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● To make the tour effective, we may need some items: quality helmet, mask, jacket,
rain coat, waterproof boot or sandal, wet tissues, bottle of water.
● Getting on the left side of the motorbike to avoid being burned by the chimney. To
avoid breaking the footrests of the rear seats, let feet down on them only after sitting
on the motorbike. Holding the bar behind the seat to keep you balance and avoid
● To avoid being robbed: Do not carry a lot of valuables; Put the handbag in the front;
Limit using mobile phone while on the motorbike.

● “Thích Quảng Đức” (釋廣德) Monument
● “Đỗ Phủ” (杜府) Coffee shop
● Biggest Wholesaler Flower Market (胡氏紀)
● Ghost (顺 娇) Plaza
● “Cha Tam” Church
● “Thiên Hậu” (天后) Temple
● Floating Market and Drinking Coconut
● Rice Noodles with Barbecue or “Phở”

1. “Thích Quảng Đức” (釋廣德) Monument

From 1884, Vietnam was a colony of France, many protests against the French
happened but failed. Until 1940, the Japanese took control Vietnam, then they left in
1945 after the event “Dropping nuclear bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki” in World
War 2.
On September 2nd, 1945, “Hồ Chí Minh” President declared the Independence
Statement. After that, the French came again, there were a lot of battle happening.
The most important one was “Điện Biên Phủ” campaign, then the French accepted
the Vietnam Independence through Geneva Treaty in Switzerland and they stopped
the invasion.
At that moment, the cold war was happening between superpowers USA and Soviet
Union. Vietnam was divided into the North which followed Soviet Union while the
South followed USA. The purpose of USA was to prevent the spreading of the
Communism of Soviet Union which confronted with the Capitalism of USA.
In 1959, Republic of Vietnam Government took control the South of Vietnam, the
President “Ngô Đình Diệm” who followed Catholic, he wanted citizens to follow this
religion. However, at that time, many people worshipped Buddhism or others which
he supposed illegal. He declared a lot of disadvantage laws, among of them is like
“guillotine” in Roman Empire in the medieval period. Thousands of people were
beheaded by this wicked method. Moreover, he commanded soldiers to suppress by
destroying temples, pagodas.
Therefore, “What will be will be”, citizens rebelled to speak against the Government,
the most famous event was that “Thích Quảng Đức” burned himself. He was a monk
master and well-known in Vietnamese Buddhist Community. In 1963, he wrote 2
letters about his sacrifice for human rights, one is for the Vietnamese Buddhist
Leader, the other is for the Government.
On November 6th, 1963, he came to this intersection by an Austin car with 2 monks
(now, the car is conserved in “Thiên Mụ” pagoda in “Huế” city). He had said
“Amitabha” and burned himself with 5-gallons gas. There were many witnesses for
this event including monks or citizens, they surrounded and prayed for him, among
of them were David Halberstam and Malcolm Browne (American journalist).
David Halberstam wrote on New York Times: “I was to see that sight again, but once
was enough. Flames were coming from a human being; his body was slowly
withering and shriveling up, his head blackening and charring. In the air was the smell
of burning human flesh; human beings burn surprisingly quickly. Behind me I could
hear the sobbing of the Vietnamese who were now gathering. I was too shocked to
cry, too confused to take notes or ask questions, too bewildered to even think.... As
he burned he never moved a muscle, never uttered a sound, his outward composure
in sharp contrast to the wailing people around him.”
The photograph of Malcolm Browne about this event, not only won Pulitzer Prize
achievement, but also spreading over the world. It was put on the first page of many
newspapers in the world, John F. Kennedy President said about this picture: “In the
history, there has been no such a news picture that cause more emotional than it”, it
appeared on postcards in the Europe in the 1960s. At the same year, “Ngô Đình Diệm”
President was assassinated, like an idiom: “You reap what you sow”.
