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Read the passage below and answer the questions!

Isaac Newton was a shy and quiet boy growing up on a farm in England a long time ago. He was
not a very exceptional student. He enjoyed spending much of his time making contraptions,
such as a windmill used to grind grains, a clock which was powered by water and other various
inventions. As a result, he did very poorly at school. His teacher described him as ‘idle’ and
‘inattentive’. Nobody paid much attention to him. Nobody that was, except the school bully.
One day the bully punched Isaac in the stomach. That hurt him and that got Isaac very mad. He
pulled himself up immediately and fought back. Isaac pushed the bully onto the ground and
rubbed his face in the mud. All the other kids hated the bully, came and cheered for Isaac.
Isaac had taught the bully a lesson, but he wasn’t satisfied with that. Now that he knew he could
fight better than the bully, he wanted to prove that he could do anything better than the bully. He
started paying attention at school and studied hard. He was soon top of his class, proving he was
smarter than the bully too.
Isaac Newton kept on studying and when he was old enough, he became a maths professor at
Cambridge University. He discovered lots of important things and is one of the most famous
scientists who ever lived.

It should be remembered that, because somebody has difficulty at school doesn’t mean they are
stupid. Isaac Newton proved that!

1. The social function of the text is to ....

A. persuade the readers to be like Isaac Newton
B. explain how Isaac Newton became a professor
C. tell the readers how Isaac Newton did better than the bully
D. demonstrate the treatment done by Isaac’s teacher
E. convince the readers that Isaac Newton is the famous scientists

2. How did Isaac prove that he is better than the Bully?

A. He supported the bully.
B. He paid attention and studied hard at school.
C. He appreciated the bully.
D. He pushed the bully onto the ground.
E. He made the bully a smart student.

3. From the text, we know that Isaac Newton ….

A. was a bully
B. was a lazy student
C. was a teacher
D. was not a smart student
E. was a math professor

4. He wanted to prove that he could do anything better than the bully. …, he started
paying attention at school and studied hard.
The suitable conjunction for the clause above is ....
A. In order that
B. Beside
C. Since
D. Thus
E. Yet

Read the passage below and answer the questions!

My First Experience
By Faricharahma

Last year, when I was eighteen years old, my eldest brother bought a new city car. I wanted to
know how to drive it. I tried to persuade him to teach me to drive his car, but was not surprised
when he refused my request. He promised that he would teach me how to drive in three or four
years, but I still whined and whimpered. Finally, after a lot of whining, and way before the allotted
number of years, my brother finally granted my request and offered to teach me how to drive.
Three days
later, my brother and I went to the field so I could start my lessons. My brother patiently instructed
me through the steps. I was very nervous because that was my first time to drive.

After a week`s lesson, my family and I visited my grandmother in Bandung, about four hours from
our place. I was alone at home and realised that I had an opportunity to drive the car on my own. I
drove confidently for about 6 km, but then I got nervous and I lost control of the car. The street I
was driving on was so narrow that one single momentary lapse caused the car to crash against the
wall. I had to call my brother to tell him about the accident. I imagined my brother would be angry
because I hadn`t asked for his permission, but the reality was exactly the opposite: my brother was
concerned and not angry at all. He told me how to repair the situation and I promised I would
never ever take his car without permission anymore.

Adapted from "My First Experience to Drive a Car" by Faricharahma. Recount Text

5. Why did the writer think his brother would be angry with him?
A. He had begged him to drive his new city car.
B. He had gotten into an accident while driving the city car.
C. He had not paid attention while learning how to drive the car.
D. He had not asked for his brother`s permission to drive his car.
E. He had not asked for his parents` permission to drive their car.

6. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. The writer was too nervous to drive a car.
B. The writer`s oldest brother bought a new city car.
C. The writer`s parents went to Bandung for a day trip.
D. The writer got into an accident while driving his brother`s car.
E. The writer`s brother refused to teach the writer how to drive a car.

7. What did the writer do to make his brother allow him to drive his car?
A. He stayed away from his brother.
B. He cursed his brother a lot.
C. He worked hard.
D. He ran away from home.
E. He grumbled a lot.

8. My brother finally granted my request … a lot of whining that I had. Which one the
following completes the sentence?
A. because
B. however
C. moreover
D. despite of
E. because of

Read the passage below and answer the questions!

STEP 1 Purchase a ticket. The easiest way to search multiple dates and flight times is to search for
your flight ticket online.

STEP 2 Gather photo identification.

STEP 3 Ensure that your luggage meets airline requirements.

STEP 4 Pack your carry-on bag carefully.

STEP 5 Arrive at the airport early. For your first time traveling on an airplane, allow extra time to
make it through the airport and familiarize yourself with the process.

STEP 6 Check in at the airline desk. Have your photo identification ready to present to the agent.

STEP 7 Go through security. Once you are at the screening machines, take off your shoes and
jacket and place them into a plastic bin. Wait for an agent to wave you through the metal detector
and walk through.

STEP 8 Find your gate. Follow the signs to get to your gate and have a seat until a gate agent calls

for boarding.

