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‫)‪(1‬آپاکومڈدنںیمسکرطحراتہےہ؟ایکآپوپرےدناےنپ ومڈ ںیمااترڑچاھؤوسحمسرکےتںیہ؟‬




‫ایکااسیوہات‪ relationship‬ںیموہےتںیہوتآپےکاسصخشےکابرےںیموجایخالتںیہوہارثکدبتلیوہےترےتہںیہ؟‬


‫(‪)7‬ایکارثکااسیوہاتےہہکآپ ےنذجابتںیمآرکوسےچےھجمسریغبوکیئاسرطحاکاکمایکوہاوہوجآپےکےیلاصقنندہ‬






Cognitive Conceptualization

Three basic assumptions in Dichotomous thinking in

personality disorders: borderline
➢ “I am powerless and
vulnerable” ➢ All good or all bad
➢ “I am inherently ➢ Success or failure
unacceptable” ➢ Trustworthy or
➢ “The world is dangerous deceitful
and malevolent”

Basis of:
➢ Emotional Regulation: Mood swings, labile
➢ Behavioural Dysregulation: Impulsivity,
anger outbursts, suicidal behaviours.
Linehan’s Model


dysregulation in the

Emotional outbursts Great demands on

by child to which the family
parents attend

Invalidation by parents
through punishing or
ignoring the demands

Negative beliefs about Changed behaviours

other people towards others
e-g: People will leave e-g: Mood swings
me. Overly clingy

Changed behaviours
Apparent confirmation elicit consistent
of predictions behaviour from others
e-g: People starts to
distance themselves

‫‪ (1‬ایکآپوکااسیاتگلےہہکبجآپڈیویدےتھکیںیہایاابخرڑپےتہںیہوتاسںیمآپےکابرےںیمابتوہریہوہیتےہ؟‬

‫‪(2‬ایکآپوکااسیاتگلےہہکآپےکاپسوکیئیبیغاطتقےہےسیجہکآپدورسوںیکوسںیچنسےتکسںیہایانیکوسوچںوک دبل‬

‫‪ (4‬ایکآپوکاسرطحاتگلےہہکوکیئآوازآپیکوسوچںوکاواچنڑپھریہوہیتےہایآپوکابرابرانمےلرکالبریہوہں؟‬

‫‪ (5‬ایکآپوکیئایسیزیچدےتھکیںیہوجدورسوںوکرظنںیہنآیتےہ؟‬

‫‪ (6‬ایکااسیوہات ےہآپےکاسھتہکآپےکوسےنگنیکالصتیحریغومعمیلوطررپزیتوہاجیتوہں؟‬



‫‪)9‬ایکآپےکوکیئدوتسںیہ سجےکاسھتآپاینپذایتابںیتیھبرکےتکسںیہ؟‬


1. Sometimes other people think that I am detached or distant. Yes/ No

2. I happen to feel an unseen force or presence around me Yes/ No

3. Sometimes other people comment on my behavior particularities or my Yes/ No

unusual habits.
4. I am sometimes convinced that other people are able to guess what I think. Yes/ No
5. It happens to me that certain objects or ordinary situations have a special Yes/ No
significance for me.
6. Some people believe I am very odd/bizarre. Yes/ No
7. I feel that I must be vigilant even with my friends. Yes/ No
8. Some people consider my way of speaking vague or not too clear. Yes/ No
9. It often happens to me to see hidden threats or derogatory remarks in what Yes/ No
other people say or do.
10. When I go shopping I have the feeling that people notice me. Yes/ No
11. I don’t feel at all at ease when I am around people I don’t know. Yes/ No
12. It happened to me to have special experiences about astrology, premonition, Yes/ No
unidentified flying objects, extrasensory perception, or the sixth sense.
13. I sometimes use words in an unusual way. Yes/ No
14. I think it’s better that people don’t know too much about me. Yes/ No
15. I tend to stay withdrawn when I am in social situations. Yes/ No
16. Sometimes, I’m suddenly distracted by distant sounds to which usually I Yes/ No
don’t pay much attention.
17. I often must be vigilant for other people not to take advantage of me. Yes/ No
18. I have the feeling that I can’t be close to people. Yes/ No
19. I am a strange or unusual person. Yes/ No
20. It’s difficult for me to make other people understand what I want to say. Yes/ No
21. I don’t feel comfortable when I talk to people I don’t know well. Yes/ No
22. I tend to keep my feelings to myself. Yes/ No

Vulnerability factors
➢ High autonomic nervous system
➢ ‘Slow to warm up’ temperament
➢ Parental criticism and deprecation
➢ Sibling and peer deprecation

