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4 Messenger os!) LTE 07:56 @ 34% 7) X CA1_27.12.2021_bé 1_Tiéng An Ho va te Lép hoc phan: .. Ma sinh vien: Phong thi: Sé bao danh: PART I: VOCABULARY (2 marks) Exercise 1: Complete the sentences with the adjectives in the box. Add any other w necessary. There may be more words than you need to use. hot bad angry expensive easy late far beautiful Example: I failed my French exam but I passed Spanish. I find Spanish far_____French. 1 failed my French exam but I passed Spanish. I find Spanish far easier than French. 1. Ittakes me ten minutes to bike home, but it takes Aidan 20 minutes because he lives away than me. 2. We stay inside around lunchtime because it is part of the day. 3. Ididn't stay up as my friends because I had to get up early. 4. When we tried to apologize, Sara seemed to get even . 1 thought his last novel was bad, but this one is even than that. Exercise 2: Complete the sentences with correct form of given verbs in the box (the simple present or present continuous). There may be more words than you need to use. Have go think make exist hate Page 1 of 6 6. Hannah believes that ghosts really 7. didn't have time to cook, so we takeout pizza 8 We to the supermarket once a week. 9. You look happy! What you about? 10. Mareo cooking for other people PART I: LANGUAGE USE (1 mark) Write relative clauses to include the information in parentheses. Add commas where necessary. Example: There's the man, (He comes to cut the grass.) There's the man. There's the man who comes to cut the grass. a) a 34% 7) 2 et Viettel LTE 07:56 X CA1_27.12.2021_bé 1_Tiéng An I'm going to New York $. Is that the boy? (You told me about him.) Is that the boy 2 PART III: READING COMPREHENSION (4 marks) Reading passage 1: Questions 1-5 Come to Center Pares Center Parcs is the perfect family holiday. There are four of them in England and you can do almost anything you want there. IF it’s exercise you want, you can go walking or cycling through the forest. There are also adventure sports like windsurfing. If you're a team player, you can play basketball, tennis, or soccer. But if you prefer quieter activities, you can do tai chi or yoga in the gym, or go swimming in the numerous Page 2 of 6 swimming pools. And if you don't like exercising at all, you can learn to paint in the art class or just sit in the cafe and relax. Center Parcs isn't only for adults; children enjoy it as much as their parents. Mothers and fathers can relax in the sauna or play golf while babies and small children play with their friends in the Time Out clubs There is something for everyone at Center Parcs. 1. There are Center Pares in England A. one B. two C. three D. four 2. Center Pares is for ; A. People who like adventurous sports. B. children and adults C. People who prefer quict activities. D. adults 3. What can people who don’t like exercise at all do at Center Pares? A. They can play adventurous sports. B. They can play tennis or soccer. C. They can learn to paint in the art class. D. There is nothing for them. 4, Small children or babies can while their parents play golf. A. go walking or cycling through the forest. B. play with their friends in clubs. C. do tai chi. D. go swimming 5. What activities ean people do at Center Pares? A. Riding bikes B. learning a language C. Shopping D. Band Care correct Reading passage 2: Questions 6 - 15 ‘Twin personalities? ‘A Mark and Ollie are identical twins, They look so alike that when they were little even their mother had to look carefully to see which one she was speaking to, and they certainly used this to play tricks on teachers or friends! Now they are twenty, and although they still look very similar (Mark is slightly larger as he works out at the gym most days), their personalities could hardly be ei at\| Viettel LTE 07:57 @ & 83% a) 2 X CA1_27.12.2021_bé 1_Tiéng An... ——— ——e 5. What activities can people do at Center Parcs? A. Riding bikes B, learning a language C. Shopping D. Band Care correct Reading passage 2: Questions 6 - 15 Twin personalities? A Mark and Ollie are identical twins. They look so alike that when they were little even their mother had to look carefully to see which one she was speaking to, and they certainly used this to play tricks on teachers or friends! Now they are twenty, and although they still look very similar (Mark is slightly larger as he works out at the gym most days), their personalities could hardly be more different. B "I'm the sociable one," Mark says. "I love meeting new people, trying new