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Science Holiday Homework

Name: Kanishk Rajesh Dubey

Class: 10 B
Roll. No: 10227


(A)Explore the science this event.
List the number and types of lenses and mirrors
used for it.
➡The final design of the Surya Tilak was 4 mirrors
and 4 lenses . The optomechanical system consists
of 8-9 meters of brass vertical piping with 2 high-
quality mirrors, 3 lenses, and 19 gears. As to how
the Surya Abhishek works, the sunlight will fall on
the reflector installed on the third floor of the
temple and will enter into a horizontal brass pipe
after getting reflected.

Draw the ray diagram for the setup of Shri Ram

Tilak on Forehead.


Paste pictures related to the event and science

behind the event.

Bavya Ram Mandir

and Bhavya Ram Lala Murti

Write a short note about it.
➡Rama is the seventh avatar of the Hindu god
Vishnu and the central figure of the Ramayana, a
Sanskrit epic that integrates performance arts with
stories driven by ethical values. What is the Surya
Tilak Project? About: The Surya Tilak Project
represents a unique fusion of technology and
tradition, meticulously engineered to illuminate the
forehead of Lord Ram’s idol with a precise beam of
sunlight during the revered festival of Ram Navami.

(B) Find and write about any one similar kind of

example around you along with its science.
➡Suriyanar Kovil temple, Tamil Nadu: One of the
most prominent temples where Suryabhishek is
performed is the Suriyanar Kovil temple. The
temple from the 11-12th century dedicated to Surya
is known for its unique blend of architectural and
astronomical know-hows.

The temple is designed in such a way that sunlight
aligns with specific points in the temple during
certain times of the year, illuminating the deity,
Suriyanar (Sun) and his consorts Ushadevi and
Pratyusha Devi.
2. The order of a rainbow is determined by the number of light
reflections inside the water droplets that create it: One reflection
results in the first-order or primary rainbow; two reflections create the
second-order or secondary rainbow. More internal reflections cause
bows of higher orders—theoretically unto infinity.

Thank You

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