Report3 1180734 Exp5

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Faculty of Engineering and Information

Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics
Thermal Fluid Lab
EXP# 5

“Reciprocating Compressor”

Student’s Name: Mohammad Qadi Student’s number: 1180734

Partner’s Name: Ahmad Jubara Student’s number: 1180356
Partner’s Name: Rawhi Mansour Student’s number: 1162902
Partner’s Name: Judah Sleibi Student’s number: 1180678

Section: 1
Date of experiment: Wednesday, June 7, 2023
Date of report: Wednesday, June 14, 2023
Instructor: Dr. Sameh Abu Awad TA: Eng. Yousef Hussein
Table of Contents
1 Abstract:....................................................................................................................................1
2 Objectives:................................................................................................................................2
3 Sample calculation:...................................................................................................................3
4 Results:.....................................................................................................................................6
I. Tables:...................................................................................................................................6
5 Discussion of results:................................................................................................................7
6 Conclusion:...............................................................................................................................9
7 Appendix:...............................................................................................................................10
II. The data sheet of the experiment that show reading of the temperature:.......................10
III. PV diagrams of the first compression stage for third run:..............................................11
8 References:.............................................................................................................................12

Table of figures:
Figure 7-1: Data sheet that show the measured data.....................................................................10

Table of tables:
Table 1: Motor rotational speed (rpm), (W1),W2:-Compressor speed (rpm), air temperature of
the inlet compressor port oC (T1), air temperature of the first outlet compressor port oC (bar)
(T2), air temperature of the second inlet compressor port oC (T3), air temperature of the second
outlet compressor port oC (T4), Cooler temperature oC (T5) ambient temperature oC (Ta), air
flow rate (l/min) (Q), air humidity of the atmosphere (H1), air humidity of the second outlet port
(H2), Total power (KW), inlet atmosphere temperature oC (Tin), outlet temperature oC (Tout),
air pressure of the first outlet port (bar) (P1) and air pressure of the second outlet port (P2).........6
Table 2: It shows the pressure (bar), volumetric %, Clearance Volume%, Intake Volume, Intake
Pressure, Exhaust Volume, Exhaust Pressure, compression ratio, n, T2s, specific work, power,
experimental volumetric, for the two stages....................................................................................6
1 Abstract:
The aim of this experiment is to study the reciprocator compressor and differentiate with the
one stage compressor, also to knowing which has better efficiency and lesser work need to do on
it. Although to apply the change of volume to result a pressure on this type of compressor.
The reciprocator compressor has two stages to produce a compressed air, and there a cooler
to cooling the outlet compressed air from the first stage. Also, there many temperature sensors to
measure each stage temperature inlet and outlet.
Finally, the efficiency theoretical and practical were calculated with other variables of this
compressor that needs to knowing, as swept (0.0427 l) and clearance volume (0.0015 l),
polytropic index (1.26) and specific work (545052.31 J/kg).

2 Objectives:
The aim of this experiment is to:
1) Distinguish different types of compressors.
2) Examine parts of a reciprocating compressor.
3) To measure air flow rate, pressure rise, power of a compressor.
4) Analyze p-v diagram of a single and a two stages compressor.
5) Measure volumetric, mechanical and isentropic efficiency of compressor.
6) Study the effect of compression ratio on performance.
7) First law analysis of compressor.
8) Operate a two stages compressor.
9) Study the effect of inter cooling on compressor performance.
10) Thermodynamic analysis of stored air (ideal gas and real gas).
11) Study the effect of rpm on compressor performance.
3 Sample calculation:

All these calculations applied on the 3rd turn in table (1) as following:

 Swept Volume
π 2
V s= × d × l
d : diameter
l : length
π 2 3
V s = × 0.09 ×6.72=0.04 m

 Clearance Volume
V c= ×V S
C : it’s the measured V % at end of the exhaust stroke =3.5 %
0.035 3
V c= ×0.04=0.00145 m

 Total Volume
V T =V s +V c=0.06145 m

 Intake Volume
V intake =( V 2 −V 1 ) % ×V T
V intake =( 105−24.2 ) % ×0.04145=0.033 m
 Exhaust Volume
40.7−3.5 3
V exhaust =( V 4 −V 3 ) % ×V T = × 0.04145=0.015 m

 Compression ratio ¿ +1
V s : Swept Volume
V c : Clearance Volume
Compression ratio ¿ +1=28.6

( )
ln ( )
 Polytropic index n ¿ 1−
ln 1
T 1: First Stage compressed air Temperature (Kelvin)
T 2: Second Stage compressed air Temperature (Kelvin)
P1: intake stroke pressure (bar)

