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The graph below shows the quantities of goods transported in the UK from 1974 to 2002 by four different
modes of transport

Biểu đồ Line graph miêu tả hàng hóa được vận chuyển ở nước Anh từ năm 1974 đến năm 2002


Bài mẫu:
The line graph provides information about how cargo was conveyed by four types of transportation in the
United Kingdom over a period of 28 years starting from 1974.

Looking at the chart, goods sent by all forms of delivery increased except for railways, which fluctuated.

Starting with roads and pipelines, the majority of goods were transported by road in 1974, with about 70
million tons and gradually increased to about 80 million tons over the next 20 years. It increased
significantly and reached nearly 100 tons in 2002. In contrast, there were only about 7 million in 1974, the
pipeline was the lowest and it increased to about 22 million in 1994. This number remained until the end of
the period.

Cargo transported by waterway and rail each amounted to about 40 million tons in 1974. After 1978,
freight transhipment by rail reached about 58 million tons in 1982 and then stabilized for the next 20 years.
follow. During the same period rail freight dropped to about 25 million tons. By 2002, tonnage by boat had
grown to 60 million and by rail to just over 40 million.
Đề 2: The graph below gives information from one 2008 report about the consumption of energy in the
USA with projections from 1980 until 2030.

Biểu đồ Line graph biểu thị năng lượng tiêu thụ từ năm 1980 đến 2030 tại Hoa Kỳ



Bài mẫu:
The line graph compares the consumption of six different kinds of energy in the USA between 1980 and

It is clear that more fossil fuels are used in comparison with renewable energy sources. The general trend
in energy consumption is to increase over the time period presented.

In 1980, the amount of petroleum consumed was 35 million billion units, nearly double that of natural gas
at 25 million billion units. At that time, the amount of coal burned was slightly less, at just over 15 million
million units. Meanwhile, natural energy consumption is about the same, at less than 5 million units each.

In 2030, more gasoline is expected to be burned, and consumption remains at the forefront at less than 50
million billion units. Although some variation over time is shown, the amount of coal used is predicted to
be more than that of natural gas, with about 30 and 25 million units burned respectively. For renewable
energy sources, it is predicted that its number will increase by a minimum of just under 5 million units and
hydroelectricity will record the lowest energy consumption by 2030.
Bài 1:
The graph gives information about the age of the population of Iceland between 1990 and 2020.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where

Bài mẫu:
The bar chart compares the different ages of people living in Iceland between 1990 and 2020.

All in all, the size of the 25-54 age group increased the most over the period while the size of the two
younger age groups decreased a little bit. The number of people in the two older age groups stayed about
the same.

The 25-54 age group grew from approximately a third of the population in 1990 to nearly half of the
population in 2020.

The older two age groups did not increase or decrease much. The size of the 65 and over age group
remained at about 13%, whereas the size of the 55 -64 age group only fell from about 14% to about 10%
of the population.

By contrast, the 0-14 age group fell from just over 25% in 1990 to just under 20% in 2020. Similarly, the
15-24 age group dropped from just over 20% of the population in 1990 to just under 10% of the population
in 2020.
Bài 2:
The chart and graph below give information about participants who have entered the Olympics since it
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where



Bài mẫu:

The two charts give information about the gender and number of athletes who have entered the Games
since they started. The bar chart illustrates the number of men and women entering the Games, whereas
the line graph shows the number of participants.

It is evident from the bar chart that, until 2012, there were always significantly more men entering the
Games than women. In 1924 and 1952, there were hardly any women entering the Games, yet in 1952
there were over 4,000 male participants. In 2012, however, the number of female athletes rose
significantly to nearly 5,000, only approximately 1,000 lower than male participants.

The line graph shows a similar trend, with the number of participants increasing throughout the century.
The most significant increase occurred between 1984 and 2012 when the number of athletes rose from
just over 6,000 to over 10,000 in 2012.

To summarize, therefore, since 1924 the number of athletes entering the Olympic Games has increased
dramatically. This is particularly the case for women, who are now represented in nearly the same
numbers as male participants.
Bài 3:
The graph below shows the percentage of part-time workers in each country of the United Kingdom in
1980 and 2010.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where



Bài mẫu:
The given bar graph shows the rate of part-time employees in four different parts of the UK from 1980 to

Overall, except for the workers of Northern Ireland, all the people of other countries have shown a rise in
the rate of their work as time continues. Also, Wales and England have the most active part-time workers
in both eras.

The graph clearly depicts that in 1980, nearly 25% of people worked in England as part-time workers but
manpower in whales is about 8% higher than that in England. After 30 years, England shows a greater
rise in the rate of workers than that in Whales. But the overall percentage of employees in 2010 still
seems to be higher in Wales.

