplying, providing and laying in position Plain Cement Concrete in below plinth,plinth and Flooring level,Ground level including Form work,
curing, compacting, dewatering wherever required etc complete for the following mixes using Ready mix concrete (RMC) M/s Lafarge or
equivalent, subject to the approval of Engineer Incharge.
15 6.03a.03 PCC(1:2:4)M15 below plinth/flooring min 5.50 bags of cement per Cum Cum 126.0 7500.0

16 6.03b.02 PCC(1:3:6)M10 below plinth/Floor min 3.90 bags of cement per Cum Cum 386.0 6562.0
Supplying, providing and laying in position Plain Cement Concrete in below plinth,plinth and Flooring level,Ground level including Form work,
curing, compacting, dewatering wherever required etc complete for the following mixes (Site Mixing using concrete mixer)
17 6.03b.03 PCC(1:2:4)M15 below plinth/flooring min 5.50 bags of cement per Cum Cum 1.0 7500.0

18 6.03c.02 PCC(1:3:6)M10 super structure min 3.90 bags of cement per Cum Cum 1.0 7125.0
Supplying, providing and laying in position Plain Cement Concrete above Flooring Level/Ground level, including Form work, curing, compacting,
dewatering wherever required etc complete for the following mixes using Ready mix concrete (RMC) M/s Lafarge or equivalent subject to the
19 6.03c.03 approval of Engineer Incharge.. PCC (1:2:4) M15 in superstructure min 5.50 bags of cement per Cum Cum 111.0 7875.0

20 6.03d.02 PCC(1:3:6)M10 super structure min 3.90 bags of cement per Cum Cum 1.0 7125.0
Supplying, providing and laying in position Plain Cement Concrete above Flooring Level/Ground level, upto the height of the structure as per
drawing including Form work, curing, compacting, dewatering wherever required etc complete for the following mixes (Site Mixing using
21 6.03d.03 concrete mixer) PCC (1:2:4) M15 in superstructure min 5.50 bags of cement per Cum Cum 1.0 7875.0
Supplying, providing and laying in position Plain Cement Concrete for encasing of pipes, columns etc the cost should include Form work, curing,
22 6.03f.02 compacting, dewatering wherever required etc complete for the following mixes using Ready mix concrete (RMC) M/s Lafarge or equivalent, PCC (1:2:4) M15 for encasing min 5.50 bags of cement per Cum Cum 1.0 9000.0
subject to the approval of Engineer Incharge.

Demolishing of PCC (any mix) using chipping machine or ripping machine or by any mode and disposing of the debries at the place inside the
23 6.03g.01 Depot premisis as shown by the Engineer Incharge. Debries should be dumped in the low lying area and above this debries the excavated Demolishing & Disposing PCC(any Mix)(including plaster) Cum 1.0 2812.0
material should be dumped.

24 6.04a.01 Providing Laying & Compacting RCC M20 in footings / rafts / pedastals / stubs etc Cum 1441.0 10500.0

25 6.04a.04 Providing Laying & Compacting RCC M20 in column any shape and size below plinth Cum 36.0 10500.0

26 6.04a.07 Providing Laying & Compacting RCC M20 in beam below plinth Cum 164.0 10500.0

Supplying, providing and placing in position Reinforced cement concrete for substructure works i.e below plinth level, flooring level or ground
level which ever is higher using RMC (Supplier as per approved list of Tata Motors construction Quality Manual) (Including Vibrating,dewatering
wherever necessary, providing construction joints,including cost of providing Formwork for all shapes(Including scaffolding, centering etc),
Curing but excluding the cost of providing & laying of Reinforcement.and as directed by the engineer. (Ready mix concrete (RMC) M/s Lafarge or
equivalent, subject to the approval of Engineer Incharge.)
Certificates of tests from an approved laboratory shall also have to be obtained at the contractor’s own cost.Mix design from third party should
be submitted and approval from engineer incharge need to be taken without any extra cost.No concreting shall be carried out at site till the mix
design is approved by the clients. The clients reserve the right to change & modify the mix design from time to time & the mix design approved
by the clients shall be final & binding on the contractor.Compressive strength tests shall be conducted on 7 days & 28 days 15 cm3 works cubes
and results are evaluated.
The concrete should be spread evenly in the forms to avoid segregation and should completely fill all corners of the formwork and the space
between the reinforcement. Vibrator should not be used for spreading the concrete. Concreting should be carried on without interruption
between predetermined construction joints. Wherever required on instructions of clients, contractor shall provide concrete pumps/boom placer
at there own cost.
27 6.04a.10 Compression tests shall be conducted on three specimens as directed, and the average strength of the specimens in any one test shall constitute Providing Laying & Compacting RCC M20 in walls below floor level depth 0m-3m Cum 865.0 11250.0
the result of that particular test.5 samples made up of about 6 cubes shall be obtained per mix per 8 working hour day. Each sample shall consist
of 6 cubes as directed, half of which shall be tested at 7 days and the remaining half 28 days or as directed by client. These tests shall be
conducted in the site laboratory or approved external testing laboratory if required.
If the concrete fails to satisfy the acceptance criteria then the acceptance / rejection of the same will be to the entire discretion of clients
engineer & the client’s decision will final & binding on the contractor. The concrete, if rejected by the clients, will be made good / dismantled &
redone by the contractor & all the expenses incurred to do so will be borne by the contractor including replacement of the reinforcement, if so
directed by the clients.

Providing Laying & Compacting RCC M20 columns square/rectangle in superstructure

28 6.05a.01 Cum 57.0 10875.0
adjacent FFL to 3.5m
Providing Laying & Compacting RCC M20 columns square/rectangle in superstructure
29 6.05a.02 Cum 1.0 11437.0
3.5m to 7m
Providing Laying & Compacting RCC M20 columns square/rectangle in superstructure
30 6.05a.03 Supplying, providing and placing in position Reinforced cement concrete for superstructure works i.e above plinth level, flooring level or ground above 7m Cum 1.0 11812.0
level which ever is higher using RMC (Supplier as per approved list of Tata Motors Constrcution Quality Manual) (Including Vibrating,dewatering
31 6.05a.10 wherever necessary, providing construction joints,including cost of providing Formwork for all shapes(Including scaffolding, centring etc),Curing Providing Laying & Compacting RCC M20 columns circular/any other shape in Cum 1.0 12187.0
but excluding the cost of providing & laying of Reinforcement as directed by the engineer. (Ready mix concrete (RMC) M/s Lafarge or equivalent, superstructure adjacent FFL to 3.5m
subject to the approval of Engineer Incharge.) Providing Laying & Compacting RCC M20 columns circular/any other shape in
32 6.05a.11 Certificates of tests from an approved laboratory shall also have to be obtained at the contractor’s own cost.Mix design from third party should superstructure 3.5m to 7m Cum 1.0 12750.0
be submitted and approval from engineer incharge need to be taken without any extra cost.No concreting shall be carried out at site till the mix
design is approved by the clients. The clients reserve the right to change & modify the mix design from time to time & the mix design approved Providing Laying & Compacting RCC M20 columns circular/any other shape in
33 6.05a.12 by the clients shall be final & binding on the contractor.Compressive strength tests shall be conducted on 7 days & 28 days 15 cm3 works cubes superstructure above 7m Cum 1.0 13500.0
and results are evaluated.
The concrete should be spread evenly in the forms to avoid segregation and should completely fill all corners of the formwork and the space
between the reinforcement. Vibrator should not be used for spreading the concrete. Concreting should be carried on without interruption Providing Laying & Compacting RCC M20 in beams, slabs, lintels, chajjas, cantilever sills,
34 6.05a.19 Cum 257.0 13500.0
between predetermined construction joints. Wherever required on instructions of clients, contractor shall provide concrete pumps/boom placer staircase steps, waist slabs, in superstructure FFL to 3.5m
at there own cost.
Compression tests shall be conducted on three specimens as directed, and the average strength of the specimens in any one test shall constitute
the result of that particular test.5 samples made up of about 6 cubes shall be obtained per mix per 8 working hour day. Each sample shall consist
of 6 cubes as directed, half of which shall be tested at 7 days and the remaining half 28 days or as directed by client. These tests shall be Providing Laying & Compacting RCC M20 in beams, slabs, lintels, chajjas, cantilever sills,
35 6.05a.20 Cum 1.0 13500.0
conducted in the site laboratory or approved external testing laboratory if required. staircase steps, waist slabs, in superstructure above 3.5m to 7m
If the concrete fails to satisfy the acceptance criteria then the acceptance / rejection of the same will be to the entire discretion of clients
engineer & the client’s decision will final & binding on the contractor. The concrete, if rejected by the clients, will be made good / dismantled &
redone by the contractor & all the expenses incurred to do so will be borne by the contractor including replacement of the reinforcement, if so
directed by the clients.
The concrete should be spread evenly in the forms to avoid segregation and should completely fill all corners of the formwork and the space
between the reinforcement. Vibrator should not be used for spreading the concrete. Concreting should be carried on without interruption
between predetermined construction joints. Wherever required on instructions of clients, contractor shall provide concrete pumps/boom placer
at there own cost.
Compression tests shall be conducted on three specimens as directed, and the average strength of the specimens in any one test shall constitute
the result of that particular test.5 samples made up of about 6 cubes shall be obtained per mix per 8 working hour day. Each sample shall consist
of 6 cubes as directed, half of which shall be tested at 7 days and the remaining half 28 days or as directed by client. These tests shall be
conducted in the site laboratory or approved external testing laboratory if required.
If the concrete fails to satisfy the acceptance criteria then the acceptance / rejection of the same will be to the entire discretion of clients
engineer & the client’s decision will final & binding on the contractor. The concrete, if rejected by the clients, will be made good / dismantled &
redone by the contractor & all the expenses incurred to do so will be borne by the contractor including replacement of the reinforcement, if so
directed by the clients. Providing Laying & Compacting RCC M20 in beams, slabs, lintels, chajjas, cantilever sills,
36 6.05a.21 Cum 1.0 13500.0
staircase steps, waist slabs, in superstructure above 7m

37 6.05a.25 Providing Laying & Compacting RCC M20 in walls above floor level FFL to 3.5m Cum 1.0 13500.0
38 6.05a.26 Providing Laying & Compacting RCC M20 in walls above floor level 3.5m to 7m Cum 1.0 13500.0
39 6.05a.27 Providing Laying & Compacting RCC M20 in walls above floor level above 7m Cum 1.0 13500.0

Supplying ,Providing Laying & Compacting RCC for industrial flooring including smooth finish by vacum dewatering and tremix using RMC
(Supplier as per approved list of Tata Motors Construction Quality Manual) (Including Vibrating,dewatering wherever necessary, providing Providing Laying & Compacting RCC M20 for industrial flooring including smooth finish by
40 6.05b.01 Cum 1309.0 11250.0
construction joints,including cost of providing Formwork for all shapes,Curing but excluding the cost of providing Reinforcement.and as directed vacum dewatering and tremix
by the engineer. (Ready mix concrete (RMC) M/s Lafarge or equivalent, subject to the approval of Engineer Incharge.)

Supplying, providing and placing in position Reinforced cement concrete work on Decksheet/Metal sheet provided by other vendors using RMC
(Including Vibrating,dewatering wherever necessary, providing construction joints, (Including scaffolding, centring etc if required),Curing but
41 6.05c.01 Reinforced cement concrete work using RMC M20 On Decksheet/ Metal sheet. Cum 1.0 13500.0
excluding the cost of providing Reinforcement and as directed by the engineer. (Ready mix concrete (RMC) M/s Lafarge or equivalent, subject to
the approval of Engineer Incharge.)

Demolishing of RCC at all elevations (any mix) using chipping machine or ripping machine or by any mode and disposing of the debrisis at the
42 6.23.01 b place inside the Depot premisis as shown by the Engineer Incharge.Cost should also include cutting and removal of reinforcement and handing Demolishing & Disposing RCC with cutting & removal of reinforcement Cum 256.0 6562.0
over to and all debrisis should be dumped in the low lying area and above this debrisis the excavated material should be dumped.

Providing and laying of self compacting conbextra GP 2 grout of M/s. Fosroc make.
43 6.06a.01 Providing and laying of self compacting conbextra GP 2 grout of M/s. Fosroc make. Including shuttering, curing, compelte etc. Cum 2.0 75000.0
Including shuttering, curing, compelte etc.

Bar bending and laying of steel reinforcement of all diameters for concreting.Cost should include cutting of reniforcemnt as per BBS and tying of
binding wire.Reinforcement shall be accurately fixed by approved means and maintained in the position described in the drawings or elsewhere.
Bars intended to be in contact at passing points shall be secured by tying together at all such points with 16G to 18G annealed sort iron tying Bar bending and laying of steel reinforcement of all diameters for concreting.Cost should
44 6.07a.01 Kg 428821.0 25.0
wire. include cutting of reniforcemnt as per BBS and tying of bidning wire.
Unit price shall include cost of material and fabricating and placing in position including all bending, binding, cost of binding wire and concrete
spacer blocks. Steel used for spacer bars, chairs, supports and laps.

Supply-MS steel reinforcement FE250 as per the brand specfied in the Tata motors
45 6.07b.01 Kg 1.0 62.5
construction quality manual.
Supply-MS steel reinforcement of following grade of any size TATA/Jindal Make/as per the brand specfied in the Tata motors construction quality
manual including transportation and loading and unloading at Depot site. Supply-Tor steel reinforcement FE415 as per the brand specfied in the Tata motors
46 6.07b.02 Kg 1.0 53.8
The contractor shall make all the arrangements of handling, transporting and storage up to the point of materials, accounting after usage, at his construction quality manual
Supply-Tor steel reinforcement FE500 as per the brand specfied in the Tata motors
47 6.07.b.03 Kg 428821.0 57.5
construction quality manual
48 6.08a.03 Pre cast columns i.e , I shape any other shape as per the Drawing Cum 1.0 33750.0
49 6.08a.04 Supplying, providing and placing in position Pre Cast Reinforced cement concrete for superstructure works i.e above plinth level, flooring level or Pre cast panels as per the Drawing Cum 1.0 18750.0
50 6.08a.05 ground level which ever is higher using RMC (Supplier as per approved list of Tata motors construction quality Manual) (Including Precast RCC (1:2:4) Slab/Jalli -thk<=100 mm Sqm 1.0 2500.0
Vibrating,dewatering wherever necessary, providing construction joints,including cost of providing Formwork for all shapes(Including scaffolding,
centring etc) cost of crane if required but excluding the cost of providing & laying of Reinforcement and as directed by the engineer. (Ready mix
51 6.08a.06 concrete (RMC) M/s Lafarge or equivalent, subject to the approval of Engineer Incharge.) Precast RCC (1:2:4) Slab/ Jalli -thk > 100 mm Cum 433.0 3750.0
Providing and constructing Random rubble Masonry in substructure to any depth i.e below plinth level, flooring level or ground level which ever
is higher, including sunken/groove pointing in CM 1 : 6, through bond stones to be provided at every course at regular intervals including raking
out joints, hammer dressing of sides to required sizes and shapes including , scaffolding, curing, dewatering wherever necessary etc complete as
R.R. Masonry in substructure to any depth from plinth or floor including sunken / groove
52 6.09a.01 specified. Cum 1.0 4500.0
pointing (excluding plaster)
All stone shall be sound, durable, and free from flaws, cracks, injurious veins, cavities, and other defects and as far as possible, of uniform color
and texture. Joints shall not exceed 12 mm. in thickness. Cost to include cost of all materials and labor including quoins, through stones,
scaffolding, curing, cleaning, No extra payment shall be made for forming expansion joints in masonry.

Providing and constructing R.R. Masonry in super structure for following below levels from i.e aboveplinth level, flooring level or ground level
which ever is higher including sunken / goove pointing in CM 1 : 6, through bond stones to be provided at every course at regular intervals
including raking out joints, hammer dressing of sides to required sizes and shapes including , scaffolding, curing, dewatering wherever necessary
R.R. Masonry in superstructure 0 m to 3.5 m from plinth or floor including sunken /
53 6.09b.01 etc complete as specified. Cum 1.0 8437.0
groove pointing (excluding plaster)
All stone shall be sound, durable, and free from flaws, cracks, injurious veins, cavities, and other defects and as far as possible, of uniform color
and texture. Joints shall not exceed 12 mm. in thickness. Cost to include cost of all materials and labor including quoins, through stones,
scaffolding, curing, cleaning, No extra payment shall be made for forming expansion joints in masonry.

Providing supplying and laying of dry stone pitching 230mm thick murrum to be used for filling the gaps for total depth including supply of stones
54 6.09e.02 230tk dry stone pitching-contractors rubble Cum 1.0 2038.0
and preparing the bedding surface etc. all complete.

Providing supplying and laying of stone pitching 230mm thick with CM 1:6 to be used for filling the gaps for total depth including supply of stones 230tk stone pitching with cement mortar(1:6) filling in gaps for total depth contractors
55 6.09f.02 Cum 1.0 3668.0
and preparing the bedding surface etc. all complete. rubble

Providing supplying and laying of stone pitching 230mm thick with CM 1:6 to be used for filling the gaps for total depth and projected pointing 230tk stone pitching with cement mortar(1:6) filling in gaps for total depth and projected
56 6.09g.02 Cum 1.0 4125.0
including supply of stones and preparing the bedding surface etc. all complete. pointing -Contractors rubble

Providing Flush / Sunk /Projected pointing to stone masonry in 1:6 cement mortar including raking out joints,providing scaffolding, curing etc
complete as specified.
The joints shall be firmly raked out to a depth of 12 mm or as specified and the wall well wetted.
All superfluous mortar shall be removed with trowels and the joints cleaned by brush. Pointed faces shall be kept wet for 10 days.
57 6.09h.01 Flush / Sunk / grooved pointing to stone masonary Sqm 1.0 1250.0
a. Flush pointing: Pointing shall be flush with the face of the wall and of the width of the joint and neatly cut on both edges.
b. Grooved pointing: Shall be similar to the flush pointing except that a neat straight groove not exceeding 3 mm in width and depth shall be
made, care being taken to see that all meeting joints and lines are neatly finished.
c. Sunk pointing: Shall be so finished as to exhibit the edges of stones clearly by a depth of 12 mm.

Demolishing of stone masonry at all elevations (including plastering/Pointing/cement mortar) using chipping machine or ripping machine or by
58 6.09i.01 any mode and disposing of the debrisis at the place inside the Depot premisis as shown by the Engineer Incharge and handing over of the good Demolishing & Disposing stone masonry(including plaster) Cum 1.0 1875.0

BBM using river sand at plinth below 0m to 3.5 m depth from FFL (including opening of
59 6.10a.01 Cum 356.0 7125.0
Providing and constructing BBM in substructure at any depth i.e below plinth level, flooring level or ground level which ever is higher with
approved best quality first class nominal size Table Moulded Bricks of minimum crushing strength 35 kgs / cm2, in cement mortar 1 : 4, etc.,
complete, as per specifications and drawings. Joints shall be broken vertically and shall not exceed 12 mm. in thickness. Rate shall include all
materials, labor scaffolding, watering, curing and RCC stiffeners, cutting of bricks, arches, corbels, string courses, cornices, moldings etc.(FFL is
adjoining floor level of the structure)
All bricks shall be soaked in water for minimum 2 hours before being laid in mortar. Bricks shall be used within one hour after removed from
water. All joints shall be thoroughly flushed with mortar at every course, care to be taken to see that bricks are properly bedded and all joints are
completely filled to the full depth.
Providing and constructing BBM in substructure at any depth i.e below plinth level, flooring level or ground level which ever is higher with
approved best quality first class nominal size Table Moulded Bricks of minimum crushing strength 35 kgs / cm2, in cement mortar 1 : 4, etc.,
complete, as per specifications and drawings. Joints shall be broken vertically and shall not exceed 12 mm. in thickness. Rate shall include all
materials, labor scaffolding, watering, curing and RCC stiffeners, cutting of bricks, arches, corbels, string courses, cornices, moldings etc.(FFL is
adjoining floor level of the structure) BBM using M-sand at plinth below 0m to 3.5 m depth from FFL (including opening of
60 6.10a.02 All bricks shall be soaked in water for minimum 2 hours before being laid in mortar. Bricks shall be used within one hour after removed from Cum 1.0
water. All joints shall be thoroughly flushed with mortar at every course, care to be taken to see that bricks are properly bedded and all joints are
completely filled to the full depth.

