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The Many Lives of the Batman: Critical

Approaches to a Superhero and his

Media Roberta Pearson
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Critical Approaches to a Superhero and his Media




First published in 1991 bv
Routledge an imprint of Routledge, Chapman and Hall, Inc.
29 West 35 Street
New York, NY 10001

Published in Great Britain by

BFI Publishing
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London W1P 1PL

Copyright © 1991, Routledge, Chapman and Hall, Inc.

Printed in the United States of America.

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Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data

The Many lives of the Batman : critical approaches to a superhero and

his media / [edited by] Roberta E. Pearson and William Uricchio.
p. cm.
ISBN 0-415-90346-7 (HR).—ISBN 0-415-90347-5 (SB)
1. Batman (Comic strip)—History. 2. Comic books, strips, etc.—
United States—History and criticism. 3. United States—Popular
culture. 4, American literature—History and criticism. 5. Myth in
literature. I. Pearson, Roberta E. II. Uricchio, William.
PN6725.M36 1991
741.5'0973—dc20 90-49797

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

The Many lives of the Batman
I. American strip cartoons
I. Pearson, Roberta E. II. Uricchio, William
ISBN 0-85170-275-9
ISBN 0-85170-276-7 pbk

Acknowledgments v

Holy Shifting Signifiers: Foreword vii

Tony Bennett

Contributors x

Introduction ]
William Uricchio and Roberta E Pearson

1 Batman: Commodity as Myth 4

Bill Boichel

2 Notes from The Batcave: An Interview with

Dennis O'Neil 18
Roberta E. Pearson and William Uricchio

3 Batman and the Twilight of the Idols:

An Interview with Frank Miller 33
Christopher Sharrett

4 "Holy Commodity Fetish, Batman!": The Political

Economy of a Commercial Intertext 47
Eileen Meehan

5 Batman and His Audience: The Dialectic of Culture 66

Patrick Parsons

iv Contents

6 Batman: The Ethnography 90

Camille Bacon-Smith with Tyrone Yarborough

7 Same Bat Channel, Different Bat Times:

Mass Culture and Popular Memory 117
Lynn Spigel and Henry Jenkins

8 Batman, Deviance and Camp 149

Andy Medhurst

9 Batman: The Movie, Narrative: The Hyperconscious 164

Jim Collins

10 "I'm Not Fooled By That Cheap Disguise" 182

William Uricchio and Roberta E. Pearson

Many people assisted us in various ways in the course of putting

together this collection of essays. We owe Dennis O'Neil special thanks
for taking the time to share the secrets of the batcave with us, for his
generosity with his scripts and the bat-bible and for his interest in the
project. Edward Buscombe of BFI Publishing has consistently provided
trans-Atlantic editorial support, counsel and the occasional bat-clip­
ping. We thank Tony Bennett for his encouragement, for struggling
through some of the essays in very rough draft form in order to meet
the deadline, and, perhaps most importantly, for investigating the ideo­
logical implications of the popular hero with his coauthor Janet Woolla-
cott in Bond and Beyond. Richard Taylor, formerly of Warner Commu­
nications Inc and now Palmer Professor of Telecommunications at the
Pennsylvania State University, has helped us in our dealings with DC
Comics, as well as provided insights into corporate structure and copy­
right and trademark issues We thank William Germano for conceiving
of the cover image and Peter Hine for doing the artwork
Marion Dougherty and Jo Bergman of Warners kindly provided
information and assistance about their roles m the Batman film and
music video. Lisa Henderson, Scott Bukatman, Steven Ellworth and
Tom Andrae deserve thanks for helpful discussions, critical readings
and other aid. Our research assistant, Tom Schumacher, collected
bat-material for us and gave insightful responses to some of the
essays. Siegfried Zielinski kept us abreast of Batman in Berlin. Lois
Seitz of the Liberal Arts Computing Center at the Pennsylvania State
University reformated many of our contributors' disks into our
word processing program. Ruthanne Long, Cindy Willson, and John
Yingling patiently and efficiently responded to last minute requests
for clerical assistance. The staffs of the Special Collections Division
of the UCLA library and of the Library of Congress Serials Division,
particularly Daniel Wisdom, facilitated access to the accumulated

vi Acknowledgmen ts

comic books of the past while Dianna Saiers, of Dianna's Comics in

State College, did the same for the present. We must also express
our gratitude to our contributors, without whom the book would not
be possible.
The editors wish to acknowledge their debt to each other for a thor­
oughly equal collaboration. The realities of publication force one name
to precede another on the cover of this volume as well as within it, but
academic Realpolitik force us to state that the name sequence nowhere
indicates "seniority." Throughout the editing of this volume, as well
as the writing of the various pieces, we have collaborated to such
an extent that we could not ourselves distinguish our "individual"
We regret the absence of illustrations, particularly since they would
have, in many cases, helped to elucidate the argument. DC Comics
refused to grant us the right to use images as they did not feel that this
book was consistent with their vision of the Batman.
Holy Shifting Signifiers:

In introducing Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Alan Moore notes

the degree to which Frank Miller is able to dramatically redefine Bat­
man's character in spite of his fidelity to almost every aspect of that
character's mythology:

Yes, Batman is still Bruce Wayne, Alfred is still his butler and Com­
missioner Gordon is still chief of police, albeit just barely. There is
still a young sidekick named Robin, along with a batmobile, a batcave
and a utility belt. The Joker, Two-Face, and the Catwoman are still
in evidence amongst the roster of villains. Everything is exactly the
same, except for the fact that it's all totally different.

In outlining the changes wrought by Miller—the portrayal of Gotham

City as an almost postapocalypse scene of urban decay, his foreground­
ing of the fascistic element in Batman's advocacy of vigilanticism be­
yond the law, the transmutation of Robin into a girl as a commentary
on the repressed gay aspects of the Batman/Robin relationship—Moore
counterposes these to what he describes as a tendency toward statis
inscribed in the comic book. Inherently conservative in view of their
conception as a juvenile medium, he argues, "comic books have largely
had to plod along with the same old muscle-bound oafs spouting the
same old muscle-bound platitudes while attempting to dismember each
Cast in this light, the Batman of the late 1980s—of Miller's graphic
novel and of Moore's own The Killing Joke, and, of course, of Batman
The Movie—appears as if a sudden irruption into the field of signs, a
moment in the popular hero's life that is without parallel or precedent.
Clearly, the kinds of cultural and ideological remodeling of Batman
that have prepared the way for and marked the passage of his fiftieth
anniversary have been significantly new in many respects—and often

viii Foreword

conflicting ones. If Batman has been figured forth in a new guise so

as to serve as a vehicle of social commentary, that same process of
redefinition has simultaneously served as a means of breathing new life
into, and organizing new circuits of distribution for, a commodity
which might have otherwise have been looking at a long shelf life. Yet,
while right to stress its importance, it is misleading to see this moment
in Batman's career as exceptional. Indeed, the anniversary publication
of various commemorative collections of Batman stories offers compel­
ling evidence of the degree to which—in comic book format alone—
the figure of the Batman has been subject to a constant process of
For one whose "bat-teeth" were cut on the comics of the late 1950s
and the parodic TV series of the mid-1960s, it thus came as something
of a surprise, reading The Greatest Batman Stories Ever Told, to dis­
cover the strength of the Gothic associations of Bob Kane's first Batman
stories. And there have been many changes in between—some resulting
from new writers, others from changing publishing and marketing strat­
egics, others in response to changing external circumstances like the
Comics Code of the 1950s—affecting not merely the character of Bat­
man, (or as purists would insist, of the Batman) but his milieu, his
helpers and, of course, the villains he opposes.
It is these changes—the migrations of a shifting signifier—that Ro­
berta Pearson, William Uricchio and their co-contributors have sought
to chart in this collection. In doing so, they have been commendably
pluralistic in their approach. In considering the changing textual condi­
tions of Batman's existence—the conventions of genre, technical and
aesthetic developments affecting the graphic arts, the character system
of the Batman oeuvre—they have related these to changes in the eco­
nomic conditions of the comic industry, its marketing strategies and
its relations to the film industry. And these considerations, in turn,
have been connected to the changing discourses—of crime, urbanism,
sexuality—to which, as either political conditions have required or as
a changing cultural environment has suggested, the figure of Batman
has been adjusted. The economic considerations affecting the many
and diverse forms of Batman's commodity circulation (Batman toys,
the licensing of the Batman logo, etc.) are also examined as are the
possible psychoanalytic bases of the caped avenger's appeal, while the
interviews with Frank Miller and Dennis O'Neil accord the creative
intentions of graphic artists' full and proper consideration. Nor, finally,
have the conditions of reading been neglected. Indeed, the attention
paid to the variable assumptions, values and intertextual coordinates
which have influenced the way Batman texts have been read by different
kinds of readers and audiences in different circumstances convincingly
Foreword ix

demonstrates the degree to which, once a popular hero is taken up

within a culture, it fulfills a range of signifying functions which, lacking
the kinds of empirical and ethnographic evidence offered here, can often
only be guessed at.
In concluding his introduction to The Dark Knight Returns, Moore
suggests that Miller's most significant renovation of the Batman my­
thos was that of introducing time into the life of the hero. This is true,
and not merely in the sense that Miller's Batman is cut free from the
timeless eternity in which comic book heroes often live so as to age
and thus confront the prospect of his own mortality. It is also true in
the sense that Miller's Batman bears the impress of all of the previous
guises in which the character—and his allies and opponents—have
been incarnated. The early Gothic Batman, the Cold War Batman of
the 1950s and his 1960s parodic successor: these are all there, like so
many sedimented layers of plot, narrative and characterization which
the text works with—or against—activating the reader's latent knowl­
edge of these matters and, thereby, registering the significance of the
remodeling of Batman which the text undertakes. The same is true, of
course, of all of the major new forms in which Batman has been incar­
nated for his sesquicentenary celebrations: Batman 1989 was, above
all, a self-consciously double-levelled Batman calling for a similarly
double-levelled reading response.
It is too soon to say whether this shift will prove irreversible or not.
Indeed—notwithstanding the likelihood of a sequel to Batman: the
Movie—there is nothing to vouchsafe that Batman will have a future.
For what is most clear from The Many Lives of the Batman is the
heavy weight of circumstantial considerations in the careers of popular
heroes. Some have dramatic deaths, others just fade away while a hand­
ful seem to go on forever. Whether Batman is destined for longevity or
whether 1989 was, indeed, the twilight of the idol remains to be seen.
In the meantime, however, the various perspectives on Batman col­
lected here offer a resource which, in the light it throws on the past
lives of Batman, also helps us to better understand the Batmania of the
past few years. If the late 1980s saw the birth of a more complex Batman,
the nuanced and probing forms of analysis developed in this study serve
both to match and comprehend the complexity of their object.

Tony Bennett
Griffith University
January 1990

Camille Bacon-Smith is currently visiting lecturer of writing and

folklore at Temple University and the University of Pennsylvania.
Tony Bennett is an associate professor and director of the Institute
for Cultural Policy Studies at Griffith University in Australia.
Bill Boichel is the owner and operator of BEM in Pittsburgh, which
operates in several areas of the comic book industry including retail
sales, comic book conventions and publishing.
Jim Collins is an assistant professor of communications at the Uni­
versity of Notre Dame.
Henry Jenkins is an assistant professor of literature at the Massachu­
setts Institute of Technology.
Andy Medhurst teaches media studies at the University of Sussex in
the United Kingdom.
Eileen Meehan is an assistant professor of media arts at the University
of Arizona.
Patrick Parsons is an assistant professor of mass communications at
the Pennsylvania State University.
Roberta E. Pearson is an assistant professor of mass communications
at the Pennsylvania State University.
Christopher Sharrett is an associate professor of communications at
Seton Hall University.
Lynn Spigel is an assistant professor of communications at the Uni­
versity of Wisconsin (Madison).
William Uricchio is an associate professor of mass communications
at the Pennsylvania State University.
Tyrone Yarbrough is a Ph.D candidate in folklore and folklife at the
University of Pennsylvania.
William Uhcchio and Roberta E. Pearson

"Batman?" said many of our fellow academics incredulously upon

hearing of this collection. True, it seemed a timely (and perhaps oppor­
tunistic) enterprise but couldn't we find more worthy topics of inquiry?
Though many seemed willing to grant, albeit grudgingly, the legitimacy
of studying music videos, romance novels and sixties television, linger­
ing doubts remained about a comic book hero who dresses up in a
funny costume to fight crime. Discussions of Detective Comics and toy
batmobiles still seemed to elicit more snickers than serious reflection.
Yet, as many of our contributors point out, 1989 was the Year of the
Batman, manifested in a plethora of corporately orchestrated expres­
sions of a fifty year old popular hero. Sheer numbers alone should
convince skeptics that this particular comic book hero, at least, has
significant cultural impact: double platinum record sales for the Prince
Batdance album; a box office take in the multi-millions of dollars;
millions more in revenues from merchandising tie-ins and even sales
of close to a million for Legends of the Dark Knight #1, the first solo
Batman comic book title in five decades. These figures attest not only
to corporate marketing savvy, but to public willingness to embrace the
character on a number of levels.
While the ubiquitous Bat-hype of the summer of '89 brought the
Batman (or Batman as non-purists call him) to the forefront of popular
consciousness, the extensive intertextual background stemming from
the fifty year, multimedia history of the character provided greater
cultural resonance than was the case with other intensively marketed
blockbuster movies such as Star Wars. The multiple "Batmen" of 1989
and the preceding five decades testify both to the institutional mainte­
nance of the character and to the modulation of that character required
to keep abreast of perceived market demands, leading to a distinctly
identifiable commodity on the one hand and diverse expressions of that

