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Elements and Instructional What is it?

Explain the relation for the

Design. decision in relation to the
ASSURE model?

1. Lesson Topic: Understanding the water Relation to ASSURE: The

cycle analysis phase in
instructional design aligns
with the first step of the
ASSURE model, which
involves analyzing learners to
determine their
characteristics, needs, and
prior knowledge. This
informs decisions about
selecting appropriate
materials and technology

2. Subject Area: Science Relation to ASSURE: The

subject area decision
corresponds to the first step
of the ASSURE model, which
involves analyzing learners
and identifying the subject
area to be addressed in the

3. Levels of Learners Middle school students Relation to ASSURE:

Determining the levels of
learners is crucial in selecting
appropriate instructional
strategies, materials, and
technology tools that match
the learners' developmental
stages and learning needs,
aligning with the analysis
phase of the ASSURE model.

4. Duration. 60 minutes Relation to ASSURE:

Determining the duration of
the lesson is essential for
planning and sequencing
learning activities effectively.
This decision corresponds to
the utilization phase of the
ASSURE model, where
educators organize and
sequence instructional
activities within the allotted
time frame.
5. Learning Outcomes Students will be able to
describe the stages of the Relation to ASSURE: Setting
water cycle and explain the clear learning outcomes
processes involved. guides the selection of
appropriate instructional
strategies, materials, and
assessment activities. This
decision aligns with the
utilization phase of the
ASSURE model, where
educators ensure that
learning activities are aligned
with desired outcomes.

6. Materials and Textbooks, diagrams of the Relation to ASSURE:

Technology tools water cycle, interactive digital Choosing relevant materials
simulations, video clips, and technology tools is
whiteboard and markers. crucial for engaging learners
and facilitating learning. This
decision corresponds to the
selection phase of the
ASSURE model, where
educators identify and gather
instructional resources to
support the lesson.

7. Learning Activities Introduction to the water Relation to ASSURE:

cycle with a brief discussion, Designing learning activities
viewing of a video explaining involves selecting
the water cycle, hands-on instructional strategies and
activity where students create organizing tasks to actively
their own water cycle engage learners in the
diagrams, interactive digital learning process. This
simulation allowing students decision aligns with the
to explore the water cycle utilization phase of the
processes, group discussion ASSURE model, where
to reinforce learning. educators implement
instructional activities to
support learning

8. Assessment Activities Formative assessment Relation to ASSURE:

through observation of Designing assessment
student participation and activities involves selecting
engagement during activities, appropriate tools and
summative assessment strategies for evaluating
through a short quiz or student learning and
written reflection at the end providing feedback. This
of the lesson to assess decision corresponds to the
students' understanding of evaluation phase of the
the water cycle concepts. ASSURE model, where
educators assess student
performance and adjust
instruction as needed to
support learning.

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