Miraculously, his heart didn’t become ash, it has remained. After that, it was heated
at 4000 degrees, but it didn’t matter, it is as steady as rock. This is the symbol of holy,
many monks or citizens look up to and worship him. Now, it is conserved at the
National Bank of Vietnam in “Hồ Chí Minh” City. About few months next, there will
be the 60-years celebration of his sacrifice.
2. “Đỗ Phủ” (杜府) Coffee shop
This coffee shop was owned by “Nguyễn Văn Lai”, who worked for the Republic
Government in Saigon but actually he was a communist. Basically, it was used to run
coffee and broken rice business. Many soldiers from countries following USA came
to Vietnam war at that time, including the Korean, they often visited here, so this
place could be called “대한” broken rice shop.
Secretly, he made a bunker in this house connecting to 2 others, there were ladders
leading from the bunker to his private room and the roof. This place was not only for
storing weapons, letters, equipment, but also for “Saigon special force” secret
activities who were Communists. This was the preparation for “Mậu Thân” campaign
in 1968 to attack the Independence. Unfortunately, the campaign had lost, a lot of
Government soldiers checked this place out, however they saw nothing, but they
suspected and hunted him. We can see the bullet trace at the gate from the house next
to the coffee shop.
Next, there were a lot of battle happening, the most significant one was “Điện Biên
Phủ in the sky” in the North. The communist soldiers defeated the flying fortress (B52
dropping bomb aircraft) which the American were proud of. Finally, on April 30th,
1975, 2 tanks roamed the gate of the Independence to take control the head office of
the South of Vietnam, and 2 regions of country were unified.
This moment finished France’s colony about 100 years and fighting against USA
superpower about 20 years. In the history, there were a lot of empires wanting to
occupy Vietnam such as: China, Mongolia, France, USA; but why they could not
success? Because they could not win the Vietnamese’s will “United we stand, divided
we fail”.
Now, at the private room, there is a ladder connecting to the roof. At the bed, there is
a platform for hearing the sound from the roof. Also, inside the restroom, at the sink
or makeup table, there is hidden way connecting the bunker and the roof. All of
equipment in this room are private, so tourists shouldn’t touch them. Now, this room
is belonging to “Nguyễn Văn Bình” – son of “Nguyễn Văn Lai”, he manages this
coffee shop.
At the main hall of the coffee shop, soldiers could not suspect when stepping in,
because the cover of the bunker was hard to distinguish, it weighted about 20 kg at
that time. Inside the bunker, there are many equipment, however, tourists are allowed
to touch mortars and armor containers because they are not stained. There are a hole
connecting to other places, vents, a way leading to a ladder. It is extremely hot here,
we can’t suffer about 20 minutes, but how did the special force stay here for a long
3. Biggest wholesaler flower market
Ladies and gentlemen, we are standing at the most enormous flower market in Hồ
Chí Minh City, which is called “Hồ Thị Kỷ”, and it opens anytime. Citizens have
many choices for purchasing or window shopping with reasonable price. At the “Bến
Thành” market, almost blooms are imported from here.
Before 1970, there were just only 5 shops in this area. However, in 10 years next,
after having realized the opportunities to be wealthy, people ran this business, like an
idiom: “Where there is a good land, the birds will come and settle”. Now, there are
more than 100 stores, flowers are brought from “Đà Lạt” city (highland area) (50%),
and the South West of Vietnam (50%).
The women are in charge of arranging or decorating while the men are responsible
for trimming or delivering flowers to customers. Some shop owners don’t permit
tourists to take photographs, therefore there are “NO CAMERA” boards.
Next to this place, there is a Cambodian market. Before 05:00 PM, it is just a normally
local market like any others. From 05:00 PM to 02:00 AM, it is called street food or
fast food market, people are out of work, they are able to spend time and money here.
4. Ghost Plaza
Ladies and gentlemen, we are standing at “顺 娇” Plaza in District 5, this area is also
known as Chinatown, this apartment complex was constructed by the Chinese.