BBM using river sand in superstructure from 0 m to 3.5 m from FFL.(including opening of
61 6.10b.01 Cum 608.0 7875.0

62 6.10b.02 BBM usig river sand in superstructure from 3.5 m to 7 FFL .(including opening of joints) Cum 1.0 8812.0
Providing and constructing BBM in super structure at following levels i.e above plinth level, flooring level or ground level which ever is higher
with approved best quality first class nominal size Table Moulded Bricks of minimum crushing strength 35 kgs / cm2, in cement mortar 1 : 4, etc.,
63 6.10b.03 complete, as per specifications and drawings. Joints shall be broken vertically and shall not exceed 12 mm. in thickness. Rate shall include all BBM using river sand in superstructure from above 7m FFL .(including opening of joints) Cum 1.0 9187.5
materials, labor scaffolding, watering, curing and RCC stiffeners, cutting of bricks, arches, corbels, string courses, cornices, moldings etc. (FFL is
adjoining floor level of the structure) BBM using M-sand in superstructure from 0 m to 3.5 m from FFL.(including opening of
64 6.10b.04 All bricks shall be soaked in water for minimum 2 hours before being laid in mortar. Bricks shall be used within one hour after removed from Cum 1.0
water. All joints shall be thoroughly flushed with mortar at every course, care to be taken to see that bricks are properly bedded and all joints are
completely filled to the full depth.
65 6.10b.05 BBM usig M-sand in superstructure from 3.5 m to 7 FFL .(including opening of joints) Cum 1.0

66 6.10b.06 BBM using M-Sand in superstructure from above 7m FFL .(including opening of joints) Cum 1.0

110 mm thick brick work in superstructure using river sand at 0m to 3.5m from FFL
67 6.10c.01 Sqm 1.0 1250.0
(including opening of joints)
110 mm thick brick work in superstructure using river sand at 3.5m to 7m from FFL
68 6.10c.02 Sqm 1.0 1500.0
Providing and constructing BBM of thickness 110 mm in superstructure from 0 m to 3.5 m i.e above plinth level, flooring level or ground level (including opening of joints)
which ever is higher , with approved best quality first class nominal size Table Moulded Bricks of minimum crushing strength 35 kgs / cm2, in
cement mortar 1 : 4, etc., complete, as per specifications and drawings. Joints shall be broken vertically and shall not exceed 12 mm. in 110 mm thick brick work in superstructure using river sand above 7m from FFL (including
69 6.10c.03 Sqm 1.0 1750.0
thickness. Rate shall include all materials, labor scaffolding, watering, curing and RCC stiffeners, cutting of bricks, arches, corbels, string courses, opening of joints)
cornices, moldings etc. (FFL is adjoining floor level of the structure) 110 mm thick brick work in superstructure using M-sand at 0m to 3.5m from FFL
70 6.10c.04 All bricks shall be soaked in water for minimum 2 hours before being laid in mortar. Bricks shall be used within one hour after removed from Sqm 1.0
(including opening of joints)
water. All joints shall be thoroughly flushed with mortar at every course, care to be taken to see that bricks are properly bedded and all joints are
completely filled to the full depth. 110 mm thick brick work in superstructure using M-sand at 3.5m to 7m from FFL
71 6.10c.05 Sqm 1.0
(including opening of joints)
110 mm thick brick work in superstructure using M-sand above 7m from FFL (including
72 6.10c.06 Sqm 1.0
opening of joints)
Providing & Laying Aerated block in superstructure of any thickness from 0m to 3.5m
73 6.10f.02 Cum 681.0 9000.0
from adjoining FFL
Providing and constructing aerated block masonry in super structure at following levels from FFL with approved best quality aerated blocks of
minimum crushing strength 3.5 N/mm2, using AAC Paste(as binder material with 5-7 mm thickness), complete, as per specifications and Providing & Laying Aerated block in superstructure of any thickness from 3.5m to 7m
74 6.10f.03 Cum 1.0 9375.0
drawings. Rate shall include all materials, labor scaffolding, watering, curing and RCC stiffeners, cutting of bricks, arches, corbels, string courses, from adjoining FFL
cornices, moldings etc.(FFL is adjoining floor level of the structure)
Providing & Laying Aerated block in superstructure of any thickness from above 7m from
75 6.10f.04 Cum 1.0 9750.0
adjoining FFL

Demolishing of BBM/Flyash block/Aerated block masonry at all elevations (including plastering/cement mortar) using chipping machine or
76 6.10g.01 ripping machine or by any mode and disposing of the debrisis at the place inside the Depot premisis as shown by the Engineer Incharge and Demolishing & Disposing brick masonry(including plaster) Cum 1.0 2812.0
handing over of the good bricks/blocks.

per 1000
77 6.10h.01 Supply brunt bricks 1.0 17250.0
Supply of BBM of best quality first class nominal size Table Moulded Bricks of minimum crushing strength 35 kgs / cm2.Rate shall include
transportation, loading unloading at Depot premisis.
Shall be sound, hard and well burnt with sharp edges having uniform size and regular shape and of approved make and quality, free from cracks,
stones or nodules of lime and other defects, Kiln burnt, Sand molded or table molded as per the local practice. No bricks shall be used unless
they conform to the following requirements –
a. Shall give a clear metallic ring when struck together
b. Shall not be broken, cracked, stratified, and under burnt, over burnt or soft.
c. Size of the brick shall be from 8.3” x 4.3/16” x 2, 5/8” to 9” x 4.5/2” x 3”.
78 6.10h.05 d. Shall be square, regular and uniform in color Supply of brick bat Cum 1.0 2343.0
e. Bricks shall generally be formed with a frog in one of the larger side. The frog shall be centrally placed having a margin 1” wide on each side
along the length and not more than 2” wide at each end with a minimum depth of 3/8” in the center.
f. The increase in weight after 12 hours soaking in water shall not be more than 1/6th of the dry weight of the brick.
g. Compressive strength should not be less than 35 kg/cm2.
Sand faced cement plaster for external wall total thickness 20 mm in 2 coats of 12mm
rough coat and 8mm finish coat, over brick work/blockwork or concrete inluding
79 6.11a.01 Sqm 5292.0 962.5
Providing Sand faced cement plaster for external wall total thickness 20 mm in 2 coats of 12mm rough coat and 8mm finish coat,over brick pointing, ribs, bands, drip moulding, curing etc complete. Height 0m to 3.5 m from
work/blockwork or concrete inluding pointing, ribs, bands, drip moulding, curing etc complete. CM ratio 1:4 At following Heights from ground ground floor level
floor level. Rate should include providing scaffolding.
Sand faced cement plaster for external wall total thickness 20 mm in 2 coats of 12mm
The surface to be plastered shall be previously prepared in the following manner: - rough coat and 8mm finish coat, over brick work/blockwork or concrete inluding
80 6.11a.02 a. Brickwork and masonry: Sqm 1.0 1000.0
pointing, ribs, bands, drip moulding, curing etc complete. Height 3.5m to 7 m from
Joints to be raked out to a depth of 10 mm. surface roughed, wall scrubbed with water and kept wet for 2 days. Where ever there are joints ground floor level
between brickwork and RCC structure chicken mesh shall be provided before plastering Concrete:
The surface to be made rough by hacking and kept wet for 2 days.
b. Plastered surfaces:
To be well scored / hacked to form proper key and kept wet for 2 days
c. Other surface:
To be cleaned, washed and well wetted. Correct thickness of plaster shall be contained by using wood screeds or by laying plaster screeds at 1.5 Sand faced cement plaster for external wall total thickness 20 mm in 2 coats of 12mm
m intervals. Mortar shall be firmly applied and well-dressed into the joints. rough coat and 8mm finish coat, over brick work/blockwork or concrete inluding
81 6.11a.03 Sqm 1.0 1200.0
Plastered surfaces shall be kept wet for 10 days on completion by approved means. pointing, ribs, bands, drip moulding, curing etc complete. Height above 7m from ground
Proportion of mortar for any type of plaster shall be C.M (1: 4) unless otherwise specified. floor level

Smooth cement plaster for internal wall with neeroo finish total thickness 12mm on brick
82 6.11b.01 work/blockwork or concrete iinluding pointing, ribs, bands, drip moulding, curing etc Sqm 1989.0 740.0
Providing Smooth cement plaster for internal wall with neeru finish total thickness 12mm on brick work/blockwork or concrete including complete.0m to 3 m from adjoining FFL
pointing, ribs, bands, drip moulding, curing etc complete. C.M ratio 1:4.At following Heights from adjoining FFL. Rate should include providing
scaffolding. Smooth cement plaster for internal wall with neeroo finish total thickness 12mm on brick
83 6.11b.02 This finishing coat shall be a thin coat of neeru not exceeding 1 mm thickness instant neeru evenly applied over the backing coat and troweled work/blockwork or concrete iinluding pointing, ribs, bands, drip moulding, curing etc Sqm 1.0 750.0
smooth to produce a perfectly smooth and even surface. complete.3m to 7 m from adjoining FFL

The surface to be plastered shall be previously prepared in the following manner: -

a. Brickwork and masonry:
Joints to be raked out to a depth of 10 mm. surface roughed, wall scrubbed with water and kept wet for 2 days. Where ever there are joints
between brickwork and RCC structure chicken mesh shall be provided before plastering Concrete:
The surface to be made rough by hacking and kept wet for 2 days.
b. Plastered surfaces:
To be well scored / hacked to form proper key and kept wet for 2 days Smooth cement plaster for internal wall with neeroo finish total thickness 12mm on brick
84 6.11b.03 c. Other surface: work/blockwork or concrete iinluding pointing, ribs, bands, drip moulding, curing etc Sqm 1.0 875.0
To be cleaned, washed and well wetted. Correct thickness of plaster shall be contained by using wood screeds or by laying plaster screeds at 1.5 complete. above 7m from adjoining FFL
m intervals. Mortar shall be firmly applied and well-dressed into the joints.
Plastered surfaces shall be kept wet for 10 days on completion by approved means.
Proportion of mortar for any type of plaster shall be C.M (1: 4) unless otherwise specified.

85 6.11d.01 Providing and fixing chicken mesh of approved make as per Engineer Incharge. To be paid extra over the relevant plastering item. Extra over-Plastering items for providing and fixing chicken mesh. Sqm 1.0 325.0

Providing & Laying stone metal of nominal size 40-80 mm machine cut for required thickness (provided in layers of 150 mm compacted
thickness). The metal shall be hard, clean, durable cubical shaped without any round stone.

Stone metal shall be trap stone, durable and of hard texture of nominal size 40-80mm. Each piece shall be cubical and sharp. No round or oblong Providing & Laying stone metal of nominal size 40-80 mm machine cut for required
86 6.12a.01 pieces, no angular chips or flakes shall be permitted to be used. thickness (provided in layers of 150 mm thick each). The metal shall be hard, clean, Cum 482.0 2812.0
Metal surface shall be constructed in one layer for thickness up to 100 mm and in two or more layers for thickness more than 100 mm as durable cubical shaped without any round stone.
directed by Clients. The layer when thoroughly compacted shall not be less than the specified thickness. Compaction shall be done by a Vibro
power roller using 8-10 ton roller .

Providing and laying in position dry rubble soling of specified thickenss.Base preparation by Mechanical compaction, filling voids with 40 mm
hand broken metal and stone dust for binding including watering, packing, compaction etc. and as directed by Engineer Incharge
Providing and laying in position dry rubble soling of specified thickenss.Base preparation
by Mechanical compaction, filling voids with 40 mm hand broken metal and stone dust
87 6.12e.01 Rubble shall consist of clean, hard, durable, freshly broken trap stone pieces of cubicle shapes of size suitable for lay in one layer of specified Cum 1534.0 3656.0
for binding including watering, packing, compaction etc. and as directed by Engineer
thickness. Boulders shall not be used.Soling shall be hand packed with voids properly filled in with chips and stone dust. Soling shall be properly
consolidated by Vibro power roller.

88 6.12f.01 Providing broom finish to concrete floors. Providing broom finish to concrete floors. Sqm 501.0 50.0
Expansion joints using Shalitex/equivalent expandable material as directed by client for specified thickness remolded Shalitex expansion joint
89 6.13a.01 pads shall be provided. Pads of specified thickness shall be provided after applying two coats of asphalt to abutting surfaces before laying fresh Expansion / separation joint-Shalitex 12mm thick Sqm 1.0 4000.0
concrete against the pads.

90 6.13b.01 J0-type expansion / separation joint with 3mm thk. foam sheet shalimar make. Rmt 151.0 25.0
Expansion/Seperation joints using foam sheet shalimar make/ equivalent material as directed by client for specified thickness. Pads of specified
thickness shall be provided after applying two coats of asphalt to abutting surfaces before laying fresh concrete against the pads. Making grooves of size 3 mm x 25 mm at control joints & at all locations indicated by
91 6.13b.02 Rmt 4096.0 25.0
Engineer Incharge. Rate to include for all necessary machinery and labour.

Providing and laying VIRGIN polyehelene sheet 350 micron gauge at locations indicated
Providing and laying VIRGIN polyehelene sheet 350 micron gauge at locations indicated below to the required levels, including supply, loading
below to the required levels, including supply, loading and unloading, storing,
92 6.13c.01 and unloading, storing, transportation, laying, sealing of junctions and overlaps of minimum 200mm, all leads and lifts, etc., complete as directed Sqm 3678.0 45.0
transportation, laying, sealing of junctions and overlaps of minimum 200mm, all leads and
by EIC.
lifts, etc., complete as directed by EIC.

93 6.13d.01 Dramix fibers 5D in concrete Kg 1.0 800.0

Supplying and mixing of dramix fibers in concrete as specified in manufacturer.Fibre-balling to be avoided during mixing and ensure that the
94 6.13d.02 fibres are evenly spread throughout the concrete mix.Rate should include all transporation ,loading, unlaoidng mixing etc compelte as directed Dramix fibers 4D in concrete Kg 1.0 425.0
by Engineer Incharge
95 6.13d.03 Dramix fibers 3D in concrete Kg 1.0 325.0
Providing, cutting to required size & Laying of pre-polished Granite stone slab of specified thickness as per specified pattern , laid over 25 mm
thick cement mortar bed of 1:4. Joint shall be paper joint. Price quoted for each item shall include cost of all materials, labor, cleaning & washing
with diluted detergent, & remove cement mortar deposits, including cleaning and curing. (Basic Rate at the purchase point :- Rs. 1000 per sqm
of raw granite slab) Note:In case the selected granite base price is more/less than Rs.1000 per sqm additionaly difference in base price of the
selected granite plus 5% wastages on the difference rate will be paid/deducted.
Providing, cutting to required size & Laying of pre-polished Granite stone slab of specified
thickness in flooring as per specified pattern , laid over 25 mm thick cement mortar bed
of 1:4. Joint shall be paper joint. Price quoted for each item shall include cost of all
materials, labor, cleaning & washing with diluted detergent, & remove cement mortar
96 6.14e.01 Sqm 26.0 2500.0
deposits, including cleaning and curing. (Basic Rate at the purchase point :- Rs. 1000 per
sqm of raw granite slab) Note:In case the selected granite base price is more/less than
Rs.1000 per sqm additionaly difference in base price of the selected granite plus 5%
wastages on the difference rate will be paid/deducted.

Providing, cutting to required size & Laying of pre-polished Granite stone slab of specified
thickness in platform,partitions as per specified pattern , laid over 25 mm thick cement
mortar bed of 1:4 if required. Joint shall be paper joint. Price quoted for each item shall
include cost of all materials, labor, cleaning & washing with diluted detergent, & remove
97 6.14e.02 Sqm 1.0 3500.0
cement mortar deposits, including cleaning and curing. (Basic Rate at the purchase
point :- Rs. 1000 per sqm of raw granite slab) Note:In case the selected granite base price
is more/less than Rs.1000 per sqm additionaly difference in base price of the selected
granite plus 5% wastages on the difference rate will be paid/deducted.

Providing, cutting to required size & Laying of pre-polished Granite stone slab of specified
thickness in sill, staircase riser tread with chamfering, polishing etc as per specified
pattern , laid over 25 mm thick cement mortar bed of 1:4 if required. Joint shall be paper
joint. Price quoted for each item shall include cost of all materials, labor, cleaning &
98 6.14e.03 washing with diluted detergent, & remove cement mortar deposits, including cleaning Sqm 1.0 4500.0
and curing. (Basic Rate at the purchase point :- Rs. 1000 per sqm of raw granite slab)
Note:In case the selected granite base price is more/less than Rs.1000 per sqm
additionaly difference in base price of the selected granite plus 5% wastages on the
difference rate will be paid/deducted.
Providing, cutting to required size & Laying of pre-polished Granite stone slab of specified
thickness in Skirting on 12 mm (average) thick cement mortar and jointed with
white/grey cement slurry @ 3.3 kg/sqm including pointing with white cement slurry
admixed with pigment of matching shade, including rubbing, curing,polishing etc. all
complete as per Architectural drawings, and as directed by the Engineer Incharge . Price
99 6.14e.04 quoted for each item shall include cost of all materials, labor, cleaning & washing with Sqm 1.0 2500.0
diluted detergent, & remove cement mortar deposits, including cleaning and curing.
(Basic Rate at the purchase point :- Rs. 1000 per sqm of raw granite slab) Note:In case the
selected granite base price is more/less than Rs.1000 per sqm additionaly difference in
base price of the selected granite plus 5% wastages on the difference rate will be

Providing & Laying of Vitrified in flooring of sepcefied thickess and as per specified
pattern , laid over 25 mm thick cement mortar bed of 1:4. Joint shall be paper joint. Price
quoted for each item shall include cost of all materials, labor, cleaning & washing with
diluted detergent, & remove cement mortar deposits, including cleaning and curing.
100 6.14g.01 Sqm 1390.0 3750.0
(Basic Rate at the purchase point :- Rs. 500 per sqm of raw vitrifed tiles) Note:In case the
selected tile base price is more/less than Rs.500 per sqm additionaly difference in base
price of the selected vitrifed tiles plus 5% wastages on the difference rate will be
Providing & Laying of Vitrified of specefied thickess and as per specified pattern , laid over 25 mm thick cement mortar bed of 1:4. Joint shall be paid/deducted.
paper joint. Price quoted for each item shall include cost of all materials, labor, cleaning & washing with diluted detergent, & remove cement
mortar deposits, including cleaning and curing. (Basic Rate at the purchase point :- Rs. 500 per sqm of raw vitrifed tiles) Note:In case the selected
tile base price is more/less than Rs.500 per sqm additionaly difference in base price of the selected vitrifed tiles plus 5% wastages on the
difference rate will be paid/deducted.

The floor shall be laid to level or to slope as required. Providing & Laying of Vitrified in in sill, staircase riser tread with chamfering, polishing etc
Measurements of the flooring shall be net area of flooring paved. of sepcefied thickess and as per specified pattern , laid over 25 mm thick cement mortar
bed of 1:4. Joint shall be paper joint. Price quoted for each item shall include cost of all
materials, labor, cleaning & washing with diluted detergent, & remove cement mortar
101 6.14g.02 Sqm 1.0 3750.0
deposits, including cleaning and curing. (Basic Rate at the purchase point :- Rs. 500 per
sqm of raw vitrifed tiles) Note:In case the selected tile base price is more/less than Rs.500
per sqm additionaly difference in base price of the selected vitrifed tiles plus 5% wastages
on the difference rate will be paid/deducted.

Providing & Laying of vitrifed tiles of specified thickness in Skirting on 12 mm (average)

thick cement mortar and jointed with white/grey cement slurry @ 3.3 kg/sqm including
pointing with white cement slurry admixed with pigment of matching shade, including
rubbing, curing,polishing etc. all complete as per Architectural drawings, and as directed
by the Engineer Incharge . Price quoted for each item shall include cost of all materials,
102 6.14h.01 Sqm 54.0 3750.0
labor, cleaning & washing with diluted detergent, & remove cement mortar deposits,
including cleaning and curing. (Basic Rate at the purchase point :- Rs. 500 per sqm of raw
vitrifed tiles) Note:In case the selected tile base price is more/less than Rs.500 per sqm
additionaly difference in base price of the selected vitrifed tiles plus 5% wastages on the
Providing & Laying of vitrifed tiles of specified thickness on 12 mm (average) thick cement mortar and jointed with white/grey cement slurry @ difference rate will be paid/deducted.
3.3 kg/sqm including pointing with white cement slurry admixed with pigment of matching shade, including rubbing, curing,polishing etc. all
complete as per Architectural drawings, and as directed by the Engineer Incharge . Price quoted for each item shall include cost of all materials,
labor, cleaning & washing with diluted detergent, & remove cement mortar deposits, including cleaning and curing. (Basic Rate at the purchase
point :- Rs. 500 per sqm of raw vitrifed tiles) Note:In case the selected tile base price is more/less than Rs.500 per sqm additionaly difference in
base price of the selected vitrifed tiles plus 5% wastages on the difference rate will be paid/deducted.

The floor shall be laid to level or to slope as required.

