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The Transistor Biasing and the DC Parameters

Prepared by:
Name: Saif Abu Khader Number: 1181276


Instructor: Dr. Ahmed Al-Jubeh

Assistant: Eng. Bilal Nasser

Section: 1
Date: 11/11/2022
The aim of this experiment is to study the supplies connections to the transistor, and to study the
behavior of the transistor for varying the dc input voltage in the three connections of the transistor. And
this experiment consists of two parts, the first part is to see the transistor biasing for “npn” and “pnp”
types of transistors, and the second part is to study the transistor dc parameters.

Table of Contents
2 Theory...................................................................................................................................................3
3 Procedure & Discussion......................................................................................................................5
I. The Transistor Biasing.......................................................................................................................5
PNP Reverse biased.............................................................................................................................5
II. The Transistor DC Parameters:......................................................................................................8
A) Input Characteristic:..................................................................................................................8
B) Forward Current Transfer Characteristic..................................................................................8
C) Reverse Voltage Characteristic:................................................................................................9
D) The output Characteristics..........................................................................................................9
4 Conclusion.........................................................................................................................................11
5 References...........................................................................................................................................12
6 Appendices:........................................................................................................................................13

2 Theory
The transistors are an active element which are used in all electronics in our lives. And This is due to its
unique properties in the circuit because it has four work regions which are the active region, the saturation
region, the inverse region, and the cut-off region, and these regions can be controlled by varying the
voltage on transistor terminals.

In this experiment, the transistors that used are bipolar junction transistor or ‘bjt’, which has two types, the
pnp type and npn type, and its differs according its terminal charge. The figure1 below shows the terminals
of each type:

Figure1: the structure of each type of transistors[1].

The figure1 shows that the npn transistor has a positive charge at base and negative charge in the other
terminals, so it can pass the current from the base to the other terminals, but the pnp transistor has a
negative base charge, so it cant pass the current from the base to the other terminals, and this is helpful for
checking the transistor type or to check if the transistor works well.

And its easy to know the type of the transistor in the circuit by looking to the emitter arrow direction, the
outside arrow means npn type, and the inside direction means pnp type, and the table 1 below shows the
biasing of each type of bjt transistor in each region:

Table1: the biasing for each region of the transistor[2]:

Region BE Junction BC Junction

Active region Forward Bias Reverse Bias
Saturation region Forward Bias Forward Bias
Cut-Off region Reverse Bias Reverse Bias
Inverse region Reverse Bias Forward Bias

The biasing of the transistor occurs in the pn junctions where the current flows from the positive terminal
to the negative terminal in the transistor as shown in the figure2 below:

Figure2: forward biasing [3].

And the reverse biasing occurs when the current flows from the negative terminal to the positive terminal
in the transistor, as shown in the figure3 below:

Figure3: Reversed biasing of pn junction [3].

3 Procedure & Discussion

I. The Transistor Biasing

PNP Reverse biased
We connected the circuit by using the PnP transistor and the voltage source was set to 4V and the currents
were measured (IE, IC, IB).

 The pnp transistor was used in reversed bias as shown in figure (4) below:

Figure4: pnp transistor in reversed bias

we got that IE= IB= IC=0 in this case because its reversed bias, so the transistor is in the cut-off

 The same pnp transistor will be connected but with flipping the vdc terminals, so that the transistor
will be in forward as shown in the figure (5) below:

Figure5: pnp transistor in forward bias

And we got that:

IE= 0.3481 mA, IB= 0.6905 mA, IC= -0.3495 mA, so the transistor is in the saturation region.

Next the same last two steps were repeated for an npn transistor.

 When the voltage source is connected with the base, figure (6) the currents were:

Figure6: npn transistor in forward biasing

IE= -1.43 mA, IB= -0.077 mA, IC= -1.43 mA. The transistor is in the saturation region.

