Moisture Damage Pathway 3 Page Document August 2021

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Moisture Damage Pathway

Is the skin red or sore in any area?

e.g., skin folds, under breasts, sacrum, buttocks
or surrounding a wound
N.B accurate diagnosis is essential to ensure
effective treatment

Is moisture present? Do not use barrier

e.g. faeces, sweat, products
urine or wound NO Pressure?
TRFT pressure ulcer
TRFT Moisture Lesion classification chart
Chart overleaf overleaf - follow local
pressure ulcer pathway

Skin is unbroken Skin is broken

Follow pathway for
pressure ulcer
1) Apply Medi Derma-S barrier 1) Apply Medi Derma-S barrier spray
cream using a pea sized amount every 12 to 72 hours dependant (TRFT pressure
every third wash upon moisture/washing frequency ulcer classification
2) Hygiene / keep skin dry 2) Hygiene / keep skin dry chart overleaf)
3) Continence review 3) Continence review
4) if caused by wound exudate 4) If caused by wound exudate
review dressing provision/ frequency review dressing
5) Document actions and care plan If skin infection
5) Document actions and care plan
is present treat
with appropriate
Is there an improvement within 2 weeks? anti-infective.
Barrier product
YES NO may be
Review use of barrier product If patient is in a residential home contact the contraindicated
regularly. Continuation may be community nurse via CCC on 426600 while infection
needed after healing to present.
prevent relapse. Treatment All other areas should contact a tissue viability
may be stopped if other nurse or continence advisor for advice or
effective measures have been patient review as appropriate.
Tissue Viability - 01709 425258
Continence service - 01709 423369

Produced by Tracey Green, TRFT Tissue Viability Lead and NHS Rotherham CCG Medicines Management Team. August 2021. Review date: August 2023. Version 2
Produced by Tracey Green, TRFT Tissue Viability Lead and NHS Rotherham CCG Medicines Management Team. August 2021. Review date: August 2023. Version 2
Produced by Tracey Green, TRFT Tissue Viability Lead and NHS Rotherham CCG Medicines Management Team. August 2021. Review date: August 2023. Version 2

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