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What is the demographic profile of BTS ARMY in terms of the following:

a) Age

Table 1

Demographic Profile of BTS ARMY in terms of Age

Age Frequency Percent of Total Cumulative

Below 15 2 1.1% 1.1%
15-24 120 66.7% 67.8%
25-30 29 16.1% 83.9%
31-49 28 15.6% 99.4%
50-64 1 0.6% 100.0%
Note. Table 1 presents presents a predominant presence of individuals aged 15-24, having 66.7%

of the sample, followed by those aged 25-30 and 31-49, which together account for 83.9% and

99.4% respectively.

 Analysis from Observation Research. The dominant age group observed is 15-24, with

minimal representation from individuals below 15 and those aged 50-64.

 Insights from FGD. High participation and engagement from the 15-24 age group, along

with varied perspectives across different age brackets, enrich the discussions.

 Overall Analysis of the Group. The group primarily comprises individuals aged 15-30,

reflecting a youthful demographic, with diverse age representation enhancing the richness

of discussions and suggesting a focus on younger perspectives.

b) Gender

Table 2

Demographic Profile of BTS ARMY in terms of Gender

Gender Frequency Percent of Total Cumulative

Male 18 10.0% 10.0%
Female 159 88.3% 98.3%
Prefer Not to Say 3 1.7% 100.0%

Note. Table 2 shows gender distribution, with 88.3% identified as female, 10.0% as male, and

1.7% opting not to disclose their gender preference.

 Analysis from Observation Research. The group is predominantly female, with males

constituting a minority (10.0%), and a small percentage opting not to disclose their


 Insights from FGD. The overwhelming presence of females (88.3%) suggests a potential

gender imbalance in the group dynamics, impacting the perspectives and discussions.

 Overall Analysis of the Group. The group is largely represented by females, indicating

the need to ensure inclusivity and diverse perspectives in discussions and decision-

making processes.

c) Employment Status

Table 3

Demographic Profile of BTS ARMY in terms of Employment Status

Employment Status Frequency Percent of Total Cumulative

Student 110 61.1% 61.1%
Employed 51 28.3% 89.4%
Self-Employed 9 5.0% 94.4%
Unemployed 7 3.9% 98.3%
Retired 2 1.1% 99.4%
Working-Student 1 0.6% 100.0%

Note. Table 3 presents the respondents of the study. 61.1% are students, 28.3% are employed,

and 5.0% are self-employed. Additionally, 3.9% are unemployed, while 1.1% are retired, and

0.6% are simultaneously employed and pursuing studies.

 Analysis from Observation Research. The majority of the group consists of students

(61.1%), followed by employed individuals (28.3%), with smaller percentages

representing self-employed, unemployed, retired, and working-student categories.

 Insights from FGD. The significant presence of students indicates a focus on younger

demographics and potentially impacts the availability of time and resources for


 Overall Analysis of the Group. The group is predominantly comprised of students,

highlighting a youthful demographic engaged in discussions, with notable representation

from employed individuals, suggesting diverse perspectives and experiences within the


d) Monthly Household Income

Table 4

Demographic Profile of BTS ARMY in terms of Employment Status

Monthly Household Frequency Percent of Total Cumulative

Income Percentage
At least ₱219,140.00 63 35.0% 35.0%
per month
Between ₱21,914.00 26 14.4% 49.4%
- ₱43,828.00 per
Less than ₱10,957.00 21 11.7% 61.1%
a month
Between ₱10,957.00 19 10.6% 71.7%
- ₱21,914.00 per
Between ₱43,828.00 15 8.3% 80.0%
- ₱76,699.00 per
Between ₱76,699.00 20 11.1% 91.1%
- ₱131,484.00 per
Between ₱131,484.00 16 8.9% 100.0%
- ₱219,140.00 per
Note. Table 4 shows a diverse distribution of household income among BTS ARMY members,

with 35.0% earning at least ₱219,140.00 per month, while 11.7% earn less than ₱10,957.00


 Analysis from Observation Research. The majority of households fall within the

income bracket of at least ₱219,140.00 per month (35.0%), with significant

representation across various income ranges.

 Insights from FGD. Varied income distributions within the group suggest diverse

economic backgrounds, potentially influencing perspectives on topics related to finance

and socio-economic issues.

