Tle9 - Week 8 - April 22-26

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Daang Barrio, Poblacion 1, City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan

Contact Numbers: 0933-8551388
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(TLE 9)
A.Y. 2023 - 2024

Time: 12:30 TO 1:30 PM

Quarter: 4RT
Week #. 8 Day: Monday to Friday Date: April 22-26, 2024

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
● define difficult and challenging behavior;
● identify signs of difficult and challenging behavior;
● apply a response to difficult and challenging behavior
● demonstrate strategies in dealing with a person with challenging behavior; and
● plan safety and prepare oneself and others in responding to difficult behavior.


A: TOPIC: Responding Effectively to difficult or challenging behavior
B: Book: Integrated Learning and Living in the 21st Century
c1: White board, white board marker, board eraser
c2: Television, extension, hdmi, laptop,internet connection
c3: Realia Tools and equipments available
Daily routine
● Prayers
● Greetings
● Checking of classroom environment
● Checking of Attendance
● Checking of Assignment

A. Review
By asking the students.
1. How to apply a sterile dressing in the wound?
2. What are the don’ts when using dressings to your wound?
3. What did you learn in this performance?
Daang Barrio, Poblacion 1, City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan
Contact Numbers: 0933-8551388
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B. Motivation
The students will arrange the letter to create words.

C. Presentation of lesson
Book: Learning and Living in the 21st century on page 250 to 252
Definition of Difficult or Challenging Behavior
Difficult and challenging behaviors are defined as actions that detract the well-being of individuals due to
physical or psychological distress. The patients affected can be either the initiator of the acts or those in the
immediate surroundings
Identifying Difficult or Challenging Behavior
Due to illness, injury or disability, a patient's behavior becomes difficult to handle. Because of the emotional and
physical changes the patient is experiencing his/her personality and behavior may change. There are people
who usually have difficult personalities and may become even more difficult to please.
Due to unfavorable conditions, a patient may become sensitive, get easily irritated, may often complain, and
make unnecessary demands. These are situations when a patient may feel depressed and frustrated because
of the limitation and dependence he/she encounters due to illness or injury. This patient may deny the fact that
he/she is losing his/her independence and abilities.
There are patients who have chronic illnesses or disabilities and are more anxious than usual. They may worry
about small details about their medications, blood pressure, or blood sugar levels and may make constant or
unreasonable demands. They may also refuse to allow anyone but only their caregiver to do something for them
Common Challenging/Difficult Behaviors

Aggressive Forms of Challenging Non-Aggressive Forms of Challenging Behaviors


Hitting Apathy
Screaming Depression
Kicking Repetitive noise
Grabbing Repetitive questions
Nipping Making strange noise
Scratching Constant request for help.
Biting Eating/drinking excessively
Spitting Over-activity
Choking Pacing
Hair pulling General agitation
Throwing objects Trailing
Stabbing Inappropriate exposure of body parts
Swearing Masturbating in public areas
Daang Barrio, Poblacion 1, City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan
Contact Numbers: 0933-8551388
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Screaming Urinating in inappropriate places

Shouting Hoarding things
Physical sexual assault Hiding items
Verbal sexual advances Falling intentionally
Acts of self-harm Eating inappropriate substances

Applying Response to Difficult or Challenging Behavior

A right caregiver has a relatively good knowledge of the behavior of his/ her patient. The caregiver must be very
understanding and tolerant of the patient's behavior. He/She should adapt and adjust to the patient's behavior.
The caregiver should accept and understand the fact that the patient has the same needs as those who are
feeling well and healthy.
Remember that when caring for a patient after an illness or injury, one must address not only the physical needs
but also the psychological needs of the patient. There are situations when the patient feels depressed and
frustrated because of the limitations and dependence imposed by an illness or injury. Home care can encourage
a patient's sense of competence and independence by allowing him/her to make decisions for himself/herself,
even minor ones. The caregiver can ask the patient what he/she wants to do, how to get dressed, or what food
he/she likes to eat but with the consultation from the doctor.
Getting the patient involved in his/her own care reassures him/her that he is in control of his/her own life. This is
important at a time when much of his/her physical life may be severely altered or limited. If he/she is unable to
participate in his/her own treatment, the caregiver can help him/her exert some control over his/her life. The
treatment procedure can be mutually arranged between the patient and the caregiver.
Allowing patients to decide for themselves boosts their morale for fast recovery. This perspective is best
achieved at home, where the patient can gain confidence in his/her physical and mental abilities and learn to
cope with the limitations of his/her condition. In home care, the patient feels secured and private, and members
of his/her family can give their full attention and support. It also provides fewer restrictions on visitors.
Procedures in Dealing with Difficult or Challenging Behavior
The stress of an illness or disability can cause behavioral difficulties in a patient. If the caregiver cannot control
the patient's behavior, then he/she should control his/her response to it.
The following should be practiced by the caregiver in dealing with any type of difficult behavior from the patient:
1. Always remain calm and balanced.
2. Be patient.
3. Focus on difficult behavior, not on the patient.
4. Ask the patient for request and politeness in a nice way.
5. Practice gentle assertiveness and stand up for oneself to avoid resentment, hurt, and angry feelings.
Applying Strategies in Dealing with Difficult or Challenging Behavior
1. If a caregiver feels that he/she is being abused emotionally, verbally, or physically, he/she should get help
Daang Barrio, Poblacion 1, City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan
Contact Numbers: 0933-8551388
E-mail Address:

