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153649905 Project Feasibility Study on Cycle Courier Service

Marketing Management (Polytechnic University of the Philippines)

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CycleCourierservice® 1
Feasibility Study

Project Feasibility Study on


Supervised By:

Ms. Jafrin Sultana

Assistant Professor

Dept. of Business Administration

Dhaka City College

Submitted By:

Group: Pathshala (06)

Section: A 11th Batch BBA

Group Members Name Id No.

Md. Ariful Haque 021
Mst. Tahmina Akter 026
Wahid Hossain 030
Shams Zerin Chowdhury 073
Shayla Sultana 367

Date of Submission: May 13, 2013

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CycleCourierservice® 2
Feasibility Study

Letter of Transmittal

May 6, 2013

Ms. Jafrin Sultana

Assistant Professor
Department of Business Administration
Dhaka City College
Dhanmondi, Dhaka.

Subject: Submission of Feasibility Study on CycleCourierservice®

Dear Madam,

We’ve pleasure in submitting the feasibility study on CycleCourierservice®, as required by you. This
report contains the managerial aspects, market and demand analysis, technical analysis, financial aspects,
economic and ecological analysis of the cycle courier service in Dhaka city.

As a green business idea, we’ve choose cycle courier service. We think this business will provide more
customize service profitably for customer and contribute to the welfare of society. We hope you find this
report satisfactory.

Respectfully submitted

Md. Ariful Haque

On behalf of Group Pathshala.

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CycleCourierservice® 3
Feasibility Study


Thanks to Almighty Allah, we’ve successfully completed the business plan on Cycle Courier Service. A
special note of thanks to Ms. Jafrin Sultana, Assistant Professor of Dhaka City College and Md. Shahinur
Sobhan, Assistant Professor of Dhaka City College, for their expert guideline. A business report can’t be
done only single effort, we are cordially thanking to those people who are not in focus but give enormous
effort i.e. our family member by helping us.

We would like to thanks Quazi Enterprise to give enough time and patience to make this report softcopy
into hardcopy.

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CycleCourierservice® 4
Feasibility Study

Table of Contents
Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 8
Objective of the Report ................................................................................................................................. 9
Methodology ................................................................................................................................................. 9
Primary Data ............................................................................................................................................. 9
Secondary Data ......................................................................................................................................... 9
Mission........................................................................................................................................................ 11
Vision .......................................................................................................................................................... 11
Objective ..................................................................................................................................................... 11
Business Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 12
Firm Ownership .......................................................................................................................................... 12
Management Structure ................................................................................................................................ 13
Personnel Plan............................................................................................................................................. 14
Market and Demand Analysis ..................................................................................................................... 16
Market Analysis ...................................................................................................................................... 16
Market Analysis .......................................................................................................................................... 17
Trend Analysis ............................................................................................................................................ 17
Elasticity of Demand........................................................................................................................... 19
Market Growth .................................................................................................................................... 20
Market Need........................................................................................................................................ 20
Service Business, Competitor Analysis .............................................................................................. 21
Positioning/Competitive Advantage ................................................................................................... 21
Market Mix ......................................................................................................................................... 21
Sales Strategy ...................................................................................................................................... 22
SWOT Analysis ...................................................................................................................................... 22
Strengths ............................................................................................................................................. 22
Weaknesses ......................................................................................................................................... 22
Opportunities....................................................................................................................................... 23
Threats................................................................................................................................................. 23
Service Offering ...................................................................................................................................... 23
Keys to Success....................................................................................................................................... 23
Critical Issues .......................................................................................................................................... 24
Technology ................................................................................................................................................. 26

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CycleCourierservice® 5
Feasibility Study

Technical Arrangement ........................................................................................................................... 26

Location and Site ........................................................................................................................................ 27
Start-up Summary ....................................................................................................................................... 30
Start-up.................................................................................................................................................... 31
Start-up Funding ..................................................................................................................................... 31
Break-even Analysis ................................................................................................................................... 32
Break-even Analysis ............................................................................................................................... 32
Net Profit Monthly ...................................................................................................................................... 33
Payback Period (Discounted) ...................................................................................................................... 34
Accounting Rate of Return (ARR).............................................................................................................. 34
Projected Profit and Loss ............................................................................................................................ 35
Pro Forma Profit and Loss ...................................................................................................................... 35
Pro Forma Cash Flow ................................................................................................................................. 36
Pro Forma Balance Sheet ............................................................................................................................ 37
Economic Analysis ..................................................................................................................................... 40
Ecological Analysis .................................................................................................................................... 40

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CycleCourierservice® 6
Feasibility Study

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CycleCourierservice® 7
Feasibility Study

Introductory Part

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CycleCourierservice® 8
Feasibility Study

Executive Summary

CycleCourierservice® is a bicycle based courier service in Dhaka metropolitan city, catering to

financial institution, Online shop, Industries and Professional & Household customers. The
CycleCourierservice® can transport documents as well as parcels to clients. Online shop and financial
institution are the primary group of customers. As a green business CycleCourierservice® will satisfy its
customer and it’s an eco friendly business project so it can be brought revolutionary change in courier
service industry.

The CycleCourierservice® will offer reliability and industry insight to corporate, customers, enabling it
to provide superior service relative to the current service providers. This will allow the company to
rapidly gain market share. Profitability will be reached by month nine, and revenue for year three will be
very comfortable.

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CycleCourierservice® 9
Feasibility Study

Objective of the Report

The objectives of the report are the following

1. To gather knowledge about business report writing

2. To learn how to maintain a project on green business idea
3. To gather knowledge practically on report writing by group work.
4. To explore the information and idea to get the best idea and work on it.
5. Introducing with business report writing criteria and content


Primary Data
Primary data is collected by oral conversation with different retail shop which is connected with relevant

Secondary Data
The secondary data is collected from different organizations’ website, internet, search engine etc. the
followings are the secondary source of data.

1. Webpages of different courier service

2. Internet
3. Books
4. Articles
5. Search engine

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CycleCourierservice® 10
Feasibility Study

Management Aspects

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CycleCourierservice® 11
Feasibility Study

CycleCourierservice®’s mission is to provide online b2c and c2c shop and Dhaka metropolitan
corporate house with an environmentally friendly, expedient delivery service. We exist to attract and
maintain customers. When we adhere to this maxim, everything else will fall in to place. Our services
will exceed the expectations of our customers.


