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Revision worksheet

Year 3

Surat AL- Shams

2)- Allah swore by 7 things in surah Ash -Shams mention it:

Fill in the blanks the correct answer:

1- Prophet Saleh May Allah blessings be with him sent by Allah to the tribe of

1- Allah brought out the she camel from ---------------------

2- The one who does good will be ------------------------

3- The one who does evil will be a---------------------------

Surat AL- Shams

Allah swore by 7 things in surah Ash -Shams mention it:

The sun The The The

moon night heaven

The Human
daytime soul Earth

Fill in the blanks the correct answer:

1- A Messenger sent by Allah to the tribe of

_____________ Thamud _________________
2- Allah brought out the she camel from _______ the rock
3- The one who does good will be __________ in paradise
4- The one who does evil will be in the __hellfire___________________________
Fatimah (RA)
3)-Fill in the blanks with the suitable Answer
Fatima was the ____________daughter of Prophet Muhammed (P, B, U H)
Her mother was_________________ R A she was married to her cousin
she gave birth to ____________, _____________
She was Promised from Prophet Muhammed she would be the
____________ of women in Paradise.

Fatimah (RA)
Fill in the blanks with a suitable Answer ..
Fatima was the ___youngest _ daughter of Prophet Muhammed ( P,B,U H )
Her mother was __Khadijah _ R A
she was married to her cousin ____Ali bin Abi Talib, she gave birth to __Al-
Hassan___ and __Al-Hussain_ .
She was Promised from Prophet Muhammed she would be the ___Leader
___of women in Paradise.
5- Some of the Virtues of the Night of Glory mentioned in the surah are:
Match the word with its meaning:
We revealed it

The Night of Glory

A great, blessed

The Spirit Revealed the Holy


Some of the Virtues of the Night of Glory mentioned in the surah are:
1- Allah SWT will forgive our sins
2- Good deeds are better than a thousand months.

Match the world with its meaning:

We revealed it

The Night of Glory

A great, blessed

The Spirit Revealed the Holy


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