Furthermore, Scotland starting year. As time passes by, the percentage of workers decreases in Northern
Ireland in contrast increases twice as that in 1980 in Scotland.
Bài 1
The charts show the sources of electricity produced in 4 countries between 2003 and 2008.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where



Bài mẫu:

The given pie charts detail information about the proportion of three different sources of electricity in four
countries (India, Sweden, Morocco and Vietnam) from 2003 to 2008.

Overall, Vietnam and Morocco did not use any nuclear power for electricity production. It can also be seen that
while fossil fuelswere the largest source of electricity supplyin Vietnam and India, theyonly occupied a relatively
marginal proportionin Morocco and Sweden during the examined years.

In Vietnam, 56% of the total amount of electricity was produced from fossil fuels, while the figure for Morocco
was only 5%. The rest of the electricity, in both nations, was produced solely from hydro power.

In India however, electricity from fossil fuelscontributed to 82% of the entire quantity of electricityproduced,
which was also the highest figure for fossil fuel use among the four countries. Meanwhile, fossil fuelswere only
responsible for 4% of the total generated electricity in Sweden, with hydro power and nuclear
powercontributing 52% and 44% respectively.
Bài 02
The charts detail the proportion of Australian secondary school graduates who were unemployed, employed or
further education in 1980, 1990, and 2000.

Bài mẫu:
The given pie charts detail the proportion of Australian secondary school graduates who were unemployed,
employed or pursuing further education, in 1980, 1990, and 2000.

Overall, from 1980 to 2000, the proportion of Australian students who were employed grew, while there was a
decline in both the proportion of those pursuing higher levels of education and those who were unemployed.

In 1980, half of the Australian secondary school leavers chose to continue their education. After a 10-year
period, this number dropped to only 38% and remained almost unchanged in 2000. Meanwhile, the figures for
those who were unemployment were the smallest, at only 10% in 1980, 12% in 1990, and finally dropping back
down to 8% in 2000.

On the other hand, over the years Australia saw an increase in the percentage of students who received a job
after graduation from secondary school, from 40% in 1980 to 55% in 2000, which was the largest figure among
all examined categories.

Bài 1
The table below gives information about the value of exports of kiwi fruit from New Zealand to five countries
between 2010 and 2012.
Summarize the information by selecting and re-porting the main features, and making comparisons where


Bài mẫu:
The table compares how much money New Zealand made from kiwi fruit exports to five different countries over
the course of three years (2010, 2011, and 2012). During the time period depicted, Japan was New Zealand’s
largest export market. Furthermore, while exports to Japan, China, and Russia grew, exports to Mexico and
Saudi Arabia decreased.

Exports of kiwi fruit to Japan brought in NZ$ 271.1 million in 2010, while exports to China and Russia were
significantly lower, at NZ$ 74.9 million and NZ$ 0.968 million, respectively. Export earnings from these three
markets had increased to NZ$ 325.3 million, NZ$ 94 million, and NZ$ 2.4 million, respectively, after two years.

Turning to the two remaining countries, New Zealand’s kiwi export revenues from Saudi Arabia have steadily
declined, from NZ$ 290,000 in 2010 to only NZ$ 82,000 in 2012. Exports to Mexico, on the other hand,
followed a slightly different pattern, dropping by NZ$ 3.6 million from 2010 to 2011, then increasing by NZ$ 0.9
million the following year.
Bài 2
The table below shows the changing value in which China achieved by exporting five types of goods over the
two years of 2009 and 2010, measured in $HK Billion.


Bài mẫu:

The following tables show changes in China’s export earnings in five industries from 2009 to 2010, expressed
in billions of Hong Kong dollars. Overall, earnings from all categories increased in varying degrees, with the
exception of clothing and machinery, which saw a significant increase in total value. Manufacturing equipment
and telecommunications accounted for the majority of revenue, while metal industries saw the largest
percentile increase.

China’s total export earnings increased by 20% from HK$32 billion in 2009 to HK$48 billion in 2010. The
equipment manufacturing sector, which increased from HK$10.3 billion to HK$11.6 billion in 2010, and the
telecommunications sector, which was valued at HK$7.0 billion in 2009 before overtaking manufacturing
equipment by HK$0.1 billion to become the largest export. The clothing industry, on the other hand, saw the
biggest drop of 20%, from HK$6.5 billion to HK$5.8 billion in 2010. Revenues from machinery products fell by
4% in 2009 and 2010, from HK$5.0 billion to HK$48 billion. Metal exports had the lowest revenue in 2009, at
HK$2.3 billion, but increased by 127.3 percent by 2010 to match the figure for the clothing sector.
The diagram below shows the recycling process of plastics.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where



Sample answer
The given diagram illustrates the process of plastic recycling.