Measurements of the flooring shall be net area of flooring paved. Providing & Laying of vitrifed tiles of specified thickness in full height Dadoing on 12 mm
(average) thick cement mortar and jointed with white/grey cement slurry @ 3.3 kg/sqm
including pointing with white cement slurry admixed with pigment of matching shade,
including rubbing, curing,polishing etc. all complete as per Architectural drawings, and as
directed by the Engineer Incharge . Price quoted for each item shall include cost of all
103 6.14h.02 Sqm 1172.0 3750.0
materials, labor, cleaning & washing with diluted detergent, & remove cement mortar
deposits, including cleaning and curing. (Basic Rate at the purchase point :- Rs. 500 per
sqm of raw vitrifed tiles) Note:In case the selected tile base price is more/less than Rs.500
per sqm additionaly difference in base price of the selected vitrifed tiles plus 5% wastages
on the difference rate will be paid/deducted.
Providing & Laying of ceramic in flooring of sepcefied thickess and as per specified
pattern , laid over 25 mm thick cement mortar bed of 1:4. Joint shall be paper joint. Price
quoted for each item shall include cost of all materials, labor, cleaning & washing with
diluted detergent, & remove cement mortar deposits, including cleaning and curing.
104 6.14i.01 Sqm 296.0 3000.0
(Basic Rate at the purchase point :- Rs. 300 per sqm of raw Ceramic tiles) Note:In case the
selected tile base price is more/less than Rs.300 per sqm additionaly difference in base
price of the selected ceramic tiles plus 5% wastages on the difference rate will be
Providing & Laying of ceramic of sepcefied thickess and as per specified pattern , laid over 25 mm thick cement mortar bed of 1:4. Joint shall be
paper joint. Price quoted for each item shall include cost of all materials, labor, cleaning & washing with diluted detergent, & remove cement
mortar deposits, including cleaning and curing. (Basic Rate at the purchase point :- Rs. 300 per sqm of raw ceramic tiles) Note:In case the
selected tile base price is more/less than Rs.300 per sqm additionaly difference in base price of the selected ceramic tiles plus 5% wastages on
the difference rate will be paid/deducted.
Providing & Laying of ceramic in sill, staircase riser tread with chamfering, polishing etc
of sepcefied thickess and as per specified pattern , laid over 25 mm thick cement mortar
bed of 1:4. Joint shall be paper joint. Price quoted for each item shall include cost of all
materials, labor, cleaning & washing with diluted detergent, & remove cement mortar
105 6.14i.02 Sqm 1.0 3000.0
deposits, including cleaning and curing. (Basic Rate at the purchase point :- Rs. 300 per
sqm of raw ceramic tiles) Note:In case the selected tile base price is more/less than
Rs.300 per sqm additionaly difference in base price of the selected ceramic tiles plus 5%
wastages on the difference rate will be paid/deducted.

Providing & Laying of ceramic tiles of specified thickness in on 12 mm (average) thick cement mortar and jointed with white/grey cement slurry
@ 3.3 kg/sqm including pointing with white cement slurry admixed with pigment of matching shade, including rubbing, curing,polishing etc. all
complete as per Architectural drawings, and as directed by the Engineer Incharge . Price quoted for each item shall include cost of all materials,
labor, cleaning & washing with diluted detergent, & remove cement mortar deposits, including cleaning and curing. (Basic Rate at the purchase Providing & Laying of ceramic tiles of specified thickness in Skirting on 12 mm (average)
point :- Rs. 300 per sqm of raw ceramic tiles) Note:In case the selected tile base price is more/less than Rs.300 per sqm additionaly difference in thick cement mortar and jointed with white/grey cement slurry @ 3.3 kg/sqm including
base price of the selected ceramic tiles plus 5% wastages on the difference rate will be paid/deducted. pointing with white cement slurry admixed with pigment of matching shade, including
rubbing, curing,polishing etc. all complete as per Architectural drawings, and as directed
by the Engineer Incharge . Price quoted for each item shall include cost of all materials,
106 6.14j.01 Sqm 1.0 3000.0
labor, cleaning & washing with diluted detergent, & remove cement mortar deposits,
including cleaning and curing. (Basic Rate at the purchase point :- Rs. 300 per sqm of raw
ceramic tiles) Note:In case the selected tile base price is more/less than Rs.300 per sqm
additionaly difference in base price of the selected ceramic tiles plus 5% wastages on the
difference rate will be paid/deducted.

Providing & Laying of ceramic tiles of specified thickness in full height Dadoing on 12 mm
(average) thick cement mortar and jointed with white/grey cement slurry @ 3.3 kg/sqm
including pointing with white cement slurry admixed with pigment of matching shade,
including rubbing, curing,polishing etc. all complete as per Architectural drawings, and as
directed by the Engineer Incharge . Price quoted for each item shall include cost of all
107 6.14j.02 Sqm 810.0 3250.0
materials, labor, cleaning & washing with diluted detergent, & remove cement mortar
deposits, including cleaning and curing. (Basic Rate at the purchase point :- Rs. 300 per
sqm of raw ceramic tiles) Note:In case the selected tile base price is more/less than
Rs.300 per sqm additionaly difference in base price of the selected ceramic tiles plus 5%
wastages on the difference rate will be paid/deducted.

Providing & Laying Acid resistance tiles of approved make in any size in flooring (Basic Rate at the purchase point Rs. 300 per
sqm .for flooring as approved by clients in flooring, in any pattern / design (including mortar bedding of required thickness).Note:In
case the selected acid resistance tiles base price is more/less than Rs.300 per sqm additionaly difference in base price of the selected Providing & Laying Acid resistance tiles of approved make in any size in flooring
tiles plus 5% wastages on the difference rate will be paid/deducted. (Basic Rate at the purchase point Rs. 300 per sqm .for flooring as approved by
clients in flooring, in any pattern / design (including mortar bedding of required
108 6.14k.01 Sqm 44.0 6250.0
thickness).Note:In case the selected acid resistance tiles base price is more/less
than Rs.300 per sqm additionaly difference in base price of the selected tiles plus
5% wastages on the difference rate will be paid/deducted.
Providing & Laying Acid resistance tiles of approved make in any size in full height dadoing (Basic Rate at the purchase point Rs. 300
per sqm .for flooring as approved by clients in flooring, in any pattern / design (including mortar bedding of required
thickness).Note:In case the selected acid resistance tiles base price is more/less than Rs.300 per sqm additionaly difference in base Providing & Laying Acid resistance tiles of approved make in any size in full height
price of the selected tiles plus 5% wastages on the difference rate will be paid/deducted. dadoing (Basic Rate at the purchase point Rs. 300 per sqm .for flooring as
approved by clients in flooring, in any pattern / design (including mortar bedding
109 6.14k.03 Sqm 127.0 7500.0
of required thickness).Note:In case the selected acid resistance tiles base price is
more/less than Rs.300 per sqm additionaly difference in base price of the selected
tiles plus 5% wastages on the difference rate will be paid/deducted.

Providing & Laying Anti skid tiles of approved make in any size but for landed prices of
Providing & Laying Anti skid tiles of approved make in any size but for landed prices of tiles ranging between Rs. 300 per sqm .for flooring as tiles ranging between Rs. 300 per sqm .for flooring as approved by clients in flooring, in
approved by clients in flooring, in any pattern / design (including mortar bedding of required thickness).Note:In case the selected anti skid tiles any pattern / design (including mortar bedding of required thickness).Note:In case the
110 6.14l.01 Sqm 1.0 3750.0
base price is more/less than Rs.300 per sqm additionaly difference in base price of the selected tiles plus 5% wastages on the difference rate will selected anti skid tiles base price is more/less than Rs.300 per sqm additionaly difference
be paid/deducted. in base price of the selected tiles plus 5% wastages on the difference rate will be

Providing & Laying cement based tiles of approved make in flooring laid over CM 1 : 6 of
average 12 mm thick, over which cement slurry shall be applied on the rear surface of
Providing & Laying cement based tiles of approved make in flooring laid over CM 1 : 6 of average 12 mm thick, over which cement slurry shall the tile including providing & fixing of tile spacers of 3 mm, including cutting of tiles &
be applied on the rear surface of the tile including providing & fixing of tile spacers of 3 mm, including cutting of tiles & grouting with approved grouting with approved cement based grout washing & cleaning tile surface etc.,
cement based grout washing & cleaning tile surface etc., complete as per standard specifications / approved drawings any size (Basic Rate at the complete as per standard specifications / approved drawings any size (Basic Rate at the
111 6.14o.01 Sqm 1.0 3750.0
purchase point Rs. 300 per sqm .for approaches/footpaths as approved by clients in any pattern / design (including mortar bedding of required purchase point Rs. 300 per sqm .for approaches/footpaths as approved by clients in any
thickness).Note:In case the selected Cement Based tiles base price is more/less than Rs.300 per sqm additionaly difference in base price of the pattern / design (including mortar bedding of required thickness).Note:In case the
selected cement based tiles plus 5% wastages on the difference rate will be paid/deducted. selected Cement Based tiles base price is more/less than Rs.300 per sqm additionaly
difference in base price of the selected cement based tiles plus 5% wastages on the
difference rate will be paid/deducted.

Providing and laying cement based tiles of approved make in any size (Basic Rate at the
purchase point Rs. 300 per sqm .for staircase riser and tread laid over CM 1 : 6 of average
Providing and laying cement based tiles of approved make in any size (Basic Rate at the purchase point Rs. 300 per sqm .for staircase riser and 12 mm thick, over which cement slurry shall be applied on the rear surface of the tile
tread laid over CM 1 : 6 of average 12 mm thick, over which cement slurry shall be applied on the rear surface of the tile including providing & including providing & fixing of tile spacers of 3 mm, including cutting of tiles & grouting
fixing of tile spacers of 3 mm, including cutting of tiles & grouting with approved cement based grout washing & cleaning tile surface etc., with approved cement based grout washing & cleaning tile surface etc., complete as per
112 6.14o.02 Sqm 1.0 3750.0
complete as per standard specifications / approved drawings any size as approved by clients in any pattern / design (including mortar bedding of standard specifications / approved drawings any size as approved by clients in any
required thickness).Note:In case the selected Cement Based tiles base price is more/less than Rs.300 per sqm additionaly difference in base price pattern / design (including mortar bedding of required thickness).Note:In case the
of the selected cement based tiles plus 5% wastages on the difference rate will be paid/deducted. selected Cement Based tiles base price is more/less than Rs.300 per sqm additionaly
difference in base price of the selectedcement based tiles plus 5% wastages on the
difference rate will be paid/deducted.

Providing and laying pressed clay tiles for roofing over CM 1 : 6 of average 30 mm
thickness over which cement slurry/ paste @ 3.3 kg / sqm on terraces to required line,
Providing and laying pressed clay tiles for roofing over CM 1 : 6 of average 30 mm thickness over which cement slurry/ paste @ 3.3 kg / sqm on
level, slope, including providing 5 mm tile spacers filled with cement based grout and
terraces to required line, level, slope, including providing 5 mm tile spacers filled with cement based grout and sealer coat etc, complete incl.
sealer coat etc, complete incl. rough coat plaster.. ( Basic Rate of tile Rs. 300 per
113 6.14p.01 rough coat plaster.. ( Basic Rate of tile Rs. 300 per sqm).Note:In case the selected clay tiles base price is more/less than Rs.300 per sqm Sqm 1.0 3750.0
sqm).Note:In case the selected clay tiles base price is more/less than Rs.300 per sqm
additionaly difference in base price of the selected clay roofing tiles plus 5% wastages on the difference rate will be paid/deducted.
additionaly difference in base price of the selected clay roofing tiles plus 5% wastages on
the difference rate will be paid/deducted.

Providing & Fixing in position Glass Mosaic Tiles of Size:20mm X 20mm (considering (Basic
Providing & Fixing in position Glass Mosaic Tiles of Size:20mm X 20mm (considering (Basic Rate at the purchase point Rs. 5000 per Sqm Rate at the purchase point Rs. 5000 per Sqm incl.epoxy grout , adhesives etc
114 6.14p.02 incl.epoxy grout , adhesives etc complete..Note:In case the selected Glass Mosaic tiles base price is more/less than Rs.5000 per sqm additionaly complete..Note:In case the selected Glass Mosaic tiles base price is more/less than Sqm 1.0 9000.0
difference in base price of the selected glass mosaic tiles plus 5% wastages on the difference rate will be paid/deducted. Rs.5000 per sqm additionaly difference in base price of the selected glass mosaic tiles plus
5% wastages on the difference rate will be paid/deducted.
Providing and Fixing of Granite "Urinal Partition" with all exposed edges & polished on
Providing and Fixing of Granite "Urinal Partition" with all exposed edges & polished on both faces etc complete (Basic Rate at the purchase
both faces etc complete (Basic Rate at the purchase point :- Rs. 1000 per sqm of raw
point :- Rs. 1000 per sqm of raw granite slab).Note:In case the selected granite base price is more/less than Rs.1000 per sqm additionaly
115 6.16a.01 granite slab).Note:In case the selected granite base price is more/less than Rs.1000 per Sqm 1.0 11250.0
difference in base price of the selected granite plus 5% wastages on the difference rate will be paid/deducted. Rate should include fixing of
sqm additionaly difference in base price of the selected granite plus 5% wastages on the
partition by making groove in wall complete in all respects.
difference rate will be paid/deducted.

Removing of old Flooring/skirting/Dadoing tiles/granite/marbles etc and making the

Removing of old Flooring/skirting/Dadoing tiles/granite/marbles etc and making the surface ready for fixing of new tiles using chipping machine surface ready for fixing of new tiles using chipping machine or ripping machine or by any
116 6.16a.02 Sqm 1.0 500.0
or ripping machine or by any mode and disposing of the debrisis at the place inside the Depot premisis as shown by the Engineer Incharge. mode and disposing of the debrisis at the place inside the Depot premisis as shown by the
Engineer Incharge.

Providing plaster of paris (with cloth) or lime (protective layer) for covering flooring till
Providing plaster of paris (with cloth) or lime (protective layer) for covering flooring till the work is completed the rate should also include
117 6.16a.03 the work is completed the rate should also include removing and cleaning of the flooring Sqm 1.0 150.0
removing and cleaning of the flooring during handover.
during handover.

Providing and fixing woodwork in flush shutters conforming to IS: 2202 of Cons wood (TATA Coffee make) Brand’ /Sitapur /swastik /Jwala /
Mayur / Century / Green/ as per quality manual approved make with both side commercial ply including fittings (Aluminium Tower bolt 250 mm
118 6.17a.01 long & 12-16 dia, Stainless steel hinges 100 mm size with necessary screws complete) Providing and fixing woodwork in shutters 32 mm thick flush shutters Sqm 18.0 8000.0

Each door shutter shall be hung with three butt or parliamentary hinges as approved.

119 6.17b.01 Extra over for flush shutter with approved 1 mm thick decorative laminate Sqm 1.0 600.0
Extra over for flush shutter with approved decorative laminate like /Formica, Decolam, Merino, Greenlam, Century, Archid/ as per quality manual
120 6.17b.02 make or as approved by clients on one side (note if laminate to flush shutter is provided on both sides the measurement shall be doubled). Extra over for flush shutter with approved more than 1 mm thick decorative laminate Sqm 1.0 800.0

Proving & Fixing PVC door shutters of 30 mm thick (including frames) "Eureka/Armstrong,
Proving & Fixing PVC door shutters of 30 mm thick (including frames) "Eureka/Armstrong, LG, Bhor, Premier Vinyl as per quality manual" make
121 6.17e.01 LG, Bhor, Premier Vinyl as per quality manual" make including stainless steel hinges & Sqm 72.0 19000.0
including stainless steel hinges & stainless steel aldrop & stainless steel handles.
stainless steel aldrop & stainless steel handles

Providing and fixing wood work in frames for door, windows, ventilator, rough ground, exposed partition frames etc.Frames shall be secured by
MS flat holdfasts, or raw bolts to brick masonry, rubble masonry or concrete. Vertical legs of frames for doors shall be embedded in the floor by
a length not less than 75 mm. below the finished floor level. Surface of timber in contact with masonry or concrete may be left clean sawn and
shall be coated with two coats of tar. Nailing the joints shall not be permitted. Hard wood or bamboo pins shall be driven firm and fitting into the
joints, cut and finished true with the finished face
Providing and fixingTeak wood work in frames for door, windows, ventilator, rough
122 6.17f.01 Cum 0.4 67500.0
ground, exposed partition frames etc.
Joints of the frames shall be coated with white lead for external work and glue for internal work, before being put together when erected it
should be true to plumb line and level.
Unit price shall include cost of all materials, labor, hard wood or bamboo pins, rebated holes for holdfasts, bolts or screws, making rebates,
rounding or chamfering of edges, white lead glue and supports to keep the frames in position, fixing and grouting the same and making good.

123 6.17g.01 Providing and fixing with approved decorative laminate like /Formica, Decolam, Merino, Greenlam, Century, Archid/ as per quality manual make Providing and fixing of 1 mm thick decorative laminate Sqm 1.0 1000.0
124 6.17g.02 or as approved by clients on wall lining and partitions including all acessories required, labour and adhesive etc. Providing and fixing of more than 1 mm thick decorative laminate Sqm 1.0 650.0
125 6.17h.01 Providing and fixing marine ply-panelling,partitions & wall lining on metal framing, wood framing, wall surface, or any finished surface including Providing and fixing of 6mm thk marine ply-panelling,partitions & wall lining Sqm 1.0 4500.0
126 6.17h.02 all accessories required for fixing.(Note: Framing cost not to be included) Providing and fixing of 12mm thk marine ply-panelling,partitions & wall lining Sqm 1.0 3000.0
Providing & Applying of French Polish of required shade to door,windows, wooden flooring, furnitures, wooden cladding, partition, veneer ply,
hand rails etc. including surface preparation like applying sand paper, filling small holes/cracks/scratches with Putty before applying French
polish complete. Rates for 1 coat
Providing & Applying of French Polish to door,windows, wooden flooring, furnitures,
127 6.17i.01 Sqm 1.0 1000.0
The surface shall be cleaned of all foreign matter, rubbed down with fine sand paper and dusted off. Stop holes, crevices etc. shall be filled with wooden cladding, partition, veneer ply, hand rails etc. Rates for 1 coat
putty. The surface shall be sized with a thin clean glue applied hot and shall be rubbed down smooth with sand paper. The surface shall be
stained to the required tint.Each coat, being rubbed down with fine sand paper after allowing time to harden or flatter the coat.The work shall
be free from loose hair and brush marks.

128 6.18a.01 Supplying of top patch fitting make OZONE/ ENOX, Item code: OPF 2 Nos 1.0 2500.0
129 6.18a.02 Supplying of bottom patch fitting make OZONE/ ENOX, Item code: OPF 3 Nos 1.0 2500.0
Supplying of following items patch fittings including transportation loading and unloading of the items.

These will be purchased from approved manufacturer. All articles of builder’s hardware shall be fixed to joinery in a secure and efficient manner.
Articles damaged during fixing shall be removed and new one fixed in their places at the contractor’s cost. Surface of joinery where affected,
130 6.18a.03 shall be made good. All locks, bolts, springs and other articles of builder’s hardware with moving parts shall be properly oiled before handing Supplying of pivot make OZONE/ ENOX, Item code: OFS-ACC-4DP Nos 1.0 5500.0
over the building. All builders’ hardware should be as per IS latest IS relevant codes. (IS:354–1996, 8760 – 1978, 204 – 1992, 205 – 1992, 206 –
199) etc for respective items.

131 6.18d.01 Supplying of Door closer make godrej code - C 071 Nos 1.0 3500.0
132 6.18d.02 Supplying of floor spring 150 kg make OZONE/ ENOX, Item code: FS 9400 Nos 1.0 10000.0
Supplying of following items Door closer/Floor spring including transportation loading and unloading of the items.

These will be purchased from approved manufacturer. All articles of builder’s hardware shall be fixed to joinery in a secure and efficient manner.
Articles damaged during fixing shall be removed and new one fixed in their places at the contractor’s cost. Surface of joinery where affected,
133 6.18d.03 shall be made good. All locks, bolts, springs and other articles of builder’s hardware with moving parts shall be properly oiled before handing Supplying of floor spring 80 kg make OZONE/ ENOX, Item code: FS 8400 Nos 1.0 8500.0
over the building. All builders’ hardware should be as per IS latest IS relevant codes. (IS:354–1996, 8760 – 1978, 204 – 1992, 205 – 1992, 206 –
199) etc for respective items.