 Overall Analysis of the Group. While a significant portion of households belong to

higher income brackets, the group encompasses diverse income ranges, reflecting a mix

of economic backgrounds and potential disparities in experiences and viewpoints related

to financial matters.

What is the current sentiment of the BTS ARMY toward BTS?

Table 5

The current sentiment of BTS ARMY towards BTS

N Mean Standard Standard Skewness Standard Verbal
Error Deviation Error Interpretation
KPFC Q1 181 2.91 0.0546 0.944 0.4890 0.141 Positive
KPFC Q2 181 2.93 0.0548 0.948 0.2785 0.141 Positive
KPFC Q3 181 2.35 0.0541 0.936 0.2611 0.141 Neutral
KPFC Q4 181 2.86 0.0550 0.952 0.2656 0.141 Positive
KPFC Q5 181 2.91 0.0587 1.014 0.0401 0.141 Positive
Total 181 2.86 - - - - Positive

Note. The data indicates that across five questions (KPFC Q1-Q5), with a total sample size of

181, responses trend positively in terms of mean scores, suggesting a generally favorable

perception, except for KPFC Q3 which is rated as neutral.

 Analysis from Observation Research. The sentiment analysis reveals a consistently

positive outlook among BTS ARMY towards BTS across all questions, with varying

degrees of positivity.

 Insights from FGD. Discussions indicate a pervasive and enthusiastic positivity among

BTS ARMY members towards BTS, likely influenced by recent achievements and

personal connections with the group.

 Overall Analysis of the Group. The overwhelming positivity reflected in both mean

scores and skewness of the sentiment analysis suggests a deep and enduring affection for

BTS within the fan community, driving continued support and engagement.

What is the level of the following among BTS ARMY:

a) Fan Culture

Table 6

The level of Fan Culture among BTS ARMY

N Mean Standard Standard Skewness Standard Verbal
Error Deviatio Error Interpretation
FC Q1 181 1.55 0.0521 0.901 -0.10816 0.141 High
FC Q2 181 1.54 0.0481 0.832 -0.12285 0.141 High
FC Q3 181 1.54 0.0508 0.879 0.00141 0.141 High
FC Q4 181 1.61 0.0507 0.877 -0.17029 0.141 High
FC Q5 181 1.69 0.0506 0.875 -0.19771 0.141 High
Total 181 1.59 - - - - High

Note. The data suggests a high level of skewness towards the lower end of the scale across five

fan culture questions (FC Q1-Q5), with a total sample size of 181, indicating that respondents

tend to give lower ratings on average.

 Analysis from Observation Research. The sentiment analysis indicates a consistently

high level of sentiment across all questions in the FC category, with mean scores around

1.55 to 1.69.

 Insights from FGD. Discussions suggest a consistently elevated sentiment among

participants regarding the FC category, potentially indicating strong emotional

engagement or attachment.

 Overall Analysis of the Group. The high skewness values, coupled with elevated mean

scores, signify a pervasive high sentiment within the group towards the FC category,

highlighting a significant level of positive association or emotional investment.

b) Marketing
Figure 1

An Illustrated Bar Graph presenting ARMY Purchasing Behavior Outcomes

Note. Figure 1 showcases a bar graph illustrating the purchasing behavior patterns within the

ARMY community

Table 7

One-way ANOVA of the Study – Marketing

Indicator F-statistic df1 df2 p-value

Marketing 4.34 2 71.2 0.017
Purchasing Behavior 1.39 2 69.6 0.256

Note. The results indicate a statistically significant difference in Marketing strategies among

groups, as evidenced by an F-statistic of 4.34 (p = 0.017), whereas no significant difference was

found in Purchasing Behavior with an F-statistic of 1.39 (p = 0.256).

 Analysis from Observation Research. The significant F-statistic for Marketing (F =

4.34, p = 0.017) indicates a notable impact of marketing efforts, contrasting with the

weaker relationship found in Purchasing Behavior (F = 1.39, p = 0.256).

 Insights from FGD. Qualitative insights from discussions may elucidate the specific

marketing strategies driving observed trends and provide context for the varying impact

of marketing on purchasing behavior.

 Overall Analysis of the Group. While marketing appears to significantly influence the

observed phenomenon, the weaker relationship with purchasing behavior suggests the

need for qualitative exploration to fully understand the underlying dynamics.

c) BTS’ transcendence

Figure 2

An Illustrated Bar Graph presenting ARMY BTS’ Transcendence outcomes

Note. Figure 2 presents a bar graph showcasing illustrating ARMY BTS’ transcendence in the

music industry.