immediately. He/She should call the attending physician and ask what the medical reason for the difficult
behavior of the patient might be.
2. A caregiver should be patient and understanding when a patient who needs help refuses to accept it. When
establishing the patient's own care plan, he/she should try to involve the patient to understand how and when
he/she wants things to be done. The caregiver should tell the patient that he/she has the final say in deciding
about his/her care.
3. If the patient becomes easily irritated, angry, demanding, and always complaining, a caregiver should not take
it personally. The caregiver may ask the patient why he/she feels so bad and offer his/her help to make the
patient feel better. A caregiver should also respect the patient's demands even if they are petty demands but are
very important to him/ her.
4. A patient with anxious behavior may worry about the small details of his/her condition and medications. A
caregiver may use gentle touch to calm the patient and assure him/her that things are under control. The
caregiver may also give the patient some positive statements that
he/she can mention repeatedly. A caregiver should distract the patient's attention, so he/she can focus on
something else to stop the thoughts that cause anxiety.
5. If the patient has a disrespectful behavior, the caregiver should calm himself/herself. The caregiver may take
a deep and relaxing breath and let the patient know what he/she had done and how the caregiver felt. The
caregiver should set clear boundaries and tell the patient how he/ she wishes to be treated. He/She should ask
the patient what is wrong and listen to what the patient will say behind the disrespectful actions or words
Planning Safety and Preparing the Self and Others When Responding to Difficult or Challenging
The home caregiver should be conscious of his/her own self. He/She must onsider his/her safety and health
condition. He/She should be conscious of is/her own posture and body movements that minimize the strain on
joints and muscles and help to prevent fatigue.
There are several points to remember to avoid unnecessary stress on the
1. Maintain a wide base of support. Stand with your feet comfortably apart and with one foot forward.
2. Wear shoes that give your feet adequate support.
3. Maintain good posture: chest up, head erect, and muscles of the abdomen and buttocks tightened.
4. Use the muscles of your arms and legs and not your back when moving and lifting a heavy object.
5. Carry heavy objects close to your body to minimize strain.
6. Raise work surface to a sufficient height to reduce the need to stoop and bend. Stand as close as possible to
the work area,
7. When possible, try to push, pull, roll, or slide the patient (or heavy object) rather than lifting him/her (or it).
8. Get enough rest after exertion to prevent overfatigue or overstress.
Daang Barrio, Poblacion 1, City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan
Contact Numbers: 0933-8551388
E-mail Address:

D. Application/ Practice
In the book answer the following question on page 269-274.

Activity 1.
Conduct an online or face-to-face interview with a home caregiver ask him/her about the behaviors of his/her
patients. Ensure that any Information provide will be treated with strict confidentiality. Present the Interview and
discuss it in the class.
Activity 2
As a future caregiver, write an essay on how you are going to manage the challenges in caregiving. Post your
work on any social media platform. Gather some comments and share the feedback in the class.
Report and Review Incidents
When a patient already has a difficult personality, he/she may become even more difficult to handle due to the
injury or disability he/she is experiencing. Some of the possible causes of difficult behavior are side effects of
medications, dehydration, infection, depression, emotional stress, and anxiety.
If the behavior cannot be controlled, the caregiver should seek medical attention. Only qualified medical experts
will assess the reasons behind the patient's difficult behavior. This is especially important if an unusual behavior
comes on suddenly to the patient.
When the caregiver cannot control the patient's behavior, he/she should control himself, stay calm, and be
patient. He/She should find anything that will lessen the patient's behavioral difficulties.
In the book answer the following question on page 275 to 276.
A. Fill in the blanks 1-10
B. Underline the correct answer 1-15
C. Explain 1-2

Answer self assessment rating scale

*REMARKS: (Comments and recommendation)

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