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Last meeting notes

Vocabulary and Phrases

 Your English has become rusty!: You haven't used your English in a long time.
 I'm an early bird: I sleep early and wake up early.
 I'm a night owl: I sleep late and wake up late.
 I hit the gym: I go to the gym.
 I workout: I exercise regularly.
 I'm a picky eater / fussy eater: I am choosy about food. I cannot eat everything.
 It is a must for me to cook!: I feel it is essential to cook.
 It is a must eat/ a must watch: Something that is highly recommended to eat or
 It's a mess: Ruin or disorganized situation.
 It is boiling hot: Extremely hot weather.
 It is freezing cold: Extremely cold weather.
 burnt out: Extremely tired or exhausted, especially from overwork.
 I have been working as a doctor for (period): Indicates the duration of
employment as a doctor.
 once in a while: Occasionally or sometimes.
 A melting pot: A place with a diverse mix of cultures and people.
 tied to your family/city: Strongly connected or attached to your family or
 They mind their own business: People who do not interfere in others' affairs and
 Nosy : Someone who is overly interested in others' affairs.
 Gossip: Talking about others' private affairs, often spreading rumors.
 sightseeing: Visiting and seeing places of interest.
 Pilgrimage: A journey to a sacred place for religious reasons. (Al haj)
 Tight schedule: A very busy and time-constrained timetable.
 bargaining: Negotiating the price.
 enrolled: Registered or signed up for something.
 training / vocational training: Learning specific skills for a job or trade.
 TV-show: A program or series broadcast on television.
 Ruins (noun): Remains of ancient buildings or structures.
 Pieces of information (never add s): Bits of knowledge or data.
 strong flavors / heavy meals: Foods with intense tastes or rich, substantial meals.
 Let's call it a day!: Let's end the work for today.

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