Our vision is to spread CycleCourierservice® to most of the cities in Bangladesh within 10 years.


The objectives of the report include:

1. To provide courier service with affordable price.

2. Providing fast delivery with priority basis.
3. Achieving target level of delivery.
4. Customer or clients satisfaction

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CycleCourierservice® 12
Feasibility Study

Business Summary
The CycleCourierservice® is a bicycle courier service that serves the online b2c and c2c firms and
corporate house of Dhaka Metropolitan city. The firm offers a document & parcel delivery service for
financial institution, corporate house and city dwellers. The firm can offer a scheduled pick up as well as
a spontaneous run. Within nine months the business will be profitable.

Firm Ownership
The firm will be a partnership firm and registered under section 58, chapter vii, Partnership Act, 1932.
The firm owned entirely by Md. Ariful Haque, Tahmina Akter, Wahid Hossain, Shams Zerin & Shayla
Sultana. The contractual relationship among partners will be equal partnership i.e. partners contribute and
share equally in investment and profit of the firm.

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CycleCourierservice® 13
Feasibility Study

Management Structure

Director &

Network Operations Financial Marketing

Engineer Executive Executive Executive

Order receiver Expert Junior

(Page Admin) Messengers Executive


In management structure, the partners are participating without remuneration.

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CycleCourierservice® 14
Feasibility Study

Personnel Plan
The CycleCourierservice® will consist of Partners of firm completing HR functions, financial
functions, and general business management. The firm will hire a full-time dispatcher and eight bicycle
messengers. While bicycle messengers seem to be transient, the training of a new one is relatively quick
and cheap, so if one leaves, he/she can be replaced quickly.

Personnel Plan
Year 1
Network Executive Cum Order Receiver ৳ 240,000
Marketing Executive ৳ 240,000
Messenger ৳ 144,000

For first four years firm’s payroll plan will be unchanged. Firms will recruit new messengers as per need.
The 10 messengers are permanent. And part time messengers will be recruited as per heavy delivery
order. The part time messengers will be paid weekly basis. They are paid tk. 60 per hour of work.

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CycleCourierservice® 15
Feasibility Study

Marketing Aspects

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CycleCourierservice® 16
Feasibility Study

Market and Demand Analysis

Market Analysis
The courier business is related to service business. Now a day the term courier is widely used in business
world. Financial institutions, firms, professionals, business persons, households’ uses courier to send their
need documents, gift, samples, passports, medicine etc with in very short time.

Bicycle courier service will open new experiences of every business person, professionals, institutions
and assorted customer to send their parcel within very short time and very cheap rate.

Bicycle courier service primarily serving the financial institution and online based business of all over
Dhaka city. This is a particularly attractive segment because financial institutions and online shopping
have a constant need for delivery services. Most institutions have a constant need for delivery services to
one branch to another branch and one institution to another institution of financial institutions and b2c
and c2c online shopping business. Most institutions and online shopping business are sending things
constantly during the day. Bicycle courier will be able to set-up contracts with organizations and online
business to provide multiple scheduled pick-ups each day.

The Bicycle Courier service also serves non-financial institutes customers who are in need of a courier
service. In addition to document, the Bicycle courier can transport small parcels, gift, samples, passports,
medicine etc. within the Dhaka city firstly.

Bicycle Courier will serve three distinct groups. The first group of customer: financial institutions. This
will be the group that is targeted primarily. Financial institutions are constantly in need of document
delivery to branch to branch. It is may be to clients, other financial institutions, Bangladesh Bank or to
corporate branch. On the other hand the online shopping business also need to delivery their product
within very short time with low price and reliably. This is the regularity of needed delivery is the reason
that financial institution and online shopping business are targeted. One a financial institution and an
online shopping company have become satisfied customer, it is likely that they will begin to increase their
delivery needs. This then become a steady, high frequency, long term customer. Financial institutions and
online shopping business have constant delivery activity; many institutions require pick-ups through the
day and require dependability, which is one of the competitive advantages of Bicycle Courier service.
Another advantage is to deliver the documents, gift, samples, passports, medicine etc. within very short
time with low price. The other groups are assorted deliveries needed in the city. This could come from a
wide variety of business that requires delivery within the city.

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CycleCourierservice® 17
Feasibility Study

Market analysis (pie)

Profesionals and
households Financial
12% institutions

online b2c and c2c


Market Analysis
Potential customers Growth Year-1 Year-2 Year-3 Year-4 Year-5

Financial institutions 10% 21000 23100 25410 27951 30746

Online shopping 15% 24750 28463 32732 37642 43288

Assorted customers 6% 21750 23055 24438 25904 27458

Total - 75000 74618 82580 91497 101492

Trend Analysis
Year Year-1 Year-2 Year-3 Year-4 Year-5
Demand 75000 74618 82580 91497 101492

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CycleCourierservice® 18
Feasibility Study

Trend Analysis



40000 Linear (Demand)

y = 6986.3x + 64079
0 R² = 0.9247
0 1 2 3 4 5 6

The R-squared value indicates how closely trend line follows data; the closer its value is to 1, the closer it
follows data. Here, R² = 0.924 so it is much closer to 1.The Linear Equation, y = 6986.x + 64079
shows the a= 64079 and b= 6986.

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CycleCourierservice® 19
Feasibility Study

Elasticity of Demand
From 2005, the document delivery market in Dhaka alone achieved million of revenue. In Dhaka city
there are situated the head office of almost every business and financial organizations there need to
delivery important document to one branch to another branch. So the demand of CycleCourierservice®
will gradually increase constantly for the online shopping business now a day it become most popular to
the customers. It saves time and cost. For the reason the targeted market will expand in very future.

Online c2c shopping site faces problems of delivery. They feel insecurity to collect the purchased
product. B2b types online shopping business also faces problem to deliver the item sold in short time.
Many buying house also send their samples to their prospected customers.

