18 Proff OBGY 2

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A (Printed Pages 2)

(20123) Roll No. I9G,19.

M.B.B.S.-III Prof.

M.B.B.S. (Regular & Supplementary)
Examination, Jan.-2023
Paper: II Gynaecology
Time: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 40
Note: Attempt all questions. Draw suitable
diagrams wherever necessary.
1. Write down the investigative workup of
Post menopausal bleeding PV. Discuss
the management of CA endometnium
stage I. 4+6

2. Define Pelvic Inflammatory disease.

Discuss in details about risk factors,

investigation and treatment of Pelvic

inflammatory disease. 2+8
3. Write short notes on:

(a) Medical Management of fibroid. 5

(b) Mullerian anomalies. 5

Write in brief:

(a) Contraceptive Antra

(b) Laparoscopy in gynaecology.


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