Add A 2U, 25-Drive or 3U, 15-Drive DAE Zoj

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DAE - Add a 2U, 25-drive or 3U, 15-drive DAE

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Document ID - 1485535527138

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Content Creation Date January 27, 2017
EMC® VNX® Series

Add a 2U or 3U Disk-Array Enclosure

November, 2014

To add a 2U (DAE5S) or 3U (DAE6S) disk-array enclosure (DAE) to your EMC® VNX5800

storage system, you must use the Disk-Array Enclosure Installation wizard described in this
guide. This wizard determines if you can add a DAE to your storage system, and if you can,
it assigns a bus and enclosure address for the DAE and tells you how to install and cable
the DAE.


DO NOT use this procedure to install a new 4U, 60-drive DAE7S. The DAE7S can only be
installed by an authorized support provider due to the extreme weight of this enclosure.
Installation of a 4U (DAE7S) 60-drive DAE is not a supported customer activity. To install a
4U DAE, contact you authorized support provider.

For additional details on the locations of orderable parts, and their part number labels,
refer to the parts location guide for your specific VNX model. EMC posts and maintains
parts location guides online on the Related Documents section of https:// On the Related Documents page, under the VNX Hardware Parts
heading, click on the desired guide.
Topics include:
l Before you start..........................................................................................................2
l Prepare for the upgrade .............................................................................................4
l Installing the upgrade................................................................................................ 5
l Verify the new component..........................................................................................6
l Your comments.......................................................................................................... 7
Before you start

DO NOT connect the new DAE to the PDP until directed by the Unisphere Service
Manager wizard. Connecting the DAE power cords too soon will result in an incorrectly
configured DAE. Your new DAE ships with power cords of two different colors, one black
and one gray. When prompted to connect these power cords to the PDP, connect these
cables following the existing pattern of black power cords connecting to one side of rack
power and the gray power cords connecting to the other side.

The Disk-Array Enclosure Installation wizard is part of the Unisphere™ Service Manager
(USM). The USM is available from the EMC Online Support website. If you are not running
the latest version of the USM, we recommend that you download and install the latest
version as described in this guide.
The Unisphere Service Manager (USM) must run on a Windows host or Windows virtual
machine that is:
l Running a supported operating system version. For supported versions, refer to the
EMC Unisphere Service Manager Release Notes, which are available on the EMC Online
Support website.
l Connected to the Internet and able to communicate with the management ports on
the storage sytsem if you need to install the USM and/or download software updates.
l Running a supported Java Runtime Environment (JRE). For supported JRE versions,
refer to the EMC Unisphere Service Manager Release Notes.

Handling replaceable units

This section describes the precautions that you must take and the general procedures
that you must follow when removing, installing, and storing any replaceable unit. The
procedures in this section apply to replaceable unit handling during hardware upgrades
as well as during general replacement.

Avoiding electrostatic discharge (ESD) damage

When replacing or installing hardware units, you can inadvertently damage the sensitive
electronic circuits in the equipment by simply touching them. Electrostatic charge that
has accumulated on your body discharges through the circuits.
Read and understand the following instructions:
l Provide enough room to work on the equipment.
l Clear the work site of any unnecessary materials or materials that naturally build up
electrostatic charge, such as foam packaging, foam cups, cellophane wrappers, and
similar items.
l Do not remove replacement or upgrade units from their antistatic packaging until you
are ready to install them.
l Gather the ESD kit and all other materials before servicing any units.
l After servicing begins, avoid moving away from the work site; otherwise, you might
build up an electrostatic charge.
l Use the ESD kit when handling any units.
l If an emergency arises and the ESD kit is not available, follow the procedures in
Emergency procedures (without an ESD kit) on page 3

Add a 2U or 3U Disk-Array Enclosure

l Use the ESD wristband that is supplied with the server.

l To use it, attach the clip of the ESD wristband (strap) to any bare (unpainted) metal
on the cabinet or enclosure, and then put the wristband around your wrist with the
metal button against your skin.

Emergency procedures (without an ESD kit)

In an emergency when an ESD kit is not available, use the following procedures to reduce
the possibility of an electrostatic discharge by ensuring that your body and the
subassembly are at the same electrostatic potential.