Adapted from:

9. What is the objective of the text?

A. To revise existing airport procedure.
B. To help first-timers with airport procedure.
C. To describe recent situation in many airports.
D. To entertain first-time travellers at airports.
E. To encourage people to travel by air.

10. How does the text likely benefit the readers?

A. It helps the readers deal with airline desk check.
B. It describes essential steps to travel by air.
C. It makes the readers believe that travel by air is safe.
D. It helps the readers with their photo identification.
E. It informs the readers about metal detector check.

11. According to the text, how can we familiarize ourselves with the airport situation?
A. Buy the ticket online.
B. Carry your luggage carefully.
C. Prepare your photos in advance.
D. Check your flight schedule.
E. Arrive at the airport early.

12. Make extra time to make it through the airport if you are ... first-timer. Which
of the following correctly complete the sentence?
A. the
B. this
C. an
D. that
E. a

Read the passage below and answer the question!

Drug users are actually ill people who need to be helped. Rehabilitation is one of the main things
that they should get. Instead of punishing and stacking them in prisons which are getting full, the
government should provide rehabilitation for them.

Most users are actually victims of persuasive peddlers and they suffer from consuming the drugs.
Therefore, by rehabilitating them, we are actually helping them out of a trap, which they might
accidentally step on. They then, can start a normal life again. On the other hand, if we only arrest
drug users and send them to jail, it does not solve the problem because the drug users will still be
addicts unless being properly treated. Jails will be filled up with drug users. Moreover, the users will
still be users after released from prison. They, then, will be arrested again.

Providing rehabilitating programs for drug users and forcing them to participate on the programs
is better than only arresting them and doing nothing on their illness. Moreover, the prison will
not be so full and packed up with users. Only drug dealers, traffickers, and wholesalers should be
imprisoned instead.

Taken from Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students XI

13. What does the writer want to expose to the readers?

A. The negative impacts of drugs.
B. The best punishment for drug users.
C. The importance of rehabilitation for drug users.
D. The differences between drug users and criminals.
E. The rehabilitation facilities provided for drug users.

14. What do the readers learn from the text?

A. Peddlers cannot persuade drug users to be addicted.
B. Police need to arrest drug users regularly everyday.
C. Drug dealers should receive help from the government.
D. Drug users should not be treated as victims.
E. Rehabilitation programs can help drugs users to live a normal life.

15. What should the government do to help drug users?

A. Provide them with rehabilitation.
B. Stack them into a prison.
C. Cut their contact with drug sellers.
D. Build a special prison for them.
E. Give them doctors and free medicine.

16. Most users are actually victims of persuasive peddlers and they suffer from consuming
the drugs (Paragraph 2). The underlined words can be replaced by ....
A. are affected by
B. are related to
C. are infected with
D. are interested in
E. are worried about

Read the text and answer the question.

The World Wide Web, the WWW or the Web refers to an information space where documents and
other web resources are identified by Uniform Resource Locators (URLs), interlinked by hypertext
links, and can be accessed via the Internet. It was invented by the English scientist Tim Berners-Lee
in 1989. After doing his A Levels at Emanuel School, he went to Queen’s College, Oxford University,
where he received a first-class degree in physics. He wrote the first web browser computer
program in 1990. The World Wide Web has been central to the development of the Information
Age and is
the primary tool billions of people use to interact on the Internet.

Web pages are primarily text documents formatted and annotated with Hypertext Markup
Language (HTML). In addition to formatted text, web pages may contain images, video, audio, and
software components that are rendered in the user`s web browser as coherent pages of
multimedia content. Embedded hyperlinks permit users to navigate between web pages. Multiple
web pages with a common domain name make up a website. Website content can largely be
provided by the publisher or by users who contribute content online.

Recently, many people have criticized today`s misuse of the web. The inventor of the World Wide
Web, Tim Berners-Lee himself has warned of the dangers of the Internet. According to him, the
has become a tool in the hand of the powerful to get what they want. For example, he warns that fake
news is disseminated not only to generate a lot of money but also to attempt to manipulate people`s
opinion . Another worry was the gross invasion of privacy. Tim Berners-Lee is also concerned about
governments` misuse of the Internet to collect personal data to manipulate or oppress people.

17. What does the writer mainly focus on?

A. General definition of WEB and bad impacts of WEB use
B. General definition of WEB and good impacts of WEB use
C. Neither positive nor negative contribution of WEB
D. Both positive and negative people intention to use WEB
E. Description of WEB chronological development

18. How does the second paragraph relate to the first paragraph based on the passage
above? The second paragraph….
A. shows about the WEB development as introduced in the first paragraph
B. compares the content of WEB which is described in the first paragraph
C. explains about WEB definition as introduced in the first paragraph in detail
D. argues about the benefit of WEB for people as stated in the previous paragraph
E. states the history of WEB development to support the first paragraph

19. The underlined word It in paragraph one refers to ….

A. hypertext links

B. internet



E. an information space

20. The underlined wor permit in paragraph two can be replaced with the word ….
A. Help
B. Enable
C. Require
D. Inquire
E. Demand

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