Overall, there are essentially six stages in the plastic recycling process, beginning with the buying, using and
discarding of new plastic products and ending with newly recycled products entering the market again.

In the first stage, new products displayed in shops are purchased, used and thrown away. Plastic bags, along
with other garbage, are sent and buried in landfill sites. Plastic bottles and containers however, are collected
for recycling. After being gathered, the plastic bottles are then taken to sorting houses where they are divided
into different categories.

Once the plastic has been sorted, it is then loaded onto trucks and transported to factories where it is
processed and made into new plastic products. These new, recycled plastic products are then finally
distributed back to retail shops where they are sold, reused and discarded once again, thereby continuing the
Bài 2
The picture below shows the recycling process of wasted glass bottles.



Sample answer
The given diagram indicates information about how used glass bottles are recycled.

In general, it can be seen that there are three stages in this process, commencing with the collection of used
bottles, and culminating with newly recycled bottles used for storing drinks to be sold in supermarkets.

At the first stage of the process, glass bottles are used by customers and gathered at a collection point before
being delivered to a cleaning plant by a truck. The second stage begins when the bottles are washed with high-
pressure water, and subsequently sorted based on their colour (green, brown and clear). After that, the bottles
are broken down into pieces in a glass factory and melted in a furnace to form a liquid. The recycled liquid
glass is then mixed with new liquid glass and poured into a mould to form new glass bottles.

During the final stage of the process, the recycled bottles are filled and packaged, and then transported to
supermarkets to be sold.

Bài 3
The diagram below shows the process of recycling glass bottles.



Sample answer
The diagram illustrates how glass bottles are recycled.

Overall, it is clear that there are three separate stages involved in the recycling process, starting with the
collection of wasted bottles and ending with new products entering the market to be purchased.

In the initial stage, all glass bottles are stored in collection points from where they are picked up and delivered
by trucks to a cleaning plant. Here, the bottles are washed with high pressure water, and then sorted according
to color (clear, green or brown) and prepared for the following stages.

The clean and sorted bottles are then transferred to a recycling plant, where they are melted in a special glass
furnace to turn the glass into liquid form. The recycled liquid glass, along with new liquid glass, is then molded
to form new glass bottles. Finally, the new bottles are ready to be used and sent to supermarkets where they
will be purchased and used by customers, thereby completing the process.

Bài 1
Below is a map of the city of Brandfield. City planners have decided to build a new shopping mall for the area,
and two sites, S1 and S2 have been proposed.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where
Write at least 150 words.



Bài làm mẫu:

The map illustrates plans for two possible sites for a shopping mall in the city of Brandfield. It can be seen that
the two sites under consideration are in the north and the south east of the town.

The first possible site for the shopping mall, S1, is just north of the city centre, above the railway line, which
runs from the south east of the city to the north west. If it is built here, it will be next to a large housing estate,
thus providing easy access for those living on the estate and in the city centre. It will also be next to the river
that runs through the town.

The site in the south east, S2, is again just by the railway line and fairly close to the city centre, but it is near to
an industrial estate rather than housing.

There is a main road that runs through the city and is close to both sites, thus providing good road access to
either location. A large golf course and park in the west of the town prevents this area from being available as
a site.

Bài 2
The map below shows the development of the village of Ryemouth between 1995 and present.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where
Write at least 150 words.



Bài làm mẫu:

The map shows how a village called Ryemouth has developed over the last twenty-five years. There have
been several changes, the most noticeable being the increases in accommodation, the elimination of the
fishing industry, and the introduction of sports facilities.

In 1995, to the south of the village where the sea is there was previously a fishing industry, with a fishing port
and quite a large fish market as well. Next to this was a small cafe. On the other side of the road running by the
sea stood a line of five shops and a hotel, while situated in the north east part of the village was farmland and a
park with trees. The main housing of the village was located in the north west around a main road that runs
from the coastal road, with twelve houses, four of them encircled by a smaller side-street.

Turning to the present day map, it can be seen that the fishing facilities have all gone, being replaced by four
apartments, and the shops have become restaurants. The cafe remains, as does the hotel, albeit with parking
facilities which it did not have before. Having been converted into a golf course, the farmland has now gone,
while the forest park has been removed to make way for tennis courts. Although the old houses remain, new
ones have been built, along with a new road with two new houses beside it.

Bài 3
The two maps below show an island, before and after the construction of some tourist facilities.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where
Write at least 150 words.



Bài làm mẫu:

The maps illustrate the changes that have occurred on an island due to the building of facilities for tourists.