Back in history, about 300 years ago, the “青” dynasty defeated the “明” one to take
control of China, many citizens following the “Minh” were killed. Therefore, many
persons must immigrate to Vietnam by 3 ships carrying weapons and food, people,
and 1 ship killed individual. They went to “Hội An” (Central of Vietnam), “Biên
Hòa” and “Tiền Giang” (Southern of Vietnam). However, at this time, there were
many civil wars happening in Vietnam, consequently they moved to Saigon and
established the Chinese community there. And this is the reason why the Chinese is
called "Ba Tàu" by the Vietnamese, which means "3 ships". They talk in Mandarin
or Cantonese with each other, Vietnamese in other cases, like an idiom "When in
Rome, do as the Romans do.
Back to the story of the Plaza, it was founded from 1993 to 1998 including 3 blocks,
33 floors with about 10 - 15 rooms for each. This Plaza had been only crowded for
the first 3 years, however more and more residents had been leaving, and until 2002,
there was no one stayed here anymore.
A few reasons are:
This area was formerly a cemetery, to construct buildings, people had to pick up
graves and move them to another place. And many Chinese people believe in
spirituality, even superstition, they believe that the spirits of the dead are still here
and haunting them.
There is a horror story told that residents heard the sound of babies crying at midnight
frequently. Having been annoyed, therefore they knocked on the neighbor's door to
complain, however nobody didn't know where the sound was coming from, even
there was no babies inside the rooms.
Another reason is the issue of “風水”, when standing on nearby buildings and looking
at it, we can realize that it has shape of 3 incenses. In Chinese culture, this symbolizes
for deaths, disasters.
The Chinese live in a community, therefore if one person left this Plaza, one by one
others would do the same.
Inside each of room, the ceiling is low and the space is stuffy here. It will make people
uncomfortable after a hard working day.
This complex was originally painted by pink, then the color was changed into green
about 5 – 6 years ago.
In 2021, this area was requisitioned an isolation area for patients infecting by Covid
Nobody is allowed to entry anymore. However, the first and second floor are parking
lots, and the ground one is used to running business. Most of shops will close at 5-6
pm, only the grocery store closes at 9 pm.
5. “Cha Tam” Church
After the event of “Thích Quảng Đức”, the Independence Palace was no longer safety
for the president. On November 2, 1963, President “Ngô Đình Diệm” and his younger
brother “Ngô Đình Nhu” went to “Cha Tam” church to pray not to be assassinated at
the third row on the right inside. And now, right at that location, there is a small board
recording this event in English, French, Chinese and Vietnamese. However, after
having left the Church and boarding an armored car, they were taken out, like an
idiom: “You reap what you sow”.
This church was built by the French over 100 years ago. At that time, the French
wanted all citizens to be Catholic, however most of the Chinese were Buddhist or
other faiths. Therefore, the French decided to construct a church with both Western
and Chinese architectures.
At the roof of the entrance gate, Western architecture is represented by the cross and
trumpeting angels while Eastern architecture is demonstrated by “陰陽” or "Yin
Yang", this means the balance. The Yang part is the circle, while the Yin one is the
concave below the Yang. In Chinese culture, the image of carp represents for lucky,
at the end of the lunar year, people will burn carp pattern image, it will turn into a
dragon and report their deeds for the past year to God.
At the gate, there are Chinese characters, not French. This is the French intention,
which make the Chinese feel that the Church is belong to them.
6. “天后” Temple
“天后” temple was built about 250 years ago with symmetrical architectural style for
Chinese religious activities. At the roof of the temple, there is a pearl in the middle
and 2 dragons on both side, this is called "兩龍爭珠" architecture, which represents
2 dragons confront for a pearl strongly. At the bottom below, there is a picture of 4
characters from the novel "西遊記" which is based on the real story of a monk who
moved from China to Pakistan to get Buddhist scriptures for about 14 years. On both
side of the temple, there are two creatures, the male one is on the right holding the
pearl, the female one is on the left keeping its baby. At 2 pillars, there are a man and
a woman called “月下老人", they represent for the love of couple.