CycleCourierservice® is here for solving those types of problems. Provides all the documents, parcels,
gifts, and online shopping delivery services in the Dhaka city area with very short time relatively low
price with full of reliability. Probable demand estimation chart is for five financial year of
CycleCourierservice®. Y axis shows the delivering every parcel delivery in a year.


financial institution

60000 Online b2c and c2c

50000 assorted custommer





year-1 year-2 year-3 year-4 year-5

Figure: Probable Demand Estimation

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CycleCourierservice® 20
Feasibility Study

Market Growth
CycleCourierservice® is target basically financial institutions and online shopping firms and other
assorted business the market must grow in significantly. The market may grow 10% for financial
institutions, 15% for online shopping and 6% for all other business. Since 2005 the courier service is
increasing day by day.

Market growth




Financial Online shopping Assorted
institutions customers

Figure: Market Growth

Market Need
CycleCourierservice® is providing its customers with a fast, reliable document, gift, samples,
passports, and medicine etc. delivery service throughout the whole Dhaka city area.
CycleCourierservice® seeks to fulfill the following benefits that are important to satisfy customers:

 Professionalism: While the delivery service does not inherently represent the firm, the firm
will not use a service that is not professional to avoid any type of "halo effect" where the actions
of the delivery service are interpreted to be indicative of the firm itself.
 Expedited Service: Financial organizations conduct business within a set of closely monitored
by corporate branch and Bangladesh Bank. The online business firms also delivery their product
with in very short time for developing customer belief and satisfaction. The deliveries must
always be made on time for both firms. This not a concern for CycleCourierservice® because
they utilize a redundant backup system, ensuring prompt delivery.

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CycleCourierservice® 21
Feasibility Study

Service Business, Competitor Analysis

There are approximately 20 different delivery services in the Dhaka city area, they provide courier or
messenger services. They use cars as the means of transportation. In general, the bicycle messengers are
less expensive because they have lower overhead. In the heart of Dhaka city, the bicycle messengers can
be as fast as or faster than the car-based courier services because of all the automobile traffic.

There are five different companies that target financial organizations and online shopping industries by
catering to their special needs. All of these are car-based services.

In according to other, all other courier service company there may face the problems of traffic jam, threat
of political violence. For these reason there faces insecurity of delivering the important documents timely
and delivering online shopping products within very short time. For that reason the organizational works
may stop for a little time which directly affects the total economic development of a country. On the other
hand CycleCourierservice® low cost, convenience and reliable to all parties because it must registered
under the post office (amendment) Act 2010.

Positioning/Competitive Advantage
CycleCourierservice® will position them as a professional, reliable delivering service for the Dhaka.
Financial institutions and online shopping business require a delivery service as it is more efficient to
have documents delivered to other branch or corporate office than for them to make the delivery
themselves. This positioning will be achieved by leveraging CycleCourierservice®’s competitive
edges, reliability and industry insight:

 Reliability is a characteristic that is very important to courier service. The target market requires
reliable deliveries. The delivery of financial documents is critical. CycleCourierservice® wills
to achieve reliability through a redundant backup system that always provides an alternative
method of delivery if the specific bicycle messenger encounters difficulty. By having a back-up
system, CycleCourierservice® ensures that even if the primary messenger fails, there is a
backup ready to complete the delivery.
 The second competitive advantage is relevant and convenience. It is a true advantage for
CycleCourierservice®. The low price and delivering with very short time the necessary
document, parcel, gift and online products delivery is another competitive advantage for

Market Mix
CycleCourierservice® marketing mix is comprised of the following approaches to pricing, distribution,
advertising and promotion, and customer service.

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CycleCourierservice® 22
Feasibility Study

 Pricing: The pricing model will be flexible; it can be either a par delivery charge or a monthly
subscription based on the number of pickups during the time period.
 Distribution: CycleCourierservice® will service the downtown Dhaka community.
 Advertising and Promotion: A multi-faceted campaign will be used to accomplish the stated
marketing objectives.
 Customer Service: CycleCourierservice® recognizes that superior customer service is a
necessary characteristic in order to gain market penetration.

Sales Strategy
CycleCourierservice® recognizes that it is difficult to break into many financial and online shopping
businesses and displace their current service provider and will offer a 20% discount for a month’s worth
of services. While this is a bit of a hit in terms of profitability, it is only a short-term concern. The long-
term gain is securing a repeat customer.

In addition to this economic incentive, The CycleCourierservice® will employ the marketing person’s
powers of persuasion when they are speaking with prospective clients and firms. Marketing force will
directly target the company's reliability and fool-proof back-up systems.

SWOT Analysis
The following SWOT analysis captures the key strengths and weaknesses within the
CycleCourierservice® and describes the opportunities and threats facing outside of the

 Unmatched industry insight.
 Benchmarked training programs ensuring professionalism and efficiency.
 The use of fast, eco-friendly delivery vehicles (bicycles).
 Frequent move in any time, any reluctant condition of the country.
 Traffic jam no more hamper in any transferring important documents, gift, parcel, passport,
medicine or online shopping delivery.
 There is no check point for bicycle rider.

o The lack of brand image, a factor of being a start-up.
o The struggle to convince financial institutions, online shopping and other assorted business to
ditch their current service provider in favor of CycleCourierservice®.
o The ability to balance time devoted to operations versus business development.

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CycleCourierservice® 23
Feasibility Study

 The continual need for document delivery by CycleCourierservice®.
 The increasingly developed infrastructure for bicycles.
 Huge turnover may contribute to economical development of a country.

o High turnover within the messenger industry.
o Covering only the Dhaka city area.
o Lack of trust an important factor of being a start-up.
o Electronic filing.
o Technology use.

Service Offering
 CycleCourierservice® will provide a bicycle messenger service that targets basically financial
institutions and online shopping business. The service can be used to serve by
 For financial institutions to transport documents to a client or other branches of same institutions
as well as to other financial organization.
 In addition to responding to immediate calls for delivery, CycleCourierservice® will set up a
payment basis with financial organization for a regular pick up every day to deliver documents
and parcels.
 Although CycleCourierservice® will target to delivery financial and online shopping service. It
will accept jobs from other companies, business organizations, professionals and individuals that
require a messenger service in Dhaka city. These jobs will be accepted but not solicited. The
messenger service offers delivery times ranging from one to three hours only.

In addition to document delivery and shopping and sample item delivery, small packages can be
delivered. It is rare that a financial institution is in need to deliver packages so this will generally apply to
the ancillary business. The maximum dimensions for package delivery are 12x8x8.