The island originally consisted of just palm trees and the beach, yet now, although the palm trees remain, it
hosts a wealth of attractions for holiday makers, from restaurants and swimming to accommodation.

The island is approximately 200 metres long, with a small beach on the western tip. It was deserted before,
with only a scattering of palm trees. Now though, there is an abundance of places to stay in the form of fifteen
beach huts situated in circular patterns in the centre of the island and to the west.

Between these two sets of accommodation there is also a new large restaurant and a reception building, both
served by new vehicle tracks. Situated in the south is a t-shaped pier for ships to dock, and sailing boats are
now evident in this area of the sea. Footpaths have also been constructed, which traverse the island, leading
to the new buildings and also the beach, where tourists can now swim.

Bài 1
The graph and table below give information about water use worldwide and water consumption in two different



Bài mẫu:
The charts compare the amount of water used for agriculture, industry and homes around the world, and water
use in Brazil and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

It is clear that global water needs rose significantly between 1900 and 2000, and that agriculture accounted for
the largest proportion of water used. We can also see that water consumption was considerably higher in
Brazil than in the Congo.

In 1900, around 500km³ of water was used by the agriculture sector worldwide. The figures for industrial and
domestic water consumption stood at around one fifth of that amount. By 2000, global water use for agriculture
had increased to around 3000km³, industrial water use had risen to just under half that amount, and domestic
consumption had reached approximately 500km³.

In the year 2000, the populations of Brazil and the Congo were 176 million and 5.2 million respectively. Water
consumption per person in Brazil, at 359m³, was much higher than that in the Congo, at only 8m³, and this
could be explained by the fact that Brazil had 265 times more irrigated land.

(184 words, band 9)

Bài 2
The first chart below gives information about the money spent by British parents on their children’s sports
between 2008 and 2014. The second chart shows the number of children who participated in three sports in
Britain over the same time period.



Bài mẫu:
The line graphs show the average monthly amount that parents in Britain spent on their children’s sporting
activities and the number of British children who took part in three different sports from 2008 to 2014.

It is clear that parents spent more money each year on their children’s participation in sports over the six-year
period. In terms of the number of children taking part, football was significantly more popular than athletics and

In 2008, British parents spent an average of around £20 per month on their children’s sporting activities.
Parents’ spending on children’s sports increased gradually over the following six years, and by 2014 the
average monthly amount had risen to just over £30.

Looking at participation numbers, in 2008 approximately 8 million British children played football, while only 2
million children were enrolled in swimming clubs and less than 1 million practised athletics. The figures for
football participation remained relatively stable over the following 6 years. By contrast, participation in
swimming almost doubled, to nearly 4 million children, and there was a near fivefold increase in the number of
children doing athletics.

(185 words, band 9)

Bài 3
The bar chart below shows the proportions of English men and women of different ages who were living alone
in 2011.
The pie chart compares the numbers of bedrooms in these one-person households.



Bài mẫu:
The two charts give information about single-occupant households in England in the year 2011. The bar chart
compares figures for occupants’ age and gender, and the pie chart shows data about the number of bedrooms
in these homes.

Overall, females made up a higher proportion of people living alone than males, and this difference is
particularly noticeable in the older age categories. We can also see that the most common number of
bedrooms in a single-occupant home was two.

A significant majority of the people aged 65 or over who were living alone in England in 2011 were female.
Women made up around 72% of single occupants aged 75 to 84, and 76% of those aged 85 or over. By
contrast, among younger adults the figures for males were higher. For example, in the 35-49 age category,
men accounted for nearly 65% of people living alone.

In the same year, 35.4% of one-person households in England had two bedrooms, while one-bedroom and
three-bedroom homes accounted for 28% and 29.8% of the total. Under 7% of single-occupant homes had four
or more bedrooms.
Bài tham khảo

The diagram below shows the development of cutting tools in the Stone Age.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and
make comparisons where relevant.

Bài mẫu:

The two pictures compare 2 Stone Age cutting tools which were probably made
and used by ancient people.
In general, while tool A was relatively simple and rudimentary, tool B was more

First, 1.4 million years ago, tool A’s measurements were approximately 9 cm in
length and 5 cm in width. From the front view, it had a rough surface. With a
tapering shape, its biggest part was the middle, while the two ends were much
smaller. The side view shows its thickness at about 2.5 cm. In the back, the large
bottom part was perhaps the handle, while the pointy tip served the cutting
Dating back to 800,000 thousand years ago, tool B was nearly 12 cm long and 8
cm wide, which was significantly larger than tool A. From the front view, tool B
closely resembled a water drop with a pointy tip and a round bottom. From the
side view, both the edge and the tip seem straight and sharper than tool A. The
back view clearly displays the bigger size of tool B compared to tool A. (186)

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