At the entrance, there is a stair, which means that when entering the temple without
paying attention for the first time, you may stumble. The second time, you will look
down carefully, the act of lowering the head demonstrates respect to the temple. The
left side is "門 關 王 左" (God protect at the door to keep security of the temple), the
right side is "福德正神" (God take care of land, crop, harvest).
The big gate at the central is the way for gods to visit the temple, not for people. We
should only walk on the corridor known as "East-West Boulevard". There is an
enormous space in the middle of the temple called "Heaven Well" for receiving
On January 15th of the Lunar calendar every year, there will be a great parade with
the "顺 風" (Following the wind) ship with the paddles.
Those who contribute money to the temple will be named in pieces of paper, and they
will be burned at the end of the Lunar year.
The main hall is "天后" (God is able to predict the weather and bless the fishermen).
The legend recounted that, in the past, a girl was born in a 5 members fishing family,
she was only 17 years old at that time. One day, her father and 2 brothers had gone
fishing at the sea, unfortunately they had an accident. At that time, she was sleeping
at home, and dreaming exactly about this event. Her mother saw that while sleeping,
she bit her teeth and hold tight the blanket, like trying to save someone. After having
waked up, she just said, "Someone died". Next, she and two women had boarded a
ship to the sea rapidly and come to the right position that she had dreamed before, at
last, they founded the body of her father and 2 brothers. Therefore, the Chinese
established this temple to worship "天后". Moreover, her right side is "龍 母 公主"
(filial piety) and left side is "金花公主" (bumper crops). They were two companions
with her in that journey.
On the right of the main hall, there is the place to worship "關羽" who was a
commander of Shu's country during the Three Kingdoms period in China about 2000
years ago. He was a talented martial artist, absolute loyalty, however because of
arrogance, he was killed and beheaded in an important battle. People are look up to
him and call "關 聖 帝 君". The red shirt statue is "關 平", the blue one is "朱 昌",
they were all subordinates of him. People just need to worship “關羽”.
On the left of the main hall, there is the place to worship "財帛星君" (God represents
for lucky, money and fame). When single persons seek a lover, or women who wants
to be pregnant, they will come here to pray.
At the wall in the corridor, there are 4 constructions that the Chinese built,
symbolizing 4 stages of life: "麥劍雄" School, "安 平" Hospital, "陈 富" Morgue,
Temple. Right at the top of the entrance, there is a picture of the legend of "天后".
7. Floating Market and Drinking Coconuts
2-3 days every week, a ship bringing fruits from Mekong Delta to this market.
Back to the history, in 17 – 18 centuries, the “青” dynasty defeated the “明” one to
take control of China. Therefore, many people must move to Taiwan or South East
Asia to survive, one of them is “Sài Gòn”.
At that time, this area was forest, and there were tides and wild dangerous animals.
For safety, they lived in their boat. Market meeting happened every week, citizens
used goods to exchange because of not existing currency.
Coconuts are mostly from Mekong Delta and “Bến Tre”, people can make candy from
coconut flesh, dry coconut shell is used for making some handicraft products, and
coconut water can make jelly food and milk.
8. Rice Noodles with Barbecue
The ingredients: Barbecue, grilled spring roll, vegetables, bean spout, pickle, fat,
The noodles are fresh and soft, the barbecue is grilled just enough, the spring rolls are
crispy, the vegetables are sliced into small pieces. Fish sauce is mixed with minced
garlic to blend with the dish, we can feel a variety of flavors when enjoying.
Additional vegetables and noodles are free.
9. “Phở”
“Phở” originally came from the North, it is one of the representative dishes of
The ingredients: Rice noodles, broth with aromas of ginger, cinnamon, anise and
cardamom. It combines the sweetness from stewed bones in long time, thinly sliced
beef, it is enjoyed with vegetables.
Spices: chili, lemon, creating a sweet and sour taste.
Sweet broth from bones, not from sugar, clear color, light aroma.
People of all ages can enjoy it without feeling fat or bored.