( )
ln ( )
P2: exhaust stroke pressure (bar) Polytropic index n= 1− =0.893
 Specific heats
c p=1009.02+ 0.1523× ( T +T2 )
1 2

c p=1009.02+ 0.1523×( (23+273.15)+(80+

c =720.13 +0.1523 ×(
2 )
T +T 1 2

c =720.13 +0.1523 ×( )=769.57


c x =n ×c v −
c x =0.893 ×769.57− =10579.4
 Enthalpy absorbed in compression
∆ h=c p ×(T 2−T 1 )
∆ h=1058.46 × ( 80−23 )=60.332 kJ
kJ :kilo jouls
 Heat exchange in compression
q=c x ×(T 2−T 1 )
q=10579.4 × ( 80−23 )=603.02 kJ
 Specific work
w=(c x −c p )×(T 2−T 1)
w=( 10579.4−1058.46 ) ×(80−23)=542.69 kJ

 Mass flow rate

Po × Q̇ × M
R × Ta

ṁ= = 0.174 kg/min
ṁ= Air mass flow rate .
Po = the suction pressure in kPa. Po = 99kpa

Q̇ = the volume flow rate in l/min =148 l/min

M= the molecular mass of air, M = 28.96
R= the universal constant of gas, R= 8.3145 J/kg.K
Ta= the ambient temperature in kelvin = 293.15 Kelvin

w × ṁ
 Compression Power P ¿

P¿ =1.57 kilo−watt

w=542.69 kJ

 Volumetric Efficiency

Theoretical Volumetric Efficiency

( )
P2 n
η voltheo=1+c – [c × ]

( ( ) )
3.5 3.5 3.5
η volumetheo =1+ − ∗ 0.893
100 100 0.8

η voltheo: Theoretical volumetric efficiency

𝑐: The percentage clearance volume,
P2/P1: The compression ratio.
𝑛: The Polytropic index.

Experimental Volumetric Efficiency

V intake 0.033
η volExper .= = =0.825
Vs 0.04
 Heat Exchange in intercooler
Qcool= ṁ× c p ×(T 3 −T 2 )
Qcool=|0.174 ×1058.64 × ( 24−80 )|=10.315 kilo−Joul
4 Results:
I. Tables:
Table 1: Motor rotational speed (rpm), (W1),W2:-Compressor speed (rpm), air temperature of the inlet compressor port oC (T1), air
temperature of the first outlet compressor port oC (bar) (T2), air temperature of the second inlet compressor port oC (T3), air
temperature of the second outlet compressor port oC (T4), Cooler temperature oC (T5) ambient temperature oC (Ta), air flow rate
(l/min) (Q), air humidity of the atmosphere (H1), air humidity of the second outlet port (H2), Total power (KW), inlet atmosphere
temperature oC (Tin), outlet temperature oC (Tout), air pressure of the first outlet port (bar) (P1) and air pressure of the second outlet
port (P2).

W1 W2 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 Ta Tin Tout P1 P2 Q H1 H2 Total power mass flow

(rpm) (rpm) (C) (C) (C) (C) (C) (C) (C) (C) (bar) (bar)(l/min) kw rate (kg/min)
Full speed(1500 500 19 49 19 21 20.1 20.7 20.3 19.6 1.6 0.0 148 45 49 1.4 0.174
open exaust valve( 1 turn) 500 20 66 21 26 20.3 21.5 20.3 18.2 2.0 3.8 154 44 64 1.5 0.180
open exaust valve( 2 turn) 500 22 75 23 31 20.6 21.9 20.2 19.0 2.1 4.3 150 43 41 1.5 0.175
open exaust valve( 3 turn) 500 23 80 24 32 20.7 22.1 20,2 19.3 2.2 5.2 148 43 28 1.4 0.173
open exaust valve( 4 turn) 500 24 84 25 38 21.0 22.3 20.2 19.6 2.3 6.2 148 43 25 1.4 0.173

Table 2: It shows the pressure (bar), volumetric %, Clearance Volume%, Intake Volume, Intake Pressure, Exhaust Volume, Exhaust
Pressure, compression ratio, n, T2s, specific work, power, experimental volumetric, for the two stages.

