Task Prompt

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This is the task for your final exam task. It’s a take-home task.

The aim of the task is to help you demonstrate your ability to chart digital ways to make
learners’ second language learning experience more personalised, dynamic, interactive,
reflective, and holistic.

Your task is to convert existing exercises/ tasks/ activities in a lesson to the digital mode.
This will require redesigning print-based activities using web 1.0, web 2.0, and other digital

Step 1: Choose a lesson (NCERT/ SCERT) and mark your choice here so that there are no

Step 2: Analyse the lesson and all the language learning activities it has. Examine their
potentials and drawbacks. What obstacles do they pose for the language learner? Who are
learners who may find learning this lesson difficult? How can you make it more accessible?
Are there language learning objectives not addressed or inadequately covered in the lesson?

Step 3: Identify three exercises/ tasks/ activities in the lesson that you will convert to the
digital format to augment or enhance the language learning experience. Design these using
the most appropriate web tool (examine affordances here.).

Step 4: For each activity, (name them activity 1, activity 2, and activity 3) share (a) the link,
(b) describe the activity, (c) write down instructions for classroom delivery or self-learning,
(d) list the modified/ enhanced objectives: explain how each re-designed activity caters to
specific learner variables (low linguistic proficiency, low prior knowledge, learning styles,
etc.), develops newer abilities such as the 4Cs, socio-emotional learning, intercultural
competency, etc., and (e) discuss what problems does using technology solve.

Step 4: Here, you design activity 4.

In the context of the lesson, explain how the teacher can use one of the following resources
VR, GALL, AR, AI, social media, MALL, digital games, 3D printing, and telecollaboration,
to implement newer pedagogies such as constructivist learning, experiential learning,
discovery learning, gamification, learner autonomy, reflective learning, multimodal literacies,
scaffolding for personalisation, etc.

Step 5: Submit your final write-up uploaded as a single Google doc. The document should
have the link, if available, to the lesson of your choice.

Each redesigned task should be preceded by the original task. Tasks should appear in the

· original activity 1, redesigned activity 1,

· original activity 2, redesigned activity 2,

· original activity 3, redesigned activity 3,

· activity 4.

Name your document your_name.

Upload in the folder


Deadline for submission: date of the exam.

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