Keys to Success
The keys to success are for CycleCourierservice®:

 Reliability
 Convenience
 Custom service
 E-commerce
 Technology
 Effective customer relationship

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CycleCourierservice® 24
Feasibility Study

Critical Issues
CycleCourierservice® is still in the speculative stages as a start-up organization. The critical issues that
it faces are: The need to take a conservative approach to expansion. Expansion must not occur for the
sake of growth in itself, but should occur because the customers will be better served.

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CycleCourierservice® 25
Feasibility Study

Technical Aspects

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CycleCourierservice® 26
Feasibility Study

For CycleCourierservice, often some important technologies are available. We use technology for
delivery purpose.

1. Messengers use Google map on their smartphones and find the destination.
2. Messengers can contact with destination point through their phone.
3. Customers can order through online via phone app or web browser. Or they can call our hot
4. We maintain a website and everything will be monitor by network manager. Customer can chat
with network manager throw our chat box.
5. Customer can track their delivery through our website. Because messenger will monitor by
network manager through GPS On their phone.

Technical Arrangement
Satisfactory arrangement must be made to obtain the technical know-how needed for the proposed service
process. Our technical arrangement to serve the customer with more efficient and effective way, the
following arrangement is ready to delight customer.

 Collaboration with network support provider to our website and cellular network with teletalk
internet and cellular line.
 The period of collaboration agreement will be ten years.
 A server will be used to keep the information through online
 GPS Tracking device is to be used to monitor the delivery

Inputs and Utility

This project is totally service oriented. Here the main input is human labor. Human skills are needed to
run this business. There will be two types of labor input messenger and executive level management skills

Utilities are obvious factor of any organization. Power will be needed for office equipment, water is
needed for refreshment. Here no fuel is required due to green business idea. So we are CO 2 free
organization. There will be needed very little amount of power because it’s required for only office
purpose not like the production unit. The availability of power is satisfactorily sufficient; we also ensure
the power backup system through IPS and UPS.

Service Mix
Service & Delivery Zone
Cycle courier collects & deliverers within a parameter of X kilometer. We will Take in any parcel of X kg
& within ? X ? X ?cm boundary.

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CycleCourierservice® 27
Feasibility Study

For regular collection on monthly basis, please contact our sales for option price & service option.

Zone A – up to X km
1. Green – Collection before x hour, delivery by the day ends x hr

2. Yellow – Collection before x hour, delivery by the day ends x hr

3. Red Hot! – Collection before x hour, delivery by the day ends x hr

Zone B – up to K km
4. Green – Collection before x hour, delivery by the day ends x hr

5. Yellow – Collection before x hour, delivery by the day ends x hr

6. Red Hot! – Collection before x hour, delivery by the day ends x hr

Zone C – up to K km
7. Green – Collection before x hour, delivery by the day ends x hr

8. Yellow – Collection before x hour, delivery by the day ends x hr

9. Red Hot! – Collection before x hour, delivery by the day ends x hr

Zone D – up to K km
10. Green – Collection before x hour, delivery by the day ends x hr

11. Yellow – Collection before x hour, delivery by the day ends x hr

12. Red Hot! – Collection before x hour, delivery by the day ends x hr

Premium RUSH – X Zone

13. Green – Collection before x hour, delivery by the day ends x hr

14. Yellow – Collection before x hour, delivery by the day ends x hr

15. Red Hot! – Collection before x hour, delivery by the day ends x hr

Location and Site

The choice of location and site follows an assessment of demand, size, and input requirements. Location
of CycleCourierservice is in Dhaka metropolitan city and site would be four economically important zone
of Dhaka i.e. Head office in Motijhil, branch office will be in Mirpur, Dhanmondi and Gulshan. These
four Business hubs will be work for delivery the document, parcel or other delivery items. The sites are
chosen for our potential market. We emphasize on Mottijhil commercial area. The branch will be
interlinked with a server. The server Computer will be monitored by CEO.

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CycleCourierservice® 28
Feasibility Study

Proximity to Employee and Market

The service point or business hub will be proximate to the employee and messengers. Due to its business
nature its totally market or customer oriented. The business will be in commercial and business oriented
zone of Dhaka Metropolitan city.

Governmental Policies:
It’s a green business, so government encourages us to operate it without any regulations. The only courier
service related regulations are implied.

Machines and Equipment

There will be following machine and equipment required for the business office branch.

1. Server for recording data and maintain the communication to the clients.
2. GPS Tracking device
3. Bicycle related equipment

Project Charts and Layout

Project charts and layout is very important issue to both service or product oriented business. The
following project charts and layout is designed to delivery service.

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CycleCourierservice® 29
Feasibility Study

Financial Aspects

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CycleCourierservice® 30
Feasibility Study

Start-up Summary
CycleCourierservice® will incur the following start-up costs:

 Office furniture including: two desks, two chairs, and two file cabinets.

 Two computer systems including a printer, IPS & UPS for power cut, CD-RW, and a broadband
Internet connection.

 Two phone lines.

 Fax machine and copier.

 Development of a website that allows delivery orders to be placed online and received every five

 Legal fees for the incorporation of the firm.

 Symphony W30 smartphone with teletalk 3G. Ten handsets will be needed initially.

 Messenger bags with firm logo.