134 6.18e.01 Supplying of glass door lock make OZONE/ ENOX, Item code: OPC-4A-4B-N Nos 1.0 4500.0
Supplying of bright chromium brass mortice lock with knob type / lever type handles with
135 6.18e.02 Suppling of following items Locks spring including transportation loading and unloading of the items. Nos 1.0 3500.0
3 keys in sizes 65/70/75 mm of Godrej make (4 levers)
136 6.18e.03 These will be purchased from approved manufacturer. All articles of builder’s hardware shall be fixed to joinery in a secure and efficient manner. Supply of Door Locks for Aluminium door (175 mm long) Nos 1.0 1000.0
137 6.18e.04 Articles damaged during fixing shall be removed and new one fixed in their places at the contractor’s cost. Surface of joinery where affected, Supply of concealed lock for windows Nos 1.0 1000.0
shall be made good. All locks, bolts, springs and other articles of builder’s hardware with moving parts shall be properly oiled before handing
over the building. All builders’ hardware should be as per IS latest IS relevant codes. (IS:354–1996, 8760 – 1978, 204 – 1992, 205 – 1992, 206 –
138 6.18e.05 199) etc for respective items. Enox Center Lock - EPF 735 Right/Left for glass door Nos 1.0 10000.0

139 6.19a.01 Providing & Fixing of Aluminium powder coated (Min-50 micron) Sqm 180.0 6250.0
Providing & Fixing of Aluminium full height partitions partly glazed with 5 mm thick "MODIGUARD / ASAHI / SAINT GOBAIN"make/As per quality
manual CLEAR PLAIN FLOAT GLASS and Partly Panelled with 12 mm thick Both sides Prelaminated Interior grade as approved by client, IS
Particle Board of any approved shade / colour) with JINDAL make Aluminium sections
1. Double Groove section -20072- 1.095 Kg/m,
2. Single groove section - 20073-1.092 Kg/m,
3.Snap on beading - 19352-0.097 kg/m,
4. Glazing putty -19380- 0.219 Kg/m).

140 6.19a.03 Providing & Fixing of Aluminium Silver Anodized Satin Finish (Min 15 Microns) Sqm 1.0 8750.0
Providing and Fixing of Aluminium full height partitions fully glazed with 5mm thk Modiguard/Ashai/Saint Gobain/As per quality manual make
clear plain float glass with jindal make aluminium sections
141 6.19b.01 1. Single Groove 20078 -1.605kg/m, Providing & Fixing of Aluminium powder coated (Min-50 micron) Sqm 1.0 11250.0
2.Double Groove 20076 1.608 kg/m,
3.Glazing putty 19380 0.216 kg/m)

142 6.19b.02 Providing & Fixing of Aluminium Silver Anodized Satin Finish (Min 15 Microns) Sqm 1.0 12500.0

Providing and fixing Fully Glazed Partition with Saint Gobain Make 12 mm thk Toughened
Providing and fixing Fully Glazed Partition with Saint Gobain Make 12 mm thk Toughened clear Glass. Glass to be fitted with Onyx / Ozone make
143 6.19c.01 clear Glass. Glass to be fitted with Onyx / Ozone make patch fittings cut fish bottom type Sqm 1.0 12500.0
patch fittings cut fish bottom type on top and bottom . Joints to be sealed in Wacker make full clear silicon sealent.
on top and bottom . Joints to be sealed in Wacker make full clear silicon sealent.

Providing & Fixing of Aluminium Silver Anodized Satin Finish Min 15 Microns) Single
144 6.19d.02 Providing & Fixing of Aluminium Single shutter door (with frame) partly glazed with 5 mm thick "MODIGUARD / ASAHI / SAINT GOBAIN"/As per shutter door (with frame) and with Floor spring (Hardwyn / Kelywn Everite / Sqm 1.0 12500.0
Quality Manual make CLEAR PLAIN FLOAT GLASS and Partly Panelled with 12 mm thick Both sides Prelaminated Interior grade as approved by Oznoe/Enox/Master or Equivalent ISI make),4" aluminium hinges Mortise lock
client, IS Particle Board (of any approved shade / colour) with ,4" aluminium hinges , Mortise lock (B/S operable, ISI or Equivalent make as per
quality manual) & with Aluminium Sections JINDAL make
1.Door Top & Bottom19559 - 1.674 Kg/m,
2.Door Middle19575 - 0.882 Kg/m,
3.Snap19352 - 0.097 Kg/m, Providing & Fixing of Aluminium powder coated (50 micron) Single shutter door (with
145 6.19d.03 Sqm 11.0 14500.0
4.Door Vert. for lock 19501- 1.505 Kg/m, frame) with Door closer (Hardwyn / Kelywn Everite / Master or Equivalent ISI make)
5.Door Vert. for hinge 19503-1.50 Kg/m,
6. Frame 14013 - 1.054 Kg/m) Providing & Fixing ofAluminium powder coated (50 micron) Single shutter door (with
146 6.19d.04 frame) and with Floor spring (Hardwyn / Kelywn Everite / Oznoe/Enox/Master or Sqm 52.0 17000.0
Equivalent ISI make),,4" aluminium hinges Mortise lock

Providing & Fixing of Aluminium powder coated (50 micron) double shutter door (with
147 6.19f.01 Sqm 4.0 12500.0
frame) with Floor spring (Hardwyn / Kelywn Everite / Master or Equivalent ISI make)
Providing & Fixing of Aluminium double shutter door (with frame) partly glazed with 5 mm thick "MODIGUARD / ASAHI / SAINT GOBAIN/as per
quality Manual" make CLEAR PLAIN FLOAT GLASS and Partly Panelled with 12 mm thick Both sides Prelaminated Interior grade as approved by
client, IS Particle Board (of any approved shade / colour) with 4" aluminium hinges Mortise lock (B/S operable, ISI or Equivalent make) & with Providing & Fixing of Aluminium powder coated (50 micron) double shutter door (with
148 6.19f.01 Sqm 1.0 14500.0
JINDAL make Aluminium Sections frame) with Door closer (Hardwyn / Kelywn Everite / Master or Equivalent ISI make)
1.Door Top & Bottom19559 - 1.674 Kg/m,
2.Door Middle19575 - 0.882 Kg/m,
3.Snap19352 - 0.097 Kg/m, Providing & Fixing of Aluminium Silver Anodized Satin Finish (Min 15 Microns) double
149 6.19f.01 4.Door Vert. for lock 19501- 1.505 Kg/m, shutter door (with frame) with Floor spring (Hardwyn / Kelywn Everite / Master or Sqm 1.0 17000.0
5.Door Vert. for hinge 19503-1.50 Kg/m, Equivalent ISI make)
6.Frame14013 - 1.054 Kg/m
Providing & Fixing of Aluminium Silver Anodized Satin Finish (Min 15 Microns) double
150 6.19f.01 shutter door with door closure (Hardwyn / Kelywn Everite / Master or Equivalent ISI Sqm 1.0 17000.0

Providing and fixing fully glazed single shutter door.the glazing shall made from 12mm thk
Providing and fixing fully glazed single shutter door.the glazing shall made from 12mm thk saintgobain make clearplain toughened glass with
saintgobain make clearplain toughened glass with crystal edge polish with heavy duty
crystal edge polish with heavy duty floor spring with pivot (Ozone/Enox ) make with SS top & bottom patch fittings of Ozone make & corner
151 6.19g.01 floor spring with pivot (Ozone/Enox ) make with SS top & bottom patch fittings of Ozone Sqm 1.0 12500.0
lock/Middle lock of ozone/onyx make with ss brush finish vertical handle (pipe section -450mm long and garware make matte white privacy film
make & corner lock/Middle lock of ozone/onyx make with ss brush finish vertical handle
etc complete
(pipe section -450mm long and garware make matte white privacy film etc complete

Providing & Fixing fully glass double shutter door the glazing shalle made from12mm
Providing & Fixing fully glass double shutter door the glazing shalle made from12mm thick saintgobain make clearplain toughened glass with thick saintgobain make clearplain toughened glass with crystal edge polish with heavy
crystal edge polish with heavy duty floor spring with pivot (Ozone/Enox ) make with SS top & bottom patch fittings of Ozone make & corner duty floor spring with pivot (Ozone/Enox ) make with SS top & bottom patch fittings of
152 6.19h.01 Sqm 1.0 12500.0
lock/Middle lock of ozone/onyx make with ss brush finish vertical handle (pipe section -450mm long and garware make matte white privacy film Ozone make & corner lock/Middle lock of ozone/onyx make with ss brush finish vertical
etc complete. handle (pipe section -450mm long and garware make matte white privacy film etc

Providing and Fixing of Aluminium Two Track, Two Shutter window Fully Glazed with 5 mm thick "ASAHI / MODIGUARD / SAINT GOBAIN/As per Providing and Fixing of Aluminium Anodized (Min 15 Microns, Silver Anodized Satin
153 6.19i.01 quality manual” make PLAIN FLOAT glass with PVC gasket for the shutters. Your rates shall includes EPDM beadings, hardware, cleats, screws, Sqm 1.0 12500.0
Rollwell make caster / Roller for sliding arrangement & concealed locking arrangement etc.complete and ‘JINDAL” make Aluminium .Sections:
1. Tube frame 14050 - 1.089kg/m,
2. Two Track Bottom - 20619- 0.695 Kg/m,
3. Two Track Top & Side - 20681- 0.659 Kg/m,
4. Shutter Top & Bottom - 20604- 0.390 Kg/m,
5. Shutter Interlock - 20605- 0.440 Kg/m,
6. Shutter Side - 20606- 0.390 Kg/m.
Providing and Fixing of Aluminium Two Track, Two Shutter window Fully Glazed with 5 mm thick "ASAHI / MODIGUARD / SAINT GOBAIN/As per
quality manual” make PLAIN FLOAT glass with PVC gasket for the shutters. Your rates shall includes EPDM beadings, hardware, cleats, screws,
Rollwell make caster / Roller for sliding arrangement & concealed locking arrangement etc.complete and ‘JINDAL” make Aluminium .Sections:
1. Tube frame 14050 - 1.089kg/m,
2. Two Track Bottom - 20619- 0.695 Kg/m,
3. Two Track Top & Side - 20681- 0.659 Kg/m,
4. Shutter Top & Bottom - 20604- 0.390 Kg/m,
5. Shutter Interlock - 20605- 0.440 Kg/m,
6. Shutter Side - 20606- 0.390 Kg/m.
154 6.19i.03 Providing and Fixing of Aluminium powder coated (Min 50 micron) Sqm 1.0 13750.0

Providing & Fixing Aluminium Three Track, Three Shutter Sliding Window Fully Glazed with 5mm thick “MODIGUARD/ ASAHI /SAINT GOBAIN/As
per quality Manual” make CLEAR thick PLAIN FLOAT GLASS with EPDM beadings etc Hardware, cleats, screws concealed locking arrangement etc
to be included and ‘JINDAL” make Aluminium Sections:
1. Three Track Bottom 20620 - 1.070 kg/m, Providing & Fixing Aluminium silver Anodized satin finish (Min 15 Microns) Three Track,
155 6.19j.01 2. Three Track Top & Side 20621 -0.933 kg/m, Sqm 1.0 15000.0
Three ShutterSliding Window
3. Shutter Top & Bottom 20604 - 0.417kg/m,
4. Shutter Interlock 20605 - 0.469 kg/m,
5.Shutter Side 20606 - 0.417 kg/m,
6.Rectangular Tube Frame 14050 - 1.089 kg/m,
7. glazing plate 19380-0.216,PVC gasket.

Providing & Fixing Aluminium powder coated (50 micron) Three Track, Three
156 6.19j.03 Sqm 97.0 16250.0
ShutterSliding Window mm

Providing & Fixing Aluminium Three Track, Three Shutter Sliding Window mm Fully Glazed with 5mm thick “MODIGUARD/ ASAHI /SAINT
GOBAIN” make CLEAR thick PLAIN FLOAT GLASS with EPDM beadings etc Hardware, cleats, screws etc to be included PVC gasket for two shutter
with 5 mm clear glass one shutter with stainless steel -grade -304 fly mesh EPDM beading,concealed locking arrangement etc complete. and Providing & Fixing Aluminium silver Anodized satin finish (Min 15 Microns) Three Track,
157 6.19k.01 Sqm 1.0 17500.0
‘JINDAL” make Aluminium Sections: Three Shutter Sliding Window
1. Three Track Bottom 20620 - 1.070 kg/m,
2. Three Track Top & Side 20621 -0.933 kg/m,
3. Shutter Top & Bottom 20604 - 0.417kg/m,
4. Shutter Interlock 20605 - 0.469 kg/m,
5. Shutter Side 20606 - 0.417 kg/m,
6.Rectangular Tube Frame 14050 - 1.089 kg/m,
7. glazing plate 19380-0.216,
Mesh containg Minimum 18 holes across and 16 rows down of openings within each 1-inch square

Providing & Fixing Aluminium powder coated (Min 50 micron) Three Track, Three
158 6.19k.03 Sqm 458.0 18750.0
ShutterSliding Window

Supply and installation of aluminium 3 track, 4 shutter windows-04 glazed glass 5mm thick plain glass of M/s Saint Gobain make. All 'EBCO make
fittings like concealed handles tower bolts,door stopper,etc to be provided and shall be apporved by Engineer Incharge. EPDM rubber profiles
shall be used in sections.5mm diameter holes @500 mm C/C shall be provided in 3 track bottom sections for rain water disposal etc.complete as
per drawing.etc Hardware, cleats, screws etc to be included PVC gasket, EPDM beading,concealed locking arrangement etc complete. and
‘JINDAL” make Aluminium Sections: Providing & Fixing Aluminium silver Anodized satin finish (Min 15 Microns) Three Track,
159 6.19m.01 1. Three Track Bottom-20620- 1.070 kg/m, Sqm 1.0 17500.0
four Shutter Sliding Window
2.Three track top & side- 20621 -0.933kg/m,
3.Shutter top & bottom- 20604 - 0.417kg/m,
4.Shutter interlock- 20605 - 0.469 kg/m,
5.Shutter side- 20606 - 0.417 kg/m,
6. Rect tube frame- 14050 - 1.089 kg/m,
7.Glazing plate- 19380- 0.216 kg/m,
8. Snap on beading- 19352- 0.097 kg/m

Supply and installation of Aluminium powder coated (50 micron) 3 track, 6 shutter
160 6.19m.02 Sqm 77.0 18750.0
Providing & Fixing Aluminium Fixed Glazed Window any size Fully Glazed with 5m thick “MODIGUARD/ ASAHI /SAINT GOBAIN” make CLEAR
PLAIN FLOAT GLASS with Hardware, cleats, screws EPDM beading etc complete to be included and ‘JINDAL” make Aluminium Sections: Providing & Fixing Aluminium Anodized Min-15 Microns, Silver Anodized Satin Finish)
161 6.19n.01 1. Double groove section-19575 - 0.897 kg/m, Sqm 1.0 11250.0
Fixed Glazed Window
2. Single Groove section-19527 - 0.881 Kg/m,
3.Snap on Beading- 19352 -0.097kg/m,
4.Glazing Putty -19380 - 0.216 kg/m,
5. Bottom section - 10559 -1.674 kg/m

162 6.19n.02 Providing & Fixing Aluminium powder coated (Min-50 micron) Fixed Glazed Window Sqm 1.0 12500.0

Providing and Fixing of Aluminium Window with Louver for Exhast System with PVC gasket for the shutters. Your rates shall includes EPDM
beadings, hardware, cleats, screws, Rollwell make caster / Roller for sliding arrangement & concealed locking arrangement etc.complete and
163 6.19q.01 ‘JINDAL” make Aluminium sections Aluminum Anodized satin Finish min 15 microns Frame with Louvers for Exhast System Sqm 1.0 9500.0
1. Tube- 14070- 0.781 Kg/m,
2. Lower - 8963 - 0.249Kg/m,
3. Glazing Patta 19380- 0.216 Kg/m
4. L- angle- 16413 - 0.627Kg/m

164 6.19q.02 Aluminium powder coated (Min- 50 micron) Frame with Louvers for Exhast System Sqm 1.0 10500.0

Providing and fixing Mosquitoproof mesh of stainless steel to shutters with all accessories
165 6.20b.01 for fixing.Mesh containg Minimum 18 holes across and 16 rows down of openings within Sqm 1.0 3500.0
Providing and fixing of following items with all accessories for fixing inlcuding labour charges, tools tackles etc each 1-inch square

Providing & fixing of Garware make frosty film over glass excluding wastage including
166 6.20b.03 Sqm 1.0 1000.0
necessary accessories, labour, machinery, transportation etc.
167 6.20c Labour charges for Removing of Aluminium Partition Sqm 1.0 500.0
Labour charges for Removing and fixing of following items including all tools and tackles required
168 6.20c.01 Labour charges for Removing Grid Geiling(Gypsum or modular false ceiling ) Sqm 1.0 500.0

Providing & Fixing False Ceiling with powder coated GI grid work, with 12 mm thick
Calcium Silicate Board Hilux/as per quality manual make of size as directed. The scope of
169 6.21a.01 work includes fixing of GI suspenders (2 mm dia) with hooks for grid work, cleats & holes Sqm 1.0 1357.0
for spot light (Nos / pattern & diameter of holes shall be as per directions by Engineer
Incharge.) etc complete (excluding painting).

Providing and Fixing False Ceiling with powder coated GI Grid (made from Chicago
Metallic Cosmat Rigid Ceiling Suspension system) and 12 mm thick Armstrong, India
170 6.21a.02 Gypsum, Hunter Douglas, Saint Gobainmake Ceiling Tiles (Quadra/ cosmos / Fine Sqm 1.0 1200.0
fissured / spintone). The scope of work includes fixing of G.I suspenders (2mm dia) with
hooks for grid work, cleats etc complete.
Providing & Fixing of following type of False Ceiling with make as per quality manual.The scope of work labour charges tools and tackles all
aceesories complete

Providing & fixing of false ceiling made from Armstrong make Silhouette Grid and 12mm
thk mineral fiber ceiling tiles (Armstrong, India Gypsum, Hunter Douglas, Saint
171 6.21a.03 Gobain).Size with toggle down grid system 600x600 mm.GI wire suspenders to be Sqm 1027.0 1400.0
provided as required.he scope of work includes fixing of G.I suspenders (2mm dia) with
hooks for grid work, cleats etc complete.

Providing and Fixing Perforated metaFalse Ceiling with powder coated GI Grid (made
from Chicago Metallic Cosmat Rigid Ceiling Suspension system) and Armstrong, India
172 6.21a.05 Gypsum, Hunter Douglas, Saint Gobain/Tecno make perforated metal Ceiling Tiles. The Sqm 1.0 1100.0
scope of work includes fixing of G.I suspenders (2mm dia) with hooks for grid work, cleats
etc complete.
Providing & Fixing of Calcium silicate board (Hilux - Ramco)Hi lux cladding 12 mm thick
173 6.21c.01 hilux board using 50 mm thick stud,GI frame work ,channel,screws fitting & all accessories Sqm 1.0 800.0
with jointing finshing complete without painting.

Providing & Fixing Full Height Partition total thickness 100 mm double skin partition using
(12) mm thk. Calcium Silicate board of (Hilux - Ramco) make on both sides sandwitched
174 6.21c.04 Sqm 1.0 1200.0
without insulation, Scope of Work Include Fixing of Calcium Silicate Board, 75 mm wide
GI sections supports, Fittings & all accessories etc complete.

Providing & Fixing of following wall partitions Supply and installation testing and commissioning of leak proof 4 mm thick Alluminium
composite panel (ACP) cladding/soffit system of Any colour Durobond, Aludecor,
Alstrong, Eurobond, Alstone make with virgin HDPE material along with aluminium
175 6.21c.06 tray/framing etc.complete with scaffolding.Fixing of Aluminium Composite Pannel Sqm 1.0 2200.0
including hardwares accessories etc Complete. alongwith filling of grooves with "DOW
Caning" make silicon sealent & Backer rod. ( Aluminium Section 14459 - 0.642 kg/m of
JINDAL make).

Providing and fixing of wall Panelling with 12 mm thk Frosted glass Glass to be fitted on
176 6.21c.09 Sqm 1.0 2700.0
exosting wall with the help of SS studs with necessery hardware etc complete

Providing and fixing of wall Panelling made from12 mm thk MDF Board Mounted with
177 6.21c.10 Sqm 1.0 1500.0
textured decorative fabric of approved colour on it

P/F Raised flooring of Height 450mm using Stringer of 1.2mm thick rectangular pipe
jacking system (Flooring tile 30-37 mm thick tile of size (600 x 600) consisting of 0.70 mm
178 6.21d.02 Providing & Fixing Raised Access Flooring top and bottom metail plate with gray colour powder coating , cavity is filled using Sqm 1.0 6000.0
cement slurry and epoxy resin and top surface is covered using 1.2 mm high-pressure
antistatic hot pressed laminated and edges bonded with black conductive PVC beadings

Extra over for all the above items for providing 6mm thk Saint Gobain make one way
reflective glas ( ST-467) CUT TO required SIZES inplace of plain float glass for windows,
179 6.21e.01 doors, partions etc. ( Only the difference in rate between ST-467 and plain float glass to Sqm 73.0 700.0
be qouted since this will be an additional payment over and above the plain glass
aluminium items.)