 After reversing the source the currents are:

Figure7: npn transistor in reversed biasing

IE= 1.216 uA, IB = 0 A, IC = -0.233 uA. Then (IE, IB, IC) approximately zero meaning that the
transistor is in the cut-off region.

 the pnp transistor was connected with forward biasing for be junction and reversed biasing
in bc junction, and in this case the transistor in the active region as shown in the figure (8) below:

Figure(8): pnp transistor in active region

We got that:
IE= -1.254 mA, IB = 0.209 mA, IC = -1.46 mA

 the pnp transistor was connected with reversed biasing for be junction and forward biasing
in bc junction, and in this case the transistor in the inverse region as shown in the figure (9)

Figure (9): pnp transistor in inverse region

We got that:
IE= 1.449 mA, IB = 0.007 mA, IC = 1.454 mA

II. The Transistor DC Parameters:
A) Input Characteristic:
In this part, the VBE will be measured with different VCE ,IB values, and the results shown in the
table below:
Table2: input characteristic:
VCE (V) IB (uA) VBE (V)
0 0
B) 0 5 0.4184 For
10 0.4371 wa
15 0.4388 rd
0 0.18mv
0.2 5 0.480
10 0.508
15 0.523
0 0
0.4 5 0.492
10 0.511
15 0.526
Current Transfer Characteristic

Table3: Forward Current Transfer Characteristic

VCE (V) IB (uA) IC (V)
0 0
0 5 -1.141
10 -3.045
15 -4.988
0 0
0.2 5 -0.875
10 -2.740
15 -5.139
0 0
0.4 5 -1.13
10 -3.34
15 -5.57

C) Reverse Voltage Characteristic:
As the part A, the VBE will be measured with different VCE, IB values, and the results shown in the table

Table4: Reverse Voltage Characteristic:

IB (uA) VCE (V) VBE (V)

0 0.433
0.5 0.458
2.5 2 0.459
5 0.458
15 0.458
0 0.440
0.5 0.490
5 2 0.491
5 0.488
15 0.489
0 0.441
0.5 0.480
15 2 0.484
5 0.485
15 0.483

D) The output Characteristics

In this circuit IC will be measured with different values of IB and VCE, the results shown in the table below:

Table5: The output Characteristics:

IB (uA) VCE (V) IC (uA)

0 0.0822
0.5 0.300
2.5 2 0.292
5 0.300
15 0.342
0 0.009
0.5 0.95
5 2 1.09
5 1.01
15 1.05
0 0.0982
0.5 0.773
15 2 0.780
5 0.795
15 0.812

Discussion of Results:
In the first part of the experiment, the circuit in figure 4 shows that the current across the pnp transistor in
the first circuit is near to zero, because the transistor is in the cut off region but when flipping the vdc
terminals as shown in figure 5, the transistor region changed from cut off region to saturation region and
the current value across the transistor makes significant. In the circuits at figures 6,7 the npn transistor
work in the same principle.

In the circuit at figure 8, the transistor is in forward biasing for be junction and reversed biasing in bc
junction, so its in the active region.And in the circuit at figure 9, the transistor is in reversed biasing for be
junction and forward biasing in bc junction, so its in the inverse region.

In the second part, we can see in the table 2 that the Vbe effected with IB more than Vce, and in the
table4 , we can see that IB and Vce have avery low effect on Vbe, and in the table 5, we can see that IB
has a big effect on IC value, and in the table 3, we see that there is a small effect on Ic between the values
of Vce, and the biggest effect is due to IB difference.

4 Conclusion

In conclusion, the transistor is a very important electronic component because it has many applications like
amplifying or any electronics device. And it has four working regions which are active, cut off, saturation,
and inverse region.

And from the results of the experiment, we can say that the results is acceptable because we predicting the
we predicting the behavior of the transistor before doing the experiment.

And there are some sources of error in this experiment like wires resistance or systematic error of the
multimeter, and the main source of error is due to the hardness to adjust the input voltage and the
multimeter read to the value that we want.

5 References



[3]: Lab Manual

6 Appendices:


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