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SALCRA (Sarawak Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Authority) plays a significant role in the palm

oil industry in Sarawak, Malaysia. Here are some key points about SALCRA:


Rural communities participating in SALCRA development areas are enjoying a high quality of life.


To continue improving the quality of life for our stakeholders, particularly our land development
participants, by carrying out viable business ventures and social programs in harmony with the
government’s aspirations and visions.

SALCRA’s principal objective is to raise productivity and optimize the utilization of NCR (Native
Customary Rights) land by developing and managing such land that was previously underutilized,
unutilized, or undeveloped. Additionally, SALCRA aims to provide a reasonable standard of living to
the rural population through stable and improved income levels on a sustainable basis, create
employment and business opportunities for the rural community, and assist in issuing land titles to
development participants. These objectives align with SALCRA’s commitment to trustworthiness,
integrity, professionalism, loyalty, and caring for its stakeholders and the environment12.

Remember, SALCRA plays a crucial role in the socio-economic development of Sarawak, transforming
idle native lands into productive agricultural ventures and uplifting the economic status of rural

communities. 🌴🌿🇲🇾

Core Business:

SALCRA’s core business involves managing NCR (Native Customary Rights) land for oil palm
plantations and tea estates.

The first oil palm estate was established in Lubok Antu in 1976.

Currently, SALCRA manages 19 oil palm estates for participants and operates five oil palm mills.

These estates cover more than 51,000 hectares of land area, stretching from Lundu to Bau, Serian,
Sri Aman, Betong, and Saratok regions12.

Recent Developments and Achievements:

Aktiviti Ekonomi Tambahan (AET) is a new program initiated during the 4th quarter of the 10th
Malaysia Plan (10MP).

SALCRA collaborates with the Malaysian Palm Oil Council (MPOC) to conduct workshops on the
Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) certification standard at the Bajo Training Centre in Lundu.

SALCRA received the Bronze Award at the Anugerah Integriti, Governans dan Anti Rasuah (AIGA
2023) ceremony.

The Bajo Training Centre hosted the 57th Sarawak Oil Palm Plantation Owners Association (SOPPOA)

The book titled “SALCRA: The Empirical Details of Its Contribution To The Socio-Economic
Development of Rural Sarawak” was launched by the Chairman of SALCRA.
Notably, SALCRA also welcomed visitors, including students from the University Shinshu, Japan, who
explored SALCRA’s operations3.

Upcoming Projects:

SALCRA is set to commence an oil palm plantation project worth RM121.4 million in Pakan in
October. This project covers 3,697 hectares of land and involves 211 participants from longhouses in
the district4.

SALCRA’s efforts contribute significantly to the socio-economic development of rural Sarawak

through sustainable palm oil cultivation and related activities. 🌴🇲🇾

Palm oil cultivation offers several significant benefits:

High Yields for Farmers:

Palm oil crops yield high quantities of oil per hectare, providing substantial income for farmers.

In Southeast Asia, those engaged in palm oil cultivation may yield an income nearly 7 times higher,
signifying substantial enhancement in their earnings and benefits1.

Efficient Land Use:

Malaysia’s equatorial climate in a tropical wet and dry environment makes 80% of its available land
surface biophysically suitable for cultivating palm oil crops.

Palm oil plantations efficiently utilize land resources, allowing for optimal production12.

Source of Income for the Local Economy:

About 38% of Malaysia’s GDP comes from the agriculture sphere, including palm oil production1.

Palm oil enterprises provide almost half a million job opportunities, preventing urban migrations and
contributing to local economies.

Improved Living Conditions:

Palm oil cultivation may improve the living conditions of many people by providing employment and
economic stability.

It plays a vital role in rural development and poverty reduction.

Versatility and Functionality:

Palm oil is used in various food products, cosmetics, and industrial applications.

Its versatility and functionality as an ingredient lift product quality and performance3.

Monthly Income:

During the fruit-bearing stage, palm oil plantations offer monthly income to farmers.
This consistent revenue stream supports livelihoods and sustains communities2.

Tax Revenue and Economic Growth:

The palm oil industry contributes to tax revenue, which can be reinvested in public services and

Economic growth is closely tied to the success of the palm oil sector4.

In summary, palm oil cultivation benefits local communities, economies, and the environment,

making it a crucial industry in many tropical regions. 🌴🌿🌏

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