Table 8

The level of BTS transcendence among BTS ARMY

N Mean Standard Standard Skewness Standard Verbal
Error Deviatio Error Interpretation
BTST Q1 181 1.78 0.0521 0.901 -0.10816 0.141 High
BTST Q2 181 1.72 0.0481 0.832 -0.12285 0.141 High
BTST Q3 181 1.81 0.0508 0.879 0.00141 0.141 High
BTST Q4 181 1.82 0.0507 0.877 -0.17029 0.141 High
Total 181 1.78 - - - - High
Note. The sentiment analysis indicates consistently high levels of positive sentiment across all

BTST questions, reflecting a strong emotional attachment or positive experiences within the

group towards the BTST category.

 Analysis from Observation Research. The sentiment analysis of BTST questions

reveals a consistently high level of sentiment across all questions, with mean scores

ranging from 1.72 to 1.82.

 Insights from FGD. Participant discussions may uncover the reasons behind the elevated

sentiment, potentially indicating strong emotional attachment or positive experiences

related to the BTST category.

 Overall Analysis of the Group. The high skewness values and mean scores suggest a

pervasive high sentiment within the group towards the BTST category, highlighting a

significant level of positive association or emotional investment.

What is the significant positive relationship of level of fan culture, marketing, and BTS

transcendence’ affect the purchasing behavior of ARMY?

Table 9

The Pearson correlation coefficient measures the relationship between fan culture, marketing,

and the transcendent impact of BTS on ARMY purchasing behavior.

Fan Marketing BTS’ transcendence

Fan Culture Pearson Correlation 1 .597** .662**
Sig. (2-tailed) . .000 .000
N 181 181 181
Marketing Pearson Correlation .597** 1 .617**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 . .000
N 200 200 200
BTS’ Pearson Correlation 662** 617** 1
transcendenc Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .
e N 200 200 200

Note. The correlation coefficients between Fan Culture, Marketing, and BTS' transcendence are

provided, indicating strong positive correlations among all three variables.

Figure 3

Scatterplot of the Analysis (in decimal)

Note. The provided scatterplot visually

illustrates the strong positive correlations among fan culture, marketing, and the transcendent

impact of BTS on ARMY purchasing behavior, reflecting a tight clustering of data points

indicative of the interrelatedness of these variables.

 Analysis from Observation Research. Through observation research, it's evident that

BTS’ transcendence significantly correlates with both fan culture (r = .662, p < .001) and

marketing (r = .617, p < .001), indicating a substantial impact on these aspects.

Furthermore, there's a significant positive correlation between fan culture and marketing
(r = .597, p < .001), suggesting a mutually reinforcing relationship within the context of

BTS’ phenomenon.

 Insights from FGD. Insights from focus group discussions (FGDs) support the

significance of BTS’ transcendence in shaping fan culture and marketing dynamics.

Participants consistently emphasize the profound impact of BTS’ transcendent status on

fan behavior and marketing strategies, highlighting its role in innovative approaches and

emotional connections.

 Overall Analysis of the group. In summary, BTS’ transcendence significantly influences

both fan culture and marketing strategies, as evidenced by robust positive correlations.

What recommendations can be suggested to BigHit and the music industry?

Based on the comprehensive analysis of the demographic profile and sentiment of the

BTS ARMY, along with key insights into fan culture, marketing impact, BTS' transcendence, and

their influence on purchasing behavior, several strategic recommendations emerge for BigHit and

the wider music industry.

Firstly, acknowledging the youthful demographic dominance within the BTS ARMY,

with a significant portion falling within the 15-30 age range, it's paramount for BigHit to

continue tailoring engagement strategies to resonate with this demographic. This could involve

leveraging interactive content, social media campaigns, and live events crafted specifically to

appeal to younger audiences, thereby nurturing stronger connections and sustained enthusiasm.

Secondly, while the BTS ARMY exhibits a predominantly female composition, efforts

should be made to ensure inclusivity and diversity across gender lines. BigHit can explore

initiatives to actively engage male fans, ensuring that discussions, content, and decision-making

processes reflect a broad spectrum of perspectives, fostering a more inclusive community.

Moreover, recognizing the diverse economic backgrounds represented within the BTS ARMY,

it's imperative for BigHit to understand and accommodate this variability in their marketing and

pricing strategies. Offering a range of affordable options alongside premium experiences can

cater to fans across different income levels, ensuring accessibility without compromising on

value or exclusivity.