These procedures are not a substitute for the use of an ESD kit. Follow them only in the
event of an emergency.
l Before touching any unit, touch a bare (unpainted) metal surface of the enclosure.
l Before removing any unit from its antistatic bag, place one hand firmly on a bare
metal surface of the enclosure, and at the same time, pick up the unit while it is still
sealed in the antistatic bag. Once you have done this, do not move around the room
or touch other furnishings, personnel, or surfaces until you have installed the unit
l When you remove a unit from the antistatic bag, avoid touching any electronic
components and circuits on it.
l If you must move around the room or touch other surfaces before installing a unit,
first place the unit back in the antistatic bag. When you are ready again to install the
unit, repeat these procedures.

Removing, installing, or storing CRUs

Use the following precautions when removing, handling, or storing CRUs:
l Do not remove a faulty CRU from the cabinet until you have the replacement
l Handle a CRU only when wearing an ESD wristband (strap).
n Attach the clip of the ESD wristband to the ESD bracket or bare metal on a cabinet
n Wrap the ESD wristband around your wrist with the metal button against your
l Handle a CRU gently. A sudden jar, drop, or vibration can permanently damage some
l Never use excessive force to remove or install a CRU. Take time to read the
instructions carefully.


For a module that must be installed into a slot in an enclosure, examine the rear
connectors on the module for any damage before attempting its installation.
l Store a CRU in the antistatic bag and the specially designed shipping container in
which you received it. Use the antistatic bag and special shipping container when you
need to return the CRU.

Handling replaceable units 3


A sudden jar, drop, or even a moderate vibration can permanently damage some
sensitive FRUs.


Some CRUs have the majority of their weight in the rear of the component. Ensure that
the back end of the CRU is supported while installing or removing it. Dropping a CRU
could result in personal injury or damage to the equipment.

Prepare for the upgrade

Before you begin this upgrade, EMC recommends that you perform a few preparation


When Data at Rest Encryption is enabled, only drives that meet at least one of these
requirements can be used:
l Factory new drives
l Securely erased/sanitized drives
l Previously encrypted drives

l Review the upgrade procedure -- To prevent errors and save time, please read through
the entire upgrade procedure at least once.
l Unpack and inspect the upgrade -- The shipping package for the upgrade is designed
to reduce the possibility of product damage associated with routine material
handling experienced during shipment. To reduce the potential damage to the
product, transport the upgrade in its original EMC packaging. Failure to do so may
result in damage to the upgrade. Also, do not remove the upgrade from its shipping
container until you are ready to install it.


Do not discard the packaging materials used in shipping your upgrade. You will need
the packaging materials in the future if you move or ship you upgrade.

Handling disks
Disks are extremely sensitive electronic components. Always handle a disk gently, and
observe the following guidelines:
l Follow the instructions in the section on handling replaceable units in this document.
l Always wear a properly attached ESD wristband when removing or replacing a disk.
l Avoid touching any exposed electronic components and circuits on the disk.
l Disks are sensitive to the extreme temperatures sometimes encountered during
shipping. We recommend that you leave new disks in their shipping material, and
expose the package to ambient temperature for at least four hours before attempting
to use the new disks in your storage system.
l Do not remove a faulty disk until you have a replacement disk (with the same part
number or the part number of an approved replacement for the disk). The part
number (PN005xxxxxx) appears on the disk. A replacement disk should be the same

Add a 2U or 3U Disk-Array Enclosure

type (SAS, SATA, FLASH) and have the same capacity (size and speed) as the disk it is
l When removing a disk, pull the disk partially out of the slot, then wait 30 seconds for
the drive to spin down before removing it.
l When installing multiple disks in a powered up system, wait at least 10 seconds
before sliding the next disk into position.
l Place disks on a soft, antistatic surface, such as an industry-standard antistatic foam
pad or the container used to ship the disk. Never place a disk directly on a hard
l Never hit disks, stack disks, or allow them to tip over or fall.

VNX disk and disk array enclosure limits

Refer to the table below to view the limitations around count of system disks and DAEs.
Your VNX can be upgraded with expansion disks and/or disk array enclosures, unless it
was installed with the maximum number of disks allowed. Refer to the following table to
see the limitations associated with your VNX system.