➢ Stressful life event
➢ Life is strange and unusual, and others
➢ Social rejection
have special magical intentions.
➢ Lack of social skills
➢ World is uncaring and life is full of
powerful forces that cannot be
➢ If get close to people, I will be rejected.
➢ If others view me as different, I will be
left alone.
➢ If I use my special gifts, the powers
will protect me. The Problem
➢ Thoughts: If get close to
people, they will reject
Triggers/Modifiers me.
➢ Emotions: feels anxious
➢ Interactions with people in ➢ Behavior: Isolates
unfamiliar or stressful himself
social environments
➢ Feelings of loneliness

Maintenance Processes
➢ Maladaptive coping
mechanisms (Avoidance,
➢ Confirmation Bias
‫‪Narcissistic Personality Disorder‬‬

‫‪Diagnostic Interview‬‬












Narcissistic Personality Inventory
I really like to be the center of attention It makes me uncomfortable to be center of attention.
I am no better or no worse than most people. I think I am a special person.
Everybody likes to hear my stories. Sometimes I tell good stories.
I usually get the respect I deserve. I insist upon getting the respect that is due me
I don’t mind following orders. I like having authority over people.
I am going to be a great person. I hope I am going to be successful.
People sometimes believe what I tell them. I can make anybody believe anything I want them to.
I expect a great deal from other people. I like to do things for other people.
I like to be the center of attention. I prefer to blend with the crowd.
I am much like anybody else. I am an extraordinary person.
I always know what I am doing. Sometimes I am not sure of what I am doing.
I don’t like it when I find myself manipulating others. I find it easy to manipulate other people.
Being an authority does not mean much to me. People always seem to recognize my authority.
I know I am good because everyone tells me this. When people compliment me, I get embarrassed.
I try not to be a showoff. I am apt to show off if u get the chance.
I am more capable than other people. There is a lot that I can learn from other people.

A: 1, 3, 6, 8, 9, 11, 14, 16.
B: 2, 4, 5, 7, 10, 12, 13, 15.
Case conceptualization of NPD

Childhood data
Parents inattentive but generous with material things; pay most attention to
children’s competitive endeavors. Felt inferior in intellect compared to her
Exceptional good looks make her special and important.
Core beliefs
“I’m inferior; to compensate, I have to be special.”
“Being pretty means I am special and superior.”
“I deserve special treatment.”
“I need people to ad‫س‬mire me.”
Coping strategies
Demanding and exploitive in seeking attention and gratification. Complains or attacks others
when challenged or frustrated.

Loses in beauty
Workplace Criticism Stuck in traffic
“I shouldn’t have to deal “I deserved to win.”
Automatic “How dare he speak with this.”
thought to me like that?”

Meaning “I can’t stand to look “I am above petty

“They think I am inferior.”
of AT bad.” problems.”

Emotion Angry Impatient Angry, Anxious

Stomps off; vents to Honks horn; tailgates; Files complaint on judge;

coworkers. speeds. goes on shopping spree.
‫‪Histrionic Personality Disorder‬‬
‫‪Diagnostic Interview‬‬











Brief Histrionic Personality Scale (BHPS)
I find it exciting to flirt with others. 1 2 3 4
I like to be the center of attention. 1 2 3 4
I always seem to have new friends. 1 2 3 4
I’d prefer not to commit to just one romantic partner. 1 2 3 4
I flirt even with people whom I am not attracted to. 1 2 3 4
I tend to be the “life of party”. 1 2 3 4
A lot of people find me sexually appealing. 1 2 3 4
I know how to make people like me right away. 1 2 3 4
I get frustrated when people don’t notice me. 1 2 3 4
I am very interested in material things like cars, shoes 1 2 3 4
I like it when I know someone desires me sexually. 1 2 3 4

11 to 29= no histrionic features.

30 to 34= noticeable features
35 to 44= clinically significant impairment.
‫‪Paranoid Personality Disorder‬‬


‫ایکآوکپہشیمہااسیاتگلےہہکآپےکدوتسآےکپ اسھتصلخمںیہنںیہ؟‬





‫‪Antisocial Personality Disorder‬‬







Case Conceptualization of Antisocial Personality Disorder.

Childhood, Learning Experiences

View of Self Views of Others Core Belief

A loner, Vulnerable and “I need to look out
autonomous, for myself.” “I am
strong entitled to break
Affect rules.” “I am better
Anger than others.”