2 Introduction

commodity on the other. The carefully coordinated production and

circulation of bat-texts in 1989 originated from a powerful, multina­
tional, profit-motivated media giant, but one cannot for this reason
discount both producers' and audiences' negotiations of a complex
synchronic and diachronic intertextual frame formed by the simultane­
ous presence of various comic book adventures (reprints, multiple story
issues, graphic novels), the reruns of the sixties television series, the
Batman film, the Prince video, the related commercials, and the over
three hundred licensed, not to mention the hundreds more unlicensed,
product tie-ins.
Why Batman, then? As the above suggests, the character constitutes
a complex cultural phenomenon that unpacks on many levels. The
Batman character can be used as a means for illuminating the produc­
tion, circulation and reception of the media products that make up
contemporary popular culture. The synchronic and diachronic richness
of the character demands the application of a number of different and
complementary theoretical paradigms which together represent the
wide-ranging analytic perspectives of contemporary cultural studies
and permit including the voices of both producers and audiences.
The first four contributions to the volume detail various aspects of
the production process. Bill Boichel offers a useful historical overview
of the Batman's fifty year plus history, locating the character's anteced­
ents, chronicling additions to the character's mythos and charting the
undulations in the character's persona. The interview with Batman
editor Dennis O'Neil discusses his significant reconfiguration of the
Batman, details the organization of labor within the comic industry
and addresses the pivotal role of the fans. Christopher Sharrett's inter­
view with Frank Miller focuses specifically on Miller's The Dark Knight
Returns, the major Batman comic text of the last decade, considering
the place of the superhero in fin-de-siecle America. Eileen Meehan's
essay complements and complicates the views expressed by these
voices from within the comics industry. Meehan uses a political econ­
omy paradigm to investigate Warner Communications Inc.'s use of
Batman as a commercial text to multiply profits across media and
product forms and maximize the exploitation of various markets.
Patrick Parson's essay takes an historical macro-view of comic book
readership since the Batman's first appearance. Parsons uses the dis­
course of both the industry and its critics to map the contours of the
audience over the years, discussing external pressures on the industry,
the industry's own marketing strategies and the role of fandom. Camille
Bacon-Smith, writing with Tyrone Yarborough, applies an ethnographic
perspective to construct a micro-view of both comic fans' and general
viewers' reactions to Batman: The Movie. The methodologies of these
Introduction 3

articles represent two very different approaches to that most vexed of

issues in mass communications, audience reception, and begin to chart
the diverse responses of various fan communities.
The next two articles deal more directly with distinct fan communi­
ties. Lynn Spigel and Henry Jenkins address issues of popular culture
and popular memory, focusing on the Batman television series of the
1960s, seeking to understand how television shows function in viewers'
lives. They first review the contemporary debates around the series'
cultural status. They then use this historical background to situate the
personal memories of interview subjects about the place of the Batman
series in their lives then and now. Andy Medhurst's essay provides a
British gay perspective on both the television series and other bat-texts.
He speaks of a particular community's appropriation of Batman and
Robin's relationship as well as of the camp aspects of the television
Drawing on recent developments in narrative theory, Jim Collins
explores what he terms the "hybridization" of popular narrative in the
post-modern age. Collins argues that texts such as Batman: The Movie
and The Dark Knight Returns self-consciously evoke and playfully
rework the intertextual encrustations that have become inseparable
from the text.
William Uricchio and Roberta E. Pearson investigate the series char­
acter nature of the Batman, discussing tensions between character co­
herence and fragmentation engendered by market and authorship pres­
sures. They argue that character maintenance depends upon the
presence of five key components, which manifest themselves in the
iterative events of crimefighting and bring with them certain ideologi­
cal implications.
Together the essays provide a multifaceted perspective on one of the
longest lived of American popular heroes, revealing the complexities of
various aspects of the processes of production and reception in multiple
media. The essays also represent many of the paradigms which consti­
tute contemporary cultural studies. The diversity of subject and method
makes this volume the first serious academic exploration of the many
lives of the Batman.
Batman: Commodity as Myth
Bill Boichel

"And thus is bom this weird figure of the dark . . . this avenger of
evil. . . The Batman." Thus concluded "The Legend of Batman/' a two-
page introduction that led off Batman #1 (Spring 1940). Though this
story appeared less than a year after Batman's introduction in the open­
ing pages of Detective Comics #27 (May 1939), the character had al­
ready become a "legend," both a resonant signifier and a valuable prop­
erty—the world's second superhero. The first superhero, Superman,
represented a calculated response to the Nazi concept of the Uber-
mench: an ideal, superior man who would lead the masses to victory.
Created by two Jewish high-school buddies from Cleveland, Ohio, Jerry
Siegal and Joe Shuster, Superman first appeared in June 1938 in Action
Comics #1. A native of Krypton, Superman was a uniquely American
Ubermench with a social conscience. Discovering his superpowers, he
"decided he must turn his titanic strength into channels that would
benefit mankind, and so was created Superman! Champion of the op­
pressed, the physical marvel who had sworn to devote his existence to
helping those in need!"
Superman's overnight smash success encouraged the character's
owners, National Periodical Publications, to commission a similar
character, Batman. The host of costumed superheroes following in the
Batman's wake supplied clear evidence that the phenomenon of the
superhero had arrived. But neither Superman nor Batman nor any of
their super colleagues could have achieved national visibility had the
comics industry not existed.
Initially intended as circulation boosters in the rivalry between news­
paper publishing giants William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer,
newspaper comic strips first appeared in the last decade of the nine­
teenth century. The Yellow Kid, created in 1895 by Richard Outcault
for Pulitzer's New York World, is the most notable character of this

Batman: Commodity as Myth 5

period. Acquired by Hearst for his New York Journal, the character's
association with the Hearst paper's sensationalism led to the term
"yellow journalism." Soon after the Yellow Kid's appearance, comic
strips proliferated geometrically both in number and in popularity, their
growth enabled by the creation of the comic strip syndicates. In a
continuation of the Hearst-Pulitzer rivalry, the syndicates competed
fiercely in their expansion, and continue to control the comic strip
market in the United States to the present.
By the first decade of the twentieth century, comic strips, now com­
monplace in the daily papers and as special color Sunday supplements,
had achieved enough popularity to warrant the publication of book­
form reprint collections for both commercial and promotional pur­
poses. Many of these collections—the first "comic books"—appeared
through the 1920s. Published from 1929 to 1930, the thirty-six issues of
The Funnies, a tabloid-format magazine printing original comic strips,
represented the first four-color newsstand publication.
The format that came to be known as the comic book first appeared
in 1933, thanks to the efforts of Harry Wildenberg and Max C. Gaines,
members of the sales staff of New York's Eastern Color Printing Com­
pany. The Company produced a print run of 10,000 copies of Funnies
on Parade, a 7V2" x 10" magazine containing thirty-two pages of Sunday
newspaper comic strip reprints, for the Proctor and Gamble Company
to give away as premiums. Shortly thereafter Eastern Color, spurred
on by the enthusiasm of Max Gaines, produced Famous Funnies: A
Carnival of Comics and then Century of Comics in quantities of over
100,000. Gaines sold these comics to major advertisers such as Milk-
O-Malt, Wheatena, Kinney Shoe Stores and others, for use as premiums
and radio giveaways. The premium and give-away schemes were so
successful that, early in 1934, Gaines persuaded Eastern to produce
35,000 copies of Famous Funnies, Series 1.
Distributed by the Dell Publishing Company to chain stores, the 64
page color comics, priced at ten cents, immediately sold out. Eastern
promptly released Famous Funnies #1 in May (cover dated July) 1934,
which became, upon release of #2 in July, the first regularly scheduled
comic book magazine.
A new commodity form, the comic book experienced a period of rapid
growth within the consumer market. Unlike the comic strip industry,
which served the preexistent newspaper industry and was controlled
by a handful of syndicates, the comic book industry was virgin territory,
promising quick and easy profits. New publishers constantly entered
and, in some cases, subsequently left, the field.
One of these entrants played a pivotal role in the creation of Batman.
In 1935, the New York City-based National Periodical Productions
6 Boichel

entered the comic book market with the tabloid-sized New Fun. After
a name change to More Fun and a format conversion to standard comic
book magazine size, this publication became the first title regularly
printing new material created specifically for the comic book market.
Two years later, National Periodical Productions released Detective
Comics, one of the earliest comic books devoted exclusively to a partic­
ular genre. Late in 1937, Harry Donenfeld bought National Periodical
Publications and established Detective Comics' initials as the imprint
for the company's entire output. Shortly thereafter, in the spring of
1938, DC moved onto the center stage of the industry with the publica­
tion of Action Comics #1.
A year after Superman's success, DC introduced Batman, created by
artist Bob Kane and writer Bill Finger, in Detective Comics #27. At the
time a young cartoonist in his early twenties, Bob Kane had begun his
career in comics two years earlier in 1936 at the Eisner/Iger studio, the
first company devoted to producing work for the comic book industry.
Kane then worked briefly for the Fleischer Studio doing fill-ins, inking,
and opaquing on Betty Boop cartoons. Upon leaving the Fleischer Stu­
dio, Kane returned to comics, getting a job at DC producing features
such as "Rusty and His Pals," and "Clip Carson," both of which were
scripted by a former high-school pal, Bill Finger. Finger had worked as
a shoe salesman in the Bronx, but his passion for pulp magazines se­
duced him away from his job and into the allied field of scripting for
the nascent comic book. Although Bob Kane received sole credit from
DC for the creation of Batman, both the Batman character and the
classic period, or Golden Age, Batman mythos were the co-creations of
Bob Kane and Bill Finger.
The Batman mythos springs from the popular culture of the 1930s—
movies, pulps, comic strips, and newspaper headlines—in which both
Kane and Finger were fully immersed. According to Bob Kane, two
movies contributed significantly to the formulation of the Batman
character. The Mark of Zorro (1920) starred Douglas Fairbanks as Zorro,
a wealthy landowner who maintained both an alter ego as a masked
and caped crimefighter and a secret cave-hideout beneath his mansion.
From this film came the Bruce Wayne-Wayne Manor/Batman-Batcave
duality. The Bat Whispers (1930) featured a dual identity of a more
schizophrenic nature: that of a detective and his alter ego, the murderer
dubbed "The Bat," who dressed in a costume which inspired that of
Batman. This film also featured a prototype of the Bat-Signal.
Finger's depiction of the Batman as a figure of awe and mystery as
well as a master sleuth and scientist owed much to pulp magazine
superstars Doc Savage and the Shadow, created by Kenneth Robeson
and Walter Gibson, and to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's master sleuth,
Batman: Commodity as Myth 7

Sherlock Holmes. Chester Gould's comic strip creation, Dick Tracy,

provided a prototype for Batman's square jaw as well as a model for
Robin in Tracy's sidekick, Junior. The strip's cast of bizarre villains also
provided major inspiration for the exaggerated visual representation of
many of Batman's foes.
Newspaper accounts headlining the exploits of real-life criminals and
gangsters such as John Dillinger, "Pretty Boy" Floyd, Bonnie and Clyde,
Al Capone, and "Dutch" Schultz, often served as the catalyst for these
crafted fictions. Operating outside the law, on their own terms, and at
the expense of the status quo, criminals fascinated many a consumer
of popular culture. Creating a figure who, like the criminals, operated
outside the law and on his own terms, yet did so on behalf of the status
quo, Kane and Finger originated a popular myth that has lasted for over
half a century.
Despite his affiliations with the gangsters who have entered our
popular mythology, Batman's opposition to crime and support of the
status quo are clearly embedded in the character's narrative origin. First
related in Detective Comics #33, six months after the character's initial
appearance, the origin sequence centers around the criminal act that
brought the Batman into existence: interrupted in the course of strolling
home from a movie, in the company of their child Bruce, Thomas and
Martha Wayne, wealthy, upstanding citizens, are brutally slain by a
faceless, no-name thug attempting to rob them. The trauma that their
murder inflicts upon young Bruce eventually leads him to adopt the
alter ego of Batman. Swearing to avenge his parents' death by dedicating
his life to combating crime, young Bruce devotes his youth and early
adulthood to preparing his mind and body for the fight to come, his
inherited wealth enabling his single-mindedness of purpose. Taking the
appearance of a bat at his window as a long-awaited signal, the adult
Bruce Wayne dons a costume to mimic this dark creature of the night
and enters the world of crime that had spawned him.
Batman does not fight alone but is aided by a cast of supporting
characters. The first of the supporting characters to appear, and the
most consistently present, is Police Commissioner James Gordon. In­
troduced along with Bruce Wayne and Batman in the first Batman story,
Gordon, at the outset a friend of Wayne's, soon allied with Batman,
without ever becoming aware that the two were one and the same
person. Detective Comics #38 (April 1940) introduced the character
destined to play the most important supporting role in the Batman
mythos. Robin, The Boy Wonder, represented a youthful duplicate of
Batman. A member of The Flying Graysons trapeze act, young Dick
Grayson witnessed the murder of his parents by gangsters. Bruce Wayne
adopted the grief stricken lad and gained his confidence through disclos­
8 Boichel

ing that his parents were also murdered. Bruce revealed his secret
identity and, after providing Dick with the necessary training, initiated
him as his partner. Kane, Finger, and Kane's newly hired young assis­
tant, Jerry Robinson, designed the Robin character to enable younger
readers to identify more closely with the Caped Crusader's adventures.
The character was an immediate success and so widely imitated that
the junior sidekick emerged as one of the most important terms in the
superhero lexicon. Three years later, Batman #16 introduced another
permanent fixture in the Batman mythos, the only character privy to
the secret identities of Batman and Robin. Alfred, the faithful butler of
Wayne Manor and the Batcave, lent a homey touch to Batman's harsh
environs and was ever ready to provide a steadying and reassuring hand.
Just as these supporting characters are integral to the Batman legend,
so too are his foes and rivals. An immense and labyrinthian catalogue
of criminals has crossed the path of the dark knight detective through­
out his fifty-year history. Attempting to distinguish his adventures
from the mundane cops and robbers genre, Batman's writers/artists
have continually striven to create villains worthy of the attentions of
a legend. Many of these villains mirrored aspects of Batman's character
and development. The villains, like the Batman, frequently have their
origin in a traumatic event or series of events that has forever altered
their lives. In the case of the villains, however, the trauma invariably
drives them to madness and a life of crime, if not a quest for world
domination, the latter reflecting the anxieties about fascism that were
particularly prevalent during Batman's early years. These villains often
also share Bruce Wayne's status as a respected member of society.
Batman's earliest foes, Doctor Death (Detective Comics #29, July
1939) and Professor Hugo Strange (Detective Comics #36, February
1940) were both respected professionals who turned on society in a
crazed quest for self-gain. Clayface (Detective Comics # 40, June 1949),
an aging silent film star, transformed himself into one of his early roles
to wreak vengeance on those he saw as robbing him of his immortality
by remaking his early "classics." The Scarecrow first appeared in
World's Finest #3 (Fall 1941), a title created to showcase Batman and
Superman adventures. He was a professor of psychology who fell victim
to his own obsession with fear. Adopting as his alter ego the derisive
nickname "Scarecrow," jestingly applied to him by his students and
colleagues at the university, he used his knowledge of fear as an extor­
tionist's tool.
As a child, the Penguin (Detective Comics #58, December 1941)
experienced the unending ridicule of his schoolmates, who constantly
reminded him of his resemblance to the ungainly bird. Oswald Chester­
field Cobblepot dedicated his life to vengeance and, after attaining a
Batman: Commodity as Myth 9

