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Worksheet 3
Class V Subject: English

Q1. Read the Passage given below and answer the given questions. 10

Tortoise kept walking slowly on. He didn’t look to the right. He didn’t look to the left. He looked straight ahead
and kept on going. Eventually, he saw Hare asleep under a tree. He didn’t stop. He just kept walking on.
Hare suddenly woke up. “I didn’t mean to go to the sleep,” he muttered. “Not to worry, I’ll still get to the finish
“He is winning!” Hare cried. He put on spurt and began closing in on Tortoise. Tortoise just kept carefully
walking on. Rabbit cried, “He will win! He will win!” Tortoise had almost reached the finish line. Just a few
more steps! Hare ran as fast as he could bit it was no use. Tortoise crossed the finish line. He had beaten Hare.
All the animals cheered.
a. Write the correct meaning for the phrase “not to worry ” ________________________________
b. Draft a meaningful sentence using the phrase “put on a spurt”

c. Add the missing punctuation marks and rewrite the sentence.

He is winning Hare cried
d. Write the root word for – carefully _____________
e. Underline the verbs given in the sentence- Hare had fallen asleep.
f. Write the sentence in Past Tense.
Tortoise crosses the finish line.
g. Add the suffix to make meaningful word – look __________________
h. What did the Tortoise continue to do when he saw Hare asleep under a tree?
i. Who won the race?
j. How do you know the other animals wanted Tortoise to win?

Q2. Draft an advertisement announcing the opening of the new Chess Academy. 10

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