Basic strategies Conditional belief

Overtly attack, deceive, “if I don’t manipulate/
manipulate or rob. exploit/ attack. I will never
OR get what I deserve/ people
Subtle manipulation
will attack me.”
‫‪Avoidant Personality disorder Questions‬‬

‫آکیا آپ کے پاس بہت سے قریبی دوست یا خاندان کے افراد ہیں جن سے آپ باقاعدگی سے ملتے ہیں؟ ‪1.‬‬

‫کیا آپ کو اپنے معاشرتی تعلقات میں کسی طرح کی مشکالت محسوس ہوتی ہیں‪ ،‬مثالً خود پریشانی‪ ،‬ڈر یا شرم؟ ‪2.‬‬

‫‪3.‬‬ ‫کیا آپ کوئی کام یا نوکری کرنے سے پرہیز کرتے ہیں جو کہ زیادہ انسانی تعلقات کا شمولیت ہو‪ ،‬کیونکہ آپ کو ڈر ہوتا‬

‫ہے کہ کسی سے تنقید یا ردعمل کا سامنا ہوسکتا ہے؟‬

‫کیا آپ نے کبھی کسی کو اپنی شخصی حاالت یا احساسات بتانے سے گریز کیا ہے یا اپنی واقعیت کا سامنا کرنے سے باز ‪4.‬‬

‫رہے ہیں کیونکہ آپ کو ڈر ہے کہ آپ کو مذمت یا تنقید کا سامنا ہوسکتا ہے؟‬

‫‪5.‬‬ ‫کیا آپ نے کبھی کسی معاشرتی فعالیت یا گروپ سے شمولیت اختیار کرنے سے انکار کیا ہے یا نئے دوستوں سے ملنے‬

‫سے گریز کیا ہے‪ ،‬بغیر اس بات کے کہ آپ کو یہ یقین ہو کہ آپ کو پسند کیا جائے گا؟‬

‫‪6.‬‬ ‫کیا آپ کبھی نئی اجتماعی صورتحاالت میں ڈر محسوس کرتے ہیں‪ ،‬جیسے کسی نئے مالقات میں شرمندگی یا بے‬


‫کیا آپ کو لگتا ہے کہ آپ اجتماعی طور پر ان کا قابل نہیں ہیں یا دوسروں کے مقابلے میں آپ کا خودی اعتماد کم ہے؟ ‪7.‬‬

‫‪8.‬‬ ‫کیا آپ کسی نئی کام یا فعالیت سے گریز کرتے ہیں کیونکہ آپ کو ڈر ہوتا ہے کہ وہ شرمناک یا تنقید کا باعث بن سکتے‬


‫کیا آپ کبھی کسی نئی چیلنج سے بچنے کے لئے خود کو رکاوٹی محسوس کرتے ہیں یا نئی فعالیات کو شروع کرنے سے ‪9.‬‬

‫گریز کرتے ہیں؟‬

‫آپ کو کیا لگتا ہے کہ آپ اجتماعی طور پر غیر قابل یا کم معیار ہیں یا کسی کم تر اعتماد یا دوسروں سے کم اہمیت کا ‪10.‬‬

‫حس محسوس ہوتا ہے؟‬

‫آپ کبھی کسی بھی سوشل یا پیشگوئی ہونے کے بغیر نئے کام کو شروع کرنے سے گریز کیا ہے یا آپ کو لگتا ہے کہ ‪11.‬‬

‫آپ کا خودی اعتماد کم ہے؟‬

Dependent Personality Questionnaire

4 3 2 1











Dependent Personality Disorder Model

Predisposing Factors

1) Early Childhood

➢ Attachment style: Insecure attachment patterns due to inconsistent or neglectful

parenting can lead to feelings of insecurity and a need for external validation in adulthood

➢ Overprotection: Overly protective parenting can hinder the development of autonomy

and self-reliance

➢ Abuse/Trauma: Childhood abuse or trauma can contribute to feelings of helplessness

and a need for external support (Finkelhor et al., 2000).

2) Social Learning

➢ Observational Learning: Observing dependent behaviors in family members can serve

as a model for the individual's own behavior (Bandura, 1977).

➢ Reinforcement of Dependence: Dependence might be unintentionally reinforced by

attention or approval from others (Skinner, 1953).

3) Maintaining Factors

➢ Reinforced Dependence: Others continue to take care of the individual's needs, reducing

their motivation for independence.

➢ Negative Emotions: Anxiety and fear of abandonment are reinforced by dependent

Cognitive Factors

➢ Negative Core Beliefs: These core beliefs, formed in childhood, can include "I am

helpless," "I am worthless," or "People are unreliable" (Beck, 1976; Millon, 1996).

➢ Negative Automatic Thoughts (NATs): Automatic negative thoughts like "I can't do

anything on my own" or "Nobody will love me if I'm not dependent" stem from core


➢ Cognitive Distortions: These distortions, like catastrophizing or personalization,

maintain core beliefs (Beck, 1976). For instance, someone with DPD might personalize a

disagreement as a sign they'll be abandoned.

Behavioral and Emotional Consequences

➢ Dependent Behaviors: These behaviors include submissiveness, passivity, and clinging

to others for support, fueled by the desire to avoid abandonment.

➢ Social Anxiety/Lack of Social Skills: Social anxiety and a lack of social skills can make

it difficult to develop independent relationships (Leighton et al., 2000).

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