degree in Ornithology and a knack for umbrella-engineering, used his

knowledge and skills for evil-doing. Two-Face {Detective Comics #66,
August 1942) had been the popular Gotham City District Attorney^
Harvey Dent. Nicknamed "Apollo" by the press because of his out­
standing good looks, he was permanently disfigured after a criminal he
had convicted hurled acid in his face. Teetering on the brink of madness,
Dent fixated on a defaced coin that had belonged to the man responsible
for his fate. He decided that a toss of this coin would determine his
actions: the unaltered side for good and the defaced side for evil.
Diverging somewhat from this pattern, the origins and identity of
the archfiend of the Batman mythos remained a complete mystery for
ten years. Introduced in the first story of Batman #1, the Joker proved
to be the Batman's most implacable foe. The personification of the
irrational, an agent of chaos, the Joker represented everything that
Batman opposed. Inspired by a combination of a playing card joker and
a still of German actor Comad Veidt in the 1928 movie The Man Who
Laughs, the Joker has elicited more popular response than any other
character in the history of Batman.
While Bruce Wayne has courted many of Gotham's female socialites,
Batman has tangled with those members of the opposite sex who oper­
ate on the opposite side of the law. The third story of Batman #1
introduced the first and most important of these female offenders.
Referred to in this initial appearance as The Cat, a jewel thief whom
Batman, much to the consternation of Robin, allows to escape, The
Catwoman, aka Selina Kyle, served to inject a hint of sexuality into the
caped crusader's cavortings.
The first few stories introduced not only ongoing characters, but an
array of bat-paraphenalia. The Bat-prefix made its appearance very early
on with the Batgyro and Batarang both debuted in Detective Comics
#31, though Batman's vehicle was not dubbed the Batmobile until
Detective Comics #48 (February 1941). This issue is significant for
another reason as well: it contained the first identification of Batman's
locale as Gotham, the city having previously been referred to alternately
as Manhattan and Metropolis, the latter the locale of Superman's adven­
tures. The difference between Gotham and Metropolis succinctly sum­
marizes the differences between the two superheroes. As current Bat­
man editor Dennis O'Neil put it: "Gotham is Manhattan below
Fourteenth Street at 3 a.m., November 28 in a cold year. Metropolis is
Manhattan between Fourteenth and One Hundred and Tenth Streets
on the brightest, sunniest July day of the year."
By 1942, writers and artists had established most of the basic ele­
ments of the Batman mythos. Nineteen forty-two also found DC enjoy­
ing the profits resulting from successfully marketing their premiere
10 Boichel

property, Superman, to Fleischer Studios, who were midway in their

production of a popular series of Superman cartoons. Perceiving Batman
as an established commodity in its own right, DC felt ready to market
it as well. In 1943, Columbia Studios produced the first of its two fifteen
episode Batman serials. The no-frills production, a blatant vehicle for
World War II propaganda, presented a cast of no-name actors on a
featureless low-rent soundstage.
The voice-over narration from the first episode, "The Electric Brain,"
speaks of a Batman and Robin who "represent American youth who
love their country and are glad to fight for it" against "Axis criminals."
These criminals hide in "a foreign land transplanted bodily to America:
Little Tokyo" where, "since a wise government rounded up the shifty-
eyed Japs," only one business, "The Cave of Horrors," still operates.
This amusement ride camouflages the secret headquarters of a Japanese
mad scientist, Dr. Daka, leader of "The League of the New Order," an
Axis fifth-columnist organization. Hard at work against the American
war effort, The League lures professionals away from their key posts.
The production abandoned many elements of the Batman mythos: a
sunny, suburban "First and Maple" replaced the moonlit Gotham City;
a bucolic Captain Arnold replaced Commissioner Gordon; a standard
convertible sedan replaced the Batmobile. In fact, the production con­
veys no sense of Batman and Robin as characters, reducing them to the
costumes Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson don whenever they are about
to enter a violent situation. The absurdness of the costumes is revealed
when Batman says to Robin, "we don't want the police to find us in
these outfits."
Since the 1943 serial achieved no great success, Columbia waited
six years before producing another fifteen episode serial. Once again
featuring a no-name cast, the 1949 production differed little from its
predecessor. The one significant divergence was the restoration of ele­
ments of the Batman mythos: Commissioner Gordon, the Bat-Signal,
a costumed villain, and, in a much more central role than she had played
in the comic books, Bruce Wayne's girlfriend, newspaper-photographer,
Vicki Vale. The second serial also conveyed blatant propaganda, this
time focusing on cold-war paranoia. An opening montage of newspaper
headlines progressing from "Crime" to "More Crime" to "Citizens
Demand More Police" to "Batman and Robin Stop Criminals" and
finally to "Batman and Robin Heros" set the tone. The plot revolves
around the creation and subsequent theft of, search for, and struggle
over a device capable of the "remote control of all machines." Commis­
sioner Gordon, who has been put on the case by "Washington," calls
upon Batman, who is "taken into upper echelon confidence" for "secu­
rity reasons," to recover the device.
Batmen: Commodity as Myth 11

The combined total of thirty episodes of Batman serials served to

establish the Dynamic Duo in the dominant medium of the day, while
the Caped Crusader and the Boy Wonder continued their regular appear­
ances in Detective, Batman, and World’s Finest Comics. By the end of
the 1940s, the superhero, the figure that had dominated comic books
throughout World War II, was clearly on the wane. The overwhelming
sense of victory at the war's conclusion stripped many superheroes,
who had had their energies diverted from fighting crime to winning the
war, of their raison d’etre. Only those superheroes who kept abreast of
the times, and even of those, only the most popular, survived. The
creation of a more detailed backstory for the Batman character and the
elaboration of key elements of the Batman mythos served to update the
character. Batman #47 (July 1948) presented the first detailed origin of
Batman, giving the murderer of Thomas and Martha Wayne a face,
identity, and history. Batman is allowed the catharsis of revealing him­
self to small-time hood Joe Chill, his parents' killer: "I'm the son of
the man you murdered! I'm Bruce Wayne." Chill retreats into the
underworld and meets his demise at the hands of the hoods to whom
he has disclosed his role in the creation of Batman. The very next issue
of Batman, #4-8, continued to elaborate the Batman mythos with the
cover feature of "1000 secrets of the Batcave."
Several years later, Detective Comics #168 (February 1951) set forth
the origin of the Joker, heretofore a complete mystery. The Joker was
a lab worker who decided to steal a million dollars from the Monarch
Playing Card Company. He adopted the disguise of the "Red Hood,"
wearing a red helmet complete with oxygen mask. He escaped from the
factory by swimming underneath a pool of chemical waste, but the
noxious elements turned his hair green, his lips rouge-red and his skin
chalk white. This rationalization of the most chaotic element in Bat­
man's universe foreshadowed the sunny Caped Crusader of the 1950s
who emerged as a response to pressures on the comic book industry.
As superhero titles continued to decrease, the comic book industry
relied to a greater extent upon two other longstanding genres. Aimed
primarily at children, the long established "Funny Animal" genre, led
by the Walt Disney family of titles, including Mickey Mouse and Don­
ald Duck, enjoyed its greatest success. The recently established "Teen"
genre also experienced steady growth, much of which stemmed from
the Archie Comics family of titles. During this same period, many
comic book publishers experimented with the well-established genres
of the mainstream print, radio and film media: crime, mystery, West­
erns, horror, science fiction, and romance. While all of these genres
had orginated before the War, the success of the superhero genre had
relegated them to marginal status.
12 Boichel

The comics industry in the post-war years'faced problems more seri­

ous than the decreasing popularity of the superhero. Comic books did
not escape the anti-communist hysteria and the valorization of domes­
ticity and the nuclear family chararacteristic of the period, while the
rise in juvenile delinquency during these years obviously contributed
even more directly to pressures on the industry. Fredric Wertham, the
most vocal opponent of the comic book, had devoted his career to the
study of violence, focusing particularly upon sociopaths and psycho­
paths, and publishing The Show of Violence (Garden City, NY: Double­
day, 1949). Wertham next took on comic books, charging that they
formed part of a conspiracy to destroy the American family by corrupt­
ing the morals and values of its youth. His book, Seduction of the
Innocent (New York: Rinehart, 1954), depicted the undermining of
American civilization from within by the comic book industry. Though
Wertham concentrated his attack on crime comics' causal role in juve­
nile delinquency, he also launched a vehement critique of superheroes:

The very children for whose unruly behavior I would want to prescribe
psychotherapy in an anti-superman direction, have been nourished
(or rather poisoned) by the endless repetition of Superman stories.
How can they respect the hard-working mother, father or teacher who
is so pedestrian, trying to teach common rules of conduct, wanting
you to keep your feet on the ground and unable even figuratively
speaking to fly through the air? Psychologically Superman under­
mines the authority and dignity of the ordinary man and woman in
the minds of children, (pp. 97-98)

Wertham also cast aspersions on Batman's relationship with Robin.

The Batman type of story helps to fixate homoerotic tendencies by

suggesting the form of adolescent-with-adult or Ganymede-Zeus type
of love relationship. ... The feeling is conveyed that we men must
stick together because there are so many villainous creatures who
have to be exterminated.... It is like the wish dream of two homosex­
uals living together, (p. 190)

Wertham summed up his argument in his closing paragraphs. Said

the psychiatrist: "Someday parents will realize that comic books are
not a necessary evil." Wertham was "convinced that in some way or
other the democratic process will assert itself and crime comics will
go. . . " (p. 395).
While the comic book industry had successfully responded to the
decreasing popularity of the superhero, Wertham and his ilk posed a
more serious challenge. The release of Seduction of the Innocent sig­
Batman- Commodity as Myth 13

naled a shift in popular opinion and the industry began to feel pressure
from all sides. In an effort to avoid external censorship or government
regulation, a group of publishers, "The Comics Magazine Association
of America," created the "Comics Code Authority" late in 1954. De­
signed to function as an independent regulator, the Code Authority
screened all publishers' product prior to publication for violations of the
Wertham-inspired Comics Code. Some of the Code's precepts follow.

In every instance good shall triumph over evil and the criminal pun­
ished for his misdeeds.
Crimes shall never be presented in such a way as to promote distrust
in the forces of law and justice. ...
All lurid, unsavory, gruesome illustrations shall be eliminated.
All situations dealing with the family unit should have as their
ultimate goal the protection of the children and family life. In no way
shall the breaking of the moral code be depicted as rewarding.

A comic book fulfilling these and other standards bore the "Approved
by the Comics Code Authority" stamp, tacitly required of all titles
beginning in 1955, in its upper-right-hand corner.
The adoption of the Comics Code marked a turning point in the
history of the comic book industry. One by one titles, publishers, and
even entire genres of comic books disappeared. With the exceptions
of Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman, the superhero vanished
entirely for a period of several years.
The post-war tendency to a sunnier Batman evident before the Wer-
tham crisis intensified after the Code's introduction. The first Batman
titles carrying the Comics Code Authority stamp, Batman #90 and
Detective Comics #217 (March 1955), signalled the inception of a
makeover of the Batman mythos. Detective Comics #233 (July 1956)
introduced the character of Batwoman, a mirror image of Batman, com­
plete with a Batcave and Batcycle of her own. Perhaps intended to ward
off further charges of homosexuality, Batwoman functioned as a female
presence and potential love interest. Determined to establish both Bat­
man and Robin's heterosexuality, the writers introduced Batwoman's
niece as the Boy Wonder's possible girlfriend in Batman #139 (May
This introduction of females coupled with other textual alterations
both reflected and contributed to the downward spiral in the sales of
Batman and Detective Comics that had continued uninterrupted since
the late 1940s. Throughout the late 1950s and early 1960s, Batman
stories increasingly resembled the science fiction scenarios that per­
vaded this anxious period in America's history, as the Caped Crusader
14 Boichel

faced alien menaces on the streets of Gotham and travelled through the
universe to fight them on their home turf. During this same period,
Batman began to behave more like a school prefect than a crime-fighter,
confronting villains who had gradually evolved from criminals into
pranksters. The character, severed from its roots as dark knight vigi­
lante, was so ill-defined during this period that even Batman himself
was subjected to periodic transformations, surreally assuming the
forms of a variety of monstrosities as well as inanimate objects.
Nineteen sixty-four found Batman down and out, but over the next
few years a variety of factors brought the Dynamic Duo back into the
spotlight. At the start of 1964, Jack Schiff, editor of the Batman titles
since 1940, was succeeded by fellow old-hand Julius Schwartz, who
proceeded to overhaul DC's ailing property. Scwhwartz relieved Bat­
man-creator Bob Kane of his charge of overseeing the ghost artists and
providing the finished artwork. Bringing in artists he could work with
more closely, he ordered a remodeling of everything from the Batcave
to the Bat-costume. More importantly, he accelerated the return of the
classic villains that Schiff had initiated before his departure.
This revamping coincided with the emergence into the public eye of
the pop art and camp movements, which shared an aesthetic apprecia­
tion of the mass-produced commodity as a system of cultural significa­
tion. The soup-can paintings of Andy Warhol and the giant comic­
book-panel canvases of Roy Lichtenstein epitomized pop art's physical
representations of the camp sensibility's attitude towards mass culture.
By 1965 the pop/camp movement, at the height of fashion, had reposi­
tioned and revalued comic books as central to its aesthetic. As a result,
the previously unthinkable thought of a television series based on a
comic book character emerged.
The recipient of a massive promotional campaign, Batman, the tele­
vision series, produced by William Dozier and starring Adam West as
Batman and Burt Ward as Robin, premiered on ABC on January 12,
1966. The show, structured around the movie-serial "cliffhanger" end­
ing which enabled two prime-time episodes each week, shot to the top
of the ratings. In no time "Batmania" sent comic book sales soaring
and chased licensing profits out of the cellar and through the roof.
Spawning a feature film released by 20th Century Fox and spanning
three seasons of prime time, the Batman television series ran for 120
episodes. The show featured many Hollywood celebrities in regular
appearances as Batman's foes and rivals, including Cesar Romero as the
Joker, Frank Gorshin as the Riddler, Burgess Meredith as the Penguin,
and Julie Newmar, Eartha Kitt, and Lee Merriwether in turns as the
Catwoman. In addition, the series supplied impetus for the first Batman
animated cartoons, which were aired Saturday mornings in 1968 and
Batman: Commodity as Myth 15