Some information about Vietnam or “Hồ Chí Minh” City

● Journey to seek a way to liberate Vietnam from slave life of “Hồ Chí Minh”
“Hồ Chí Minh” President (May 19th, 1890 – November 2nd, 1969), actually he did not
know his actual date of birth, his grandmother once said that he was born in the lotus
season, around May or June. On June 5th, 1911, at Dragon’s harbor, he boarded on a
ship “Amiral Latouche Tréville” to find a way to liberate our country from slave life.
There was a story that he invited a man called “Lê” to go with him, that man said
“How about the money?”. He showed his 2 hands and responded “Here, we will
whatever job to exist”. However, the day for boarding, he had to board on the ship
alone after having waiting for him so long. In the ship, he must work from 4 am to 9
pm, he had to sweep main kitchen; burn furnace; take vegetables, meats, fishes, ices
from the cellar. The kitchen was extremely hot, while the cellar was extremely cold.
He must bring heavy things at stairs from the cellar. He tidied up for the French chef’s
meal, he washed kitchen utensils. Despite working hard, he was paid low wage.
The ship went through Singapore, strait of Malacca, India, Africa, Red Sea,
Mediterranean, Marseille harbor (France). The journey continued to West coast of
Africa where there were a lots of colonies of France, he realized that in these
countries, citizens were the same situation of Vietnamese. After that, the ship went to
“Good Hope” (South Africa), straight to East Coast of South America (Argentina,
Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil), then came to Boston (USA) in 12/1912. After that the
ship turned back to “Le Havre” in France. Beginning 1913, he went to United
Kingdom and stayed in 4 years, at the end of 1917, he turned back to France and lived
until 1923.
On October 25th, 1917, The Revolution in Russia was successful. In 1919, he joined
French Socialist Party, then he was on behalf of Vietnamese to send claim at
Versailles conference that requested about freedom, independence, equality. Despite
having been not accepted, it spread widely and caused a great resonance in public
opinion in France. In 7/1920, after having read first draft of thesis on national and
colonial issues from Vladimir Lenin on L’Humanité newspaper of French Socialist
Party, he approached Marxism-Leninism. He said “The thesis from Lenin makes me
emotional, exciting, clearing, trusting? It makes me cry, I am extremely happy.
Despite staying alone in a room, I speak loudly like giving speech in front of the
crowed. Oh my compatriots in exile and suffering, this is a necessary for us, this is
the way to liberate us.”
In 12/1920, he took part in to establish French Communist Party. In 1921, he joined
to found Colonial Union. In 4/1922, he published “Le Paria” and “Judgment of the
French colonial regime”. In 6/1923, he came to Soviet Union for International Farmer
Conference. At the end of 1924, he went to Guangzhou (China), then he educated
factors for Vietnamese Revolution. In February 3rd, 1930, at Hong Kong, there were
the combination of 3 Communist organizations, finally they were changed into
Vietnamese Communist Party, it was on behalf of workers, farmers, soldiers, youth,
students, the oppressed. From 8/1931 to 12/1932, he was imprisoned at Hong Kong.
After he had been freed, he came back to Moscow (Soviet Union) to studied at Lenin
International School. At the end of 1938, he went to China to work in 桂林, 貴陽, 昆
明, 延安.
On January 28th, 1941, he passed the border of China-Vietnam at “Pác Pó” in “Cao
Bằng”, finally he came back to Vietnam after 30 years. In 5/1941, he leaded Plenum
8, “Việt Minh” Front was set up while Vietnamese were suffering from slave life,
national density was in hot water. In 8/1942, he came to China to seek support from
International Union and fight against the Nazi (Germany, Japan, Italia), unfortunately
he was imprisoned by Chiang Kai-shek in Guangxi, at that time, he wrote poetry book
“Diary in the prison”. Until 9/1943, he was freed. In 8/1945, “Việt Minh” Front called
everyone to destroy the granaries and solve the famine, many citizens fought against
the Japanese, “Bảo Đại” king must abdicate to end feudalism in Vietnam.