activities, traveling, things like that. Ollie's the opposite - it's not that he's unfriendly, but he'd rather stay at home and read a book." C So how common is it for twins to have such different personalities? Well, psychologists used to think that twins developed pretty much independently, each one shaped by his or her own life experiences. So they would have thought that Mark and Ollie were typical. However, recent research has challenged this view. Page 3 of 6 D Researchers from Edinburgh University studied 800 sets of twins. Focusing on qualities that contribute to success in life (such as self-control and willingness to work hard), they found that twins are twice as likely to share personality traits than other brothers and sisters. Amazingly, a similar study carried out at the University of Minnesota found that twins raised in different families are even more likely to share personality traits. In fact, two subjects of the study, brothers Jim Lewis and Jim Springer, who were brought up separately, were so similar that it was almost impossible to tell them apart. E Twins Rachel and Annie, who grew up together, aren't surprised that twins raised in the same family end up being more different from each other. "Since we looked so alike, people sometimes treated us as if we were just one person,” Annie explains. "And we hated it. That's why we made a deliberate effort to be different. When Rachel started playing soccer, I took up the piano, so she became the athletic one, and I was the creative one." Exercise 1: Skim the text quickly. Match paragraphs A-E with summaries 6-10. . Ideas about twins and personality have changed over time. 6 7. These two brothers look very similar. 8. Research shows that twins naturally have similar personalities. 9. Why two sisters want to be different from one another. 10. How one man differs from his brother. Exe ‘ise 2: Read the questions and then write down the answers. W WORDS for each answer Viettel LTE 07:57 @ @ 83% a) 2 Exercise 2: Read the questions and then write down the answers. Write NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS for each answer X CA1_27.12.2021_Dé 1_Tiéng An. 10. How one man differs from his brother. 11. What could Mark and Ollie do because they looked so similar? 12. How different are Mark and Ollie's personalities? 13. In the past, where did scientists believe most personality traits in twins came from? 14. What areas of personality did the Edinburgh research study most? 15. Why did Rachel and Annie deliberately try to be different from each other? Reading passage 3: Questions 16 - 20 The Rainforest Children John Allen is 43 years old, and he has four children: two daughters and two sons. John is a plant scientist, and he lives with three of his children in the South American rainforest. Their "house" is a group of tents near the River Orinoco in Venezuela, John's wife and one of his daughters prefer to live in London. Page 4 of 6 John's children don't go to school because John is their teacher. He teaches them everything he knows, including how to survive in South America. The children don't know how to use a PlayStation™, but they can all drive, even his 9-year-old son, Simon. At night they drive their car $0 yards from the kitchen tent to the bedroom tent because there are a lot of wild animals in the area. They spend their free time playing and reading books, and in the evening they listen to the news on the radio. They don't have a TV or a CD player. In the summer the children's friends come from London to visit. When they go home, they tell their parents incredible stories of their vacation in the Venezuelan rainforest. 16. What is John’s job? A. He is a biology teacher B. He is a scientist C. He is a driver D. He is aCD player 17. John’s children live in . A. acity in Venezuela. B. the center of London C. a forest in Venezuela D. a forest in London 18. John’s children live in . A. a house B. tents C. a school D. cars 19. Who teaches John’s children? A. nobody B. John C. his wife D. John’s children’s friends 20. How do John’s children go from kitchen to bedroom? A. they walk B. they ride wild animals C. they drive their cars D. Band C are correct a) Choose ONE of the following topics to write a paragraph (at least 100 words) about: Topic 1: Do you want to live in the city or the countryside? (you should give some reasons, and examples for your choice). Topic 2: Do you have good or bad neighbors? (You can write about your good or bad experiences that you have with your neighbors)

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