৳ 4,000,000
৳ 3,500,000
৳ 3,000,000
৳ 2,500,000
৳ 2,000,000
৳ 1,500,000
৳ 1,000,000
৳ 500,000
Expense Assets Investment Loan

Figure: Start-Up of the Firm

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CycleCourierservice® 31
Feasibility Study

Requirements Amount
Start-up Expenses
Legal ৳ 550,000.00
Stationery etc. ৳ 10,000.00
Brochures ৳ 2,000.00
Consultants ৳ 20,000.00
Insurance ৳ 0.00
Rent ৳ 0.00
Research and development ৳ 0.00
Expensed equipment ৳ 0.00
Other ৳ 18,000.00
Total Start-up Expenses ৳ 600,000.00
Start-up Assets
Cash Required ৳ 600,000.00
Other Current Assets ৳ 0.00
Long-term Assets ৳ 3,400,000.00
Total Assets ৳ 4,000,000.00
Total Requirements ৳ 4,600,000.00

Start-up Funding
Start-up Expenses to Fund ৳ 600,000.00

Start-up Assets to Fund ৳ 4,000,000.00

Total Funding Required ৳ 4,600,000.00

Non-cash Assets from Start-up ৳ 3,400,000.00

Cash Requirements from Start-up ৳ 600,000.00

Additional Cash Raised ৳ 0.00

Cash Balance on Starting Date ৳ 600,000.00

Total Assets ৳ 4,000,000.00

Liabilities and Capital

Current Borrowing ৳ 0.00

Long-term Liabilities ৳ 2,100,000.00

Accounts Payable (Outstanding Bills) ৳ 0.00

Other Current Liabilities (interest-free) ৳ 0.00

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CycleCourierservice® 32
Feasibility Study

Total Liabilities ৳ 2,100,000.00

Planned Investment
Md. Ariful Haque ৳ 500,000.00

Shayla Sultana ৳ 500,000.00

Shams Zerin ৳ 500,000.00

Wahid Hossain ৳ 500,000.00

Tahmina Akter ৳ 500,000.00

Additional Investment Requirement ৳ 0.00

Total Planned Investment ৳ 2,500,000.00

Loss at Start-up (Start-up Expenses) ৳ 600,000.00

Total Capital ৳ 1,900,000.00

Total Capital and Liabilities ৳ 4,000,000.00

Total Funding ৳ 4,600,000.00

Break-even Analysis

The Break-even Analysis indicates what The CycleCourierservice® will need to achieve in monthly
revenue to reach their break-even point.

Break-even Analysis
Monthly Revenue Break-even ৳ 482,105
Contribution Margin Ratio 95%
Estimated Monthly Fixed Cost ৳ 458,000

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CycleCourierservice® 33
Feasibility Study

৳ Sales

even point Total Cost

৳ 458,000 Fixed Cost

20000 Unit

Figure: Break-even Analysis

Net Profit Monthly

Net Profit Monthly

৳ 300,000

৳ 200,000

৳ 100,000

৳ 0
Net Profit
-৳ 100,000

-৳ 200,000

-৳ 300,000

-৳ 400,000

Figure: Monthly Net Profit

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CycleCourierservice® 34
Feasibility Study

Payback Period (Discounted)

Calculation of Discounted Payback Period

Year Cash Flow Present Value Cumulative Net Cash Flow
@10% after Discounting

0 -৳ 4,000,000.00 -৳ 4,000,000.00 -৳ 4,000,000.00

1 ৳ 303,666.00 ৳ 276,060.00 -৳ 3,723,940.00

2 ৳ 477,794.00 ৳ 394,871.07 -৳ 3,329,068.93

3 ৳ 1,373,352.00 ৳ 1,031,819.68 -৳ 2,297,249.24

4 ৳ 3,364,191.00 ৳ 2,297,787.72 ৳ 538.48

Discounted Payback Period = A + B/C

A = Last period with a negative discounted cumulative cash flow;
B = Absolute value of discounted cumulative cash flow at the end of the period A;
C = Discounted cash flow during the period after A.

| ৳ |

Accounting Rate of Return (ARR)

Calculation of Accounting Rate of Return

Average/Annual Cash Inflow ৳ 1,379,750.75

Annual Depriciation ৳ 300,000.00

Average Accounting Income ৳ 1,079,750.75

Initial Investment ৳ 4,000,000.00

Accounting Rate of Return ৳

ARR = 27%

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CycleCourierservice® 35
Feasibility Study

Projected Profit and Loss

Pro Forma Profit and Loss
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year4

Sales ৳ 5,274,813 ৳ 6,857,257 ৳ 8,914,434 ৳ 10,697,321

Direct Cost of Sales ৳ 263,741 ৳ 342,863 ৳ 445,722 ৳ 534,866

Other ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0

Total Cost of Sales ৳ 263,741 ৳ 342,863 ৳ 445,722 ৳ 534,866

Gross Margin ৳ 5,011,072 ৳ 6,514,394 ৳ 8,468,712 ৳ 10,162,455

Gross Margin % 95% 95% 95% 95%


Payroll ৳ 3,360,000 ৳ 3,360,000 ৳ 3,360,000 ৳ 3,360,000

Sales and Marketing and Other Expenses ৳ 600,000 ৳ 600,000 ৳ 900,000 ৳ 990,000

Depreciation ৳ 300,000 ৳ 300,000 ৳ 300,000 ৳ 300,000

Cellular service ৳ 36,000 ৳ 37,800 ৳ 43,200 ৳ 43,200

Utilities ৳ 180,000 ৳ 190,800 ৳ 194,400 ৳ 198,288

Insurance ৳ 60,000 ৳ 72,000 ৳ 78,000 ৳ 101,400

Rent ৳ 960,000 ৳ 979,200 ৳ 1,028,160 ৳ 1,130,976

Wage of Part time Messenger ৳ 96,000 ৳ 360,000 ৳ 1,080,000 ৳ 1,188,000

Total Operating Expenses ৳ 5,592,000 ৳ 5,899,800 ৳ 6,983,760 ৳ 7,311,864

Profit Before Interest and Taxes ৳ -580,928 ৳ 614,594 ৳ 1,484,952 ৳ 2,850,591

Interest Expense ৳ 252,000 ৳ 226,800 ৳ 201,600 ৳ 176,400

Taxes Incurred ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0

Net Profit ৳ -883,328 ৳ 387,794 ৳ 1,283,352 ৳ 2,674,191

Net Profit/Sales -16.75% 5.66% 14.40% 25.00%

Proft and Loss

Proft and Loss
Year 1 Year 2 Year Year 4

Figure: Projected Profit and Loss

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CycleCourierservice® 36
Feasibility Study

Pro Forma Cash Flow

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year4
Cash Received
Cash from Operations
Cash Sales ৳ 4,219,850 ৳ 5,485,806 ৳ 6,240,104 ৳ 8,557,857
Cash from Receivables ৳ 894,225 ৳ 1,371,451 ৳ 2,674,330 ৳ 2,139,464

Subtotal Cash from Operations ৳ 5,114,075 ৳ 6,857,257 ৳ 8,914,434 ৳ 10,697,321

Additional Cash Received

Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Received ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0