On September 2nd, 1945, he was on behalf of Provisional Government, spoke loudly
The Declaration of Independence to form Democratic Republic of Vietnam. USA set
up puppet government in the South of Vietnam to strengthen their position and
prevent the spreading of the Communism. But he said: “Vietnam is one, Vietnamese
are one, rivers may dry up, mountains may erode, but that truth never changes”. Under
leading of the Communist Government, our soldiers made miracle victories such as
“Điện Biên Phủ” campaign in 1954, which was illustrious in 5 continents and shake
the earth. In September 2nd, 1969, “Hồ Chí Minh” President passed away at the
Independence day while our country was not unified. He regarded that he didn’t visit
the South one more time.
His wish was completed by Vietnamese’s will, specially the victory in “Điện Biên
Phủ in the sky” in 1972. In April 30th, 1975, 2 tanks roamed the gate of the
Independence Palace to take control the South of Vietnam, our country was unified,
we fulfilled his wish.
● Independence Declaration on September 2nd, 1945
Dear compatriots nationwide,
"All people are born with equal rights. The Creator gives them rights that no one can
violate; among those rights, there are the right to life, the right to freedom and the
right to pursue happiness."
That immortal words were in America's Declaration of Independence in 1776.
Broadly speaking, that sentence means: All people in the world are born equally;
Every nation has the right to life, the right to happiness and the right to freedom.
The Declaration of the Rights of Human and of the Citizen of the French Revolution
in 1791 also said:
"People are born freely and have equal rights, and must always be free and have equal
Those are facts that no one can deny.
But for more than 80 years, the French colonialists had taken advantage of the flag of
freedom, equality, and fraternity to rob our country and oppress our people. Their
actions were contrary to humanity and justice.
Politically, they absolutely did not give our people any democratic freedom.
They enforced inhuman laws. They set up three different regimes in the Central,
South, and North to prevent the unification of our country, to prevent our people from
They built more prisons than schools. They directly slaughtered our patriots. They
bathed our uprisings in pools of blood.
They constrained public opinion and implemented policies of ignorance.
They used opium and alcohol to weaken our citizens.
Economically, they exploited our people to the bone marrow, made our people poor,
needy, and our country shabby and desolate.
They robbed land, mines, and raw materials.
They held the exclusive rights to print banknotes, export and import.
They imposed hundreds of unreasonable taxes, made our people, especially farmers
and traders impoverished.
They didn't let our bourgeoisie raise their hands. They exploited our workers
extremely cruelly.
In the autumn of 1940, when the Japanese fascists invaded Indochina to open more
bases to fight the Allies, the French colonialists surrendered and opened the door of
our country to welcome the Japanese. Since then, our people had suffered two layers
of chains: French and Japanese. Since then our people had been more miserable, poor.
As a result, from the end of last year to the beginning of this year, from “Quảng Trị”
to the North, more than two million of our compatriots starved to death.
On March 9th, this year, the Japanese disarmed the French army. The French
colonialists either fled or surrendered. So not only did they not "protect" us, on the
contrary, in 5 years, they sold our country twice to Japan.
Even when losing and escaping, they killed political prisoners heartless in “Yên Bái”
and “Cao Bằng”.
However, for France, our citizens keep mercy and humility attitude. After the event
on March 9th, “Việt Minh” helped many French soldiers run to the border, rescue
many soldiers from Japanese jail, and protected their life and assets.
The truth is that from the autumn season in 1940, our country was the colony of Japan,
not France. When the Japanese surrendered the Allies, then Vietnamese rebelled to
take the government to establish the Democratic Republican of Vietnam.
The truth is that we take our country from the Japanese, not the French.
The French ran, the Japanese surrendered, “Bảo Đại” king abdicated. We are defeated
colonical shackles about 100 years to build independent Vietnam. We defeated
Monarchy lasting many centuries to build Democratic Republican Regime.
Therefore, we, Provisional Government of new Vietnam, declare non-relationship
with France totally, remove all Treaty signed by France about Vietnam, discard all
special rights of France over Vietnam.
All Vietnamese are united, determined to fight against the cabal of the French
We believe that the Allies accepts national equality regulations at Tehran and “Old
Yellow Mountain”, that can’t accept the Independence of Vietnam.
