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“ Can man alter Mars”

Can man really alter the mars as our new home? According to the NASA the Mars is our second
option if the Earth cannot support us humans.But can we really make the Mars like our earth?Before
we can make the Mars as our new home or replacement to the earth,we need to raise the
temperature there.We need to make the water stably liquid ang thicken the atmosphere.According to
the NASA by using the greenhouse gases we make make the Mars a Earth like planet.They need tp
raise the atmosphere level in Mars for us to be able to walk there without using the spacesuits.Mars
was obviously the best planet to turn into the Earth 2.0.And as of our todays technology this mission
can be possible but some people said that this was mythology as well.But however our future
technologies may really alter the Mars.But according to the principal investigator for NASA's Mars
Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution its not really impossible to terraform Mars.But the NASA conduct
a human mission,there are chosen humans who will be sent to the mars,to test if Mars can really be
our option to the Earth.And the Mars 2020 mission launched on July 30, 2020, at 4:50 a.m. PDT (7:50
a.m. EDT).But as of today we cant really tell if this mission was really possible or its just a mythical
mission.Its still a question for everyone.Can man really alter the Mars?

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