The DAE limits noted here refer to the maximum number of DAEs of a single type you
would need to install to reach a system's disk drive limitation. For example, the VNX5800
can contain a maximum of 750 disks thus it would take twenty nine 25-drive DAEs to
reach the 750 drive limit. EMC allows for mixed DAE types to be installed within the same
system; in these cases your total number of DAE would differ, but never exceed, the limits
listed below.

Table 1 VNX disk and DAE limits

Disk drives (2.5" or 3.5") DAE limits by type

VNX Minimum Maximum 15-drive 25-drive 60-drive

system number of number of DAE (DAE6s) DAE (DAE5s) DAE (DAE7s)
drives drives
VNX5800 4 750 48 29 12


These limits listed for your VNX reflect the current hardware limits supported by the latest
VNX operating environments (OEs).

Installing the upgrade

Before you begin
Ensure that you have completed all of the preparation tasks presented earlier in this

Downloading and installing the Unisphere Service Manager

If you do not already have USM installed on your Windows management station,
download and install the latest version:

VNX disk and disk array enclosure limits 5

1. From the, select your system > Downloads.
The Downloads page appears.
2. From download list, select the Unisphere Service Manager link and save the software
to your host or management station.
3. In the folder where you saved the USM, double-click the executable (.exe) file.
4. Follow the instructions that appear.
5. When the installation is complete, click Done.
Unisphere Service Manager opens.
6. Click Login.
7. Connect to your system by entering the host name or IP address and click Connect.

Running the Disk-Array Enclosure Installation wizard

1. Start the Unisphere Service Manager by doing either one of the following:
l Click the Unisphere Service Manager icon on your desktop, or
l Select Start > All Programs or Start > Programs, then select EMC > Unisphere >
Unisphere Service Manager > Unisphere Service Manager.
2. Log in to your system.
3. From the System screen, select Hardware > Hardware Installation > Install Disk Array
4. Follow the instructions that appear, and be sure to click View Instructions on the
Installation Instructions page.

Verify the new component

Follow the tasks presented below to verify the functionality of the newly installed

Verifying the operation of the new disk or DAE with Unisphere

1. Start Unisphere® for the storage system by entering the IP address of one SP in the
storage system.
2. In the systems drop-down list on the menu bar, select the storage system in which you
installed the new disk or DAE.
3. Select System > Hardware > Storage Hardware.
4. Expand the enclosure in which you installed the new disk or expand the new DAE.
5. Verify that the new disk or new DAE and the disks that the new DAE contains appear
and are not faulted.

Checking the system for faulted hardware

Follow the steps below to verify the status of the system's hardware components.

Add a 2U or 3U Disk-Array Enclosure

Checking system status

From the open terminal emulation session, view the system state:
# /nas/bin/nas_checkup
The nas_checkup command runs health checks on the File components as well as the
storage system. If the output of the nas_checkup command indicates any Errors (for
example, if a check does not pass), correct the error, following the instructions provided,
and then re-run the command before continuing.


It is not required that you correct the Warnings or Information notifications at this time,
though it is recommended that these notifications be reviewed.

Running the Verify Storage System wizard

Use the Verify Storage System wizard to perform a health check on the storage system.
1. Start the Unisphere Service Manager by doing either one of the following:
l Click the Unisphere Service Manager icon on your desktop
l Select Start > All Programs or Start > Programs, then select EMC > Unisphere
Service Manager > Unisphere Service Manager
l From the System screen in Unisphere, click Launch USM in the right-hand taskbar
located under Service Tasks

2. Log in to your system.

3. From the System screen, select Diagnostics > Verify Storage System to run the storage
system health check wizard.

Your comments
Your suggestions will help us continue to improve the accuracy, organization, and overall
quality of the user publications.
Please send your opinion of this document to:

Your comments 7
Copyright © 2011-2014 EMC Corporation . All rights reserved. Published in USA.

Published November, 2014

EMC believes the information in this publication is accurate as of its publication date. The information is subject to change without

The information in this publication is provided as is. EMC Corporation makes no representations or warranties of any kind with
respect to the information in this publication, and specifically disclaims implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a
particular purpose. Use, copying, and distribution of any EMC software described in this publication requires an applicable software

EMC², EMC, and the EMC logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of EMC Corporation in the United States and other countries.
All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners.

For the most up-to-date regulatory document for your product line, go to EMC Online Support (

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