Help With Calc Designer

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Hi Daniel

This is because the library file the interface is specified to build to is ‘Work Test 2.lbr’…

…while Interface item in your Autocalc logic is from the library file ‘Working Platforms for Tracked Plant.lbr’

Specify the correct Libfile for your interface item.

Hi Daniel

I am not sure on what the equation here should be, it appears that you are mixing degrees and radians. Tedds
expects all angles with the trig functions to be in degrees as per the maths fucntions, please see below.
Returns the tangent of the given angle.
Tan( number )
number is the angle in degrees for which you want the tangent.
tan(45) = 1.000

To correct this you need to place in all units in the formula as degrees and convert to radians at the end of the

Why is it that when the formula is put in tedds I get this:

Friction; Fp = 40 

Ngp = 2  TAN(Fp (1 + (EXP (TAN ( Fp / 180 * )) * (TAN (/ 4 + Fp/ 180  / 2)2))) = 1.679

However in excel when I enter the formula I get:

=2*TAN(F23/180*PI())*(1+(EXP(PI()*TAN(F23/180*PI()))*(TAN(PI()/4+F23/180*PI()/2)^2))) = 109 using the same


Hi Daniel
The Tan formula is working correctly as far as I can tell. See the attached example.

Check the value that is stored in the variables list for Fp in your document.

I don’t think the function is working right, checking it against my calculator TAN doesn’t work, I broke down the
calculation to demonstrate

Friction; Fp = 40 

Ngp = 2  TAN(Fp0.024

 (1 + (EXP (TAN ( Fp / 180 * )) * (TAN (/ 4 + Fp/ 180  / 2)2)))

Hi Daniel
This is an odd one – it is occurring because some of the text after the final bracket is in the ‘Symbol’ font including
the ‘=’ sign an some spaces

You can see this by putting the cursor there and looking at the font in the Ribbon – see below
 Delete everything after the last bracket ‘)’
 Make sure the font is not ‘Symbol’ – it should be Arial if you are using the default Tedds template
 Now type in the rest of the equation ‘ = ?f2’

This is what I’ve done for the ‘working’ line of the attached.


The equation still gives the error:

F is user defined by: ;Friction; F = 80.0 ;

Hi Daniel
Please see below for comments/answers


How do I get this calculation to work as I built it in excel at first and tried re-making it in CSC tedds but it doesn’t

;Granular; Nqs = 2  TAN (F / 180   1 + (EXP (TAN ( F / 180 * )) * (TAN (/ 4 + F/ 180  / 2)2)))?
F2<Error: unrecognised unit 'F2'>

Firstly try deleting the characters ‘?f2’ after the final ‘=’ sign. I can see that the ‘?’ is a field not text. Then type in
‘?f2’ with no space between the characters
If this does not work, please provide the full definition of the variable ‘F’ so I can produce an example of the
equation working

Because it’s such a long calculation is there any way to hide the calculation and jut give the name and answer with

Yes, use the Word hidden text font format – this is just a Word feature and nothing specific to Tedds per se

Another calculation I’m a bit confused with is


Sorry, I don’t understand – this is not a calculation, just a number.

You can write small numbers in Tedds like this:

2.9 *10-8

See the attached example document

How do you write really small numbers?

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