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1. Where and when Imam Hasan (as) born?

In Madina on 15th Ramdhan

2. Who is the father of Imam Hasan?

Imam Ali

3. Who is the mother of Imam Hasan?

Bibi Fatema Zahra (sa)

4. What is the title of Imam Hasan?


5. Imam Hasan and Hussain together called ________


6. According to Holy Prophet Imam Hasan and Imam Husain together are the _________

“Abnaa’ana” which means our sons.

7. Who are the loving sisters of Imam Hasan?

Bibi Zainab and Bibi Umme Kulsoom

8. Who was the evil tyrant or ruler at the time of Imam Hasan?


9. Who gave poison to Imam Hasan?

His wife Ju’da bint Ash’ath

10. When and where Imam Hasan was martyrdom?

In Madina on 28th Safar

11. Which surah is recommended to recite in Suhoor (Shehri) and Iftar?

Surah Qadr

12. The nights of Shab e Qadr are _______?

19th, 21st and 23rd Ramdhan

13. According to the sermon of Holy prophet (saw), “O People the month of Allah (swt) has
come upon you with ___________?

Blessings, Mercy and Forgiveness

14. In the month of Ramdhan even our sleep is the act of ___________?


15. First day of month of Shawal is called ____________?

Eid al Fitr

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