New Current Borrowing ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0

New Other Liabilities (interest-free) ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0

New Long-term Liabilities ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0

Sales of Other Current Assets ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0

Sales of Long-term Assets ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0

New Investment Received ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0

Subtotal Cash Received ৳ 5,114,075 ৳ 6,857,257 ৳ 8,914,434 ৳ 10,697,321

Expenditures Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year4

Expenditures from Operations

Cash Spending ৳ 263,741 ৳ 342,863 ৳ 445,722 ৳ 534,866
Bill Payments ৳ 4,944,000 ৳ 5,826,600 ৳ 6,885,360 ৳ 7,188,264

Subtotal Spent on Operations ৳ 5,207,741 ৳ 6,169,463 ৳ 7,331,082 ৳ 7,723,130

Additional Cash Spent

Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Paid Out ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0

Principal Repayment of Current
Borrowing ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0

Other Liabilities Principal Repayment ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0

Long-term Liabilities Principal
Repayment ৳ 210,000 ৳ 210,000 ৳ 210,000 ৳ 210,000

Purchase Other Current Assets ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0

Purchase Long-term Assets ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0

Dividends ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0

Subtotal Cash Spent ৳ 5,417,741 ৳ 6,379,463 ৳ 7,541,082 ৳ 7,933,130

Net Cash Flow -৳ 303,666 ৳ 477,794 ৳ 1,373,352 ৳ 2,764,191

Cash Balance ৳ 296,334 ৳ 1,077,794 ৳ 1,973,352 ৳ 3,364,191

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CycleCourierservice® 37
Feasibility Study

Pro Forma Balance Sheet

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year4


Current Assets

Cash ৳ 296,334 ৳ 1,077,794 ৳ 1,973,352 ৳ 3,364,191

Accounts Receivable ৳ 1,371,451 ৳ 2,674,330 ৳ 2,139,464 ৳ 2,265,040

Other Current Assets ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 78,189 ৳ 108,960

Total Current Assets ৳ 1,667,786 ৳ 3,752,124 ৳ 4,191,005 ৳ 5,738,191

Long-term Assets

Long-term Assets ৳ 3,400,000 ৳ 3,100,000 ৳ 2,800,000 ৳ 2,500,000

Accumulated Depreciation ৳ 300,000 ৳ 300,000 ৳ 300,000 ৳ 300,000

Total Long-term Assets ৳ 3,100,000 ৳ 2,800,000 ৳ 2,500,000 ৳ 2,200,000

Total Assets ৳ 4,767,786 ৳ 6,552,124 ৳ 6,691,005 ৳ 7,938,191

Liabilities and Capital Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year4

Current Liabilities

Accounts Payable ৳ 844,554 ৳ 1,377,072 ৳ 1,437,653 ৳ 1,504,000

Current Borrowing ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0

Other Accumulation ৳ 416,560 ৳ 607,258 ৳ 0 ৳ 0

Subtotal Current Liabilities ৳ 1,261,114 ৳ 1,984,330 ৳ 1,437,653 ৳ 1,504,000

Long-term Liabilities ৳ 1,890,000 ৳ 1,680,000 ৳ 1,470,000 ৳ 1,260,000

Total Liabilities ৳ 3,151,114 ৳ 3,664,330 ৳ 2,907,653 ৳ 2,764,000

Paid-in Capital ৳ 2,500,000 ৳ 2,500,000 ৳ 2,500,000 ৳ 2,500,000

Retained Earnings ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0

Earnings ৳ -883,328 ৳ 387,794 ৳ 1,283,352 ৳ 2,674,191

Total Capital ৳ 1,616,672 ৳ 2,887,794 ৳ 3,783,352 ৳ 5,174,191

Total Liabilities and Capital ৳ 4,767,786 ৳ 6,552,124 ৳ 6,691,005 ৳ 7,938,191

Net Worth ৳ 767,786 ৳ 2,552,124 ৳ 2,691,005 ৳ 3,938,191

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CycleCourierservice® 38
Feasibility Study

Monthly Cash Flow

BDT 1,200,000

BDT 1,000,000

BDT 800,000

BDT 600,000

BDT 400,000

BDT 200,000

Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
BDT 200,000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

BDT 400,000

Net Cash Flow Cash Balance

Figure 1: Monthly Cash Flow

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CycleCourierservice® 39
Feasibility Study

Economical and Ecological Aspects

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CycleCourierservice® 40
Feasibility Study

Economic Analysis

As a green business CycleCourierservice® is a social revolutionary idea. Bangladesh is well resource of

human. So labor intensive industry will shine here for its cheap labor. The CycleCourierservice® is
totally labor intensive service firm. It takes part in highly social benefit. It creates employment
opportunity for the society. The following economic benefits are brought by CycleCourierservice®.

 The CycleCourierservice® impacts on distribution of income in the society

 It impacts on the level of savings and investment in the society
 It contributes in self-sufficiency, employment and social order.

Ecological Analysis

In recent years, environmental concerns have assumed a great deal of significance – and rightly so. The
CycleCourierservice® is fully eco-friendly business idea, so it is pollution free and need not concerned
with environmental damage. The following aspects are advantage for CycleCourierservice®

 There is no environmental damage is concerned with it

 So there is no need for taking any restoration measure

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Sales Forecast
Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12

৳ ৳ ৳ ৳ ৳ ৳ ৳ ৳
Financial Institution ৳ 55,620 ৳ 60,050 ৳ 72,150 ৳ 86,500 102,540 124,500 156,030 174,580 203,045 221,350 230,120 236,250
৳ ৳ ৳ ৳ ৳ ৳
Online B2C and C2C shop ৳ 45,201 ৳ 48,000 ৳ 52,520 ৳ 56,500 ৳ 64,500 ৳ 82,500 102,530 124,060 150,210 172,640 185,042 186,940
৳ ৳ ৳ ৳ ৳
Industries ৳ 30,210 ৳ 42,000 ৳ 51,200 ৳ 54,040 ৳ 61,070 ৳ 76,090 ৳ 94,250 105,640 131,020 143,025 152,010 165,040