A brave nation has fought against the slavery from France more than 80 years, a brave
nation has followed the Allies to speak against the Nazi for several years, that nation
must be independent! That nation must be in freedom!
According to above things, we, Provisional Government of the Democratic
Republican of Vietnam, honestly declare to the world:
Vietnam has right for independence and freedom, and the truth is that it has
independence and freedom. All Vietnamese people determine to take all spirits and
forces, living, and assets to keep freedom and independence right steadily.
● A nationwide call for resistance in “Hà Nội” on December 19th, 1946
Our compatriots nationwide! We want peace, we must compromise. But the more we
concede, the more the French colonialists encroach, because they are determined to
take over our country again!
No! We would rather sacrifice everything, but definitely not lose our country, not to
be slaves.
Our compatriots!
We must stand up!
Any man, woman, any old or young person, regardless of religion, party, ethnicity. If
you are a Vietnamese, you must stand up to fight the French to save the country.
Whoever has a gun, use it. Whoever has a sword, use it. If you don’t have a sword,
use a pickaxe, a spade, or a stick. Everyone must try their best to fight against the
French colonialists to save the country.
Brethren soldiers, self-defense, the militia!
Time has come to save the country. We must sacrifice to the last drop of blood, to
preserve the country.
Despite having to struggle against the resistance, but with a determined sacrifice, a
certain victory for our nation!
Long live independent and unified Vietnam!
Long live the victory of the resistance!
● Prediction of “Hồ Chí Minh” President about the failure of USA
“War can last 5 years, 10 years, 20 years or longer. “Hà Nội”, “Hải Phòng” and some
cities and factories may be destroyed, but the Vietnamese are determined not to be
afraid” (July 18th, 1966). “Sooner or later, the US imperialists will also send B-52s
out to fight Hanoi, then it will give up if they lose... Must anticipate all situations as
soon as possible - the better, to have time to think and prepare. Remember that before
losing in Korea, the US imperialists destroyed Pyongyang, in Vietnam, the US will
definitely lose. But it only gave up after losing in the sky of Hanoi.” (End 1967)
● Citizens must have knowledge about their history, like an idiom “When you eat
fruit, remember the man who planted the tree”. We are very proud of our history,
Vietnam is the unique country that defeated superpowers such as: Chinese Dynasties,
Mongolian Empire, France, Japan, USA. Back to the history, we were a colony of
Chinese Dynasties for 1000 years, they wanted to change the Vietnamese into the
Chinese, but that sense wasn’t realistic, although we wrote Chinese characters but we
didn’t speak Chinese language, it was a creative way of our forefathers. The
Mongolian Empire took control area around 24 million kilometers square, anywhere
the Mongolian horses came, grasses could not grow up, but they still lost in Vietnam,
not only once but also 3 times. In 19 – 20 centuries, Vietnam was poor, all equipment
was rough, the productivity was low, civil wars happened, so the French took
advantage for invasion, after that Japan and USA did the same. However, we still
won all of them, not because of modern weapons but Vietnamese’s will, “Nothing is
more precious than the Independence and Freedom”.
● Citizens usually call this city is “Sài Gòn” instead of “Hồ Chí Minh” City. Many
of them actually don’t know about the difference between these 2 names. “Sài Gòn”
appeared when Vietnam was a colony of France, now it is District 1 and a part of
District 3, which means the Central area. “Hồ Chí Minh” City includes 24 districts,
the area is about 2000 kilometers square. It occupies 0.6% of the land area with 8.34%
population but it contributes 20% gross domestic product, 28% value of industry
production, 38% foreign projects in overall Vietnam. It only keeps 20% and gives
80% of income to the capital. “Sài Gòn”’s gross domestic product per person is $6000
while Vietnam’s one is $4000. It has culture diversity because lots of people from
provinces from the north to the south come here to work or study, like an idiom:
“Where there is a good land, the birds will come and settle”. In general, this city is
easier to live than the capital, if you pay close attention, you can realize that people
from the north come here to settle, while people in the south just move to the north
for running business or travelling.