1969 on rival network CBS's Batman-Superman Hour. Though the

television series provided the DC property with the highest public
profile in its 30-year history and temporarily increased sales of the
Batman titles, it nonethless had no permanent impact, as the comic
book adventures resumed their steady decline in sales even before the
show's cancellation.
The widely-popular camp Batman of the television series did not
appeal to the increasingly organized and vocal Bat-fans, who voiced
their disapproval of the camp influences upon the comic book Batman.
Perhaps expressing fan disaffection, the cover of Batman #183 (August
1966) portrays Batman reclining in front of a television set showing,
"The Adventures of Batman," while Robin—functioning as a stand-in
for the fan—entreats Batman to come out with him and fight crime.
Editor Schwartz responded to fan discontent by bringing in present­
editor Dennis O'Neil as writer and fan-favorite, Neal Adams as artist,
who together returned the Dark Knight to his roots in a series of gritty
and realistic adventures. Although this reconfiguration appealed to the
fan community, it did little to help flagging sales, which continued to
decline throughout the 1970s and into the 1980s, hitting an all-time
low in 1985.
But even in the midst of this dismal period, one of the most significant
developments in comic book history had occurred. During 1974, New
York convention organizer Phil Seuling established the "direct distribu­
tion" system specifically designed to serve the needs of comic book
fandom. This system resulted in the creation of the direct sales market,
which has since grown to dominate American comic book sales. By
1981, the direct market had expanded to the point that it could support
a company producing four-color comics exclusively for comic book
specialty stores. This company, Pacific Comics, offered royalties and
shared ownership rights to its creators, an event which produced the
first loosening of the iron hold that the old established comic book
publishers, especially DC and their chief competitor Marvel, had on
their talent. Up to this point, creators had received only a flat rate per
page produced, with all rights retained by the publisher. Soon, other
companies formed and entered the direct distribution market, offering
similar terms to creators.
As a result, by 1982 both DC and Marvel were forced to institute
royalty payments that led to the creation of a comic book writer/artist
star system. In 1983, in an unprecedented move to lure the super-hot
Frank Miller away from Marvel, DC offered him ownership rights for
his project Ronin, a six-issue series which was released in 1983—84.
Upon completion of his Ronin series, DC offered Miller another con­
tract, this time to work on an established DC property: Batman.
16 Boichel

Miller's work on Batman related to DC's ongoing efforts to improve

their market share. Nineteen eighty-five found the DC leadership so
frustrated at the continually decreasing sales of practically all their
properties that they decided to reconstruct the entire "DC Universe."
Initiating this move was the twelve-issue series, Crisis on Infinite
Earths, which rewrote the history of the DC Universe and killed off
several major characters, including Supergirl and Flash. In addition,
DC offered highly lucrative contracts to the most popular comic book
creators to rework their three major properties: Superman, Batman, and
Wonder Woman.
The four-issue, "prestige-format" series, The Dark Knight Returns,
presented the last adventure of an aged and bitter Batman in Miller's
vision of Gotham's future—a dark, corrupt and violent moral waste­
land. A direct descendant of Kane and Finger's initial conception, the
series provided DC with the big hit they so desperately craved, received
unprecedented multiple printings and fed the Batman craze that subse­
quently became a raging inferno. In 1987 Miller, this time with visuals
handled by artist David Mazzucchelli, followed Dark Knight with Bat­
man: Year One, a hard-boiled representation of Batman's origin and
first adventures centering on the formation of the relationship between
Batman and police Lieutenant James Gordon.
Nineteen eighty-eight saw the release of the definitive treatment
of the Batman-Joker relationship in the single-issue, prestige-format
special, The Killing foke, by the British writer-artist team of Alan Moore
and Brian Bolland. The Killing Joke presents Batman and the Joker as
distorted mirror images of each other on opposite sides of the law. The
Caped Crusader was now more popular than at any time during the
preceding twenty years, but the same could not be said for the Boy
Wonder. In a call-in vote, the fans gave Jason Todd, who had replaced
Dick Grayson as Robin in Batman #368 (February 1984), a big thumbs
down. The new Robin died at the Joker's hand, clearing the way for
Batman's solo flight up on the silver screen later that summer.
In October of 1979 major-league comic-collector and former attorney
for United Artists, Michael Uslan, along with independent producer
and MGM-veteran, Ben Melniker, obtained the rights for a Batman
film. Several months later they made a deal with Peter Huber of Warner
Bros., a division of Warner Communications Inc., which, incidentally,
had purchased DC Comics in 1968. The project circled for years before
finally touching down in 1988 on the ground prepared by Dark Knight,
Year One, and Killing Joke. Warners committed to the project and put
up $35 million to underwrite the film. Opening June 23 at 2,850 theaters
and featuring a hit soundtrack by Warner Bros, recording artist, Prince,
Batman: The Movie, starring Michael Keaton as Batman and Jack Nich­
Batman: Commodity as Myth 17

olson as the Joker, broke every box-office record in the books. Breaking
all precedents, the videotape was released a mere five months later and
proceeded to set more records. "Batmania" returned with a vengeance
and 1989 became the year of the bat.
DC took full advantage of such unprecedented success, producing
new bat-texts in a variety of formats. Released simultaneously with the
videotape of Batman, Arkham Asylum explores the pervasiveness of
madness in Batman's world. Billed as a sequel to The Killing Joke and
produced by another British writer-artist team, Grant Morrison and
Dave McKean, the $24.95 hardback demolished existing records for
dollar-volume sales on a comic book. Arkham Asylum presents Batman
confronting his own "heart of darkness" as mirrored by his greatest
foes, all of whom are kept locked up in the Arkham Asylum for the
Criminally Insane.
DC also published bat-texts featuring alternative Batmen of the past
and future. Released for Christmas 1989, Gotham by Gaslight, an
"imaginary" tale set in Victorian Gotham, pits Batman against Jack
the Ripper. The Spring, 1990 release of Digital Justice, a computer­
generated graphic novel by Pepe Moreno, featuring a Bat-computer-
entity analogous to those found in the cyberpunk novels of William
Gibson, projects the Batman mythos well into the twenty-first century.
Here Batman confronts his old nemesis, this time in the form of "the
Joker virus." As Batman conquers time itself, it becomes increasingly
difficult to keep in mind comic book-artist Robert Crumb's disclaimer:
"Just remember kids, it's only lines on paper!"
Notes from the Batcave:
An Interview with Dennis O'Neil
Roberta E. Pearson and William Uricchio

Dennis O'Neil, one of the most prominent figures in the comics

industry, has been an editor at both Marvel and DC, where, since 1986,
he has edited Batman and Detective Comics. He started his professional
life as a journalist but began writing comics in 1965 at Marvel. He
worked on several long-standing titles at DC and Marvel, breathing
new life into old characters, such as Superman, Green Lantern, and
Captain Marvel. His Green Lantern and Green Arrow series in the
early seventies were among the first comic books to deal with social
problems. His collaborations with Neal Adams and Dick Giordano in
•the late sixties and early seventies transformed Batman from the campy
comedian of the mid-sixties back to the Dark Knight Detective. Aside
from his editorial duties, O'Neil continues to write: he scripted the
first five issues of the third Batman title, Legends of the Dark Knight,
and continues to do another DC book, The Question. He has also
written teleplays, short stories, novels, film criticism and hundreds of
book reviews.

Q. When you first started to write Batman, did you bring a new
perspective to the character?
A. My brillant idea was simply to take it back to where it started.
I went to the DC library and read some of the early stories. I tried to
get a sense of what Kane and Finger were after. With the benefit of
twenty years of sophistication in story telling techniques and twenty
years of learning from our predecessors, Neal Adams and I did the story
"The Secret of the Waiting Graves." Batman was kind of my assignment
from then on. It was a different system in that writers or artists were
not assigned to characters as they are today. I showed up once a week
with a finished script and got another assignment and it just so hap­

Notes from the Batcave 19

pened for several years that that assignment was Batman—plus other
things. You certainly couldn't survive writing one comic book a month
then, but you would do okay if you could write four.
Q. What was your vision of the Batman?
A. The basic story is that he is an obsessed loner. Not crazy, not
psychotic. There is a big difference between obsession and psychosis.
Batman knows who he is and knows what drives him and he chooses
not to fight it. He permits his obsession to be the meaning of his life
because he cannot think of anything better. He is also rife with natural
gifts. He is possibly the only person in the world who could do what he
is doing. But he is not for one second ignorant of why he is doing it and
even what is unhealthy about it, nor is he ever out of control. That is
why I have to edit the writers who have Batman kill somebody. I think
this is not something he does. The trauma that made him Batman had
to do with a wanton waste of life. That same trauma that makes him
go catch criminals will forbid his ever taking a life. He is not Dirty
Harry. He is not Judge Dredd. He is, God knows, not Rambo, though
some people want to make him that. I said this a couple of months ago
to an audience in London and got the one spontaneous burst of applause
I ever got in my life, which did my heart good. It shows there are some
liberal humanists left out there.
Q. What kind of changes do you think the character has been
through in the twenty years that you have been involved with him?
A. I started editing Batman about four years ago. I gather I got
the job because I had written what people kindly considered to be
something close to the definitive version of the character. Therefore,
presumably, I would be able to edit the character. In the twenty years
that I have been around Batman he has been pretty much the obsessed
loner. However, there was a time right before I took over as Batman
editor when he seemed to be much closer to a family man, much closer
to a nice guy. He seemed to have a love life and he seemed to be very
paternal towards Robin. My version is a lot nastier than that. He has a
lot more edge to him. I think of Frank Miller's and my Batman as the
same person. I think that Frank may have taken the concept further
than I did but we were both working with the same material. Steve
Englehart did a nicer version of the same guy who was no where near
as obsessed as mine. I have to emphasize that none of these are wrong—
they are just different.
Batman started off as a first cousin to the mystery men of the pulps
in '39 and '40. He held that persona in varying degrees until the 50s
when he became a sort of ebullient scout master for awhile. He was a
bright, sunny fellow who would walk down the street in the middle of
20 Pearson and Uricchio

the day and people would say "Hey, Batman, hi, how's it going?" He
could also be very science fictiony. Very light. The science fiction was
really fantasy, only with a rocket ship instead of a magic carpet. He
stayed like that until the '60s when he effectively became a comedian
or a perpetrator of camp, which I think is a one line joke.
Q: How do you think Robin functions with Batman?
A: Robin as far as I can tell serves as a counterbalance. He has
been a bright, cheerful, sunny presence in an otherwise grim world in
the times when we have been playing Batman darkly. He is the equiva­
lent of the comic relief scenes in Shakespeare's plays. This is not to say
he is specifically there to introduce yucks, but he does bring a kind of
light tone into all of this grimness and also effectively humanizes
Batman. If Batman were a real person, Robin probably would be keeping
him from crossing the line into nuttiness. It gets hard talking about
these things because I don't have the critical vocabulary to differentiate
between the character within the story and the character that is con­
trived for story purposes by a writer. But Robin functions in both areas.
In the made-up universe of the stories, he is what keeps Batman and
Bruce Wayne from going too far. In terms of the purpose he serves for
writers, he allows the story to lighten up from time to time. When I
was writing my Legends of the Dark Knight, which was without Robin,
I found that I had to make Alfred a bit wittier than he usually is for
exactly that purpose. I needed some lightness. I needed some humor in
the story and it would have been out of character for Bruce Wayne and
Batman to supply it so it fell to Alfred. Robin also serves the old
hero sidekick role in allowing Batman to talk and explain things and
therefore explain them to the reader. He allows for another dimension
of human interest to come in. He has his functions both in Bruce
Wayne's life and in the life of those of us who have to write about Bruce
Q: Since Robin seems so necessary, why did Dick Grayson aban­
don his Robin role and become Night Wing?
A: I imagine the writers wanted to do Teen Titans and began to
look around for popular teen characters. Robin was certainly the most
popular of them and certainly the oldest teenage character in our little
universe. Robin was simply a logical character to put in Teen Titans
and he couldn't be Robin anymore, so they made him Night Wing.
These decisions are seldom made with any long-range plans. It's usually
more like, "Hey, it seems like a good idea now." Superman became
God over the years because guys said "Wouldn't it be neat if he could
freeze things with his breath? Okay, let's write that in." Not realizing
that they were stuck with that forever. Many of the writers I know
Note'; from the Batcave 21

now, having learned from our predecessors' experience, do worry about

those things. We are not going to give a character a power that is going
to make it impossible to plot future stories.
Q.' When did the new Robin come in? Was that while you were
A: No. It was 1983,1 believe. He was invented by Gerry Conway
in an origin that is a virtual duplication of Dick Grayson's Robin origin
I doubt that they were worried about creating a new character. I think
they thought, "We've got to have a Robin in the series, so let's go with
the tried and true. This Robin has worked for so many years so let's do
him again."
Q: Why did everyone hate him so much? Why did he get killed?
A: Boy, that's a good question. They did hate him. I don't know
if it was fan craziness—maybe they saw him as usurping Dick Grayson's
position. Some of the mail response indicated that this was at least on
some people's minds. I think this is taking the whole thing entirely too
seriously. It may be that something was working in the writers' minds,
probably on a subconscious level. They made the little brat a little
bit more disagreeable than his predecessor had been. He did become
unlikeable and that was not any doing of mine. But we became aware
that he was not very popular. Once we became aware of that, of course,
we began playing to it.
Q: And this decision was influenced by the fan letters you were
A: Yeah. The general response. The fan letters and then being a
comic book editor, artist and writer in the eighties means you go out
and meet the fans a lot. What we get in the way of verbal response and
mail is certainly not definitive, but it is probably as informative as the
television ratings. It's sort of an informal sampling. I think that once
writers became aware that fans didn't like Jason Todd, they began to
make him bratty. I toned some of it down. If I had to do it again I would
tone it down more. But you make these decisions from hour to hour
and sometimes not under the best conditions. So we did a story, for
example, in which it was left vague as to whether or not Jason pushed
someone off a balcony. The writer, Jim Starlin thought he did—I
thought he didn't, but we let the reader decide. There was certainly no
doubt that throughout much of the story he wanted to push this guy
off of the balcony. And then when we were building up to the death of
Robin we made him rebellious—he ran away and in a way he got what
he was asking for. He disobeyed Batman twice and that's what lead to
his demise.
22 Pearson and Uricchio