Extra over for all the above items for providing 6mm thk ET 425 Green Aura Glass saint
Extra over for all the above items for providing 5mm thk Saint Gobain make one way reflective glas ( ST-467) CUT TO required SIZES inplace of gobain make CUT TO required SIZES in place of plain float glass for windows, doors,
180 6.21e.02 plain float glass for windows, doors, partions etc. ( Only the difference in rate between ST-467 and plain float glass to be qouted since this will be partions etc.( Only the difference in rate between ET 425 Green Aura Glass and plain Sqm 1.0 650.0
an additional payment over and above the plain glass aluminium items.) float glass to be qouted since this will be an additional payment over and above the plain
glass aluminium items.)

Extra over for all the above items for providing 6mm thk Saint Gobain make frosted glass
CUT TO required SIZES inplace of plain float glass for windows, doors, partions etc.( Only
181 6.21e.03 Sqm 1.0 700.0
the difference in rate between Frosted glass and plain float glass to be qouted since this
will be an additional payment over and above the plain glass aluminium items.)

Providing & Fixing of 38mm thk commercial plywood shutter door with vision panel & frame,coated with 2mm thk fibre reinforced plastic of Providing & Fixing of 38mm thk commercial plywood shutter door with vision panel &
182 6.21g.04 m/s Bakelyte Hylam Equivalent & two layers of CSM MATT of 450gms/sqm of size. Cost shall include all required accesories like Heavy duty SS frame,coated with 2mm thk fibre reinforced plastic of m/s Bakelyte Hylam Equivalent & Sqm 1.0 1500.0
hinges, SS Aldrop etc. complete two layers of CSM MATT of 450gms/sqm of size
Providing & Fixing steel windows with 6 mm glazing, Side Hung / Top Hung Type including
Providing & Fixing steel windows with 5 mm glazing, Side Hung / Top Hung Type including one coat red oxide paint and two coats of enamel
183 6.22a.01 one coat red oxide paint and two coats of enamel paint.(Paint shall be of Asian / Nerolac Sqm 1.0 3300.0
paint.(Paint shall be of Asian / Nerolac or as approved by client)
or as approved by client)

Providing and fixing pressed powder coated steel door including frames frame shall be ISMC 75 X 40 (unit wt =6.80 Kg/Rmt).Shutter verticals and
horizontals shall be MS sq tube 32X 32 X2.8 thk (Cold Rolled).The beading shall be in MS Sq bar 10X 10 (Unit wt=0.785 Kg/Rmt).The sheets to be
184 6.22b.01 Providing & Fixing powder coated steel door including frame, shutter, fitings etc complete KG 5500.0 75.0
used shall be MS sheet 2mm thick (Unit Wt =15.70 Kg/Rmt). The vertical and horizontal stopper shall be made from MS Flat 40x 6 (unit wt= 1.880
Kg/Rmt) and MS Flat 25X10 (Unit wt 2.00 Kg/Rmt).The hinges shall be heavy duty. The MS handles shall be 200mm with 300mm aldrop from
outside and 300mm long 12 mm dia aldrop at top and bottom. The door shall be pressed powder coating with 50 microns powder coating.

Providing & Fixing Louvered steel door (Louvers above 1m and at the centre of shutter) including frameframe shall be ISMC 75 X 40 (unit wt
=6.80 Kg/Rmt).Shutter verticals and horizontals shall be MS sq tube 32X 32 X2.8 thk (Cold Rolled).The beading shall be in MS Sq bar 10X 10 (Unit
Providing & Fixing Louvered steel door (with 1/3 height of door for louvers at centre of
185 6.22c.01 wt=0.785 Kg/Rmt).The sheets to be used shall be MS sheet 2mm thick (Unit Wt =15.70 Kg/Rmt). The vertical and horizontal stopper shall be KG 1.0 85.0
shutter) including frame, 1 coat primer + 2 coats enamel paint
made from MS Flat 40x 6 (unit wt= 1.880 Kg/Rmt) and MS Flat 25X10 (Unit wt 2.00 Kg/Rmt).The hinges shall be heavy duty. The MS handles shall
be 200mm with 300mm aldrop from outside and 300mm long 12 mm dia aldrop at top and bottom. Louvered door shall be painted with one
coat of red oxide paint and two coats of enamel oil paint.

Providing & Fixing M S Gates including cutting, hoisting,fixing in position and applying a
186 6.22d.01 priming coat of approved steel primer using structural steel etc. as required. as per client KG 20220.0 150.0
design/approved by client.
Providing & Fixing M S Gates including cutting, hoisting,fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer using structural
steel etc. as required. as per client design/approved by client.
Providing & Fixing Sliding M S Gates including cutting, hoisting,fixing in position and
187 6.22d.02 applying a priming coat of approved steel primer using structural steel etc. as required. as KG 1.0 150.0
per client design/approved by client.

Providing & Fixing GI solid slats rolling shutter with operating gear system items other
188 6.22e.01 Sqm 82.0 11250.0
than GI will be painted with 1 coat primer + 2 coats enamel paint/water based paints

Providing & Fixing GI perforated slats rolling shutter with operating gear system items
189 6.22e.02 other than GI will be painted with 1 coat primer + 2 coats enamel paint/water based Sqm 1.0 11250.0
Supplying and fixing rolling shutters of approved make, made of required size slats(Round type GI slats made out of VG-115 profile, 113mm high paints
with 18mm depth & 1.2mm (18 Gauge) thickness GI) interlocked together through their entire length and jointed together at the end by end
locks, mounted on specially designed pipe shaft with brackets,side guides and arrangements for inside and outside locking, including the cost of
providing and fixing necessary springs of adequate strength conforming to IS: 4454 - part 1 and 1.2 mm thick GI top cover for rolling shutters
and 1coat primer + 2 coats of enamel paint/waterbased paints for follwing types Providing & Fixing GI slats rolling shutter with operating gear arrangament, and mesh
190 6.22e.03 slats in between type rolling shutter 1 items other than GI will be painted with 1 coat Sqm 1.0 10000.0
primer + 2 coats enamel paint/water based paints

Providing & Fixing GI slats rolling shutter with operating gear system and wicket gate
191 6.22e.04 items other than GI will be painted with 1 coat primer + 2 coats enamel paint/water Sqm 1.0 12500.0
based paints

Providing and fixing G.I. chain link fabric fencing of required width in mesh size 50x50 mm x 8 gauge GI wire of TATA make and GI class "B" type
pole of 50 mm dia TATA/Jindal Make with top end sealed with 6mm thk MS plate placed at approx 2.5 meters center to center with holes drilled
at every 300mm centre vertically for securing the chain link with GI hooks and 10mm dia MS rods cross struts of 50mm GI pipe for every 8th pole
192 6.22f.01 or corner shall be provided strengthening with 2 mm dia wire or nuts, bolts and washers as required complete as per the direction of Engineer- Chain link fencing 1.8 m high Rmt 1810.0 8750.0
Note: GI pole to be embedded in Brickwork with concrete M20 for a minimum depth of 450 mm. Unit price shall include cost of all material,
labor, equipment, holdfasts, inserts, excluding excavation, PCC, brickwork.
Providing and fixing 2 Strand barbed GI Wire (rate to be quoted for each line) and fixing it to Precast pole or granite pole using 14
SWG gauge GI wire.

193 6.22f.05 Rmt 1000.0 75.00

Providing and fixing of high density bolts, anchor chanels (supplied by clients) fixing in
194 6.22h.01 Nos 97.0 190.0
position using pipes,reinforcment rods, templates etc. upto 600 mm bolt length

Providing and fixing of high density bolts, anchor chanels (supplied by clients) fixing in
195 6.22h.02 Nos 1.0 250.0
position using pipes,reinforcment rods, templates etc. upto 600-1000 mm bolt length

Providing and fixing of high density bolts, anchor chanels (supplied by clients) fixing in
196 6.22h.06 Nos 1.0 350.0
position using pipes,reinforcment rods, templates etc. above 1000 mm bolt length
Providing and fixing high density bolts, anchor chanels fixing in position using pipes,reinforcment rods, templates etc.

197 6.22h.13 Providing & Fixing of Anchor fastener (Hilti/Fischer) bolts 10mm dia 100mm long. Nos 1.0 195.0

198 6.22h.14 Providing & Fixing of Anchor fastener bolts (Hilti/Fischer) 12mm dia 125mm long. Nos 1.0 250.0

Providing & Fixing of Chemical Anchor fastener (Hilti/Fischer) bolts 16mm dia 150mm
199 6.22h.17 Nos 1.0 400.0
Providing & Fixing of Chemical Anchor fastener (Hilti/Fischer) bolts 16mm dia 200mm
200 6.22h.18 Nos 1.0 600.0

Providing and applying "Fosroc-Nito BOND" coating to concrete (will be paid only for
201 6.23a.01 Providing and applying "Fosroc-Nito BOND" coating to concrete (will be paid only for bonding with exisitng structues) Sqm 1.0 85.0
bonding with exisitng structues)

Carrying out Topographical survey with countour interval 5m x 5m and preparation of

202 6.23b.01 Acre 1.0 4000.0
drawings and submitting 2 sets of Hard copies with CD
Carrying out survey with countour Supply of surveyor on per day basis to carry out survey work & preparation of drawings,
203 6.23b.02 submission of 2 sets of hard copy including machinery, labour, transporttion etc. Nos 1.0 6000.0
Labour charges for removing of paver and stocking site side by working area with
204 6.23d.01 Sqm 1.0 250.0
necessary accessories, complete
Labour charges for removing and refixing of paver and stocking site side by working area with necessary accessories, complete Labour charges for fixing of paver with necessary 60mm thick sand bedding with
205 6.23d.02 necessary accessories, labour, transpotation wastage complete.(excluding loading, Sqm 1.0 350.0
unloading and internal transportation)

Supply and application 'SIKA FLOOR JOINT-S'for expansion joints for width 20 mm for
206 6.23h.01 Supply and application 'SIKA FLOOR JOINT-S'for expansion joints Rmt 1.0 750.0
movement+/- 10 mm as per standard application procedure of M/s Sika.

Providing and fixing in position hand rail of approved size SS hand rail balcony railing,
Providing and fixing in position hand rail of approved size SS hand rail balcony railing, staircase railing and similar works,( SS Handrail with 50mm
207 6.23i.01 staircase railing and similar works,( SS Handrail with 50mm ( 2" ) dia pipe ( 304 grade ) Kg 1.0 800.0
( 2" ) dia pipe ( 304 grade ) incl. handling.lifting,fitting with accesories etc complete ).
incl. handling.lifting,fitting with accesories etc complete )

208 6.23i.03 Charges for bore well location geological survey Charges for bore well location geological survey Nos 1.0 25000.0
Providing & Fixing vertical blinds system parytex/Marvel make with all required
209 6.24a.01 Sqm 1.0 1000.0
Providing and fixing of following window blinds for interior works including transportation, loading, unloading. Complete with required
accessories for fixing,labour charges etc .(make-Marvel or Parytex) Shade and colour as approved by Engineer Incharge Providing & Fixing of ROLLER blinds manualy operated of approved colour with fiitings &
210 6.24a.03 Sqm 1.0 1400.0
accessories etc. complete (make-Marvel or Parytex)

Providing & Fixing of 5mm Thick Mirror (Size: 460mm x 600mm) with PVC frame with
211 6.24c.02 Providing & Fixing of Mirror including transportation, loading, unloading compelte with required accessories for fixing Nos 1.0 1000.0
back PVC & hanging clips complete.
Providing and applying of Donaire make 4mm thk. Loop pile Carpet to cover-up the
212 6.24d.01 Providing and applying of Donaire make 4mm thk. Loop pile Carpet to cover-up the existing floor and raised floor using adhesive etc completed. Sqm 1.0 1000.0
existing floor and raised floor using adhesive etc completed.

Supply & Fixing of 304 grade 2 mm thick Stainless steel plates of various sizes with 4
Supply & Fixing of 304 grade 2 mm thick Stainless steel plates of various sizes with 4 nos.50 mm in length screws to each plate,rounded on
213 6.24d.02 nos.50 mm in length screws to each plate,rounded on corners,champhered on edge and Nos 1.0 250.0
corners,champhered on edge and cutout/opening at center as per site conditions
cutout/opening at center as per site conditions

Providing , fixing, installation,erection and commisoing of leak proof Aluminium composite panel (ACP with following specifications ACP 4mm
thick (0.5mm virgin aluminium 3003 series on both sides +3mm reliance make virgin polythelene core) "EUROBOND" make aluminium composite
214 6.24f.01 panel of approved color.Scope of work also includes supply,erection of aluminium tubular framing grid work.(Aluminium section 14002 (section ACP sheet for Letter fixing Sqm 1.0 4000.0
size 38.10 X 25.10X2mm thick -0.643 kg/m of jindal make). Fixing of aluminium composite panel including hardwares, screws, Anchor bolt,
accessories etc complete along with filling of grooves with "DOW Corning " make silicon sealent.

215 6.24g.01 6" SS letters with black Powder Coating Nos 1.0 720.0
216 6.24g.02 Supply, Fabrication,Installation,Erection & commissioning of stainless steel (SS Grade 304 20 gauge) ( Black or any approved shade/colour) 8" SS letters with Black Powder Coating Nos 1.0 960.0
217 6.24g.03 Powder coating (Avg 20 microns) Letters 150 mm (6") height, 25mm (1" deep) on Acp board.Fixing of letters with ACP sheet shall be with 2" deep 12" SS letters with Black Powder Coating Nos 1.0 1440.0
SS screw & Corthan tape.
218 6.24g.04 14" SS letters with Black Powder Coating Nos 1.0 1680.0

Supply of male coolie (Rate to include supply of tools along with the laborers and
219 6.25a.01 Nos 1.0 875.0
contractor's overheads and profits)
Supply of female coolie (Rate to include supply of tools along with the laborers and
220 6.25a.02 Nos 1.0 1125.0
contractor's overheads and profits)
Supply of joinery carpenter (Rate to include supply of tools along with the laborers and
221 6.25a.03 Nos 1.0 1375.0
contractor's overheads and profits)
Supply of plumbing fitter (Rate to include supply of tools along with the laborers and
222 6.25a.04 Nos 1.0 2125.0
contractor's overheads and profits)
Supply of mason (Rate to include supply of tools along with the laborers and contractor's
223 6.25a.05 Nos 1.0 1875.0
Supply of manpower for serivce (Rate to include supply of tools along with the laborers and contractor's overheads and profits) overheads and profits)
Supply of glazer (Rate to include supply of tools along with the laborers and contractor's
224 6.25a.06 Nos 1.0 2375.0
overheads and profits)

Supply welder / structural fitter/ assembler (Rate to include supply of tools & machinery
225 6.25a.08 Nos 1.0 2500.0
along with the laborers and contractor's overheads and profits)

Supply of aluminum sheeter. (Rate to include supply of tools & machinery along with the
226 6.25a.09 Nos 1.0 2500.0
laborers and contractor's overheads and profits)
Supply of skilled painter (Rate to include supply of tools along with the laborers and
227 6.25a.12 Nos 1.0 1375.0
contractor's overheads and profits)

Hire charges including crew, fuel, lubricants for power roller 10 T (Including driver with
228 6.25b.01 Per day 1.0 5000.0
valid licensce,helper, fuel, lubricants)

Hire charges including driver with valid licensce,helper, fuel, lubricants for 15 T Crane
229 6.25b.03 Per day 1.0 8000.0
(Including driver with valid licensce,helper, fuel, lubricants)
Hire charges including crew, fuel, lubricants for Backhoe loader (Including driver with
230 6.25b.04 Per day 1.0 15000.0
valid licensce,helper, fuel, lubricants)
Supply of following machineries on demand by Tata Motors
Hire charges including necessary crew, fuel, lubricants etc Tractor with trailor/water
231 6.25b.06 Per day 1.0 2500.0
tanker with fuel (Including driver with valid licensce,helper, fuel, lubricants)

Suppy of water in case of unavability of water at Depot subject to written approval from
232 6.25b.08 Per 10 KL 1.0 5000.0
the Engineer Incharge to supply water.

Hire charges including necessary crew, fuel, lubricants etc.,for 45 feet boom length Cherry
233 6.25b.13 Per day 1.0 12000.0
picker on rental basis Including driver with valid licensce,helper, fuel, lubricants
Construction of granular sub-base (GSBC) by providing close graded material, crushed stone aggregates of granite/trap/basalt material, mixing in
a mechaical mix plant , carriage of mixed material to work site, spreading in uniform layers of specified thickness on prepared surface and
234 7.10a.01 Providing ,laying,spreading & compacting of Granular sub base Cum 2552.0 1500.0
compacting with vibratory power roller to achieve the desired density, complete as per specifications. to follow clause no 401 of MORTH

Providing ,laying,spreading & compacting graded stone aggregate to wet mix macadam (WMM) provided in layers of 150mm compacted
thickness including premixing the material with water at OMC in mechanical mix plant carriage of mixed material by tipper to site and shall be
235 7.10b.01 laid in uniform layers & compacted using mechanical compactor to achieve a density of 98% to line and level, as per details shown in the Providing ,laying,spreading & compacting graded stone aggregate to wet mix macadam Cum 2264.0 3656.0
drawings. To follow Clause 406 of MORT&H (Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport & Highways) specifications etc., complete The roller shall be a
Minimum 10 Ton power roller / vibrator roller and rolling of the surface shall be done.

Laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregate of specified sizes to WBM Providing & Laying Water Bound Macadam (WBM) (provided in layers of 75mm thick).
specifications in uniform thickness of layers of 75mm thick, hand picking, rolling with 3 wheeled road/ vibratory roller Min 10 tonne capacity in (The metal should be of trapstone clean hard & durable and 40 mm machine cut. The
236 7.10c.01 Cum 1000.0 3656.0
stages to proper grade and camber,applying and brooming requisite type of screening / binding material to fill up interstices of coarse aggregate, roller shall be a Min 10 Ton power roller / vibrator roller and rolling of the surface shall be
watering and compacting to the required density. done

Providing and applying Primer coat With Slow setting (SS) bitumen emulsion on prepared surface of Granular base such as WMM ,WBM
237 7.10d.01 including Clearing of road surface Spraying Prime coat at the rate 0.8kg/sqm including mechanical means complete directed as per specification Providing and applying Prime Coat bitumen Sqm 4581.0
MORTH Specification No.:-502

Providing and applying tack coat With Slow setting (SS) bitumen on prepared bituminous or primed granular surface preparatory to the
238 7.10e.01 superimposition of a bituminous mix including Clearing of surface Spraying tack coat at the rate 0.4kg/sqm including mechanical means complete Providing and applying a tack coat Sqm 4355.0
directed as per specification MORTH Specification No.:-503

Providing and laying denses graded bituminous macadam (DBM) in a single course of compacted crushed aggregates premixed with bituminous
binder on a previously prepared base.The bitumen content required shall be determined following the marshall mix design procedure contained
239 7.10f.01 Providing ,laying dense graded bituminous macadam with 40-60 TPH batch type Cum 325.0
in asphal Insitute Manual MS-2. With minimum bitumen content 4.5 % as per Morth specification.Complete directed as per specification MORTH
Specification No.:-505

Providing and laying of Asphalt/Bituminous concrete in a single layer on a previously prepared bituminous bound base (DBM).The bitumen
240 7.10g.01 content required shall be determined following the marshall mix design procedure contained in asphal Insitute Manual MS-2. With minimum Providing ,laying Asphalt/bituminous Concrete with 40-60 TPH batch type Cum 128.0
bitumen content 5.4 % as per Morth specification.Complete directed as per specification MORTH Specification No.:-507

Plain concrete water table: Shall be cast in site P.C.C. (1:2:4) of size as per drawing. The water table shall be cast in line, level and gradient as
shown in the drawings / sketch. The top surface of the water table shall be broom finished. Care shall be taken to provide joints in water table at
241 7.10h.01 right angles to the alignment of kerb stone. Joints along the roadway near the water table shall be made good in asphalt so as to show clean PCC M15 water table Cum 95.0
straight separate line between road and water table. unit price shall include all cost of materials, excavation,labor, shuttering, broom finishing,
making good joints etc complete. Ready mix concrete (RMC) M/s Lafarge or equivalent, subject to the approval of Engineer Incharge.)