● “Sài Gòn” citizens are energetic, they can work all day, even someone do lots of
job at the same time. They are willing to help others without receiving any favor.
Moreover, they are generous and don’t pay attention little by little. Whoever you are
or where you are come from, it welcomes all of you.
● As you know, many people have come here for earning opportunities, therefore
they have brought cuisine of their hometown. You can find lots of kind of food or
drink which is inexpensive ($ 1 - 2), among of them, I point out “Phở”, broken rice,
“Bánh mì”, iced coffee, beer. “Phở” had originally been from the north, after that it
appeared in here, “Phở” in the north is not as sweet as in the south, people in the south
like sweet flavor and much ingredients, “Phở” is suitable for breakfast and dinner.
Broken rice is a special dish from the south-west, it is suitable for all day, it has the
same position as “Phở”, citizens in this city enjoy broken rice like citizens in the north
enjoy “Phở”. “Bánh mì” is very popular on the streets, it is more convenient than
“Phở” and broken rice because people often take it away, “Bánh mì” appears in
Oxford dictionary without translation. Everyone know about coffee, but coffee is
raised to higher level by the Vietnamese, Tea’s culture is popular in the north while
coffee’s one is the king in the south, Vietnam exports coffee grains 2nd rank in the
world, after Brazil, although there are lots of coffee shop, so many people choose to
enjoy it in public without any table or chair, at weekend men usually meet together
to enjoy coffee and watch Premier League football matches. Beer is another special
culture, at night, a lot of beer meetings happen even when people are happy, upset,
the can enjoy seafood or hotpot at the same time; Vietnamese consume beer at the
top of the world.
● In this city, you can see lots of motorbikes, miraculously average 3 citizens own 2
motorbikes. The population is about 12 – 13 million, the number of motorbike is
around 7 – 8 million. There are about half of million cars. Most of roads, alleys are
small and narrow, therefore motorbike is the best choice. The biggest motorbike
brand is Honda, the other are Yamaha, Suzuki, Kawasaki. Price for new motorbike
may be in range $1000 - $4000. Practically, citizens don’t really need certificate when
riding motorbike. Cars is very expensive because of taxes, if you purchase 1 car in
this city, you are able to buy 3 cars in USA. Toyota or KIA may be the best choice
for reasonable price, price range may be $30000 - $90000. Cars from Germany like
Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Audi cost a lot of money, the cheapest one may be $100000.
After making lot of efforts, finally there is Vietnam’s brand car company, it appears
on NASDAQ security stock exchange in USA, this is what we are proud of.
● Traffic jam is a special dish of this city, in rush hour, it takes several hours to come
back home after working. This reality is more terrible when a heavy rain comes. Many
streets will be flooded, at some moment, citizens have to push motorbikes instead of
ride them. When rain water rises high, driving a car though it is similar to using
submarine. There are lots of small streets and alleys like maze if you don’t familiar
with them, it may be a big problem if a tourist rents a motorbike and go sightseeing
alone. Technology motorbike taxi such as Grab or Gojek is one of method to explore
the city beside bus, traditional taxi. And if you are lazy to go to a shop to buy
something, you can order on Ecommerce website such as Lazada or Shoppe, shippers
will deliver for you.
● When walking on sidewalks or intersections, you may see free tea, “Bánh mì” or
charity rice; It the one of methods to help someone who deal with poverty life. There
are lots of vendors, lotteries sellers, beggars, disabled people, not only adults but also
children. They must do anything to survive, for their family, we can give them a favor
to share difficulties they face. When you see them stand in front of luxury places, you
may think that the gap between the rich and the poor has never been so great like this.
Vietnamese standard poor is difference from USA or Europe, the poor aren’t
subsidized when they are unemployed, if they are able to earning more than $86 per
month, they jumped over the poor. The unemployment rate is about 2%, if you
graduated from university but you choose unskilled job because of many reasons, this
means that you are not unemployed.

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