Q: How did you decide to come up with the device of the phone­
in-poll as to whether he was going to live or not?
A: We were sitting around brainstorming at an editorial retreat.
I mentioned the 900 number that had been used by Saturday Night Live
and one or two other places and Jenette [Kahn] thought it was an
interesting idea. We began to discuss how we could use it. I guess I
came up with killing somebody and the logical candidate to be in peril
was Jason because we had reason to believe that he wasn't that popular
anyway. It was a big enough stunt that we couldn't do it with a minor
character. If we were going to do it, it had to be a big, significant change.
I don't think it would have had the impact we wanted if we had created
a character and built him up and then put him in danger. It had to be
something dramatic. This was the first time we were going to have real
reader participation in comic books. Then I confess, it seemed like a
great caper. It had that value to us. Like wow, what a neat thing to do.

Q: Well, it worked. You got a lot of publicity out of it.

A: Much, much more than we anticipated. I thought it would
get us some ink here and there and maybe a couple of radio interviews.
I had no idea, nor did anyone else, it would have the effect it did. I spent
three days doing nothing but talking on the radio. Peggy [May], our
publicity person, finally just said, "Stop, no more, we can't do any­
more, " or I would probably still be talking. She also nixed any television
appearances. At the time I wondered about that, but now I am very glad
she did because there was a nasty backlash and I came to be very greatful
that people could not associate my face with the guy who killed Robin. I
got phone calls that ranged from "You bastard," to tearful grandmothers
saying, "My grandchild loved Robin and now I don't know what to tell
him." That broke my heart.
I also forgot that there are John Hinkleys out there. A lot of us
have gotten death threats. Miller got one when he killed Electra. I got
kind of a death threat when I made Tony Stark an alcoholic character
over at Marvel. Chris Clairmont got one when he killed Phoenix, a
popular X-men character. Every once in awhile, I run into guys at
signings that I think might be a potential danger. There are guys out
there that don't seem to be able to grasp the difference between a story
and reality. I call them the hoverers. They get a book signed and they
stand back about six to ten feet from you and then they will dash up
again when there is a break in the conversation. They often ask about
violence. "Why doesn't Batman kill him? I just want him to kill him."
I say, "Come on, it's just a story." And they just keep on saying, "I
would kill all the criminals if I were Batman." Keep an eye on that guy!
Notes from the Batcave 23

Nothing has ever happened, but it's scary because I keep thinking it
The death of Robin caper also made me realize that all this goes a
lot deeper in people's consciousnesses than I thought. All these years,
I've considered myself to just be writing stories. I now know that that's
wrong. That Batman and Robin are part of our folklore. Even though
only a tiny fraction of the population reads the comics, everyone knows
about them the way everybody knows about Paul Bunyan, Abe Lincoln,
etc. Batman and Robin are the postindustrial equivalent of folk figures.
They are much deeper in our collective psyches than I had thought.
Because these characters have been around for 50 years, everybody in
the country knows about them. They have some of the effect on people
that mythology used to and if you get into that you can't avoid the
question of religion.
Q: When you've got a character who has been around as many
years as Batman and who, as you say, has a prominent place in the
nation's psyche, how do you control character consistency across differ­
ent titles?
A: Well, back in the old days you didn't. Julie Schwartz did a
Batman in Batman and Detective and Murray Boltinoff did a Batman
in the Brave and Bold and apart from the costume they bore very little
resemblance to each other. Julie and Murray did not coordinate their
efforts, did not pretend to, did not want to, were not asked to. Continu­
ity was not important in those days. Now it has become very important,
which is decidedly a mixed blessing. I sometimes want to say to these
people who insist on continuity, "Hey, it is just a story. This is not
real life. Don't get upset." Also, I think it's the idea of Batman that's
important, the folklore/mythological roots of the character rather than
the foolish consistency which, Emerson said, is the hobgoblin of little
minds. Nonetheless, continuity is something our audience demands.
Q: Why more now than before?
A: I don't know. I think maybe the audience is more cohesive.
Comic books are not read on a hit or miss basis anymore. They are read
by fewer people than they were in the '40s but the current fans read a
great deal more intently and with a great deal of care. Also, thanks to
the direct market, it is now possible to get every issue of everything.
Back in the old days, it was sort of newsstand roulette and fans couldn't
worry about consistency because they didn't have all the stories. Also,
letter columns did not exist back then so there was no arena to exchange
opinions, nor were there conventions and all those other places where
fans can get together and compare notes. Now, I keep coming back to
24 Pearson and Uricchio

the point that the Batman phenomenon has certain things in common
with religion in that it is built around a mythology or psuedo-mythology
and maybe that explains the concern with continuity. Anyway, for
whatever reason, continuity and consistency have become important
so DC has a guy like me to watch over things. Anything that has Bats
in it I have to approve, therefore presumably I am the quality control.
I am the guy who keeps the character consistent and says, "You may
or may not do this with him."
Q: How do you go about making sure all your writers and artists
are dealing with essentially the same character?
A: By giving people a bible which sets limits and by looking at
the material. If Bats is doing something totally out of character then
the writer will be asked to rewrite the story. It's as simple as that. It's
more or less true of the other characters also. If were are going to do
anything with Superman, Mike [Carlin] has to see it. If we are going to
do anything with Wonder Woman, Karen Berger has to see it. We
have lists of what characters are assigned to which editors. Obviously,
Batman is a lot more important than the rest because of all of the
brouhaha attending the character at the moment. But, two years from
now Superman may be the big deal and Mike will have to do all this
reading of other people's scripts.
Q: Is the obsessive return to the origin story for reasons of charac­
ter continuity or is it just because of a turnover in readership?
A: The origin is the engine that drives Batman. The reason we
didn't meddle with the origin when we were meddling with a lot of
origins four years ago is that it's perfect. When the question of changing
it came up, I said, "How are you going to improve on this?" It simply
in one incident explains everything that anybody will ever need to
know about the character. Why he does what he does and why he is
who he is. The times I have written it, it just seemed organic to the
story. In the old days, we would have repeated it every three years
because the assumption was that the readership turned over every three
years. This may have been true back then. The origin story has appeared
a little too often recently. When I did it in Legends of the Dark Knight,
I felt it needed to be there but I made it a dream and made the characters
snowmen to at least make it a little different. I have put out one of my
ban memos saying that nobody gets to do the origin for at least one
year. I put one out about the Joker six months ago saying no Joker
stories for at least one year because we have done him too much.
Q: Could we talk a little bit about the production process? Could
you tell us on a very basic level what is the relationship among the
Notes from the Batcave 25

editor, writer, penciller, inker, letterist, colorist and how does every­
body work together?
A: Anything I tell you will be a broad generalization. One of the
things that makes the job interesting is that there is no right way to do
it. Every editor I have ever met, every editor I worked for, does it a
different way and I do it a different way from day to day or hour to hour.
Basically, in very broad general terms, a writer is given an assignment—
it may be that he is assigned a series, it may be one issue or it may be
that he comes in with an idea for a series. At any rate, he ends up with
an assignment and meets with the editor, by phone, for lunch or in the
office and talks about his story. The writer and editor agree on what
the story is going to be about. That is pretty basic. From there on it can
go a lot of different ways. My preferred way of working as a writer is to
write a script, which looks very much like a television script. It's a
format that I have developed over the years. There are panel and page
numbers and descriptions of the visuals and dialogue and captions. The
other method is that the writer does a plot. This has become known as
the Marvel way of working since it was developed by Stan Lee. The
plot can be anything from a paragraph, as it was in the early 60s with
Stan, to something that is as long as a final script. Okay, the penciller
pencils the story and at that point it comes back to the writer and the
writer adds copy and if the writer is doing his job, he also does balloon

Q: And how much dialogue do you usually put in a panel?

A: Depends on how big the panel is and what the needs of the
story are. The rule I learned when I was starting out a quarter of a
century ago was thirty-five words per panel. This is not a bad rule of
thumb, though depending on the composition of the frame, it might
accommodate fifty words and if it is a half page, it might accommodate
100 words. The idea is not to kill the art work. Don't have so much
copy that you lose the picture.
Then the letterer does the panel borders, puts in the lettering and
puts in the ballons working from the guideline he is given. Lettering is
a great unacknowledged art form. It can make an immense amount of
difference in how a job is perceived. The minimum requirement is
that the lettering should be neat and very legible, but we are getting
sophisticated to the point that we actually use it as part of the story.
We'll use upper and lower case or italics or bold and also what I desig­
nate on scripts as spooky lettering. That can be anything the letterer
wants to make it provided it is really different. It adds visual texture
and I think in your mind you hear it differently. At least I do.
From the letterer it goes to the inker. At its crudest, his job is just
26 Pearson and. Uricchio

going over the pencil with ink so it will photograph. But, like the
letterer, an inker can make an immense amount of difference. He can
do anything from redrawing and correcting the artist's mistakes, to
adding textures, to giving depth to the picture by his placement of
blacks, by his placement of sepiatone, by highlights. The best inkers
are always intensely conscious of where the light source is in the panel.
A good inker can take a mediocre pencil job and make it great and,
conversely, a bad inker can take a pretty good pencil job and make it
look awful. The guys who do this work tell me that it is a very different
mind set to pencilling. A really good inker chooses to be an inker but
probably could make his living as a penciller.

Q: But not many people do pencilling and inking do they?

A: No, they don't. The reason that pencilling and inking are
separate jobs is just an accident of historical evolution. In the forties,
comic books were mass produced and it was a lot faster if one guy did
the pencilling and another guy did the inking. Now that is no longer
true, but for most guys it's a matter of choice.
When all of the writing, pencilling and lettering is done, the editor
has pages photographically reduced to a 6" x 9" comic book size. Those
are given to the colorist. Until six months ago, I would have told you
that colorists work with a palate of sixty-four colors. They are aniline
dyes, which is a kind of water color. The colorist goes through, colors
the job and, if he or she is conscientious, makes notations for instance,
"R2 B2" which means 25 percent red, 25 percent blue. This is a notation
to the separator for a specific dot pattern. Now, we are working with
computer colors and the palate is a lot larger. On the upscale books, for
example on Digital Justice, we have a sixteen million color palate. We
aren't going to use that many. But we will probably use 500 of those.
The letterpress books, which are half of our stuff, are not sophisticated
enough to handle that many variations, but they will probably be able
to handle well above sixty-four colors.
Coloring is another unacknowledged art form. The basic task in
comic book coloring is to give depth to the picture. The easiest way
to do that is dark colors come forward, pastels recede, so make the
backgrounds pastel. When people are designing super hero costumes,
they tend to do them in primary colors which simplifies the process. If
a colorist wants to get a bit more sophisticated, he or she can emphasize
story elements. The colorist can be part of the storytelling process. If
the vase in the comer is going to be very important to the story, they
will color the panel in such a way to subtly emphasize that vase without
a little arrow pointing to it saying, "important clue." The very best
colorists think in those terms. The worst of them just think in coloring
Note? from the Batcave 27

book terms and they usually don't get much work. The colorist, like
everybody else in the process, has to think of himself as one of the story
tellers. The process of coloring is far harder than you would imagine
because with super heroes, you have certain givens. Batman's costume
is not going to change. That gives the artists real headaches in terms of
what they can do in backgrounds. For example, how to handle the color
of the clothing of the people around Batman, particularly since they
move from place to place in the context of the story. It is really far more
complicated than dabbing colors on the page.
Q: We want to talk about the business side of the industry and
ask you if you see really significant changes in the relationship between
creative types and the company over the past few years.
A: Oh Lord, yes. My timing stinks. When I started out the editor
was God because it didn't make any difference who was doing the
books, not a bit. Batman sold regardless of who the creative team was.
So if a writer was giving you trouble, the hell with him. Get out your
Rolodex, call the next warm body. Up till about ten years ago that is
the way it worked. Then DC in particular began to emphasize the
creators. The audience became sophisticated and began to demand a
certain quality level. Now it is a very complicated relationship between
the company, particularly as represented by the editor, and the creative
people. Creative people have a lot more say in what goes down. We
consult with them constantly about everything. In the old days, if there
was going to be any kind of major change, the writer could find out
about it the same time the readers did. I have been fired off books and
didn't know it until I suddenly realized I hadn't done a Wonder Woman
for four months and found out there had been six issues done in that
time. We wouldn't dare do that now. If we are going to have any major
change in policy, we call the creators.
Q: The artist and writers also started getting royalties a few years
ago. Is that right?
A: Yes. That was seven or eight years ago. The probable reason
was the rise of the direct market. I've heard that the business people
here at DC were coming to believe that the direct market was the wave
of the future and that this would create a body of knowledgeable readers.
In the old days, when sales were all through the newsstands, quality
didn't matter a lot, much less the names attached to that quality,
because it was virtually impossible to be sure of reaching the readers
who would care about good material and would notice bylines. With
the direct sales shops, that isn't true. Those are precisely the readers
you do reach through the comic shops and if that s the case, it s just
good business to reward the creators who produce higher sales. You
28 Pearson and Uricchio