Capitalizing on the overwhelmingly positive sentiment towards BTS, BigHit should

continue to reinforce this bond through personalized interactions, behind-the-scenes content, and

initiatives that acknowledge and appreciate fan dedication. Strengthening this emotional

connection can foster deeper loyalty and sustained engagement over time.

Given the high level of fan culture evident within the BTS ARMY, BigHit can further

enhance this vibrant community through facilitated community-building activities, fan events,

and online platforms that encourage collaboration and creativity. Recognizing and amplifying fan

contributions can foster a sense of belonging and ownership within the community, further

strengthening the overall fan culture.

Moreover, while marketing efforts have demonstrated a significant impact on fan

engagement, BigHit should continuously refine strategies based on insights from data analytics

and qualitative research. Understanding which approaches resonate most with fans can maximize

the effectiveness of promotional campaigns and optimize resource allocation.

Leveraging BTS' transcendence in the music industry offers opportunities for innovative

collaborations, ventures into new markets, and initiatives that extend beyond traditional music

promotion. BigHit can explore partnerships with brands aligned with BTS' values and

aspirations, leveraging their global influence for social impact and cultural exchange.
Lastly, integrating insights from demographic trends, sentiment analysis, and the

relationship between fan culture, marketing impact, BTS' transcendence, and purchasing

behavior into strategic decision-making processes is crucial for BigHit's continued success. By

aligning their efforts with fan preferences and industry trends, BigHit can foster sustainable

growth and innovation while maintaining a strong and loyal fan base for BTS and beyond.

The analysis of the BTS ARMY's demographic profile and sentiments reveals valuable

insights for both BigHit and the wider music industry. Primarily, the demographic composition

of the BTS ARMY skews towards a youthful audience, predominantly aged between 15 and 30

years old. This age range comprises the bulk of BTS fans, suggesting a need for tailored

engagement strategies that resonate with this demographic's preferences and interests. BigHit

should continue to leverage interactive content, social media campaigns, and live events to foster

stronger connections with younger audiences, ensuring sustained enthusiasm and loyalty.

Furthermore, the overwhelmingly positive sentiment towards BTS underscores the deep

and enduring affection fans have for the group. BigHit can capitalize on this sentiment by

reinforcing the emotional bond through personalized interactions, behind-the-scenes content, and

initiatives that acknowledge fan dedication. Strengthening this emotional connection can foster

deeper loyalty and sustained engagement over time, ultimately benefiting both the fan

community and the BTS brand.

In terms of fan culture, the BTS ARMY exhibits a high level of engagement and

emotional investment. To enhance this vibrant community further, BigHit should consider

facilitating community-building activities, fan events, and online platforms that encourage

collaboration and creativity. Recognizing and amplifying fan contributions can foster a sense of
belonging and ownership within the community, thereby strengthening the overall fan culture

and reinforcing BTS' status as a cultural phenomenon.

Moreover, while marketing efforts have demonstrated significant impact, there's a need

for continuous refinement based on insights from data analytics and qualitative research.

Understanding which marketing approaches resonate most with fans can maximize the

effectiveness of promotional campaigns and optimize resource allocation. BigHit should also

explore innovative collaborations and ventures into new markets, leveraging BTS' transcendence

in the music industry for social impact and cultural exchange.


A) What is the demographic profile of BTS ARMY in terms of age, sex, employment status,

and monthly household income?

The demographic profile of the BTS ARMY, as per the provided data, indicates a

predominantly youthful audience, with 66.7% falling within the 15-24 age range. In terms of sex,

the majority are female, accounting for 88.3% of the sample. Employment status shows that

61.1% are students, followed by 28.3% who are employed. Regarding monthly household

income, there is a diverse distribution, with 35.0% earning at least ₱219,140.00 per month, while

11.7% earn less than ₱10,957.00 monthly.

B) What is the current sentiment of the BTS ARMY toward BTS?

The current sentiment of the BTS ARMY toward BTS is overwhelmingly positive, as

indicated by the sentiment analysis. Across various questions assessing sentiment, including

KPFC Q1-Q5, respondents consistently express positive views towards BTS, except for KPFC

Q3, which is rated as neutral.