242 7.10i.01 Providing, Laying & Fixing 60 mm thick concrete (M20 grade) paving blocks. Sqm 1.0 1625.0
Providing, Laying & Fixing concrete paving blocks of specified thickness and grade ( any size shape & colour as approved by clients) including
50mm bedding in stone quarry dust and filling the joints with stone dust.Surface will be finally finished by operating compactor to make the
243 7.10i.03 surface level.Manufacturer approved by client. Providing, Laying & Fixing 80 mm thick concrete (M40 grade) paving blocks. Sqm 672.0 1875.0

Providing and fixing concrete Paver Tiles (Basic Rate at the purchase point :- Rs. 300 per
Providing and fixing concrete Paver Tiles (Basic Rate at the purchase point :- Rs. 300 per sqm of raw concrete paver tiles) of 30mm thickness of sqm of raw concrete paver tiles) of any shape fixed with Cement mortar 1:3.Note:In case
244 7.10k.01 any shape fixed with Cement mortar 1:3.Note:In case the selected Concrete paver tile base price is more/less than Rs.300 per sqm additionaly the selected tile base price is more/less than Rs.300 per sqm additionaly difference in Sqm 1.0 1625.0
difference in base price of the selected marble plus 5% wastages on the difference rate will be paid/deducted. base price of the selected paver tiles plus 5% wastages on the difference rate will be
Providing and Laying 150mm thick M20 PreCast concrete Kerb of following sizes from approved manufacturer over prepared sub grade in
245 7.10l.01 curvilinear/linear profile as per the details of the drawings. All the joints shall be properly packed with cement mortar 1:4 including curing Providing and fixing RCC kerb stone 450mm in height and 150 mm thick. Rmt 3763.0 150.0
etc.including excavation,backfilling, PCC M7.5 250mm width and 75mm thick. complete.

246 7.10o.01 3M™ Raised Pavement Markers (RPM) with shanks on bitumen surface Nos 1.0 100.0
247 7.10o.02 Providing of 3M™ Raised Pavement Markers (RPM) of all colour combination available With Shanks (Series 290C/290CE) and fixing by drilling 3M™ Raised Pavement Markers (RPM) with shanks on concrete surface Nos 1.0 175.0
holes in the bitumen surface, filling the holes with bitumen and firmly fixing the RPM by driving in the shanks.
248 7.10o.03 3M™ Raised Pavement Markers (RPM) without shanks on concrete/bitumen surface Nos 1.0 130.0

249 8.01a.03 NP2 class RCC hume pipes 200dia with spigot joints Rmt 1.0 1125.0
250 8.01a.04 NP2 class RCC hume pipes 250dia with spigot joints Rmt 1.0 1250.0
251 8.01a.05 NP3 class RCC hume pipes 300dia with spigot joints Rmt 1.0 1787.5
Providing and laying approved make and conforming to NP2/NP3 class as per IS: 458 for RCC hume pipes with collar joint and class P2 of IS Code
252 8.01a.07 for spigot & socket joints to class P2.IS Code of practice for laying and testing shall be as per IS:3114. The joint shall be filled with stiff mixture of NP3 class RCC hume pipes 450dia with spigot joints Rmt 1.0 3375.0
253 8.01a.09 cement mortar in the proportion of 1:2 (1 cement : 2 fine sand) price shall include all cost of pipes, labor and jointing and testing of joints NP3 class RCC hume pipes 600dia with spigot joints Rmt 1.0 4500.0
(smoke test). Material conforming to IS:458-1988.Manufacturer as approved by Engineer Incharge.
254 8.01a.11 NP3 class RCC hume pipes 750dia with spigot joints Rmt 1.0 6250.0
255 8.01a.13 NP3 class RCC hume pipes 900dia with spigot joints Rmt 1.0 8250.0
256 8.01a.15 NP3 class RCC hume pipes 1200dia with spigot joints Rmt 1.0 12500.0

Providing and laying approved make and conforming to NP2 class as per IS: 458 for half round RCC hume pipes.The joint shall be filled with stiff
257 8.01b.03 mixture of cement mortar in the proportion of 1:2 (1 cement : 2 fine sand) if required. price shall include all cost of pipes, labor and Providing and fixing half round NP2 hume pipes 300 mm dia Rmt 1.0 1625.0
jointing.Material conforming to IS:458-1988.Manufacturer as approved by Engineer Incharge

258 8.01c.01 BBM manholes upto 1m depth- Rect 900x600 without cover Nos 1.0 23750.0
259 8.01c.03 BBM manholes upto 1m depth- Rect 600x450 without cover Nos 1.0 18750.0
Constructing brick masonry manhole in cement mortar 1:5 ( 1 cement : 5 coarse sand ) foundation base concrete 1:3:6 mix (1 cement : 3 coarse
sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size), inside plastering 12 mm thick with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) finished BBM manholes upto 1m depth- Circular 600 Dia @ top without cover.And bottom dia
260 8.01c.04 and rendered internal surfaces shall have hard impervious finish obtained by using a steel trowel.The outer face shall have rough plaster in C.M. with batter 4V:1H at 1.3 m level below 1.3 m level it shall be cylindrical with dia 1.2m. Nos 1.0 18750.0
(1:3).C.I. rungs of suitable size shall be provided in all manholes. Rungs shall be set in two vertical runs of 380mm apart, (i.e., c/c). The top rung
shall be at 450mm below the manhole cover and lowest not more than 300mm above the benching. Vertical center-to-center distance between
two rungs shall not be more than 600mm in each vertical row. Wall thickness 230mm thick./Price shall include excavation, PCC ,Plaster, masonry,
261 8.01c.05 benching, rungs,top pcc etc complete. Extra over depth for circular / rectangular BBM manholes for depth 1 to 2.5m Rmt 1.0 12500.0

Providing and laying pre-cast SFRC-(steel fiber reinforced cover) Circular manhole of size
262 8.01d.02 Nos 1.0 6250.0
600 dia cover
Providing and laying pre-cast SFRC (steel fiber reinforced cover) Cover and frame (heavy duty HD- 20 grade designation) of required size
Providing and laying Pre-cast SFRC rect.-(steel fiber reinforced cover) Manhole cover &
263 8.01d.03 conforming to I.S. 12592, total weight of cover and frame to be not less than 182 kg. fixed in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 Nos 1.0 10000.0
frame for opening size 900x600
graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) including centering, shuttering all complete.
Providing and laying Pre-cast SFRC rect.-(steel fiber reinforced cover) Manhole cover &
264 8.01d.06 Nos 1.0 5000.0
frame for opening size 600x450

265 8.01e.01 CI covers & frames for rect / circular manholes/ Chambers, Kg 1.0 250.0
Providing and fixing CI covers & frames for rectangle / circular manholes, of approved grades and size shall be fixed in P.C.C. (1:2:4) at the top of
the manhole.
Manhole covers and frames for chamber shall be of grey cast iron conforming to IS:1726 (part I to VII) – 1974 (specification for cast iron manhole
covers and frames). Casting shall be straight, regular and true in every respect. They shall be clean, sound and free from porous spaces, air holes
and plugging and shall be non-ventilating type.
266 8.01e.03 Providing and fixing MS with PVC coating rung steps 300 mm wide in wall to chambers Nos 1.0 750.0

267 8.01f.02 BBM chamber 450x450, depth upto 600 mm Nos 1.0 12500.0
Constructing brick masonry chamber of specified size with bricks in cement mortar 1:5 (1 cement : 5 coarse sand) including base concrete 1:3:6
mix (1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size), inside and outside plastering 12 mm thick with cement mortar
1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) finished.Wall thickness 230mm thick.Price shall include excavation, PCC ,Plaster, masonry,complete.
268 8.01f.03 BBM chamber 300x450, depth upto 600 mm Nos 1.0 10000.0

269 8.02a.01 GI pipes-medium quality including fittings 12 Dia Rmt 1.0 165.0
270 8.02a.02 GI pipes-medium quality including fittings 20 Dia Rmt 108.0 300.0
271 8.02a.03 GI pipes-medium quality including fittings 25 Dia Rmt 1.0 300.0
272 8.02a.04 Providing and fixing Galvanized G.I. pipes-medium quality complete conforming to IS:1239 with G.I. fittings and clamps, including cutting and GI pipes-medium quality including fittings 32 Dia Rmt 23.0 400.0
making good etc.concelead or exposed at any heights including all.The code of practice for laying of pipes shall be as per IS:3114..Unit price for
273 8.02a.05 pipes shall include all cost of materials, labor, bolts and gaskets, testing. Jointing by welding. GI pipes-medium quality including fittings 38 Dia Rmt 6.0 450.0
274 8.02a.06 GI pipes-medium quality including fittings 50 Dia Rmt 1.0 600.0
275 8.02a.07 The pipe sockets shall be cleanly finished, well galvanized in & out, free from cracks, surface flaws and laminations and other defects. All the GI pipes-medium quality including fittings 62 Dia Rmt 1.0 800.0
pipes shall be fixed in longest possible lengths while all necessary heavy duty bends, tees, couplings, unions, elbows, sockets, flanges, check nuts,
plug bends, reducers etc. in perfect straight lines vertically and horizontally. All G.I. pipes shall remain clear of walls by at least 12mm and shall
be fixed to walls by galvanized malleable iron bat claps. Pipes were exposed on the surface shall be coated with 3 coats of oil paint. G.I. pipes
shall be embedded in a chase cut on walls / floor and the chase shall be filled with cement and mortar 1:4 after fixing and painting (3 coats) of
pipe at no extra cost. The code of practice for laying of pipes shall be as per IS:3114. Testing for the leakages shall be done as per relevant ISS.
Die Penetration test shall be carried out as directed by the client. .
Providing and fixing Galvanized G.I. pipes-medium quality complete conforming to IS:1239 with G.I. fittings and clamps, including cutting and
making good etc.concelead or exposed at any heights including all.The code of practice for laying of pipes shall be as per IS:3114..Unit price for
pipes shall include all cost of materials, labor, bolts and gaskets, testing. Jointing by welding.

The pipe sockets shall be cleanly finished, well galvanized in & out, free from cracks, surface flaws and laminations and other defects. All the
pipes shall be fixed in longest possible lengths while all necessary heavy duty bends, tees, couplings, unions, elbows, sockets, flanges, check nuts,
276 8.02a.08 plug bends, reducers etc. in perfect straight lines vertically and horizontally. All G.I. pipes shall remain clear of walls by at least 12mm and shall GI pipes-medium quality including fittings 75 Dia Rmt 1.0 1000.0
be fixed to walls by galvanized malleable iron bat claps. Pipes were exposed on the surface shall be coated with 3 coats of oil paint. G.I. pipes
shall be embedded in a chase cut on walls / floor and the chase shall be filled with cement and mortar 1:4 after fixing and painting (3 coats) of
pipe at no extra cost. The code of practice for laying of pipes shall be as per IS:3114. Testing for the leakages shall be done as per relevant ISS.
277 8.02a.09 Die Penetration test shall be carried out as directed by the client. . GI pipes-medium quality including fittings 100 Dia Rmt 1.0 1500.0

Providing and laying in position HDPE pipes of Jain/Supreme/as per quality manual make conforming to IS 4984 & IS 7634 (Part 2) (1975) for
278 8.02h.01 pressure upto PE 63 -MRS at 50 years and 20 deg celsius MPa (bar) 6.3 grade PN 6 i.e 6 Kg/Sqcm min pressur for following dia HDPE pipes of 25 dia Rmt 1.0 375.0

The pipes shall have smooth internal and external surfaces. Slight shallow longitudinal grooves or irregularities in the walls thickness shall be
permissible provided that the wall thickness remains within the permissible limits.
279 8.02h.02 HDPE pipes of 32 dia Rmt 1.0 625.0
280 8.02h.03 HDPE pipes of 50 dia Rmt 1.0 750.0
281 8.02h.04 HDPE pipes of 63 dia Rmt 1.0 1000.0
282 8.02i.01 HDPE coupler of 25 dia Nos 1.0 100.0
283 8.02i.02 Providing and laying in position HDPE coupler conforming to IS 4984 & IS 7634 (Part 2) (1975) for pressure upto 6.0 Kg/ (excluding HDPE coupler of 32 dia Nos 1.0 195.0
284 8.02i.03 excavation) for following dia HDPE coupler of 50 dia Nos 1.0 250.0
285 8.02i.04 HDPE coupler of 63 dia Nos 1.0 300.0
286 8.03a.12 Rigid PVC Finolex pipe-pressure- 2.5 Kg/Sqcm- 160 dia OD Rmt 160.0 320.0
287 8.03a.13 Rigid PVC Finolex pipe-pressure- 2.5 Kg/Sqcm- 200 dia OD Rmt 1.0 480.0
288 8.03a.14 Providing and fixing Rigid PVC Finolex make pipe of pressure 2.5 KG/Sq cm and fitting including fixing of the pipe with clamps at 1.00 m spacing Rigid PVC Finolex pipe-pressure- 2.5 Kg/Sqcm- 250 dia OD Rmt 1.0 760.0
including cutting and making good the walls including testing of joints, fittings and clamps,cutting and making good etc.concelead or exposed at
289 8.03a.15 any height including all. complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. Rigid PVC Finolex pipe-pressure- 2.5 Kg/Sqcm- 280 dia OD Rmt 1.0 820.0
290 8.03a.16 Rigid PVC Finolex pipe-pressure- 2.5 Kg/Sqcm- 315 dia OD Rmt 1.0 1800.0
291 8.03a.17 Rigid PVC Finolex pipe-pressure- 2.5 Kg/Sqcm- 400 dia OD Rmt 1.0 2637.0
292 8.03b.01 Rigid PVC Finolex pipe-pressure- 6 Kg/Sqcm- 12 dia OD Rmt 1.0
293 8.03b.02 Rigid PVC Finolex pipe-pressure- 6 Kg/Sqcm- 20 dia OD Rmt 1.0
294 8.03b.03 Rigid PVC Finolex pipe-pressure- 6 Kg/Sqcm- 25 dia OD Rmt 1.0
295 8.03b.04 Rigid PVC Finolex pipe-pressure- 6 Kg/Sqcm- 32 dia OD Rmt 1.0
296 8.03b.05 Providing and fixing Rigid PVC Finolex/As per quality manual make pipe of pressure 6KG/Sq cm and fitting including fixing of the pipe with Rigid PVC Finolex pipe-pressure- 6 Kg/Sqcm- 38 dia OD Rmt 1.0 480.0
clamps at 1.00 m spacing including cutting and making good the walls including testing of joints, fittings and clamps,cutting and making good
297 8.03b.06 etc.concelead or exposed at any height including all. complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. Rigid PVC Finolex pipe-pressure- 6 Kg/Sqcm- 50 dia OD Rmt 16.0 760.0
298 8.03b.07 Rigid PVC Finolex pipe-pressure- 6 Kg/Sqcm- 63 dia OD Rmt 1.0 820.0
299 8.03b.08 Rigid PVC Finolex pipe-pressure- 6 Kg/Sqcm- 75 dia OD Rmt 11.0 1800.0
300 8.03b.09 Rigid PVC Finolex pipe-pressure- 6 Kg/Sqcm-90 dia OD Rmt 1.0 2637.0
301 8.03b.10 Rigid PVC Finolex pipe-pressure- 6 Kg/Sqcm- 110 dia OD Rmt 43.0
302 8.03c.01 Supplying & Fixing of CPVC Pipe (SCH 40) 100 mm dia Rmt 1.0
303 8.03c.02 Supplying & Fixing of CPVC Ball valve (SCH 40) for 100 mm dia Nos 1.0
304 8.03c.03 Supplying & Fixing of CPVC Pipe (SCH 40) 80 Rmt 1.0
305 8.03c.04 Supplying & fixing of CPVC Ball valve (SCH 40) for 80 mm dia Nos 1.0
306 8.03c.05 Supplying & fixing of CPVC Pipe (SDR11) 50 mm dia Rmt 1.0
307 8.03c.06 Supplying & fixing of CPVC Ball valve (SDR11) for 50 mm Nos 1.0
Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) pipes (SCH 40) of approved make (astral)/as per quality manual , having thermal
308 8.03c.07 stability for hot & cold water supply, including all CPVC plain & brass threaded fittings, including fixing the pipe with clamps at 1.00 m spacing. Supplying & fixing of CPVC Pipe (SDR11) 40 mm dia Rmt 1.0
309 8.03c.08 This includes jointing of pipes & fittings with one step CPVC solvent cement and testing of joints etc.concelead or exposed at any height including Supplying & Fixing of CPVC Ball valve (SDR11) for 40 mm dia Nos 1.0
all complete as per direction of Engineer in Charge.Including all transporation Including all aceesories
310 8.03c.09 Supplying & fixing of CPVC Pipe (SDR11) 32 mm dia Rmt 1.0
311 8.03c.10 Supplying & fixing of CPVC Ball valve (SDR11) for 32 mm Nos 1.0
312 8.03c.11 Supplying & Fixing of CPVC Pipe (SDR11) 25 mm dia Rmt 1.0
313 8.03c.12 Supplying & fixing of CPVC Ball valve (SDR11) for 25 mm Nos 1.0
314 8.03c.13 Supplying & fixing of CPVC Pipe (SDR11) 20 mm dia Rmt 43.0
315 8.03c.14 Supplying & Fixing of CPVC Ball valve (SDR11) for 20 mm dia Nos 1.0
316 8.03d.01 Supplying & Fixing of CPVC Fittings (SCH 40) 100 mm dia Nos 1.0
317 8.03d.02 Supplying & Fixing of CPVC Fittings (SCH 40) 80 mm dia Nos 1.0
318 8.03d.03 Supplying & Fixing of CPVC Fittings (SCH 40) 50 mm dia Nos 1.0
Providing and fixing ON DEMAND CPVC Fittings (ASTRAL ) Make such as elbows, bends, crosses, tees, reducers, waste plugs, unions, bends,
319 8.03d.04 Supplying & Fixing of CPVC Fittings (SCH 40) 40 mm dia Nos 1.0
nipples etc. for following dia.Including all transporation Including all aceesories
320 8.03d.05 Supplying & Fixing of CPVC Fittings (SCH 40) 32 mm dia Nos 1.0
321 8.03d.06 Supplying & Fixing of CPVC Fittings (SCH 40) 25 mm dia Nos 1.0
322 8.03d.07 Supplying & Fixing of CPVC Fittings (SCH 40) 20 mm dia Nos 1.0
323 8.03j Audco/Lnt Aquaseal ball valve 12 Dia concealed Nos 1.0 2000.0

Providing and fixing Audco Ball Valve with Carbon steel body & SS 316 ball, with flanged end for 15 mm dia.
324 8.03j.01 Audco/Lnt Aquaseal ball valve 20 Dia concealed Nos 1.0 2500.0
325 8.03j.02 Audco/Lnt Aquaseal ball valve 25 Dia concealed Nos 1.0 3000.0
326 8.03j.03 Audco/Lnt Aquaseal ball valve 32 Dia concealed Nos 1.0 4000.0
327 8.03j.04 Providing and fixing Audco Ball Valve with Carbon steel body & SS 316 ball, with flanged end for 15 mm dia. Audco/Lnt Aquaseal ball valve 38 Dia concealed Nos 5.0 4500.0
328 8.03j.05 Audco/Lnt Aquaseal ball valve 50 Dia concealed Nos 1.0 5500.0
329 8.03j.06 Audco/Lnt Aquaseal ball valve 62 Dia concealed Nos 1.0 7500.0
330 8.03j.07 Audco/Lnt Aquaseal ball valve 75 Dia concealed Nos 1.0 9000.0
331 8.03j.08 Audco/Lnt Aquaseal ball valve 100 Dia concealed Nos 1.0 12000.0
332 8.03n.01 NRV (horizontal or vertical type)- 25 Dia Nos 1.0
333 8.03n.02 NRV (horizontal or vertical type)- 32 Dia Nos 1.0
334 8.03n.03 NRV (horizontal or vertical type)- 38 Dia Nos 1.0
335 8.03n.04 Providing and fixing of Normex make wafeer non return valve with PN 1.0, Carbon steel body with SS Stainless steel disc, EPDM "O" ring NRV (horizontal or vertical type)- 50 Dia Nos 1.0
336 8.03n.05 NRV (horizontal or vertical type)- 62 Dia Nos 1.0
337 8.03n.06 NRV (horizontal or vertical type)- 75 Dia Nos 1.0
338 8.03n.07 NRV (horizontal or vertical type)-100 Dia Nos 1.0
339 8.03o.01 Providing and fixing of Air release valve Zoloto /or equivalent make with ISI mark P/f single action air valve of 25 dia 6 bar pressure Nos 1.0 3400.0
Providing & Laying of Bituminous wrapping & coating for GI pipes Make IWL- Pypcote.Including cleaning of surface of GI pipe before applying
340 8.03p.01 Providing & Laying of Bituminous wrapping & coating for GI pipes Make IWL- Pypcote Sqm 1.0
wrapping coat complete as per the direction of engineer incharge

341 8.03q.01 Supreme Ultra 1000 with 250 mm inlet and outlet Nos 1.0
Supplying and fixing of Supreme Ultra Manholes /or equivalent make Manhole Base with Straight through or any inlet flow profile with all
342 8.03q.02 required accessories,fittings,reducers,adapters ,bends, rubber seal joints for connecting components such as extension shaft complete with tests Supreme Ultra 1000 with 315 mm inlet and outlet Nos 1.0
as per EN 13598.Load Test,Stifiness of the shaft,Vaccum test,Pullout test,Impact Strength,Anti-Floatation test.
343 8.03q.03 Supreme Ultra 1200 with 315 mm inlet and outlet Nos 1.0

