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WE, (1) X, son of ........................(2) and Smt ...................................wifeof Shri ……both

residing at flat No …… hereby declare and revoke all our former wills and testamentary
dispositions made by us and by this our last will made at .....................this day of
………….devise and bequeath the flat No ………….at ………more fully described in the
Schedule hereto as under:

(1) We bequeath absolutely to our son Shri ..............................residing at flat fully described in
the Schedule hereto.

(2) We shall be entitled to stay in the flat hereby bequeathed and devised to the said Shri
……….till our death and this testament shall take effect only after the death of both of us, that is
to say, if anyone of us (the testators) dies, the surviving testator shall been
titled to live in the said flat till his/her death, as the case may be, and this will shall take effect
after the demise of the last surviving testator.

(3) In case the said Shri ………….does not survive, we declare that the foregoing provision shall
not take effect and in lieu thereof we hereby direct as under:

That, subject to the provisions of clause 2 hereto, the said property shall devolve under these
presents on Smt ………….wife of....................residing at ………….absolutely.

(Brief description of the flat)
1. Area :
2. Address : Flat No……….. Co-op.
Housing Society Ltd., Mumbai.
3. Relative share certificate :
numbers. No ……..of Rs. 10 each.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF we Shri ………….and Smt ………….have hereunto set our hands at
this ………….day of………….

SIGNED BY THE ABOVENAMED Shri ...................................................and Smt………….as

their last will in the presence of us present at the same time, who at their request, in their
presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses.

2. Signature of the Testator

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