C) What is the level of fan culture, marketing, and BTS’ transcendence among ARMY?
The level of fan culture, marketing impact, and BTS' transcendence among the BTS

ARMY is notably high. In terms of fan culture, respondents consistently rate their engagement

and emotional investment as high across various questions (FC Q1-Q5). Similarly, marketing

efforts and BTS' transcendence within the music industry elicit strong positive sentiment and

emotional attachment among respondents.

D) What is the significant positive relationship of level of fan culture, marketing, and BTS

transcendence’ affect the purchasing behavior of ARMY?

There is a significant positive relationship between the level of fan culture, marketing

impact, and BTS' transcendence on the purchasing behavior of the BTS ARMY. The correlation

coefficients indicate strong positive correlations among all three variables, suggesting that higher

levels of fan culture, marketing impact, and BTS' transcendence are associated with more

favorable purchasing behavior among fans.

E) What recommendations can be suggested to BigHit and the music industry?

Based on the results of the study, several managerial recommendations can be made to

BigHit Music and the music industry. These include tailoring engagement strategies to resonate

with the youthful demographic, ensuring inclusivity across gender lines, and accommodating

diverse economic backgrounds.

Furthermore, BigHit should capitalize on the overwhelmingly positive sentiment towards

BTS by reinforcing the emotional bond through personalized interactions and community-

building initiatives. Additionally, continuous refinement of marketing strategies based on insights

from data analytics and qualitative research is essential for maximizing the effectiveness of

promotional campaigns. Leveraging BTS' transcendence in the music industry offers

opportunities for innovative collaborations, ventures into new markets, and initiatives that extend

beyond traditional music promotion.


1. Targeted Engagement Strategies. Develop interactive content, social media campaigns, and

live events specifically tailored to resonate with the youthful demographic (15-30 age range),

which comprises the majority of the BTS ARMY. This includes incorporating elements such as

fan challenges, behind-the-scenes content, and interactive fan events to foster stronger

connections and sustained enthusiasm.

2. Inclusivity Initiatives. Implement initiatives to ensure inclusivity across gender lines within

the fan community. This could involve actively engaging male fans through targeted content,

discussions, and decision-making processes, fostering a more diverse and inclusive fan culture.

3. Economic Accessibility. Offer a range of affordable options alongside premium experiences

to cater to fans across different income levels. This ensures accessibility without compromising

on value or exclusivity, thereby accommodating the diverse economic backgrounds represented

within the BTS ARMY.

4. Strengthen Emotional Bonds. Reinforce the emotional bond between BTS and the fan

community through personalized interactions, behind-the-scenes content, and initiatives that

acknowledge and appreciate fan dedication. This deepens loyalty and sustains engagement over


5. Continuous Refinement of Marketing Strategies. Continuously refine marketing strategies

based on insights from data analytics and qualitative research. Understanding which approaches
resonate most with fans can maximize the effectiveness of promotional campaigns and optimize

resource allocation.

6. Leveraging BTS' Transcendence. Explore opportunities for innovative collaborations,

ventures into new markets, and initiatives that extend beyond traditional music promotion.

Leveraging BTS' transcendence in the music industry offers avenues for social impact, cultural

exchange, and reaching broader audiences.

Recommendations for Future Researchers

1. Longitudinal Studies. Conduct longitudinal studies to track changes in demographic profiles,

sentiments, and fan engagement over time. This provides valuable insights into evolving trends

and preferences within the BTS ARMY and the broader fan community.

2. Qualitative Research. Supplement quantitative analysis with qualitative research methods

such as focus group discussions, interviews, and ethnographic studies. This provides deeper

insights into the motivations, emotions, and behaviors of fans, enhancing understanding beyond

numerical data.

3. Cross-Cultural Studies. Explore cross-cultural variations in fan behavior and engagement

with BTS. Comparative studies across different regions and cultural contexts can uncover unique

insights into the global impact of BTS and the diversity of fan experiences worldwide.

4. Impact of Fan Engagement. Investigate the impact of fan engagement on various outcomes

such as music consumption patterns, brand loyalty, and social activism. Understanding the

broader implications of fan culture and engagement can inform strategic decision-making for

both brands and researchers.

5. Interdisciplinary Approaches. Adopt interdisciplinary approaches that integrate insights

from fields such as sociology, psychology, marketing, and cultural studies. This holistic approach
enables a comprehensive understanding of the complex dynamics between artists, fans, and the

music industry.

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