344 8.03r.01 Supreme Ultra 1000 with 600 mm Depth/Height Nos 1.0
345 8.03r.02 Supreme Ultra 1000 with 800 mm Depth/Height Nos 1.0
346 8.03r.03 Supreme Ultra 1000 with 1000 mm Depth/Height Nos 1.0
347 8.03r.04 Supreme Ultra 1000 with 1100 mm Depth/Height Nos 1.0
348 8.03r.05 Supreme Ultra 1000 with 1300 mm Depth/Height Nos 1.0
349 8.03r.06 Supplying and fixing of Supreme Ultra Manhole Shaft /or equivalent make Manhole Shaft with all required Supreme Ultra 1200 with 500 mm Depth/Height Nos 1.0
350 8.03r.07 accessories,fittings,reducers,adapters ,bends, rubber seal joints for connecting components such as extension shaft,etc complete with tests as Supreme Ultra 1200 with 600 mm Depth/Height Nos 1.0
351 8.03r.08 per EN 13598.Load Test,Stifiness of the shaft,Vaccum test,Pullout test,Impact Strength,Anti-Floatation test. Supreme Ultra 1200 with 700 mm Depth/Height Nos 1.0
352 8.03r.09 Supreme Ultra 1200 with 800 mm Depth/Height Nos 1.0
353 8.03r.10 Supreme Ultra 1200 with 900 mm Depth/Height Nos 1.0
354 8.03r.11 Supreme Ultra 1200 with 1000 mm Depth/Height Nos 1.0
355 8.03r.12 Supreme Ultra 1200 with 1100 mm Depth/Height Nos 1.0
356 8.03r.13 Supreme Ultra 1200 with 1200 mm Depth/Height Nos 1.0

357 8.03s.01 For Supreme Ultra 1000 Type Nos 1.0

Supplying and fixing of Supreme Ultra Manhole Shaft Top Cone /or equivalent make Manhole Shaft Top Cone with all required
accessories,fittings,reducers,adapters ,bends, rubber seal joints for connecting components such as extension shaft,etc complete with tests as
per EN 13598.Load Test,Stifiness of the shaft,Vaccum test,Pullout test,Impact Strength,Anti-Floatation test.
358 8.03s.02 For Supreme Ultra 1200 Type Nos 1.0

359 8.03t.01 Plastic Cover Supreme make Nos 1.0

Supplying and fixing of Supreme Ultra Manhole Top Cone Cover /or equivalent make Manhole Top Cone Cover with all required
360 8.03t.02 accessories,fittings,reducers,adapters ,bends, rubber seal joints for connecting components such as extension shaft,etc complete with tests as SFRC Cover Supreme make 20MT Nos 1.0
361 8.03t.03 per EN 13598.Load Test,Stifiness of the shaft,Vaccum test,Pullout test,Impact Strength,Anti-Floatation test. GRP Cover supreme make 20MT Nos 1.0
362 8.03t.04 GRP Cover supreme make 40MT Nos 1.0
363 8.03u.01 Foam core pipes 110mm Rmt 1.0
364 8.03u.02 Foam core pipes 160mm Rmt 1.0
365 8.03u.03 Providing and fixing Foam Core/Ultra plus DWC pipes of approved make (Supreme NU Drain/Or equivalent)/as per quality manual, including all Foam core pipes 200mm Rmt 1.0
fittings, including fixing the pipe. This includes jointing of pipes & fittings with required solvents recommended by manufacturer complete as per
366 8.03u.04 direction of Engineer in Charge.Including all transporation,loading and unloading. Ultra plus DWC pipes 250mm Rmt 1.0
367 8.03u.05 Ultra plus DWC pipes 300mm Rmt 1.0
368 8.03u.06 Ultra plus DWC pipes 450mm Rmt 1.0
369 8.03v.01 Supreme Ultra 250 with 220 mm Depth/Height Nos 1.0
370 8.03v.02 Supplying and fixing of Supreme Ultra inspection chambers /or equivalent make with Straight through or any inlet flow profile with all required Supreme Ultra 250 with 450 mm Depth/Height Nos 1.0
371 8.03v.03 accessories,fittings,reducers,adapters ,bends, rubber seal joints for connecting components such as extension shaft,covers complete with tests Supreme Ultra 250 with 600 mm Depth/Height Nos 1.0
372 8.03v.04 as per EN 13598.Load Test,Stifiness of the shaft,Vaccum test,Pullout test,Impact Strength,Anti-Floatation test. Supreme Ultra 600 with 460-600 mm Depth/Height Nos 1.0
373 8.03v.05 Supreme Ultra 600 with 860-1000 mm Depth/Height Nos 1.0
Providing and fixing of Stainless steel sink (Nirali make) of size 61 x 45 cm with CI
Providing and fixing wash trough/Sink with all required accessories complete including transportation, loading, unloading, labpour charges for
374 8.04a.03 brackets, CP brass chain with rubber plug, 40 mm CO brass waste complete, including Nos 1.0 10000.0
fixing and inlcuding all tools and tackles required compelte.
painting the fitting and brackets, cutting and modifing if required. Grade SS 304

Providing & Fixing wash basin Hindware make with pedestal tall (Cat no.11003).Price
375 8.04b.02 Nos 5.0 5000.0
including waste coupling and connection pipe but excluding tap.

Providing and fixing of wash basin with or without pedestal or wall hung etc including waste coupling and connection pipe but excluding tap Providing & Fixing wash basin Hindware make under counter type (Cat no.10049).Price
376 8.04b.04 Nos 1.0 6500.0
complete including transportation, loading, unloading, labpour charges for fixing and inlcuding all tools and tackles required compelte. including waste coupling and connection pipe but excluding tap.

Providing & Fixing wash basin Hindware make Monalisa Over Counter Basin type (Cat
377 8.04b.05 Nos 1.0 9500.0
no.10069).Price including waste coupling and connection pipe but excluding tap.

Providing & Fixing IWC/EWC /wall mounted/floor mounted/S trap type/P trap type price
Providing & Fixing IWC/EWC /wall mounted/floor mounted/S trap type/P trap type price including providing and fixing with all required including providing and fixing with all required accessories like CI bracket, PVC pipes
378 8.04c.01 accessories like CI bracket, PVC pipes complete including transportation, loading, unloading, labour charges for fixing and inlcuding all tools and complete (Basic Rate at the purchase point of sink :- Rs.5000 per no) Note:In case the Nos 5.0 7500.0
tackles required compelte. selected item is more/less than Rs.5000 per no additionaly difference in base price of the
selected itemon the difference rate will be paid/deducted.

Providing and fixing of white glazed vitreous china ware urinal fixed by C.P. Screws, with-
32 mm dia CP "JAQUAR"Make Waste Coupling as per Cat No 709 complet.(Basic Rate at
Providing and fixing of urinals fixed by C.P. Screws, with all required accessories complete including transportation, loading, unloading, labpour
379 8.04d.01 the purchase point of urinal:- Rs. 5000 per no) Note:In case the selected item is more/less Nos 1.0 8500.0
charges for fixing and inlcuding all tools and tackles required compelte.
than Rs.5000 per no additionaly difference in base price of the selected itemon the
difference rate will be paid/deducted.But excluding push cock.

Providing and fixing square-mouth S.W. gully trap of size 150x 100 mmclass SP-1
complete with C.I. grating brick masonry chamber with water tight C.I. cover with frame
380 8.04e.01 Nos 1.0 3500.0
of 300 x300 mm size (inside) the weight of cover to be not less than 4.50 kg and frame to
be not less than 2.70 kg as per standard design:
381 8.04e.02 Providing and fixing 100 mm sand cast Iron grating for gully trap. Nos 1.0 1500.0
Providing and fixing CP Brass 32mm size Bottle Trap of approved quality & jaguar make
382 8.04e.03 Nos 28.0 1500.0
Providing and fixing trap of size complete including transportation, loading, unloading, labour charges for fixing and inlcuding all tools and ALD 769L250 X 190 and as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge.
tackles required compelte. Providing and fixing CP Brass 32mm size Bottle Trap of approved quality & "Water Tech"
383 8.04e.04 Nos 1.0 2500.0
make Hi-Polymer and as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge.

Providing and fixing CP Brass 32mm size Bottle Trap of approved quality &"JAQUAR"Make
384 8.04e.05 Nos 1.0 3500.0
Bottle Trap as per Cat No 769B and as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge.

P/F Cast Iron Floor Trap or Nahani Trap 150 mm deep. "P" or "S" type with 125 mm dia
385 8.04e.06 Nos 5.0 1500.0
hinged CI grating and 50mm to 100 mm outlet.

Providng and fixing- Bib Cock/Pillar Cock/Basin Mixer/Shower mixer etc .(Basic Rate at the
Providng and fixing- Bib Cock/Pillar Cock/Basin Mixer/Shower mixer etc .(Basic Rate at the purchase point of the item :- Rs. 5000 per no) Note:In
purchase point of the item :- Rs. 5000 per no) Note:In case the selected item is more/less
386 8.04f.01 case the selected item is more/less than Rs.5000 per no additionaly difference in base price of the selected itemon the difference rate will be Nos 76.0 6600.0
than Rs.5000 per no additionaly difference in base price of the selected itemon the
difference rate will be paid/deducted.

387 8.04k.01 Brass push cock 12 dia. Nos 1.0 500.0

388 8.04k.02 Providing and fixing of Push Cock complete including transportation, loading, unloading, labour charges for fixing and inlcuding all tools and Brass push cock 25 dia. Nos 1.0 2500.0
389 8.04k.03 tackles required compelte. CP Brass push cocks for urinals 12 Dia. Nos 24.0 850.0
Providing and fixing CP urinal push cock Jaquar make Pressmatic with built in control cock
390 8.04k.04 Nos 1.0 3500.0
and wall flange CAT No- PRS-077

Providing and fixing CP flush valve.(Basic Rate at the purchase point of flush valve :- Rs.
Providing and fixing of Flush valve complete including transportation, loading, unloading, labour charges for fixing and inlcuding all tools and
391 8.04l.01 1000 per no) Note:In case the selected item is more/less than Rs.1000 per no additionaly Nos 40.0 3000.0
tackles required compelte.
difference in base price of the selected itemon the difference rate will be paid/deducted.

Providing and fixing stop cock.(Basic Rate at the purchase point of stop cock :- Rs. 1000
Providing and fixing of Stop Cock complete including transportation, loading, unloading, labour charges for fixing and inlcuding all tools and
392 8.04m.01 per no) Note:In case the selected item is more/less than Rs.1000 per no additionaly Nos 1.0 2000.0
tackles required compelte.
difference in base price of the selected itemon the difference rate will be paid/deducted.
Providing and fixing of Health faucet, code no:ALD-573 hand shower, ABS chrome plated
393 8.04n.01 Nos 24.0 2000.0
Providing and fixing of faucet complete including transportation, loading, unloading, labour charges for fixing and inlcuding all tools and tackles with 8mm dia, 1.2m long flexible tube & wall hook, Jaquar make.
required compelte.
Providing and fixing of Health faucet, code no:ALD-IVC-593 hand shower, ABS BODY with
394 8.04n.02 Nos 1.0 2000.0
8mm dia, 1m long flexible tube & wall hook, Jaquar make.

395 8.04o.01 P/f-32 mm dia CP "JAQUAR"Make Waste Coupling as per Cat No 709 Nos 5.0 750.0
Providing and fixing of the waste coupling and accessories of jaquar make price including supply, fixing with all necessary acceroies required:
396 8.04o.02 P/f-32 mm dia CP "JAQUAR"Make Waste Coupling as per Cat No 705 Nos 1.0 850.0

Providing and fixing of CISTERN .(Basic Rate at the purchase point of CISTERN :- Rs. 2500
Providing and fixing of the cisterin and accessories of jaquar make price including supply, fixing with all necessary acceroies required:complete
397 8.04p.01 per no) Note:In case the selected item is more/less than Rs.2500 per no additionaly Nos 1.0 4500.0
including transportation, loading, unloading, labour charges for fixing and inlcuding all tools and tackles required compelte.
difference in base price of the selected itemon the difference rate will be paid/deducted.

Providing and fixing of the WC/bath accessories of jaquar make price including supply,
Providing and fixing of the WC/bath accessories of jaquar make price including supply, fixing with all necessary acceroies required:complete fixing with all necessary acceroies required:complete including transportation, loading,
including transportation, loading, unloading, labour charges for fixing and inlcuding all tools and tackles required compelte. (Basic Rate at the unloading, labour charges for fixing and inlcuding all tools and tackles required compelte.
398 8.04q Nos 1.0 850.0
purchase point of accessories :- Rs. 500 per no) Note:In case the selected item is more/less than Rs.500 per no additionaly difference in base (Basic Rate at the purchase point of accessories :- Rs. 500 per no) Note:In case the
price of the selected itemon the difference rate will be paid/deducted. selected item is more/less than Rs.500 per no additionaly difference in base price of the
selected itemon the difference rate will be paid/deducted.

399 8.04r.01 P/f of Sintex/Supreme/Prince PVC septic tank and filter tank for 50 user i.e 15000 liters Nos 1.0 150000.0
Providing and fixing one set of Sintex/Supreme/Prince PVC septic tank and filter tank on plain cement concrete (1 : 3 : 6) bedding 150mm thick
including inlet tees, outlet pipe and pipe between septic tank and filter tank, charging the filter tank with coke, cinder and burnt bricks and
constructing BBM chambers 600 x 450mm up to ground level over each of the openings of septic tank and filter tank, all brick work plastered
internally and externally and providing and fixing light duty C I cover and frame over each chamber.

400 8.04r.02 P/f of Sintex/Supreme/Prince PVC septic tank and filter tank for 100 user i.e 30000 liters Nos 1.0 350000.0

Providing & Fixing in position 16 gauge sheet grade 304 SS Drain Covers/Gratings
401 8.05a.07 Sqm 1.0
including fixing in it position with requireed labours,accessories etc complete.

Providing & Fixing in position Sintex Tank -500 Ltr. including handaling, lifting, fitting &
402 8.05a.08 fixing in position including punching hole to tank for feed line, distribution line & wash Nos 4.0 5000.0
out & over flow line etc complete

Providing & Fixing in position Sintex Tank -1000 Ltr. including handaling, lifting, fitting &
403 8.05a.10 fixing in position including punching hole to tank for feed line, distribution line & wash Nos 8.0 10000.0
out & over flow line etc complete


Providing & Fixing in position PVC 2000 ltr tank considering Basic cost of material per no
404 8.05a.12 of tank ,including handaling, lifting, fitting & fixing in position including punching hole to Nos. 4.0 20000.0
tank for feed line, distribution line & wash out & over flow line

Providing & Fixing in position PVC 5000 ltr tank no of tank ,including handaling, lifting,
405 8.05a.13 fitting & fixing in position including punching hole to tank for feed line, distribution line & Nos. 4.0 42000.0
wash out & over flow

Providing & Fixing in position PVC 10000 ltr tank no of tank ,including handaling, lifting,
406 8.05a.14 fitting & fixing in position including punching hole to tank for feed line, distribution line & Nos 4.0 95000.0
wash out & over flow
Supply, Fabrication and erection of structural steel including painting one coat primer
407 9.01a.01 MT 323.0 76875.0
+40 microns thickness in minimum 2 coats of synthetic enamel paint

408 9.01a.02 Extra over above item for Castellated Sections. MT 1.0 9375.0
Supply, Fabrication and erection of structural steel including painting one coat primer +40 microns thickness in minimum 2 coats of synthetic
enamel paint.Including cost of crane, cherry picker if required for height works,guide rope, all norms as required by safety standards etc as
directed by engineer incharge.

The basic design drawing / sketches would be supplied by the clients to the contractor. The contractor is expected to submit the shop drawings
along with material list giving details of fabrication of individual component, assemblies, erection with due references to marking and sequences,
welds, holes etc. for approval by the clients before commencing fabrication. Five sets of approved drawings shall then be submitted by the
contractor to the clients for use and record failing which they will be debited 1% of structural steel erected.
lectrodes of Advani Orlikon, D & H Secheron, & / Modi shall be used for fabrication & site welding work.

The contractor should afford facilities for the inspection of the work at all stages.
All gauges and templates necessary to satisfy the clients shall be supplied by the contractor.
Erection: The suitability and capacity of all plant and equipment used for erection shall be to the satisfaction of clients. The erection of structural
work shall be as per IS 12843 including tolerances. All structural steel / CRF should be so stored and handled at site that the members are not
subjected to excessive stresses and damage.
The positioning and leveling of all steel work, the plumb of stanchions / vertical members and the placing of every part of the structure with
accuracy shall be in accordance with the approved drawings and to the satisfaction of the clients.
409 9.01a.03 Safety regulations and directions should be particularly noted and observed by the contractor and contractor shall be completely responsible for Extra over above item giving curvature to structural steel members MT 1.0 18750.0
this aspect of safety.
Contractor shall produce the test certificate for the following once in every six months from the authorized / approved competent agencies –
Wire ropes, Pulleys, Tackles, Winch, Derrick, Chains, Chain pulley blocks and Cranes, electric panels, welding machine and concrete lifts etc.
During erection the steel work shall be securely bolted or otherwise fastened and, when necessary temporarily braced to provide for all load to
be carried by the structure during erection, including those due to erection equipment and its operation.
No permanent bolting or welding should be done until proper alignment has been obtained.
All field assembly and welding shall be executed in accordance with the requirement for shop fabrication, excepting such as manifestly apply to
shop conditions only..

Carefully dismantling and lowering down the existing steel structure and carefully transporting it to the specified area within the Depot Carefully dismantling and lowering down the existing steel structure and carefully
410 9.01c.01 premises.The dismantled members should be free from any other structural sections attached to it and well grinded all the surface.Including cost transporting it to the Depot specified yard within the Depot premisis.The dismantled MT 1.0 18750.0
of crane, cherry picker if required for height works,guide rope, all norms as required by safety standards etc as directed by engineer incharge. members should be free from any other structural sections attached to it.

Supply, Fabrication and fixing of Crimped net including painting one coat primer +40 microns thickness in minimum 2 coats of synthetic enamel
411 9.01e.02 paint.Including cost of crane, cherry picker if required for height works,guide rope, all norms as required by safety standards etc as directed by Supplying and Fixing clients crimped net 12x12x14G Sqm 1.0
engineer incharge.

Providing, fabricating and erection of MS. Sq/rect. Tube size 50 mm or below (virgin
Providing, Fabricating and erection of of MS. Sq/rect/Tubular. Tube size 50 mm or below (virgin material) for railing and cable trays at any
material) for railing and cable trays at any height/ location for any type of job including
412 9.01h.01 height/ location for any type of job including cutting, welding, bolting, tools and plants, scaffolding and one coat of red oxide primer and 2 coats MT 1.0 98750.0
cutting, welding, bolting, tools and plants, scaffolding and one coat of red oxide primer
of enamel paint.
and 2 coats of enamel paint

Supply and fixing of G.I. wire rope of 8mm thickness for safety life line above the roof at
413 9.01i.01 Supply and fixing of G.I. wire rope of 8mm thickness for safety life line along with all fittings above the roof at any height. Rmt 1.0
any height.

Fabrication and erection of MS gratings light / heavy (with notch in on eor two directions) out of virgin material at any location / ht. and of any
414 9.01k.01 Providing & Fixing of MS Grating Kg 1.0 110.0
type of job as per inst. Of clients including necessary cutting, welding, tools and plant, scaffolding and one coat of red oxide

415 9.02a.02 Providing and Fixing Galvalume sheets in roofing with sheet thickness 0.5mm TCT Sqm 4053.0 675.0
Supply & installation of Tata Bluescope make of any colour 0.50mm for bare Galvalume sheets in roofing and cladding with yield strength of 550
N/mm2. including all acessories such as self tapping screw (Buildex make),screw caps of sheet colour, butly tape, foam sheet, sealant, Etc Cost
416 9.02a.03 should also include cost of Cheryy picker required. Providing and Fixing Galvalume sheets in cladding with sheet thickness 0.5mm TCT Sqm 2432.0 750.0
417 9.02d.01 Providing and fixing of Sabic make polycarbonate or equivalent sheets or FRP sheets of required profile, in roofing or cladding with all standard P/F polycarbonate sheet in roofing Sqm 1.0 1500.0
accessories, as recommended by the manufacturer.
418 9.02d.02 P/F polycarbonate sheet in cladding Sqm 1.0 1500.0

Providing, Fabricating (bending to be done on machine) and fixing plain Galvalume Sheets in flashing/Ridge cap/etc., at any place / ht. for any
419 9.02f.03 Galvalume flashing 0.5mm TCT (Tata Bluescope make of any colour) Sqm 1397.0 1500.0
type of job with necessary fixing materials such as button bolts, nylon washers etc. Rate to cover for material costs of fixing

Supply, fabrication and erecting 1.2 mm thick aluminium rain water gutter in required shape fixed with GI brackets at every 500mm including all
420 9.02f.01 accessories like bolts,washer as per drawing and / or Clients instructions etc. All the joints of the gutter should be welded by providing top & S/F/E of Aluminium rain water gutter Sqm 1.0 2500.0
bottom lapping strips. Area for measurment will be Pheriperial Girth area of Gutter.