No. of stages 1st stage 2nd stage

start end start end
Intake Stroke (mm) P(bar) V% P(bar) V% P(bar) V% P(bar) V%
0.80 24.20 0.80 105.00 2.40 14.70 2.40 100.20
Exhaust Stroke (mm) 3.50 40.70 3.50 3.50 5.30 55.50 5.30 3.70
C (l) 0.035 0.037
Intake Volume (l) 0.033 0.035
Intake Pressure (bar) 0.80 2.40
Exhaust Volume (l) 0.015 0.021
Exhaust Pressure (bar) 3.50 5.30
swept volume (Vs) 0.0427 0.0132
Clearance Volume (Vc) 0.0015 0.0005
Total volume (VT) 0.0443 0.0137
compretion ratio (CR) 28.57 27.03
Polytropic index (n) 1.26 1.03
Cp (J/kg.k) 1058.46 1058.46
Cv (J/kg.k) 769.57 769.57
Cx (J/kg.k) 10620.79 178249.23
delta h (J/kg) 60332.46 60332.46
Specific heat q (J/kg) 605384.77 10160206.38
specific work w (J/kg) 545052.31 10099873.92
comprition power p(watt) 1570.21 29096.06
effectioncy theoratic 0.85 0.95
effectioncy practical 0.78 2.69
Compressor displacement (V') 190.76 58.88
Q cool (J/kg) 10245.51 10245.51
5 Discussion of results:

As showing in the table (1), that the speed (w2) almost fixed at 500 rpm and the full speed of w1
is 1500 rpm, also this experiment was retained for 4 turns.
The temperature of the inlet ad the outlet for the two stages was recorded, its clear that the inlet
temperature of the two stages were the same approximately, that’s because the outlet of the first
stage going to cooler then retain to the second stage; that’s to reduce the volume of the air and to
get cooling final compressed air.
The pressure and the volume were measured from the cycle curves in the fig from the III
The inlet air temperature from atmosphere was fixed at 20 Co approximately, the outlet air
temperature was around 19 Co, must to know all calculations was used the absolute temperature.
About the humidity, the atmosphere humidity was fixed around 44, where the outlet humidity
from the second stage was variable from 49 to 25 in the different turns. In the last turn the
humidity was minimum so the outlet air was dryer than the atmosphere humidity.
The mass flow rate was about 0.174 (kg/min), this different in the mass flow rate was from the
small change in the volumetric flow rate and the ambient temperature. The total power was
around 1.4 kw.
As showing in the table (2), that many variables was measured for the two stages, the pressure of
the inlet and the outlet was measured in bar, v% can be over the 1005 that because of the
compressible property of the air.
The intake volume of the second stage was higher than the first stage, also the exhaust volume of
the second stage was higher than the first stage, over that the pressure of the second stage was
greater than the first stage, that’s because the inlet of the second stage was a compressed air from
the first stage.
The swept volume was depending on the stage diameter, where the first stage was 0.09m and the
second was 0.05m, although the clearance volume was depending on the swept volume.
The comprition ratio of the two stages was both almost equal, however the first stage grater by
1.54 than the second stage.
For the both stages the polytropic index (n) = 1.26 , 1.03 respectively, so 1 < n < k, which mean
the process heat and work flows go in opposite directions, where the process is isentropic where
PV= constant, so the compression process was involved a heat and work transfer.
For the values of the Cx, Cp & Cv that the system was not adiabatic so the two-stage compressor
is better than the one stage compressor that means the two-stage compress air with less work,
which results in lower costs and greater effectiveness.
The compressor efficiency of the theoretically for the two stages was 0.85 and 0.95 respectively,
the practical efficiency of the first stage was 0.78 which is agreed, however the second stage
efficiency was 2.69 where its very good but may be this value has an error from calculations,
where the air efficiency compressor can be greater than 1 that’s because of the compressibility
There were many sources of errors in this experiment, where can be firstly calculation error
when calculate the variables use by mistake the wrong value especially that many volumetric
variables. The second one was experimentally by using the PC program to find the P-V curves,
where the curve have noises and must use approximation to make the curve smooth as possible
in the excel sheet.
6 Conclusion:
This experiment was done to test the reciprocating compressor, learn the operation principle
of the reciprocator compressor and to see if his efficiency better than the one stage compressor,
where the results of the efficiency was better than the one stage compressor, however the second
practical efficiency (2.69) was having error, however the first stage practical efficiency was 0.78
which is acceptable. This compressor depends on changing on volume to change the pressure,
the cooler after the first stage is to less the volume of the air and to make better efficiency of the
second stage. The second stage needs less work than the first one. That can improve this
experiment by make a program to make the p-v curve smoother (maybe make it by AI
technology) and can print the curve as pdf extension.
7 Appendix:
II. The data sheet of the experiment that show reading of the temperature:

Figure 7-1: Data sheet that show the measured data.

III. PV diagrams of the first compression stage for third run:
8 References:

[1]: Laboratory Manual.

Tuesday, June 13, 2023, 22:30

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