want to keep them working on your titles*. A system of royalties was

the obvious answer.
Finally, Paul Levitz came up with a royalty plan. When DC's plan
was announced, Jim Shooter came up with a counterplan for Marvel
which had also rejected the royalty idea up to this point. Jim claims he
had proposed it two years earlier and had been rejected by his bosses.
Anyway, DC's original royalty plan has been modified several times,
always to the benefit of the creative people. One of the things we have
done, for example, is reduce the break-even point from 100,000 to
75,000 copies, which means that on a newsstand book, after your first
75,000 copies are sold, you start making additional money. On our
direct-only books, the break-even point is 40,000. But if you created the
character, the break-even point is around 20,000, depending on the price
of the book.
Q: Does this mean that people can write fewer titles?
A: Absolutely. Because of the sale of the five issues of Legends
of the Dark Knight, if I were freelance, I would consider taking next
year off. I wouldn't have to do a lick of work to live at my present
standard because of the totally phenomenal and crazy sale of that one
book. And Frank Miller coming off of Dark Knight probably didn't have
to work for a couple of years at least. So if you were Miller or John
Byrne, you could do a lot less work. Certainly, gone are the days when
a top creator had to produce six stories per month. Of course, some of
us would choose to do that. One of the realizations I came to a few
years ago is that there are people who are prolific and there are people
who are not prolific. Quality doesn't have very much to do with it.
There are some people that just are not happy unless they are producing
a large volume of work. Somebody like John Byrne, if he doesn't have
quite enough comic book work, will look for something outside comics
to do.
Q: How do the recent changes in distribution of the books affect
the way you tell stories, particularly in terms of serial versus individual
A: You used to have to tell one-issue stories because newstand
distribution was irregular and your audience could not be certain if
they bought Batman #28 of being able to buy Batman #29. You could
have serial stories but you had to work in a flashback or exposition in
each issue. I did that until about two years ago just as a matter of writing
technique, even with the direct market. I gradually became aware writ­
ing The Question, that while its fans are not numerous, they are very
loyal and they are going to buy everything. I have chosen to do a lot of
one-issue stories because that is what I felt like doing. But if I wanted
Notes from the Batcave 29

to do a three-issue story, any reference to the back story would be

organic and help to propel some present tense piece of action in the
same way that a novel will refer in chapter 20 to what happened in
chapter 1 because it will be natural for the characters to make those
references. You don't reach and twist and contrive to get back story
exposition in. In Legends of the Dark Knight, I went full out and treated
it as if I was writing a 125 page novel. The concession I made to the
fact that it's episodic was to put a hook at the end of each episode, some
reason why you will want to see where the story goes from there.
Q: Have you been reading Dickens lately?
A: I was going to say that novelists do that anyway. Particularly,
people who write suspense fiction. Even if they are just writing a book,
they will put those hooks in from time to time. Stephen King is great
at it. It helps pull you through the story. But I am assuming that anybody
who read issue 1 of Legends of the Dark Knight will read issues 2, 3, 4,
and 5. On the other hand, this may not be true because I would guess
that half of the people who bought issue 1 bought it because it was
issue 1. It looks like issue 2 will sell considerably less.
Q: A lot of people are probably expecting issue 1 to appreciate in
A: Oh sure. And then we did that sort of sneaky stunt of bringing
it with four different colored outer covers. I was in California signing
copies last week and I signed a lot of sets. People felt that they had to
buy all four versions of the first issue.
Q: We have been talking a lot about the readers and fans. We
wanted to ask you a few questions about that. The letter columns seem
to reflect an articulate readership and we were wondering if the letters
you print are representative of what you receive.
A: Well, there is a bottom part of our mail where the letters are
illiterate and we don't print them. Sometimes they are illiterate because
they are from seven-year-olds, who are probably very intelligent seven­
year-olds, but they are seven-year-olds. We may occasionally print one
of those and clean up the grammar and spelling. But we try to make
the letters representive. It's that sampling of fan opinion again. If 75
percent of our mail hated a story, we will reflect that in the letter
column. Most of our readership is articulate. If you go out to schools,
as I do, you will find that the kids who read comic books are the bright
kids, the verbal kids. And then our marketing information shows that
our average reader is twenty-four and male and very literate, so it is not
surprising that we get a pretty high percentage of articulate, literary
letters. That is one of the changes that has come about. I no longer feel
30 Pearson and Uricchio

very much need to write down to anybody when I am doing a comic

book. I feel a very large persistent need to honor the tradition out of
which I am working, but I don't have to worry about using big words
anymore or even big concepts.
Q: So you think that your twenty-four-year-old males are pretty
consistent readers then? The three- to four-year readership turnover
has stopped?
A: The conventional wisdom about the turnover was that comic
books were being read by children and when they got to the age of
twelve they got into something else and they stopped reading comic
books. We now know that they probably begin to seriously get inter­
ested in them at about that age.
Q: Do you think that the marketing of graphic novels like The
Killing Joke and The Dark Knight in bookstores and even by the Quality
Paperback Book Club have pulled in a new readership for you?
A: Sure, because people may have liked the form but felt the
stories were too simplistic for them. Not interesting enough. Maybe
the very crude version of super heroes, which is basically the male
macho fantasy trip, was a little too crude for a lot of our potential
readers. But, something like Watchmen or The Killing Joke is sophisti­
cated and it gives the new readers the form they like with a content
that is acceptable to them.
Q: Do you think a lot of women read Batman and, if not, how
would you go about attracting a larger female readership?
A: I wish I knew. We have talked about this for at least fifteen
years. We know that women are very much a minority of our readers
though it is a minority that is growing. It may be because through one
of those historical accidents, comic books have been about strong guys
who vanquish evil. This is not a subject that a lot of little girls have a
consuming interest in so there is nothing in them to attact this reader­
ship. When we did try and attract them, the stories were done by
middle-aged men, who didn't have a handle on what a girl might really
like. As I said, this is changing.
Q: Do you have plans to try to attract more female readers?
A: Yeah. I think the current version of Wonder Woman appeals
to women—in fact, it may be too feminist for some peoples' taste.
It's edited by a woman and written by a man who is certainly very
sympathetic to feminist concerns.
Q: And what about Batman?
A: I don't know. I could guess that the movie will attract some
Notes from the Batcave 31

women, but I think it's going to be a slow process because historically

the character has not appealed to women. Women are going to have to
discover comics on their own and then decide what they like and what
they don't like.
Q: The industry seems to be unique in that a lot of creative
people have started out as fans. What do you think the impact of this
is? The pluses and minuses?
A: The pluses are that they are familiar with the material and
with the vocabulary and the visual conventions of the medium. The
downside is that they may become a little too concerned about repeat­
ing the stuff that they just absolutely loved when they first discovered
comics. The good comic book writers who came up as fans at some
point in their lives got interested in a lot of other stuff. Those that
stay only interested in comics cripple their potential development as
writers. Some of them are bright, talented guys but the medium has
moved beyond what they loved when they were twelve years old.
Q: What do you think the difference is between somebody like
yourself who comes out of a journalistic background and wasn't heavily
into comics and the writers who were fans in terms of the different
approaches to a character?
A: People with diverse backgrounds bring ideas and even fic­
tional techniques from outside comics. In that way they push the
envelope, they expand the possibilities, both in terms of subject matter
and in terms of storytelling technique. They bring cinema to it. They
bring novels to it. I think that Alan Moore, for example, has the instincts
of a novelist—he has read a lot of novels and loved them. I think Frank
Miller, is, in his soul, a visual writer, a very good one; he comes to it
with the instincts of a movie maker. But the point is that they are both
bringing to it something from outside comics. If you grew up only being
interested in comics, you are probably only going to regurgitate, both
in terms of content and in terms of technique, what has already been
done. You can't get too radical and violate the medium, but you can
expand it. It has to be a gradual thing. The Green Lantern stories I did
in the 70s that got a lot of publicity at the time came about because I
was a journalist and I brought a journalist's curiosity and social con­
cerns to comic books. It wouldn't have happened if I had just been a
comic book writer.
Q: When we talked to you the last time, you were using a lot of
cinematic terms to describe art work. Is that something a lot of people
tend to do? ,
A: No, that's something pretty much only I do. It's just because
32 Pearson and Uricchio

I found it's the easiest way to do it. If I am in the middle of a story and
I am really cooking and it's 3 a.m., hey watch out. It's a lot easier for
me to write "ECU Myra" than "We see Myra's face close up." The nice
thing about writing screenplays is that the language is such a nice
economical shorthand. It's almost music notation. I have written two
television shows in the last six months and I find it easy work because
you don't have to work on transitions. You write "cut to . . ." and the
camera man accomplishes the transition for you. It seems like a good
thing to borrow from cinema insofar as we do a lot of the same things.
Q: But most writers don't use this cinematic shorthand?
A: No. Take Alan Moore, for example. His description for the
first panel of The Killing Joke, one ninth of a page, is two and a half
single space pages. It took me a day to read the script of The Killing
Joke. It was a pretty good day though, I enjoyed it.
Q: How did Brian Bolland feel about the lengthy descriptions?
A: Alan will give you this incredibly detailed description of not
only what is in the panel but why it's there, and what happened twenty
years ago, and what the character had for breakfast this morning and what
the kids were doing. Then at the end he'll say, "You could ignore all that
and do whatever you want." So I think Brian basically followed what
Alan indicated. At one point we thought about publishing Alan's script
because it is so entertaining in itself and then ultimately decided that
that would be a little bit like being invited back stage to a magic show.
Q: We saved one of the things we are most interested in for last,
which is the relationship between comics and films. What similarities
and differences do you see between the two?
A: Well, there is an awful lot that is similar but you can carry
the analogy too far. Basically, if a comic book works, you will be able
to get the broad story by looking at the pictures. But comic books are
meant to be read. Reading requires more participation from the audi­
ence than cinema where if you are just passive you can still get it. You
have to bring your brain cells to reading. I think that there is that
interaction between the part of you that perceives images and the part
of you that translates the very abstract stuff that is language. If you like
comics, I think it's because of some kind of chemical process in your
brain. Those two messages entering your consciousness at the same
time through the same sense organ are very pleasing to you. If you are
looking at a movie or television show, it's a different experience. You
don't have to use your imagination as much, the language is coming in
through the ear, the visual information is coming in through your eye.
That's what you experience everyday in your life, it's not special in the
way of perceiving a comic book.
Batman and the Twilight of the Idols:
An Interview with Frank Miller
Christopher Sharrett

If there is a single artist most identified with the resurgence in popu­

larity of Batman it is without question Frank Miller. His 1986 graphic
novel Batman: The Dark Knight Returns not only made Bob Kane's
1939 creation once again the most popular comic book hero, but played
no small role in the incredible burgeoning in the '80s of the comics
industry. Inked and colored by Klaus Janson and Lynn Varley, Dark
Knight offered a troubled, suicidal, alcoholic Bruce Wayne in his mid­
fifties who tries to repress the urge to again don his Batman persona
after a ten year retirement. The worsening scene (Gotham City totally
corrupt, the world on the brink of nuclear war, the Joker released from
a mental institution) forces Batman into one last go-round that for
Miller is the "Great American Superhero story," a four-part "opera"
about the fall of the hero in a world that has rendered him obsolete.
This book and a follow-up, Batman: Year One (a very grim retelling of
Batman's origins), aside from recasting Batman and the other mainstay
DC Comics superheroes, became part of a general reevaluation of hero
worship in comic book narrative. Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons' mam­
moth graphic novel Watchmen (about a 1980s U.S. very similar to our
own where superheroes are an accepted part of the landscape, with
disastrous results), and Moore's Miracleman and V for Vendetta, use the
superhero as a vehicle for challenging received notions of charismatic
authority and leadership, among the driving strategies within the comic
book renaissance.
Decidedly more romantic than Moore's superheroes, Miller's Batman
is nonetheless offered as a radical opponent to the status quo, and an
obsessed and brooding personality infinitely more three-dimensional
than the type generally offered by the narrow moral universe of the
comics industry. The renewed interest in Batman caused by Dark
Knight and its successors far outstripped Batman's principal rival in

34 Sharrett

pop fiction, Superman (described by a character in Dark Knight as

"that big blue schoolboy") and spurred not only new Batmania but the
impetus for bringing Batman to the screen after various scripts re­
mained Hollywood back-burner projects for over a decade.
Aside from his Batman work, Miller has produced a number of other
provocative works in the superhero genre, including the graphic novel
Elektra: Assassin, and a celebrated run on Marvel Comics' popular
Daredevil series, another character Miller virtually reinvented. As Mill­
er's Batman books were enjoying great success and tremendous notori­
ety, Alan Moore made the field even richer with his own Batman novel
(drawn by Brian Bolland) The Killing Joke, a melancholy meditation on
the psychological relationship of Batman to his archrival the Joker. In
1987, at the height of one of the comic industry's most creative and
productive periods, a new wave of censorship and a war over the indus­
try's control of artists' work caused Miller, Moore, and a number of top
creators to part company with DC and Marvel Comics. Miller has since
written the screenplay for Robocop II and developed new characters for
independent comics publishers.
In what follows Miller discusses his involvement with Batman, his
earlier and future work, the state of the comics industry, and the mean­
ing of the superhero as a symbol of our times.