৳ ৳ ৳ ৳ ৳
Professional and Household ৳ 25,010 ৳ 36,000 ৳ 44,300 ৳ 48,600 ৳ 56,400 ৳ 70,540 ৳ 86,400 110,500 135,600 156,580 190,450 215,460
৳ ৳ ৳ ৳ ৳ ৳ ৳ ৳ ৳
Total Sales ৳ 156,041 ৳ 186,050 220,170 ৳ 245,640 284,510 353,630 439,210 514,780 619,875 693,595 757,622 803,690

Direct Cost of Sales Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12

Financial Institution ৳ 2,781 ৳ 3,003 ৳ 3,608 ৳ 4,325 ৳ 5,127 ৳ 6,225 ৳ 7,802 ৳ 8,729 ৳ 10,152 ৳ 11,068 ৳ 11,506 ৳ 11,813

Online b2c and c2c shop ৳ 2,260 ৳ 2,400 ৳ 2,626 ৳ 2,825 ৳ 3,225 ৳ 4,125 ৳ 5,127 ৳ 6,203 ৳ 7,511 ৳ 8,632 ৳ 9,252 ৳ 9,347

Industries ৳ 1,511 ৳ 2,100 ৳ 2,560 ৳ 2,702 ৳ 3,054 ৳ 3,805 ৳ 4,713 ৳ 5,282 ৳ 6,551 ৳ 7,151 ৳ 7,601 ৳ 8,252

Professional and Household ৳ 1,251 ৳ 1,800 ৳ 2,215 ৳ 2,430 ৳ 2,820 ৳ 3,527 ৳ 4,320 ৳ 5,525 ৳ 6,780 ৳ 7,829 ৳ 9,523 ৳ 10,773

Subtotal Direct Cost of

Sales ৳ 7,802 ৳ 9,303 ৳ 11,009 ৳ 12,282 ৳ 14,226 ৳ 17,682 ৳ 21,961 ৳ 25,739 ৳ 30,994 ৳ 34,680 ৳ 37,881 ৳ 40,185

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CycleCourierservice® 1
Feasibility Study

Personnel Plan
Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12
Executive ৳ 20,000 ৳ 20,000 ৳ 20,000 ৳ 20,000 ৳ 20,000 ৳ 20,000 ৳ 20,000 ৳ 20,000 ৳ 20,000 ৳ 20,000 ৳ 20,000 ৳ 20,000

Executive ৳ 20,000 ৳ 20,000 ৳ 20,000 ৳ 20,000 ৳ 20,000 ৳ 20,000 ৳ 20,000 ৳ 20,000 ৳ 20,000 ৳ 20,000 ৳ 20,000 ৳ 20,000

Messenger ৳ 12,000 ৳ 12,000 ৳ 12,000 ৳ 12,000 ৳ 12,000 ৳ 12,000 ৳ 12,000 ৳ 12,000 ৳ 12,000 ৳ 12,000 ৳ 12,000 ৳ 12,000

Total No. of
People Personnel
Executive 4 ৳ 80,000 ৳ 80,000 ৳ 80,000 ৳ 80,000 ৳ 80,000 ৳ 80,000 ৳ 80,000 ৳ 80,000 ৳ 80,000 ৳ 80,000 ৳ 80,000 ৳ 80,000

Executive 4 ৳ 80,000 ৳ 80,000 ৳ 80,000 ৳ 80,000 ৳ 80,000 ৳ 80,000 ৳ 80,000 ৳ 80,000 ৳ 80,000 ৳ 80,000 ৳ 80,000 ৳ 80,000
৳ ৳ ৳ ৳ ৳ ৳ ৳ ৳ ৳ ৳ ৳ ৳
Messenger 10 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000

Total ৳ ৳ ৳ ৳ ৳ ৳ ৳ ৳ ৳ ৳ ৳ ৳
Payroll 280,000 280,000 280,000 280,000 280,000 280,000 280,000 280,000 280,000 280,000 280,000 280,000

Pro Forma Profit and Loss

Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12

Sales ৳ 156,041 ৳ 186,050 ৳ 220,170 ৳ 245,640 ৳ 284,510 ৳ 353,630 ৳ 439,210 ৳ 514,780 ৳ 619,875 ৳ 693,595 ৳ 757,622 ৳ 803,690

Direct Cost of
Sales ৳ 7,802 ৳ 9,303 ৳ 11,009 ৳ 12,282 ৳ 14,226 ৳ 17,682 ৳ 21,961 ৳ 25,739 ৳ 30,994 ৳ 34,680 ৳ 37,881 ৳ 40,185

Other ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0

Total Cost of
Sales ৳ 7,802 ৳ 9,303 ৳ 11,009 ৳ 12,282 ৳ 14,226 ৳ 17,682 ৳ 21,961 ৳ 25,739 ৳ 30,994 ৳ 34,680 ৳ 37,881 ৳ 40,185

৳ ৳ ৳ ৳ ৳ ৳ ৳ ৳
Gross Margin ৳ 148,239 ৳ 176,748 ৳ 209,162 ৳ 233,358 270,285 335,949 417,250 489,041 588,881 658,915 719,741 763,506

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CycleCourierservice® 2
Feasibility Study

Gross Margin % 95.00% 95.00% 95.00% 95.00% 95.00% 95.00% 95.00% 95.00% 95.00% 95.00% 95.00% 95.00%

৳ ৳ ৳ ৳ ৳ ৳ ৳ ৳
Payroll ৳ 280,000 ৳ 280,000 ৳ 280,000 ৳ 280,000 280,000 280,000 280,000 280,000 280,000 280,000 280,000 280,000

Sales and
Marketing and
Other Expenses ৳ 50,000 ৳ 50,000 ৳ 50,000 ৳ 50,000 ৳ 50,000 ৳ 50,000 ৳ 50,000 ৳ 50,000 ৳ 50,000 ৳ 50,000 ৳ 50,000 ৳ 50,000

Depreciation ৳ 25,000 ৳ 25,000 ৳ 25,000 ৳ 25,000 ৳ 25,000 ৳ 25,000 ৳ 25,000 ৳ 25,000 ৳ 25,000 ৳ 25,000 ৳ 25,000 ৳ 25,000

Cellular service ৳ 3,000 ৳ 3,000 ৳ 3,000 ৳ 3,000 ৳ 3,000 ৳ 3,000 ৳ 3,000 ৳ 3,000 ৳ 3,000 ৳ 3,000 ৳ 3,000 ৳ 3,000