421 9.02i.01 Supply, fabrication and erecting rain water down-takes out of 14 G Al. Sheets with necessary fixing materials like clamps. All the joints in the S/F/E of rain water downtake spout out of 14 G Al. Sheets-150 Dia Rmt 1.0
down-take should be properly welded, for dia.
422 9.02i.02 S/F/E of rain water downtake spout out of 14 G Al. Sheets-200 Dia Rmt 1.0

Labor charges for careful removal of any type of sheets in roofing and cladding including
Labor charges for following including stacking the dismantled materials at site for reusing or returning them to client’s stores and neatly stacking
423 9.02j.01 stacking the dismantled materials at site for reusing or returning them to client’s stores Sqm 263.0 250.0
as per instructions, including returning "L/J" hooks.
and neatly stacking as per instructions, including returning "L/J" hooks.

Supply & installation of Trapezoidal decking sheet 1.0 mm BMT thick confirming to
424 9.02m.01 Sqm 1114.0 1000.0
I.S.10748-1995 for composite floor and permanent shuttering.
Supply & installation of GI Trapezoidal decking sheet cold rolled/hot rolled confirming to I.S.10748-1995 for composite floor and permanent
shuttering. TATA BLUESCOPE Make LYSAGHT SMARTDEK® 51 including edge form and steel bracket as required.
Supply & installation of Trapezoidal decking sheet 1.2 mm BMT thick confirming to
425 9.02m.02 Sqm 1.0 1800.0
I.S.10748-1995 for composite floor and permanent shuttering.

Raft/ Floor Area:- Providing & laying polyethylene sheet barrier ( 150-200 micron) & separation layer over the PCC surface prior to Raft/ Floor Area:- Providing & laying polyethylene sheet barrier ( 150-200 micron)
tying the reinforcement of the raft slab. Providing & mixing fibermesh stealth e3 (Propex brand or equivalent) multi dimensional & separation layer over the PCC surface prior to tying the reinforcement of the
100% virgin polypropylene fibers in the concrete of the raft slab @ 0.450 kg/cum of concrete, stealth e3 fibers shall be added to the raft slab. Providing & mixing fibermesh stealth e3 (Propex brand or equivalent)
concrete during the mixing process either by batching plant or mixer alternatively stealth e3 fibers can be added directly into the multi dimensional 100% virgin polypropylene fibers in the concrete of the raft slab
transit mixer at site, immediately prior to placing the concrete. Providing & dry sprinkling of Ah- Hydrocap crystallization system of @ 0.450 kg/cum of concrete, stealth e3 fibers shall be added to the concrete
M/s Anti hydro International Inc. USA over the PCC @ dosage rate of 1 kg/sqm or alternatively by way of wet slurry application over during the mixing process either by batching plant or mixer alternatively stealth e3
the PCC ; grouting construction joints wherever necessary using waterproof slurry cement with cebex 100 @ 225 gms /bag of fibers can be added directly into the transit mixer at site, immediately prior to
cement . Dosage of waterproofing chemicals and fiber mesh as per Manufacturers specification. placing the concrete. Providing & dry sprinkling of Ah- Hydrocap crystallization
system of M/s Anti hydro International Inc. USA over the PCC @ dosage rate of 1
kg/sqm or alternatively by way of wet slurry application over the PCC ; grouting
426 10.01a.01 construction joints wherever necessary using waterproof slurry cement with Sqm 465.0 45.00
cebex 100 @ 225 gms /bag of cement . Dosage of waterproofing chemicals and
fiber mesh as per Manufacturers specification.

Providing andapplying Construction joint treatment by using Penebar SW/ Hydroswell swellable waterbar/Equivalent at RAFT Providing andapplying Construction joint treatment by using Penebar SW/
427 10.01a.02 Hydroswell swellable waterbar/Equivalent at RAFT Rmt 92.0
Providing & laying, Injection & surface treatment from inside to over raft of u. g. structure consist of 60mm thick 2 coat polymer Providing & laying, Injection & surface treatment from inside to over raft of u. g.
protective plaster mixed profsol and synthetic fiber mesh ( e3 stealth fiber) /or equivalent make to raft, polymer concrete to floor structure consist of 60mm thick 2 coat polymer protective plaster mixed profsol
curing etc. complete.Injection is done by opening the joints and drilling the hole for min 50mm- max 100mm, and fixing the nozzle and synthetic fiber mesh ( e3 stealth fiber) /or equivalent make to raft, polymer
with minimum length 100mm and 12mm dia at every one meter or as specified.And finish the space between the PVC nozzles with concrete to floor curing etc. complete.Injection is done by opening the joints and
cement and agreegate mix and leaving for one day for curing.After 24 hrs pressure grouting is done with the mix of 1 bag cement in drilling the hole for min 50mm- max 100mm, and fixing the nozzle with minimum
25 liters of water and Fosroc Cebex 100 125gms/gms pressure grouting is doen till the mixture is backslashed in the third nozzel in length 100mm and 12mm dia at every one meter or as specified.And finish the
the line.After 2 days the nozzle is cut and removed. space between the PVC nozzles with cement and agreegate mix and leaving for
one day for curing.After 24 hrs pressure grouting is done with the mix of 1 bag
428 10.01a.03 cement in 25 liters of water and Fosroc Cebex 100 125gms/gms pressure grouting Sqm 465.0 1,200.00
is doen till the mixture is backslashed in the third nozzel in the line.After 2 days
the nozzle is cut and removed.

Providing & mixing fibermesh stealth e3 (Propex brand or equivalent) multi dimensional 100% virgin polypropylene fibers in the Providing & mixing fibermesh stealth e3 (Propex brand or equivalent) multi
concrete of the retaining wall @ 0.450 kg/cum of concrete, stealth e3 (Propex brand or equivalent) fibers shall be added to the dimensional 100% virgin polypropylene fibers in the concrete of the retaining wall
concrete during the mixing process either by batching plant or mixer alternatively stealth e3 fibers can be added directly into the @ 0.450 kg/cum of concrete, stealth e3 (Propex brand or equivalent) fibers shall
transit mixer at site, immediately prior to placing the concrete. Providing & applying 2 coats of Ah- Hydrocap crystallization system be added to the concrete during the mixing process either by batching plant or
of M/s Anti hydro International Inc. USA/Equivalent @ dosage rate of 1 kg/sqm on the External surface of Retaining wall . grouting mixer alternatively stealth e3 fibers can be added directly into the transit mixer at
construction joints wherever necessary using waterproof slurry cement with cebex 100 @ 225 gms /bag of cement/ or Equivalent site, immediately prior to placing the concrete. Providing & applying 2 coats of
make. Providing & applying 25mm thick water proof protective screed to retaining wall admixed with proofsol/or equivalent make Ah- Hydrocap crystallization system of M/s Anti hydro International Inc.
integral water proofing compound @ 2% by weight of cement or as per manufacturer specification of equivalent make ; trowelled to USA/Equivalent @ dosage rate of 1 kg/sqm on the External surface of Retaining
smooth finish. wall . grouting construction joints wherever necessary using waterproof slurry
429 10.01b.01 cement with cebex 100 @ 225 gms /bag of cement/ or Equivalent make. Sqm 732.0 1,500.00
Providing & applying 25mm thick water proof protective screed to retaining wall
admixed with proofsol/or equivalent make integral water proofing compound @
2% by weight of cement or as per manufacturer specification of equivalent make ;
trowelled to smooth finish.

Providing and applying Construction joint treatment by using Penebar SW/ Hydroswell swellable waterbar.(Wall) Providing and applying Construction joint treatment by using Penebar SW/
430 10.01b.02 Hydroswell swellable waterbar.(Wall) Rmt 1280.0

Providing & laying Injection & surface treatment from inside to walls of u. g. structure consist of 25mm thick 2 coat polymer Providing & laying Injection & surface treatment from inside to walls of u. g.
protective plaster mixed profsol and synthetic fiber mesh ( e3 stealth fiber) /or equivalent make to walls & 60mm thick avg.polymer structure consist of 25mm thick 2 coat polymer protective plaster mixed profsol
concrete to floor curing etc. complete. Dosage of waterproofing chemicals and fiber mesh as per Manufacturers and synthetic fiber mesh ( e3 stealth fiber) /or equivalent make to walls & 60mm
specification.Injection is done by opening the joints and drilling the hole for min 50mm- max 100mm, and fixing the nozzle with thick avg.polymer concrete to floor curing etc. complete. Dosage of
minimum length 100mm and 12mm dia at every one meter or as specified.And finish the space between the PVC nozzles with waterproofing chemicals and fiber mesh as per Manufacturers
cement and agreegate mix and leaving for one day for curing.After 24 hrs pressure grouting is done with the mix of 1 bag cement in specification.Injection is done by opening the joints and drilling the hole for min
25 liters of water and Fosroc Cebex 100 125gms/gms pressure grouting is doen till the mixture is backslashed in the third nozzel in 50mm- max 100mm, and fixing the nozzle with minimum length 100mm and
the line.After 2 days the nozzle is cut and removed. 12mm dia at every one meter or as specified.And finish the space between the
PVC nozzles with cement and agreegate mix and leaving for one day for
431 10.01c.01 curing.After 24 hrs pressure grouting is done with the mix of 1 bag cement in 25 Sqm. 1488.0 950.00
liters of water and Fosroc Cebex 100 125gms/gms pressure grouting is doen till
the mixture is backslashed in the third nozzel in the line.After 2 days the nozzle is
cut and removed.

Providing Injections at isolated points, opening the joints and drilling the hole for min 50mm- max 100mm, and fixing the nozzle with Providing Injections at isolated points, opening the joints and drilling the hole for
minimum length 100mm and 12mm dia at every one meter or as specified.And finish the space between the PVC nozzles with min 50mm- max 100mm, and fixing the nozzle with minimum length 100mm and
cement and agreegate mix and leaving for one day for curing.After 24 hrs pressure grouting is done with the mix of 1 bag cement in 12mm dia at every one meter or as specified.And finish the space between the
25 liters of water and Fosroc Cebex 100 125gms/gms pressure grouting is doen till the mixture is backslashed in the third nozzel in PVC nozzles with cement and agreegate mix and leaving for one day for
the line.After 2 days the nozzle is cut and removed. Dosage of waterproofing chemicals as per Manufacturers specification of curing.After 24 hrs pressure grouting is done with the mix of 1 bag cement in 25
equivalent make. liters of water and Fosroc Cebex 100 125gms/gms pressure grouting is doen till
the mixture is backslashed in the third nozzel in the line.After 2 days the nozzle is
432 10.01e.04 cut and removed. Dosage of waterproofing chemicals as per Manufacturers Nos. 640.0 350.00
specification of equivalent make.
Providing and laying integral cement based water proofing treatment including
preparation of surface as required for treatment of roofs, balconies, terraces
etc consisting of following operations:
(a) Applying a slurry coat of neat cement using 2.75 kg/sqm of cement admixed
with water proofing compound conforming to IS. 2645 and approved by
Engineer-in-charge over the RCC slab including adjoining walls upto 300 mm
height including cleaning the surface before treatment.
(b) Laying brick bats with mortar using broken bricks/brick bats 25 mm to 115
mm size with 50% of cement mortar 1:5 (1 cement : 5 coarse sand) admixed with
water proofing compound conforming to IS : 2645 and approved by Engineerin-
charge over 20 mm thick layer of cement mortar of mix 1:5 (1 cement :5 coarse
sand ) admixed with water proofing compound conforming to IS : 2645 and
approved by Engineer-in-charge to required slope and treating similarly the
433 10.01d.01 adjoining walls upto 300 mm height including rounding of junctions of walls Terrace Surface Treatment using Brickbatcoba for avg. thick of 115mm . Sqm. 961.0 950.0
and slabs.
(c) After two days of proper curing applying a second coat of cement slurry
using 2.75 kg/ sqm of cement admixed with water proofing compound
conforming to IS : 2645 and approved by Engineer-in-charge.
(d) Finishing the surface with 20 mm thick jointless cement mortar of mix 1:4 (1
cement :4 coarse sand) admixed with water proofing compound conforming to
IS : 2645 and approved by Engineer-in-charge including laying glass fibre cloth
of approved quality in top layer of plaster and finally finishing the surface with
trowel with neat cement slurry and making pattern of 300x300 mm square 3 mm deep.
(e) The whole terrace so finished shall be flooded with water for a minimum
period of two weeks for curing and for final test.“All above operations to be
done in order and as directed and specified by the Engineer-in-Charge :

Providing and laying integral cement based water proofing treatment including
434 10.01d.02 Toilets sunk waterproofing using brick bat coba . Sqm 1.0 950.0
preparation of surface as required for treatment of toilet sunks

Providing and applying Kemperol v210 of kemper sysytem or equivalent make complete with special cloth for treatment of expansion joint,roof Providing and applying Kemperol v210 of kemper sysytem or equivalent make complete
435 10.01e.01 Sqm. 1.0
joints, pipes etc. with special cloth for treatment of expansion joint,roof joints, pipes etc.

Supplying and installing 1.2mm thick self adhesive HDPE membrane, Dr. Fixit Pre Bond having puncture resistance of 800N (as per ASTM E 154)
and hydrostatic head resistance not less than 60m head of water (ASTM D 5385).The system should be fully bonded to the RCC and consists of
Supplying and installing 1.2mm thick self adhesive HDPE membrane, Dr. Fixit Pre Bond
highly resilient HDPE film, self adhesive polymer layer and a trafficable granular layer. The membrane shall have minimum of 75mm side and end
436 10.01e.05a having puncture resistance of 800N (as per ASTM E 154) and hydrostatic head resistance Sqm 945.0 850.0
laps which shall be sealed with double sided adhehive tape. The size of the membrane should not be less than 2.4 Mtr. x 20 Mtr. to minimise the
not less than 60m head of water (ASTM D 5385).
joints. This membrane shall be continued over the vertical surface upto 1m height above the starter joint and fixed with termination bar by spot
bonding, including surface preparation, etc complete

Provide & installation of Dr. Fixit Samshield XL 1500, a 1.6 mm thick SBS modified self adhesive, cross laminated HDPE lining membrane over
primed surface with Dr. Fixit Torchshield Primer, conforming the following properties: Elongation at break 230% / 180% (Long. / Trans.) as per
ASTM D 882, Cold Flexibility (0° to 2° C) No cracks as per EN – 1109, Tensile Strength (N/mm2) L – 42, T-48 as per ASTM D 882, Tear Strength L–
340 N, T-310 N as per ASTM D-1004, Softening Point (oC) ≥ 105 as per ASTM D 36, Low temperature Flexibility – 15oC as per ASTM D
Provide & installation of Dr. Fixit Samshield XL 1500, a 1.6 mm thick SBS modified self
1970,including surface preparation as per manufacturers recommendation, and installation of 8mm thick expanded polyethylene dimpled board
437 10.01e.05b adhesive, cross laminated HDPE lining membrane over primed surface with Dr. Fixit Sqm 732.0 1200.0
(8mm thick Dura protector board )/ protection board over Dr. Fixit Samshield XL as per the manufacturers specifications. All the construction
Torchshield Primer.
joints needs to be opened and treated with polymer modified mortar (Cement: sand: Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP). Item also includes minor cleaning
work, removal of loose concrete and filling cracks with polymer modified mortar using Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP, filling up of tie rod holes with
cementitious grout Dr. Fixit Pidigrout 10M, making of angle fillets all around the periphery of the wall with polymer modified mortar using Dr.
Fixit Pidicrete URP etc. complete

438 11.01a.01 Providing and appying white wash with lime to walls and ceilings to give an even shade including all labours,accessories required etc complete Primer + 2 Coats white wash to walls & ceilings Sqm 1.0 50.0
439 11.01a.02 including scafolding required 2 Coats white wash to walls & ceilings Sqm 1.0 50.0
440 11.01e.01 2 coat Birla white wall care putty Sqm 7926.0 100.0
Providing and applying Birla white wall care putty including all required labours, accessories etc complete. complete including scafolding required
441 11.01e.02 1 coat Birla white wall care putty Sqm 1.0 50.0
442 11.02c.01 Providing and applying of enamel paint to walls and ceilings with asian/berger make of approved shade including prime coat and all required Primer + 2 Coats enamel oil paint to walls & ceiling Sqm 1.0 100.0
labours, accessories etc complete including scafolding required
Providing and applying of enamel paint to walls and ceilings with asian/berger make of approved shade including prime coat and all required
443 11.02c.02 labours, accessories etc complete including scafolding required 2 Coats white enamel oil paint to walls & ceiling Sqm 1.0 180.0
Providing and applying of enamel paint to kerb stone with asian/berger make of approved shade all required labours, accessories etc complete
444 11.02d.01 Primer + 2 Coats enamel oil paint to kerb stone Sqm 1674.0 150.0
including scafolding required
445 11.02e.01 Providing and applying of enamel paint to wooden surfaces with asian/berger make of approved shade including prime coat and all required Primer +2 Coats white enamel oil paint to wooden surfaces Sqm 1.0 200.0
446 11.02e.03 labours, accessories etc complete including scafolding required 2 Coats white enamel oil paint to wooden surfaces Sqm 1.0 250.0
447 11.02f.01 Providing and applying of enamel paint to steel structures like windows, doors etc with asian/berger make of approved shade including prime Primer + 2 Coats enamel oil paint to steel structures Sqm 1.0 200.0
448 11.02f.03 coat and all required labours, accessories complete including scafolding required 2 Coats enamel oil paint to steel structures Sqm 4410.0 150.0
449 11.03a.01 Providing and applying of plastic emulsion paint of any colour to walls and ceilings with asian/berger make of approved shade including prime Primer + 2 Coats plastic emulsion paint to walls & ceilings Sqm 4934.0 160.0
450 11.03a.03 coat and all required labours, accessories etc complete including scafolding required 2 Coats plastic emulsion paint to walls & ceilings Sqm 1.0 140.0
Painting Primer + two coat with asian make ace exterior emulsion paint of approved
451 11.03c.01 Sqm 4526.0 180.0
Providing and applying ace exterior emulsion paint to exterior surface with asian/berger make of approved shade including prime coat and all brand and shade to exterior surface.
required labours, accessories etc . complete including scafolding required Painting two coat with asian make ace exterior emulsion paint of approved brand and
452 11.03c.03 Sqm 1.0 140.0
shade to exterior surface.
Providing and applying of aluminium paint to steel structures with asian/berger make/eqivalent of approved shade including prime coat and all
453 11.05a.01 2 Coats Aluminium paint to steel structures Sqm 1.0 800.0
required labours, accessories etc complete including scafolding required.
454 11.06a Surface cleaning & applying one Coat of Rust Converter Sqm 1.0 150.0
Providing and applying of following items this items are executed only when the requirment arises from the client.This items will not be paid for
455 11.06a.01 1 Coat red-oxide primer to metal surfaces Sqm 1.0
the above items wherin it is incldued in the corresponding item itself
456 11.06a.03 1 Coat zinc chromate primer to metal surfaces Sqm 1.0

457 11.06b.01 Aisle marking primer + 2 Coats oil paint on conctrete/ bitumen surface Sqm 1.0
Providing and applying of AISLE marking on concrete/bitumen surface with asian/berger make/eqivalent of approved shade including prime coat
and all required labours, accessories etc complete.
458 11.06b.04 Aisle marking Primer + 2 Coats pigmented epoxy paint to concrete or metal surfaces Sqm 1.0

459 11.06c.02 Painting of letters 300 mm height in white oil paint EA 1.0

460 11.06c.03 Painting of letters 250 mm height in white oil paint EA 1.0
Providing and applying of oil paint for painting letters with stensils on plastered/steel surface with asian/berger make/eqivalent of approved
461 11.06c.04 shade including prime coat and all required labours, accessories etc complete. Painting of letters 200 mm height in white oil paint EA 1.0
462 11.06c.05 Painting of letters 150 mm height in white oil paint EA 1.0
463 11.06c.06 Painting of letters 125 mm height in white oil paint EA 1.0
464 11.06c.07 Painting of letters 100 mm height in white oil paint EA 1.0
465 11.06c.08 Painting of letters 75 mm height in white oil paint EA 1.0

Supply and application of thermoplastic road marking with hot thermoplastic paint for central line, edge line, zebra crossing, stop line etc with
466 11.06d.01 Thermoplastic For Concrete roads Sq.m 1600.0
min 2.50 mm thick and with min 10 % glass beads for reflective effect on asphaltic surface of make Asian or equivalent as per MORTH standard
Estimated Cost
















































































































































































































































































































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