CS: There is a perception that Dark Knight almost single-hand­

edly started the new renaissance in comic books.
FM: Dark Knight got a lot of immediate attention because it was
Batman and everyone recalls that character from the old TV show. But
Dark Knight was only one of several things going on in the field that
showed what comics could really do. Spiegelman's Maus got similar
attention, perhaps from a slightly different audience.
CS: But Maus and Raw and such seem to be somewhere in the
avant-garde. They still haven't gained the notoriety of a Dark Knight.
Is it because Batman is simply such a strong popular icon?
FM: Well, I'd love to say that the success of Dark Knight was
based solely on the talents of myself and my collaborators, but Batman
after all is a major American folk hero who was due for a revival. About
every ten or twenty years or so you see renovations of Superman or
Batman, and in this case I was lucky enough to have almost complete
autonomy and produce something that for me was ultimately very
CS: You don't think that at least part of the interest was involved
in the rather panicked search for heroes in 1980s culture? The incredible
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
„Jongens, een beetje kalmte,” gebiedt de onderwijzer, op wien het
geval diepen indruk gemaakt heeft. „Die man is geen serpent, die
man met [200]z’n armoedig winkeltje kwam voor z’n goed recht op en
ik vind ’t heel treurig, dat jongens door hun snoeplust tot zooiets
komen. Er zullen misschien velen onder jullie zijn, die met
minachting op den dief, zooals Mijnheer Brashuis hem noemde,
zullen neerzien, maar die mogen wel bedenken, hoeveel fouten en
gebreken ze zelf hebben en ze moeten, als straks de dader weer in
hun midden zal zijn, hem niet beschouwen als een dief, maar als
één, die door zwakheid een misstap beging, waar hij zeer zeker voor
zal moeten boeten en dien we allen de helpende hand moeten

De onderwijzer was zeer bemind bij de jongens en zijn woorden

lieten niet na, grooten indruk op hen te maken.

’t Was goed, dat hij zoo gesproken had, want velen onder hen
hadden na die gebeurtenis het gevoel alsof zij nu brave jongens
waren en tot zooiets zeker niet in staat zouden zijn.

„Wat zou er nu met hen gebeuren?” vraagt Paul bedeesd.

„Hij krijgt levenslang,” roept Chris, op wien een ernstig feit nooit veel
indruk maakt.

Maar de onderwijzer vervolgt: „Laten we hopen, dat het ditmaal met

een strenge berisping afloopt. Ik denk wel, dat ze allebei reeds
genoeg gestraft zijn en het hun een harde les is geweest. Ik denk
tenminste niet, dat ze in het vervolg zoo gemakkelijk zullen toegeven
aan dergelijke slechte neigingen. Nu jongens, we gaan weer aan ’t

Deze heele gebeurtenis had echter vrij wat tijd [201]in beslag
genomen en eer ze ’t wisten, was het twaalf uur.
„Nou gaan we naar de Hooge Brug,” zei Puckie. „Ambro en Wim
zullen er zeker zijn.”

„Wat zullen ze opkijken, als we ze vertellen van ’t hoog bezoek op

school,” zei Karel.

„Ik vind ’t tòch een vuile streek,” zei Piet.

„Ja,” zegt Chris. „Dat je nou één pijpie wegneemt is nog daaraan toe,
maar ze waren met niet weinig tevreden.”

„Neen Chris,” vond Paul. „Dat maakt geen verschil, gappen is

gappen. En als ze iederen dag zoo’n pijpie stelen, hebben ze er in
één maand dertig.”

„Ja,” vielen de andere jongens Paul bij. „Hij heeft gelijk.”

„Zouden ze de kast nou in kunnen draaien?” vraagt Piet.

„Minderjarigen komen niet in de kast,” merkt Karel op. „Die gaan

naar een tuchtschool.”

„Jongens, wat ben jij op de hoogte van de wet. Of heb je al es in de

bajes gezeten,” lacht Puckie.

„Ik niet,” zegt Karel ernstig. „Maar ik weet van een jongen, die tot
driemaal toe schoenen gegapt had en die toen in een tuchtschool
werd opgeborgen.”

„Dan had ie er vast gebrek aan,” zegt Paul nadenkend. „Want wie
van ons zou ’t nu in z’n hoofd krijgen om een paar laarzen te

„Ja, ’t is gek,” filosofeert Piet. „Meestal gappen ze waar ze behoefte

aan hebben.” [202]
„Ja, da’s waar,” merkt Chris droogkomiek op. „Koos had zoo’n
behoefte aan een appeltje!”

De jongens schieten in een lach.

„Wat zat ie ’m anders te knijpen, die brave broek.”

„Zeg nou eens eerlijk,” zegt Chris plotseling. „Wie van jullie heeft nog
nooit wat gegapt?”

„Gegapt, gegapt!” bromt Puckie.

„Neen,” zegt Chris. „Geen smoessies, gappen, wegnemen, ’t is

allemaal hetzelfde en of ’t een pijp kaneel of een kner is, of een
koekje uit de trommel van je moeder, ’t is allemaal één pot nat.”

„Ja,” zegt Paul. „Uit de provisiekast heb ik wel eens gesnoept.”

„En ik heb rozen van de buren gekaapt,” zegt Piet.

„Met voorbedachten rade?” vraagt Karel deskundig.

„Jawel Edelachtbare,” lacht Piet.

Al pratende zijn de jongens de Hooge Brug genaderd en Piet geeft

een krijgskreet, die onmiddellijk beantwoord wordt.

„Ja jongens, ze zijn er.”

En in een drafje gaat het nu op ’t doel af.

Op dit uur is het in den Dierentuin zeer stil; bezoekers zijn er niet en
de werklieden zijn aan ’t schaften.

De Hooge Brug is dus veilig voor hen.

„Is er niemand in de buurt,” vraagt Karel.

Ze speuren allen rond.

„Niets te zien,” zegt Chris. „Kom, vlug er onder.”

En allen wippen over de grasstrook die zich [203]onder de Brug

voortzet en vinden Ambro en Wim in hun nieuwe vergaderplaats.

Ambro, die statig wilde opstaan, maar bijtijds bedacht, dat hij bij die
beweging hevig z’n bol zou stooten, begroette ze met een plechtig
handgewuif en sprak op verheven toon:

„Hoofden van Lebak, ik groet u allen zeer en ik zeg u, dat er vreugde

in mijn hart is, u allen hier bijeen te zien, luisterende naar de
woorden van mijn mond.”

„Val in drieën op den grond,” dolt Chris.

„Laat me uitspreken,” zegt Ambro verontwaardigd. „Hebben we hier

een fijn plekkie, of niet? En kijk hier es, overal struiken, die heb ik
vanmorgen hier neergezet, ze kunnen ons nooit ontdekken, maar
jullie moeten nou es probeeren je muil te houden.”

„Wat kan Ambro z’n woorden toch mooi kiezen,” merkt Paul op, die
nog onder den indruk is van de plechtige begroeting.

„Och, jôh! dat heeft ie uit ons taalboekie, al die flauwe kul kent hij uit
z’n kanes,” zegt Chris, daarmee Ambro allen roem ontnemend.

„Laten we hun nou vertellen van vanmorgen,” zegt Puckie, die

brandt van verlangen om het verhaal op te disschen.

Ze laten hem dan ook dat genoegen en Wim en Ambro krijgen in

kleuren en geuren het drama van dien morgen te hooren.
„Vertroost-me, wat ’n jammer, dat ik er niet bij was,” zegt Ambro.
„Alle ochtenden zijn even [204]saai en als er een lolletje is, ben ik er

„Nou, een lolletje was ’t niet,” zegt Paul.

„Nee, jij hebt tranen met tuiten gehuild,” plaagt Piet. „Je oogen zien
nòg rood.”

Ambro en Wim gaan er echter niet verder op in, vol als ze zijn van
een nieuw plan.

„We hebben wat fijns uitgevonden,” zegt Ambro. „We komen na

vieren weer hier en dan gaan we visschen.”

„Visschen, hier! Dat hebben ze toch zoo in de smiezen,” zegt Karel.

„O, neen, man!” zegt Wim. „Dat zal je gewaar worden. Ambro, hoe
zouden we ook weer doen?”

„Nou, we hebben niks anders noodig, dan een touwtje met een
kromme speld, een kadetje en een krant.”

„Ik snap er niks van,” zegt Chris.

„Dat is een manier van lik-me-vessie,” zegt Puckie. „Daar vang je

immers niks mee.”

„Niet meedoen, hoor!” zegt Ambro korzelig. „Vooral niet! Jullie zijn
ezels. Eerst afwachten en dan keffen.”

„Nou, dan zullen we maar geduld hebben,” zegt Paul. „Wat Ambro
voorstelt mislukt haast nooit.”

„Ik mot ’t eerst zien,” houdt Chris vol.

„Dat zal je, zuurdeesem,” lacht Ambro. „Maar nou gaan we naar
huis, want ik heb trek in me „kuchie”.”


Prompt kwart over vieren komt de bende terug bij de Hooge Brug
waar Ambro’s plan volvoerd moet worden. [205]

Wim wacht hem reeds op.

„Zei de oude niks, dat je er vanmorgen niet was,” informeert Wim bij

„Nee hoor, hij schijnt er langzamerhand aan te wennen. Heb je touw

bij je?”

„Ja, een heele dot.”

„Goed zoo, ik heb al ’t andere. Nou zal ik jullie uitleggen, hoe we ’t

’m lappen. Zien jullie dit touwtje? Daar gaat aan ’t eind een kromme
speld aan, die dient als vischhaakje, snappez-vous? Nou een pilletje
brood er aan en ik wil met jullie wedden, dat ik binnen drie minuten
een voren bij jullie breng.”

„Wat een opschepper,” begint Chris weer. „Ja, die laat zich nemen
met een kromme speld! Maar niet heusch!”

„Wachten jullie nou maar even. Van onder de brug uit kunnen jullie
me ’m eruit zien trekken. Maar ik moet eerst even koekeloeren of er
niemand in de buurt is. Hou de krant klaar, Wim, daar moet de heele
buit in. En dan gaan we ze bakken op ’t weiland bij den

„Tsjonge, jonge, wat zulle we smulle!” sart Puckie. „Ik mot

vanmiddag geen eten, ik krijg gebakken voren.”
„Nou, weg ben ik!” en met springt Ambro behoedzaam van onder de
brug, wipt de grasstrook over en wandelt de brug op, terwijl hij overal
rondspeurt of er geen onraad is. Als hij alles veilig bevonden heeft,
zien de jongens kleine stukjes brood in ’t water vallen. [206]

„Kijk es, hij lokt ze,” roept Karel vol spanning.

„Dat kost ’m z’n heele kadetje en hij vangt er geen een,” zegt Piet.

In minder dan geen tijd zien ze aan de kringetjes op het water dat de
visschen, die gewoon zijn aan een dergelijke tractatie, van alle
kanten komen toezwemmen. Af en toe zien ze een zilverwit vischje
in dartelen sprong even boven het water uitkomen.

„Wat een zooi zijn d’r,” zegt Chris. „Dat wordt wat, hoor!”

„Zie je wel,” zegt Paul. „Je kunt Ambro, heusch, altijd gelooven.”

Ambro is intusschen opgehouden met brood strooien en laat nu zijn

touwtje met de speld zakken.

De jongens kijken vol belangstelling toe. Niet zoodra heeft het

touwtje de oppervlakte van het water bereikt, of de argelooze
visschen loopen er in en een hapt er in het stukje brood.
Vliegensvlug trekt Ambro met een hevigen ruk het touw in en jawel!
hij slaat een voren op den kant. De jongens kunnen niet nalaten
luidkeels een hoeratje aan te heffen.

Maar Ambro, die zoo gauw hij kon, met z’n buit bij hen onder de
Brug is gekomen, beveelt onmiddellijke stilte.

„Zóó moeten jullie maar doen, boerenhengsten, dan zijn we dit

plekkie ook gauw kwijt.”
„Reusachtig,” zegt Chris. „Ik trek me woorden in, Ambro. Hij is
alweer reusachtig! Heel deftig [207]en bedaard slaat ie me daar een
visch aan den haak en wat een kokkert!”

„O, ben je bijgedraaid, ongeloovige Thomas! Wanneer zal jij nou es

gelooven aan de magische kracht van den beroemden toovenaar
Hadschi Baba!”

„Mag ik ’t eens probeeren, Ambro?” vraagt Puckie.

„Probeeren mag je ’t, maar nou geloof ik op mijn beurt, dat ’t je nog
niet zoo glad zal afgaan.”

„Poeh! Ik heb nou gezien hoe ’t moet. Geef maar gauw het touwtje.”

„Alsjeblieft majesteit! Toon nou je kunsten. Maar kijk uit!”

Puckie gaat nu op zijn beurt aan ’t werk, doch telkens ondervindt hij,
dat de visschen wel in het brood happen, maar niet in de speld.

„Hij is te langzaam, ik wist het wel,” zegt Ambro op stelligen toon.

„Ja, ze zijn gek, ze zullen op hèm wachten!”

Puckie geeft het eindelijk op en komt met beschaamde kaken bij ze


„Kijk die visch es springen,” hoont Chris. „Nou maar jij ken ’t. Als je
nog even doorgegaan hadt, was de vijver leeg geweest.”

„Stik,” is ’t eenige antwoord van Puckie, die zichzelf overschat had.

„Nou, jongens, nog een paar dagen en dan gaan we ze bakken.”

„Vang jij ze dan maar,” zegt Wim. „Wij zullen er toch wel geen slag
van hebben en anders zitten we hier morgenochtend nog.” [208]
Het blijkt alweer, dat de visschen Ambro goed gezind zijn, want van
de viermaal, dat hij het touwtje liet zakken, sloeg hij er driemaal een

De buit werd in de krant gepakt en de bende passeerde met het

braafste gezicht van de wereld den niets kwaads vermoedenden

„Nou naar het weiland, vooruit, jongens, loopen! ’t kan nog best voor
zessen,” en in vollen draf hollen ze naar het nieuwe doel.

