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FCI – The Language Experts

1614 Washington Street, Easton, PA 18042

(610) 438-8900 | |


Many clients are migrating toward a translation workflow requiring translation and editing to be completed within CAT
(computer-assisted translation) tool programs. The CAT tool FCI uses for these jobs is memoQ. Translators and editors with
their own personal CAT tool license may use those to complete FCI projects requiring a CAT tool, as long as the output or
deliverable files are compatible with memoQ; if this is the case, alert the applicable PM (Project Manager) so that they can
make any necessary adjustments and/or provide alternate files.

For linguists without individual CAT tool licenses, we are now able to loan a temporary memoQ license for the course of
completion of a project. If the workflow is required as CAT tool and a license will need to be loaned, the PM will set up the
project and send over credentials for borrowing in order to complete the specific job requested. Instructions for use of the
temporary license are found below; should you be borrowing a license, please read carefully and let the PM know of any
questions as soon as possible.

1. Log in to using the

credentials provided in the project request email.

2. Following sign in, you may see a blank window with a menu on the left. Click the ‘WebTrans’
icon with the checkmark inside a clipboard.

3. This will bring you to the ‘My tasks’

menu, which displays all files
currently assigned to you.
FCI – The Language Experts
1614 Washington Street, Easton, PA 18042
(610) 438-8900 | |

4. Ensure the column on the right called ‘Translation Results’ is Click the gray
arrow to open the
open, which will show the Translation Memory options for each
segment. The Translation Memory is the tool that will allow you
Results’ pane.
to use pre-translated text yielded from your own work on
repeated text within the document, making it unnecessary for
you to translate the same text multiple times. This will ensure Once the pane is
consistency in terminology throughout the file. In order to add open, a menu will
the pre-translated text to the segment, double click on the show. Translation
translation results that appear. Please review this text to Memory options
ensure that it is accurate to the source text for this section. will appear here
when they apply
Note: If your PM specified this is a project with a template to a segment
imported into memoQ (AKA Process 2), please check the within the files
‘Process 2’ section on page 4 for additional requirements to be currently assigned
completed at this step. to you.

5. For each segment/row, input the translation of the source

into the right-hand column. Grayed out boxes are locked,
and may be disregarded. Note: If you happen to notice any major errors within a locked
segment, feel free to inform the PM; however, these segments
are out of scope for this request and you are not required to
proofread them.
Confirming translated segments: Hold Ctrl + Enter to confirm
the translation of each segment.

6. Possible translation memory options will appear in the

menu on right “Translation Results.” To use one of the
suggested translations, simply click the suggested
translation and then confirm the segment (Ctrl + Enter).

7. To return to the ‘My tasks’ menu, click the red X next to

the document name in the upper right corner of the
window. The ‘My tasks’ menu should also be open in
another tab of your Internet browser.
FCI – The Language Experts
1614 Washington Street, Easton, PA 18042
(610) 438-8900 | |

8. Complete these steps for all documents. Ensure all

editable segments are confirmed and the tasks list shows
100% completed prior to delivery.

Note: If the file contains any errors, missing translation for

Gray: No translation has been input for the segment
any segments (that are not locked and grayed-out), the
program will not allow you to deliver. The file must be free of
errors, which are shown in the ‘Progress’ column (see image Green: Translation has been input and segment has been
to the right). If the file still does not allow you to deliver, confirmed
please inform the PM; they will let you know if they are able
to access the file regardless.
Red: Segment may have been edited but is not yet

9. A lightning bolt in the ‘Progress’ column indicates errors within the segment. Such errors include:
- Incorrect numbers in the translation compared to the source segment
- A segment missing the translation
Note: If there is an error within the tags within the segment, this warning may appear as a red exclamation point.

10. To deliver, simply click the ‘deliver’ icon within each file or
the ‘deliver’ icon under the ‘Actions’ column within the
‘My tasks’ menu where all documents are listed.

Once you have delivered the translation, notify the PM via

email of the files’ completion and delivery.
FCI – The Language Experts
1614 Washington Street, Easton, PA 18042
(610) 438-8900 | |


In these requests, the ‘source’ text in the left column in memoQ may be corrupted; in order to fulfill the scope of this request,
you MUST view the formatted preview template of the file in memoQ (see below) and utilize that to follow along with the
source PDF files at all times. The source text that you translate into the right column of memoQ MUST be gathered from the
source PDF, NOT the source column in memoQ.

After opening the file, click ‘View Pane’ at the top of the window; this will
show the translation populating into the template at the bottom of the
screen, allowing you to ensure the translation is properly positioned and
completed within the proper context.

Please note: you have also received the PDF source file(s)
The ‘View Pane’ shows you where you are working within to use for reference while completing the translation. You
the source PDF file. Always reference the source PDF file must reference this source file while translating; the final
while translating to ensure you have the proper context. delivery must be an accurate and thorough representation
of the source files.

In the event you have two or more segments/rows that should be joined together (if they create one
complete sentence without any periods within the segments), hold ‘Shift’ and select the segments, then
choose ‘Join Segments’ from the menu at the top of the screen. For one segment that should be split
into two or more, for any reason, select the segment and place your cursor within the sentence where
it should be split, then choose ‘Split Segment’ from the menu at the top of the screen. The segment will
split into two at the exact place your cursor is within the sentence.

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