Utilities ৳ 15,000 ৳ 15,000 ৳ 15,000 ৳ 15,000 ৳ 15,000 ৳ 15,000 ৳ 15,000 ৳ 15,000 ৳ 15,000 ৳ 15,000 ৳ 15,000 ৳ 15,000

Insurance ৳ 5,000 ৳ 5,000 ৳ 5,000 ৳ 5,000 ৳ 5,000 ৳ 5,000 ৳ 5,000 ৳ 5,000 ৳ 5,000 ৳ 5,000 ৳ 5,000 ৳ 5,000

Rent ৳ 80,000 ৳ 80,000 ৳ 80,000 ৳ 80,000 ৳ 80,000 ৳ 80,000 ৳ 80,000 ৳ 80,000 ৳ 80,000 ৳ 80,000 ৳ 80,000 ৳ 80,000

Wage of Part
time Messanger ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 8,000 ৳ 8,000 ৳ 16,000 ৳ 16,000 ৳ 24,000 ৳ 24,000

Expenses ৳ 458,000 ৳ 458,000 ৳ 458,000 ৳ 458,000 ৳ 458,000 ৳ 458,000 ৳ 466,000 ৳ 466,000 ৳ 474,000 ৳ 474,000 ৳ 482,000 ৳ 482,000

Profit Before
Interest and ৳ - ৳ - ৳ - ৳ - ৳ - ৳ - ৳ - ৳ ৳ ৳ ৳
Taxes 309,761 281,253 248,839 224,642 187,716 122,052 48,751 ৳ 23,041 114,881 184,915 237,741 281,506

Expense ৳ 25,200 ৳ 25,200 ৳ 25,200 ৳ 25,200 ৳ 25,200 ৳ 25,200 ৳ 25,200 ৳ 25,200 ৳ 25,200 ৳ 25,200 ৳ 25,200 ৳ 25,200

Taxes Incurred ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0
৳- ৳- ৳- ৳- ৳- ৳-
Net Profit 334,961 306,453 274,039 249,842 212,916 147,252 ৳ -73,951 ৳ -2,159 ৳ 89,681 ৳ 159,715 ৳ 212,541 ৳ 256,306

Profit/Sales -214.66% -164.72% -124.47% -101.71% -74.84% -41.64% -16.84% -0.42% 14.47% 23.03% 28.05% 31.89%

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CycleCourierservice® 3
Feasibility Study

Pro Forma Cash Flow

Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12

Cash Received
Cash from

Cash Sales 124,833 ৳ 148,840 ৳ 176,136 ৳ 196,512 ৳ 227,608 ৳ 282,904 ৳ 351,368 ৳ 411,824 ৳ 495,900 ৳ 554,876 ৳ 606,098 ৳ 642,952

Cash from
Receivables ৳ 0 ৳ 31,208 ৳ 37,210 ৳ 44,034 ৳ 49,128 ৳ 56,902 ৳ 70,726 ৳ 87,842 ৳ 102,956 ৳ 123,975 ৳ 138,719 ৳ 151,524

Subtotal Cash
from Operations ৳ 124,833 ৳ 180,048 ৳ 213,346 ৳ 240,546 ৳ 276,736 ৳ 339,806 ৳ 422,094 ৳ 499,666 ৳ 598,856 ৳ 678,851 ৳ 744,817 ৳ 794,476

Additional Cash
Sales Tax, VAT,
Received 0.00% ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0

New Current
Borrowing ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0
New Other
Liabilities (interest-
free) ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0

New Long-term
Liabilities ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0

Sales of Other
Current Assets ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0

Sales of Long-term
Assets ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0

New Investment
Received ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0

Subtotal Cash
Received ৳ 124,833 ৳ 180,048 ৳ 213,346 ৳ 240,546 ৳ 276,736 ৳ 339,806 ৳ 422,094 ৳ 499,666 ৳ 598,856 ৳ 678,851 ৳ 744,817 ৳ 794,476

Expenditures Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12

Expenditures from

Cash Spending ৳ 7,802 ৳ 9,303 ৳ 11,009 ৳ 12,282 ৳ 14,226 ৳ 17,682 ৳ 21,961 ৳ 25,739 ৳ 30,994 ৳ 34,680 ৳ 37,881 ৳ 40,185

Bill Payments ৳433,000 ৳ 433,000 ৳ 433,000 ৳ 433,000 ৳ 433,000 ৳ 433,000 ৳ 433,000 ৳ 433,000 ৳ 433,000 ৳ 433,000 ৳ 433,000 ৳ 433,000

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CycleCourierservice® 4
Feasibility Study

Subtotal Spent on
Operations ৳440,802 ৳ 442,303 ৳ 444,009 ৳ 445,282 ৳ 447,226 ৳ 450,682 ৳ 454,961 ৳ 458,739 ৳ 463,994 ৳ 467,680 ৳ 470,881 ৳ 473,185

Additional Cash

Sales Tax, VAT,

HST/GST Paid Out ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0
Repayment of
Current Borrowing ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0
Other Liabilities
Repayment ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0
Liabilities Principal
Repayment ৳ 210,000

Purchase Other
Current Assets ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0

Purchase Long-
term Assets ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 45,000 ৳ 0 ৳ 0

Dividends ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0 ৳ 0

Subtotal Cash
Spent ৳ 440,802 ৳ 442,303 ৳ 444,009 ৳ 445,282 ৳ 447,226 ৳ 450,682 ৳ 454,961 ৳ 458,739 ৳ 463,994 ৳ 512,680 ৳ 470,881 ৳ 683,185
৳- ৳- ৳- ৳- ৳- ৳-
Net Cash Flow 315,969 262,254 230,663 204,736 170,490 110,876 ৳ -32,867 ৳ 40,927 ৳ 134,862 ৳ 166,171 ৳ 273,936 ৳ 111,292

Cash Balance ৳ 284,031 ৳ 337,746 ৳ 369,338 ৳ 395,264 ৳ 429,511 ৳ 489,125 ৳ 567,134 ৳ 640,927 ৳ 734,862 ৳ 766,171 ৳ 873,936 ৳ 711,292

Prepared by: Pathshala

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