Daar gekomen, vragen ze zich af, hoe ze die visschen nu gebakken


„We hebben niet eens boter,” zegt Karel.

„We laten ze in d’r eigen vet gaar smoren,” zegt Piet.

„Die spreekt al van bakken! Hê-je wat om ze in te doen?”

„In Puckie z’n pet!”

„Ja, da’s waar,” zegt Ambro.

„Daar hebben we niet aan gedacht, maar aan den slootkant liggen
meestal oude ketels en pannen, wie weet is er niks bij.”

Ze gaan nu met z’n allen zoeken. ’t Is er een rommelig zoodje daar

aan dien slootkant, je vindt er alle mogelijke voorwerpen die er door
de bewoners van den achterkant neergegooid zijn; ’t is een formeele
vuilnisbelt; aardappelschillen, koolstronken, leege flesschen, oude
schoenen, stukken tapijt en vooral ook leege inmaakbusjes en ketels
zonder bodem.

Puckie houdt triomphantelijk een leeg inmaakbusje omhoog. [209]

„Kijk es, jongens, is dat niks?”

„Ja, dat zal wel gaan,” zegt Ambro.

„Een oude koekenpan was beter.”

„Die heb ik hier,” roept Piet plotseling en hij rent op een plat ijzer
voorwerp af, dat half boven het water uitsteekt. Maar bij het uit ’t
water halen blijkt, dat ’t geen koekenpan, maar een oud vuilnisblik is.

„Toch beter dan een busje,” roept Ambro op beslisten toon.

„Daar kunnen ze plat in bakken.”

„Maar hoe krijgen we dat boven het vuur?” vraagt Karel. „Ik houdt ’t
niet vast, want dan brand ik m’n klavieren.”

„Ik heb al wat,” roept Paul verheugd en hij komt met een eind
prikkeldraad aandragen.

„Juist,” zegt Ambro. „Nou zijn we klaar. Daar hangen we ’t blik in, en
binden ’t aan drie stokken boven een vuurtje; zal je dat effetjes fijn
zien branden.”

Drie lange stokken zijn gauw gevonden. Ambro heeft met zijn
beroemd zakmes drie wilgentakken afgesneden. Die worden
kruislings op den grond geplaatst en van boven met een touwtje
verbonden. Na veel moeite hangt het vuilnisblik te bengelen aan het

„Nou houtjes zoeken voor ’t fikkie, jongens,” zegt Wim.

Alles komt aandragen met houtjes en papieren en Ambro maakt

daarmeê het vuurtje aan.
„We hebben nog lang niet genoeg,” zegt hij. „Zoo krijgen we ze maar
half gaar.” [210]

„Moet het blik niet eerst schoon gemaakt?” vraagt Paul bezorgd.

„Hoor zoo’n viesneus! Wie d’r vies is krijgt niks!”

Piet merkt heel gewichtig op, dat alle schadelijke bestanddeelen

door het vuur vernietigd worden.

„Prefester Piet zal ’t weten,” dolt Ambro.

„Die eene leeft nog,” zegt Puckie terwijl hij de krant opendoet waarin
de visschen opgeborgen zijn.

„Dat zal niet lang meer duren,” merkt Chris op. „Z’n laatste uur heeft

„We zullen ’m Jeanne d’Arc noemen, die werd immers ook gebakken
boven een houtvuurtje.”

Intusschen laaien de vlammen onder het vuilnisblik hoog op en

Ambro heeft al aan zijn hand ondervonden, dat hij het blik niet
ongestraft beet kan pakken.

„Vertroost me, wat is dat heet!” zegt hij, terwijl hij twee vingers in z’n
mond steekt. „Vooruit, Puckie, geef op ’n visch, we zullen met één
beginnen, dan zien we wat er van komt.”

Een der slachtoffers wordt netjes op het blik gelegd en begint hevig
te sissen.

„Gelukkig maar, dat ie er niks van weet,” zegt Paul.

„De vissche hebbe geen wetenskap, jongeheer,” zegt Chris.

„Dat zei onze vischboer laatst.”

„Ik geloof, dat er niks van overblijft,” zegt Ambro, die met een
bezorgd gezicht de visch steeds kleiner ziet worden.

„’t Is net een sigaar,” zegt Chris. [211]

„Hij gaat in asch op.”

„Je moet hem keeren,” raadt Piet aan.

Die raad wordt onmiddellijk opgevolgd en Ambro tracht met een

houtje de zwarte massa om te keeren, maar deze blijkt één te zijn
geworden met het vuilnisblik.

„Ik heb ’t je wel gezegd,” verwijt Karel.

„D’r hoort boter bij, de bodem moet eerst vet gemaakt”

„Kok in de keuken,” galmt Ambro.

„Maar hoe komen we nou aan vet?”

„Uit Chris z’n haar,” roept Puckie.

„Die heeft toch zoo’n pomadekoppie.”

„Hij is jaloersch op me scheiding, met de meeste zorg gekweekt. Die

is meer waard dan die kaaskop van jou!” lacht Chris terug.

„Als we nou es probeeren, met één vischje de pot vet te maken om

de rest daarin te bakken,” zegt Piet.

„Ja, dat moet kunnen,” vindt Ambro.

Wéér wordt een der gevangenen opgeofferd, in de hoop, dat
daarmee het gewenschte doel bereikt zal worden.

Schijnbaar lukt ’t dezen keer nu beter en inderdaad zijn er plekjes,

hoewel heel klein, aan te wijzen die eenigszins den indruk geven van
gebakken visch.

Ambro is de eerste die het waagt zijn tanden in de lekkernij te zetten.

Maar het gezicht, dat hij daarbij trekt toont den jongens voldoende,
hoe afschuwwekkend de smaak ervan is. [212]

Met een onverstaanbaren uitroep spuwt hij het lekkere hapje uit.

„Zooiets heb ik m’n leven nog nooit geproefd, dat is je reinste


„Dan zullen we ’t met den laatsten maar niet meer probeeren,” zegt

„Zonde, dat we ’m nou voor niks uit het water hebben gehaald,” vindt

„Hij is niet verloren,” roept Karel.

„Ze kunnen ’m thuis bakken.”

„Ja, ze zullen je zien aankomen, met één katvischje!”

„Voortaan moeten we de spullen in orde hebben en voor een

koekenpan en boter zorgen. Er zit nog visch genoeg,” zegt Ambro.

„Laten we dan Zaterdag nog eens gaan,” stelt Chris voor, „En laten
we dan eerlijk een pan en een stukje boter te leen vragen, want als
we ’m gappen, komt de inspecteur ons kookgerij op school halen.”
„Afgesproken, ik zorg voor boter,” zegt Ambro. „En ik wou, dat ik dien
vuilen smaak kwijt was!”

„En dan zal ik moeder een koekenpan vragen,” zegt Wim. Ze

aanvaarden nu de terugtocht en laten hun hoogst modern kookstel
op de weide staan.

De voorbijgangers zullen het zeker aangezien hebben voor de

overblijfselen van een Indianenkamp. [213]

„Hoeveel heb jij al?” vroeg Ambro.

„Een gulden vier en twintig cent. En dan krijg ik er een rijksdaalder

bij van oom Koos, als ik jarig ben,” zei Chris.

Ambro en Chris zaten te zamen onder de Hooge Brug, in afwachting

van de komst der kameraden.

„Een rijksdaalder,” vroeg Ambro ongeloovig. „Nou, nou, jij hebt een
goeien oom, die heeft zeker geen kinderen.”

„Ja, van de getrouwde Oom’s en Tante’s krijg ik niet zooveel,

hoogstens een maffie. Dat cadeau van Oom Koos noemen we „de
koude handdruk”, omdat ie tegelijk met de felicitatie een rijksdaalder
in je hand duwt.”

„Nou, bij mij is armoe troef, ik heb pas drie en veertig spie, maar ik
ga weer drie dagen voor gids spelen in den Dierentuin, dat heeft me
verleden jaar ruim ’n riks opgebracht. Dat waren royale boeren!”

„’n Mooie verdienste,” zegt Chris.

„Mij hebben ze es afgescheept met een apennootje.”

„Ja, maar jij hadt ook geen lint om je pet.—’t Is jammer, dat we niet
met de heele bende de kermis op kunnen,” zegt Ambro.

„O, ja, da’s waar, er gaan er een paar uit de stad. Wie gaan er
„La’s kijken, Wim gaat naar ’t Ginniken, Paul, [214]zooals altijd naar
Vlaardingen, wat je daar nou an hebt, ik weet ’t niet, haringstank en
verder geen nieuws.”

„Nou, Piet zal ook wel de kermis niet op gaan, want die spaart al z’n
centen op voor een nieuwe fiets.”

„Nog twee weken, jôh! Zal me een reuzen-lol worden!”

Plotseling weerklinkt een signaal. Puckie is in aantocht en vlak

achter hem verschijnen Piet en Paul.

„Waar is Karel?” vraagt Ambro.

„Die is aan ’t voer zoeken voor z’n konijnen.”

„O, leven die mormels nog?” vraagt Chris.

„Of ze leven!” zegt Ambro. „Hij heeft ze gedresseerd. Een kan ’n pijp
rooken en de andere kan praten.”

„Als-je me nou,” zegt Puckie.

Paul keek nog even verbaasd op, als hechtte hij geloof aan de
woorden van Ambro, maar ’t geval schijnt hem toch wel wat
wonderbaarlijk toe.

Als de jongens de gezamenlijke kas opmaken, blijkt er zeven gulden

drie en zestig centen te zijn.

„Een vette kermispot,” zegt Ambro. „En er komt nog een boel bij.”

De jongens zijn gewoon, bij dergelijke vermakelijkheden, „botje bij

botje” te doen en vooraf maken zij steeds het programma op.

„Waar zullen we nou ’t eerst naar toe gaan,” vraagt Ambro.

„Eerst zuurballen koopen,” zegt Puckie. [215]

„O, daar heb je Puck de snoeper! Als je al je centen aan snoep

verteert, blijft er niks voor de pret over.”

„Dàt weet ik vast,” zegt Chris. „We moeten naar ’t hippodrôme. Dàt
moet zoo eenig zijn!”

„En ik moet „de dikke dame” zien,” zegt Ambro. „Die heeft ’n paar
armen en beenen, zoo dik als een olifantspoot. En echt hoor! Je mag
er in prikken.”

„Ik ga naar ’t vlooien-theâtre, dat heb ik nog nooit gezien en ’t moet

prachtig zijn. Daar loopen ze als paardjes voor een wagentje.”

„En ze maken een dubbele saltormortale op mekaars schouders,”

zegt Chris.

„Neen, nòg sterker,” zegt Ambro.

„Je hebt er een tandarts bij, die ze de tanden uittrekt, dan kunnen ze
niet meer bijten.”

„En ik heb er in Peking een piano hooren spelen, een klein stukje,
maar ’t was toch heel mooi voor zoo’n klein beestje.”

„Ben jij de lolligste thuis?” vraagt Karel.

„Ja, op de poes na,” zegt Chris.

„Hè, laten we nog een beetje doorgaan met onzin praten,” zegt Paul.
„Ik vond ’t juist zoo leuk.”

„Paul denkt, nou ie niks van de kermis ziet, moeten wij maar kermis
voor hem maken,” zegt Chris.
Plotseling geeft Ambro Chris een tik op zijn hoofd.

„Au!” roept Chris.

„Sla op den kop van Jut,” zegt Ambro. [216]

„Dat zouden we heelemaal vergeten, daar moeten we ook heen.”

„Wat een lefschopper! Dat zou jij nooit halen, daar moet je nogal
geen kracht voor hebben,” zegt Puckie.

„Zal je gewaar worden, Vader! Met één vinger mep ik ’m de lucht in.”

„Zouden we ’s avonds ook naar de kermis mogen,” peinsde Karel.

„Ik vraag in zoo’n tijd niet wat mag,” zei Ambro. „Ik ga!”

„Maar ’t is gevaarlijk,” zei Paul.

„Ze steken met messen.”

„Nou, juist emmes om te kijken.”

„Mot je ’n peut in je ribben krijgen,” zegt Karel.

„Als je klein bent, loop je nooit gevaar bij zooiets en ik geloof niet,
dat ’t zoo erg zal zijn,” zegt Ambro.

Plotseling roept Chris: „Stil, jongens, hou-je gedekt!”

„Wat dan?” schrikken allen op.

Deze uitroep heeft de aandacht getrokken van den niets kwaads

vermoedenden man, die zijn bootje onder de Hooge Brug door
Hij krijgt de jongens nu in de gaten en stuurt zijn bootje hun kant uit.

’t Is Kees, wiens werk het is, den vijver uit te baggeren en die lang
geen vriend van de jongens is, daar deze ’t hem meermalen lastig
hebben gemaakt.

Hij kent ze dan ook op een prik en ’t lag al [217]lang in zijn

voornemen, bij de eerste de beste gelegenheid wraak te nemen op
„die kleine niksnutters”.

Ambro hoopte den toestand nog met een grap te kunnen redden en

„Waar gaat de reis heen, Kees? Mogen we niet mee? We zullen niet
snoepen van de chocoladevla in je bootje.”

„Ja, hou je gebbetjes maar voor je, kwaje aap,” snauwde Kees hem
toe. „Hoe komme jullie hier?”

„Met een extra trein uit New-York,” zegt Chris, die, als ie ziet, dat de
zaak tòch verloren is, brutaal wordt.

„Ik zal rapport van jullie make en je name hoef ik niet te wete, want
die weet ik als te best. Jullie benne bekend als de bonte hond, en as
je nou denk, ons altijd te glad af te zijn, dan bin je d’r naast. Jullie
binne nou zuur, reken maar!”

Ambro valt nu in theâtrale houding op zijn knieën en smeekt op

zonderlinge wijze om genade: „Kees, Kees, Kees, je hebt er water bij

„Maar wil ik je nou es in ernst vertellen, waarom we hier zitten,” zegt


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