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I . ………….son of ………….declare this to be a second codicil to my last will and testament

dated the ………….of………….20………….

I revoke the annuity of Rs ………….p.a. bequeathed by my will to Shri ………….

I bequest Rs .....................................................per month to my wife over and above the

bequest made in her favour by my said will.

I appoint my son Shri…………. to be an executor of my said will jointly with my father, with all
the estates and powers by my last will vested in or given to my father to the intent that my said
will shall take effect, as if the name of my said son had been added to the name of my father.

Subject as aforesaid, I confirm my will except so far it is revoked or modified by my first codicil
and I confirm that codicil.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF I the above named .....................................have set my hands to this

my codicil this ………….day of 20………….

Signed and acknowledged by the above named ………….as his codicil in the presence of us,
who in his presence have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses.
2. ........................Signature of the Testator

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